Same Mistakes

By BritishLover1221

16K 688 112

[Sequel to Max & Me] Danielle Claire Peazer was left alone with her two toddlers and baby on the way. The fat... More

1. Changes
2. Morning
4. First Day
5. Family
6. Rehersals
7. Wife
9. Brokenhearted
10. Tough Times
11. Our Stories
12. Clubbing
13. Kids & Dancers
14. The Fault
15. Mum & Dad
16. Wedding
17. Baby Blues
18. Wrong Idea
19. Joshua Davis
20. Autumn Air
21. Broken Brain
22. Arguing
23. Beach Day
24. Goodbye Baby
25. I Hate You
26. I Love You
27. Distractions
28. Fruit Smoothie
29. For The Best
30. Making Changes
!Authors Note! (Please Read)

8. Help Me

557 23 3
By BritishLover1221

8. Help Me


I finished the rehearsals for the other dances I'm part of. I tried to avoid Olivia, but she's honestly pretty hard to avoid. She's everywhere, wanting to be the centre of attention. She was horrible during the dance rehearsal. First, she tumbled into Sydney. Then she twisted her ankle. Then she was in the wrong spot at the wrong time. She's going to completely ruin the dance. I just know it. Everyone here knows it. Even Olivia knows it.

It was difficult to work with her but I pulled through. Everyone was pretty frustrated with her. I honestly have no idea how she even got accepted to dance for X-Factor. It doesn't make sense. She probably paid the producers millions of dollars. It had to be some sort of bribe or special treatment.

At the moment I'm changing from my dance clothes into my spare clothes. I don't want to admit it, but I stink. Dance really tires me out, especially since I'm 28. I think I'm 28... I don't really keep track anymore. I know Mad's allergies, Max's favourite donut and Meg's favourite stuffed animal, but I don't know my age. You know you're a Mum when...

I tossed my smelly clothes into a plastic bag and shoved that bag into my tote bag. It's supposed to storm tonight. I have to be ready. Both Megan and Benson are afraid of lightning. Megan and Benson hate the flashes of light. Benson also hates the rumbling thunder. Megan can't hear the thunder, thankfully.

I would feel horrible for Megan if she could hear the booms of thunder. I hate it when Megan's scared, because she tries to yell for help. Then Megan's voice scares Max, then Benson get's scared, then Madison get's scared because everyone else is scared. It's hard to keep everyone calm during storms.

I zipped up my bag, and left the tiny fitting room. I parked my car in the back, and I think it's raining. Darn. My hair is probably going to frizz-up in all directions. "Bye!" Sydney called after me. I turned on my heel, giving her a quick wave. "Bye." I replied, smiling and turning around again.

I walked out the back door, and over to my car. It was already starting to rain. I shielded my head with my tote bag and ran towards the vehicle. I fumbled to get my keys to unlock the door. Sighing in frustration, I put my bag on the ground and knelt down beside it. I unzipped and began rifling through it for my keys.

Finally my fingers wrapped around the key chain, and I plucked it from the bag. I stood up quickly, not realizing I was crouching right under the side-view mirror. My head banged into it, sending a horrible pain spidering down my head. I fell back down to the ground, head already beginning to pound.

I pulled my eyes open, and everything was blurry. "Stupid," I mumbled, reaching for the door-handle and pulling myself up. I took a moment to lean on the car, and re-gain my balance.

Once my vision restored, I bent over to pick up my bag. This time I was careful not to hit my head. Still mumbling profanities, I unlocked the car and climbed inside. I dropped my tote bag on the passenger seat, and stuck the key into the ignition. Once the car was running, I buckled up and turned on the radio.

I have to pick Max, Madison and Megan up from Zayn and Perrie's house. Actually, I think it's just Zayn watching the kids today. Perrie had something to do. Doesn't matter. Max just adores Zayn. It makes me really glad that Max has his Uncle Zayn in his life, since Max doesn't have a father-figure to look up to.

Head still pounding, I put the car in reverse and pulled out of my parking space. I put the car back into gear, and began driving. Maybe I'll pick up some pizza or something on the way to pick up the kids. It's 4pm, and I'm not really in the mood to cook dinner. I think I'll grab sandwiches from Subway.

The radio was playing One Direction, which for some reason made my happy. I bobbed my head, and hummed along with the beat. Just because I'm not with Liam anymore doesn't mean I don't like his music. I have all of One Direction's albums on my iPod and my phone.

After the song ended, I turned off the radio. I don't really enjoy listening to Barbara and Bob or Tammy and Tim telling lame jokes and wasting my time. I silently drove down the street, until I reached Subway. I turned on my turn-signal and turned into the fast-food parking lot.

I parked, and climbed out of the car. My head still pounded from hitting it on the side-mirror. That was so stupid of me. I should know better, because a few weeks ago Madison hit her head on the same mirror. Her and Max are just the right height for hitting their heads on car-mirrors and counter-tops.

