
By JaideHarley

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****COMPLETED**** "You're driving me crazy," I growled, dropping my hand down to her waist then around to her... More

Introduction/Prologue: Kidnapped
Chapter 1: Missing Beta
Chapter 2: Versatility of Beauty Products
Chapter 3: My Bad Ass
Chapter 4: Green Eyes
Chapter 5: Outsmarted
Chapter 6: Always a Bridesmaid
Chapter 7: On the Hunt
Chapter 8: Man of Honor
Chapter 9: Soulmates
Chapter 10: Dreaming of Him
Chapter 12: Awkward Beginnings
Chapter 13: Plus One
Chapter 14: Strange Connections
Chapter 15: Answers
Chapter 16: Jealousy
Chapter 17: Boyfriend
Chapter 18: Weak For Him
Chapter 19: Made For Her
Chapter 20: A Challenge
Chapter 21: Best Friends
Chapter 22: Secrets
Chapter 23: Rogues
Chapter 24: Secrets
Chapter 25: Take No Shit and Give 'em Hell
Chapter 26: It's A Wolf Thing
Chapter 27: The Human Way
Chapter 28: Pack Bond
Chapter 29: Spells
Chapter 30: Not So Different
Chapter 31: The Pre-Date
Chapter 32: The Date
Chapter 33: The Meeting
Chapter 34: Hostage
Chapter 35: The Rescue
Chapter 36: Just A Scratch
Chapter 37: A Natural Luna
Chapter 38: Need you
Chapter 39: Prepared
Chapter 40: Afraid of The Dark
Chapter 41: The Fight
Chapter 42: I Am Yours and You Are Mine
Epligoue: Complicated

Chapter 11: Bringing Her Home

83.9K 3.7K 1.7K
By JaideHarley

Xander's POV:

I don't like how close they're getting to her, I sent in the mindlink, watching as Addie made her way down the street, casting glances behind her but failing to notice the one across the street and coming right her way.

We won't let them hurt her, Alpha. They won't do anything in broad daylight, Gina responded.

My jaw clenched and I ran my fingers through my hair as they got closer to her. My pack was already surrounding her though she wouldn't recognize them. Two behind her. Two in front of her. One across the street. One walking next to her.

The dog she had started growling again and it was then she seemed to notice the one in front of her and the one across the street. She froze up and I pushed off the wall. She felt trapped and I should be the one helping her. She glanced around and her eyes closed.

A strange sensation hit me. It was her. Was she trying to talk to me? Shit, I wish I understood how it worked with humans. But that feeling was real. I could tell she was scared but in that moment it was like she was telling me instead of me just feeling it. Her eyes opened and she glanced around, biting down on her lip.

Fuck it. I wasn't going to leave my mate there scared.

I'm coming in, I informed them before jogging across the street, cutting off the vampire behind her. I made eye contact with him and he halted, narrowing his eyes.

Xander you shouldn't interfere, Tess scolded

I rolled my eyes, not bothering to respond. I strode over to Addie and she turned in time to see me coming. My heart skipped a beat when a look of relief crossed her eyes once she saw me. I couldn't help the smile despite our situation. I didn't slow down when I reached her, just placed my hand on her back and lead her down the street.

"There's one right there," she whispered, stepping closer to me.

"It's all right. They're outnumbered," I answered, wrapping my arm around her shoulders and pulling her closer to me as we walked past the vampire, my pack falling into a line to block him from even looking at her.

"You knew," she realized. "You knew they were following me before I tried to talk to you."

"You did try to talk to me?" I asked, looking down at her.

Her cheeks turned pink and she nodded, averting her eyes.

"Don't be embarrassed. You can call on me anytime," I said, my hand tightening on her shoulder.

"You've been following me?" She asked, looking up at me.

"Yes," I admitted.

"Were you at the club last night?"

"Yes. I tried to talk to you but we were..." I wrinkled my nose thinking of her 'friend'. "Interrupted. Twice."

She nodded but didn't respond. I turned us down a street and Gina came up next to me.

"Stick to the plan. We're going to break off," I told her.

She nodded and fell back. Addie turned, watching Gina fall behind and frown.

"She's with you?" Addie asked.


"You had them around me before I called you," she realized.

"I wasn't going to risk anything," I answered, pulling her down another side street.

She stayed quiet after that and we walked down to a park, sitting on a bench. I kept my arm around her shoulders because as long as she wasn't protesting, I craved the contact. Especially now. Especially with the vamps so close.

We got two. The third chickened out, Gina linked.

Good. Keep one alive. One of them will talk, I said.

Yes, Alpha.

"It's all right. We got them," I told Addie.

She looked over at me in surprise, fiddling with the leash in her hands. "Were you just... talking to them? Kaden said if you're close enough you can talk in your mind."

I nodded in confirmation, watching her reaction closely. She licked her lips then looked over at me. Damn, I wanted to lick those lips.

"So you heard me?" She asked curiously.

"Not exactly," I said. "I could tell you were trying to talk to me but I couldn't hear words. Just felt you were telling me you were scared."

"Why didn't you come before that?" She asked frowning.

Her eyes met mine and I turned more towards her, reaching for her hair that was still damp from a shower. She didn't shy away from my touch so I ran my fingers through her hair. She smelled amazing.

"I didn't want to scare you. Or make you think I was... Not respecting your space. You left. I assumed that meant you didn't want me nearby," I answered.

Her eyes shifted away from mine and the dog she was walking whined, placing his head in her lap. She set her hand on his head, scratching behind his ears.

"Your dog?" I asked.

"No. He's a friend's I'm just watching while he's at work," she explained.

I nodded and reached for the dog. He responded well, pushing his head into my hand. He moved his head to my lap as I pet him and Addie's eyes widened.

"He's never affectionate with anyone except me," Addie said, watching curiously. "He usually shies away from strangers petting him."

"I happen to be good with dogs," I chuckled. "Kind of comes with the territory."

"Oh," she said, blushing again.

Goddamn she was adorable. And beautiful. And wearing another man's clothes. My jaw clenched but I exhaled slowly. I wouldn't scare her away again.

"So... They are still looking for me," she said, twiddling her fingers and staring at the ground.

"They will be for a while," I said honestly, moving my hand to her cheek. The contact caused her to turn her head and look at me. "They won't get you. I promise."

"So I will have a babysitter," she said, frowning.

"I'm sorry," I sighed. "Would you rather I leave you unprotected?"

"No," she answered quickly. "It just sucks. I like taking care of myself. I've never liked accepting help so it bothers me it's not something I can just handle alone."

"Well, if you were a wolf I don't think they'd mess with you, for the record. You're already a force to be reckoned with without the added speed and strength."

She looked over at me again, a smile almost forming on her lips before she looked away again. She blew out a breath and looked over at me again.

"So who will be babysitting?" She asked.

"Stop calling it that. No one thinks of it that way," I said, rolling my eyes.

"It's how it feels," she muttered, folding her hands in her lap. "So, who?"

"Probably more than one person," I shrugged. "We'll set up shifts."

"That sounds like a pain," she said, wrinkling her nose.

"It's not."

She looked over at me again, conflict on her face. Her eyes stayed on mine for a moment, letting me get a really good look at them. Looking into them I found flecks of gold because apparently she wasn't perfect enough.

"Do you have wi-fi?" She blurted out.

I furrowed my brows but nodded. She broke eye contact, staring straight ahead. I wanted to press her but heard Tess's stupid advice in my head. Patient. Be patient.

"I mean... I mostly need wi-fi for my business," she started, looking over at me. "And maybe the occasional outing to get pictures. Your um... Your territory seems pretty, from what I remember."

I had to stop myself from pouncing on what she was saying. I cleared my throat and sat up straighter. "It is. I could take you to a few places that are really stunning."

She bit down on her lip and stared ahead. She let out a long breath and nodded. "Then maybe so it's not as hard I could... Stay. Just for a little while. Just until the threat stops."

Yes. Yes. Yes. "If that's what you want."

Playing it cool was not something I was good at. I flexed my fingers to hold in the excitement. My mate. Staying in my house. Seeing her every day. Winning her over.

"If I do... I'll get my own room," she said carefully, watching me closely.

"Yes. I already have one for you," I nodded. Her in the pack house at all was better than nothing even if there was a wall separating us.

"I'd still want to be able to come see my friends," she said quickly.

"Easily manageable."

"And you won't... Expect anything from me? I can go home when this nonsense is over without you stalking me?" She said, blushing again.

"Your safety is my priority," I said, setting my hand on her knee. "I want you to feel safe in the house with me. I don't want anything you don't want. If at the end you want to leave, that's your choice." It killed me to say the words but it wouldn't come to that. I'd win her over. I had to. She was mine. "I wouldn't hurt you," I emphasized, running my fingers down her cheek.

I could feel her respond to my touch. Her heart rate accelerating. The goosebumps rising. She wanted me, too. She was just scared. I would have to approach carefully.

"Okay," she said softly.

I couldn't hold back the grin. I stood up and held out my hand for her. "Okay. Let's get your things."

She hesitated but accepted my hand. I helped her up and waited for her to take the lead. I stayed next to her as we headed down the street, sending a link to anyone in my pack that was close enough to hear it.

Luna's coming home. Tess and Kay get a car ready. We're going to her apartment.

Yes, Alpha.

I was unable to wipe the smile off my face as we walked back to her apartment. She left me in the living room with the dog I'd learned was named Hector while she packed. Her phone started going off from inside her purse that was sitting on the couch next to me. I picked up the purse and held it up as she came out of her bedroom to get it. She gave me a small smile before taking the phone out and dropping the purse back on the couch, heading back to her bedroom.

"Hey," she greeted.

I had to hold back the growl at the sound of the person's voice on the other end. Travis. "Hey girl. How's my little shit?"

"He's an angel," my mate responded. I could practically hear the eye roll in her voice.

"Oh, I meant you," Travis said.

"Piss off," Addie snapped.