I pushed the Subway door open, and walked inside. I breathed in the warm smell of bread. I got into the line, and eyed the kids meal bags. There's different themes for the kids menu bags. They get a juice box, apple slices, tiny sandwich and chips with their kids meal. Today the bags have barn-animals on them.

I decided what I'd get before the sandwich maker even got to me. I like having it pre-prepared in my mind. "What would you like?" The man asked when he reached me. "Three kids meals on white bread please, and I'll have a foot-long cold-cut combo on white as well." He nodded, and took out three tiny buns.

"What cheese?" He asked, referring to Max, Madison and Megan's sandwiches. "White." I answered, moving down the line. He made three tiny sandwiches and put them each in a bag. One horse bag, one cow bag and one chicken bag. Then he added the apples, juice-boxes and chips. Then he started on my sandwich.

After everything was made, I paid the man and went back out to my car. This has been a totally fun half-an-hour. Not. Sighing, I pulled the car door open. I left it unlocked this time, so I won't have to bother with my keys. I climbed inside and put the sandwiches down on the passenger seat.

It was still raining, but not very much. I'll probably have time to get the kids, get home, and close all the curtains before the lightning really begins.


"Thanks so much, Zayn," I thanked him, as I lifted Megan into my arms. "No worries," Said Zayn, rocking Halle back and forth in his arms. "Were they good?" I asked, ruffling Max's hair. "They were great, no problems at all." Zayn confirmed, smiling at Madison.

"We'll see you tomorrow?" I asked, boosting Megan up on my hip. "Of course." Zayn smiled, nodding his head. "Can you get the door for me?" I asked Max, as I struggled to hold Megan, plus all the kids' stuffed animals. "Yup!" Max exclaimed, dodging around me and pulling the door open. "Bye Zayn," I smiled, stepping outside. "Bye Danielle," He replied, stepping forward to close the door behind me and the kids.

I walked out to the car, and buckled Megan into her seat. Max and Mads buckled themselves into their seats. "It's raining on the car," Max stated the obvious and pressing his nose to the car window. "Ew! That makes you look like you have a pig nose!" Maddie turned away from Max. "Yes it is raining," I confirmed, as I pulled out of the driveway.

"Can we watch a movie when we get home?" Max asked, pulling his face off the window. "Sure. What do you think we should watch?" I asked, turning onto the main road. "Hmmm," Max said, making duck-lips as he considered his options. My kids have a tendency to do that. Making duck lips while they think.

"I don't know," Max finally concluded. "We can decide when we get home." I assured him, stopping at a red light. The kids played with their stuffed animals in the back-seat for a little while, until we got home to the apartment complex. "When you get out of the car run to the front door! I don't want you to get your clothes wet," I instructed, as I scooped the Subway bags into my arms.

I slammed my door shut, and pulled Megan's open. I unbuckled the many buckles, and helped her climb out of the vehicle. I slammed her door shut, and together we ran towards the apartment building. "Did you two get very wet?" I asked my children who were shivering by the door.

"Yes." They both replied, teeth chattering and hair dripping. I punched the numbers 9833 into the keypad and the door buzzed. I pulled it open, and the kids quickly ran inside. I stepped inside after them, and let the door close behind me. "Hi Talia." I smiled at the woman who works in the lobby. "Hi Danielle." She replied.

Together, we climbed into the elevator and rode up to our floor. The door dinged, and opened. Max and Madison pushed their way out, and ran down to our room. I walked slowly behind with Megan, who was yawning and rubbing her eyes. I'll probably put her to bed after dinner. She's too tired for a movie.

Max, Mads and I can probably find something fun to watch on Netflix. Max really likes Spiderman, Batman and Transformers. Maddie is more of a princess-kind-of-girl.

I looked up to make sure I wasn't walking into anything, and saw Max and Madison standing at our apartment door, waiting for me to unlock it. But it wasn't only Max and Maddie standing at our door. There were two little boys with them, crouched down in the corner. One looked to be six and the other looked to be one.

"Hello," I said to the children when I reached our door. I smiled down at the two boys, who had tears in the corners of their eyes. That's when I saw that the older boys' nose was dripping bright red blood. It had stained his bright yellow starfish t-shirt. The younger boy had a black eye, and a long cut above his eyebrow.

"Are you two okay?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows in concern. I released Megan's hand, and crouched down to the bleeding, shivering boys. I put the Subway bags down beside me. "Where are your Mummy and Daddy?" I asked, internally freaking out. What happened to these boys?

"No! Please don't find our Daddy!" The older one squeaked. "Why not?" I asked, heart beginning to race. "He hurt me and Jake," The older one said, pulling the younger boy closer. "And he hurts Mummy. I had to take Jake and we went down the elevator to here. He wants to hurt us. I know he's here somewhere... He's going to try and find us... Please don't let him find us."

Ahhhhh! *Squeal*
Q: Who are these boys? Will Danielle help them? Will their father find them?

-A xo

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