"Kidding. I actually need a favor. I found out today I have to go out of town for a week for this stupid conference someone dropped out of. I got nowhere to take Hector since he was kicked out of daycare. Can you keep him for me? I have to leave like now but I'll be back for the wedding tomorrow then leaving again right after so I'd need you to keep him the whole time."

"Uh..." Addie said, peeking over at me from the other side of her bedroom door.

"Yes, you can bring him," I nodded.

She frowned in confusion and I remember she wasn't used to werewolf hearing. I got up and walked into the bedroom while she continued chatting with him. It was hard enough already but especially hard when they ended the call with "I love you's".

I walked up behind her and inhaled her scent, trying to calm myself down. She hung up the phone and tossed it on the bed before turning around. She turned around and nearly bumped into me, her eyes going wide when she saw me. Right. She didn't have werewolf hearing so she wouldn't have heard me coming. Goddess, there was a lot I'd have to get used to with her.

"How'd you know what I was going to ask?" She demanded, setting her hands on her hips. Damn, she was adorable.

"I heard him ask," I answered.

"You have like super hearing or something?" She frowned.

"Basically," I shrugged. That was a good enough explanation for it.

"You can't just listen in on my conversations," she said, shaking her head. "Rule number one, you respect my privacy."

"Rule?" I questioned, quirking an eyebrow.

"Yes, rule," she said, crossing her arms. "You'll stick to them or I won't go."

I'd forgotten how feisty she could be. It was hot. I took a step forward, enjoying the way she blushed, the way her heart rate accelerated at my body almost touching hers.

"I don't know if you're aware but as an Alpha and currently the only official pack leader, I make the rules," I informed her, narrowing my eyes.

"Then I guess I'll be staying where I make the rules," she countered.

I narrowed my eyes further and half-expected her to back down. Normally, people would. But she absolutely didn't, she just stared back defiantly. I couldn't help the smile tugging at the corner of my lips.

"How about a compromise?" I suggested.

"I'm not compromising my privacy," she said suspiciously.

"Not about that," I said, rolling my eyes. "I won't eavesdrop on you but for safety reasons, you let me know who you're talking to before you answer. No accepting unknown numbers."

"Why?" She frowned.

"Because on the off chance someone gets your number, they may try to threaten you. Given how fond you are of taking care of yourself, I'd rather you not be put in that situation and try to handle it on your own," I explained.

She seemed to consider a moment before she nodded. "Fine. Deal," she said, turning away from me and continuing to pack.

I smiled because with the way she was responding to our proximity, I couldn't help but think looking away from me was to better control her thoughts. I couldn't help myself as I stepped closer to her.

"For transparency's sake, I should tell you I may have overheard some conversations last night," I baited.

"Overheard or eavesdropped?" She scoffed, stuffing another shirt in her bag.

"A little of both, I suppose," I shrugged. "It did raise a question though."

"What happened to respecting my privacy?" She asked, looking over her shoulder at me.

"You're not curious what I heard?" I asked, tilting my head to the side.

She swallowed hard and stared ahead then turned to face me. "Fine, what?" She asked.

"Just curious who has the prettiest green eyes you've ever seen?" I teased.

It was way too much fun to watch the way she blushed. The impressive thing was she kept her expression even then seemed to wipe away any evidence of me flustering her.

"You do," she shrugged, turning away and folding another shirt. "But you knew that already, didn't you? I can't have been the first person to notice."

I chuckled and leaned forward, my chest hitting her back. She was smart. Smart and did well under pressure. I liked that about her.

"No. Yours is just the first opinion I've cared about," I said, running my hand down her arm before backing up. "Do you need help?"

"No," she answered quickly. "I won't be much longer."

"Take your time," I said, backing out of the room and biting back the smile as she let out a long breath. Yes, she was nervous around me but she also felt that bond. It was obvious in her body language.

I waited as she finished packing and came out with several bags. She dropped them on the floor and glanced around the apartment, chewing on her lip and looking uncertain.

"Having second thoughts?" I asked. Goddess, please say no.

"No," she sighed. "I just... Have a weird question."

I waited for her to continue. She blew out a breath and tucked her hair behind her ears, avoiding my gaze.

"Your um... Your, uh, pack. They keep calling me Luna," she said.

"Yes," I nodded. "I'll ask them not to but don't get offended if they slip. It's a respected title."

"Right but will my being there get their hopes up? You know, that I'll stay as whatever a Luna is," she said, finally looking at me.

"A Luna is a female pack leader," I explained. "When they call you Luna they're holding you in the same regard they hold me as Alpha. And I honestly don't know what will happen. The best I can do is explain the situation and they'll take it how they will. It's not something you should worry about right now."

"Okay," she said, biting down on her lip again. Damn, that was a habit that was going to destroy me. "But they'll want to meet me?"

"Probably," I nodded.

"So I might should... Not wear this?" She said, glancing down at her clothes.

Oh, thank Goddess, an opportunity to get her out of Travis's clothes.

"It's entirely up to you but if you're uncomfortable meeting a great deal of people in those clothes when you'll be staying in the pack house, I suggest a wardrobe change," I said.

"The pack house?" She questioned.

"It's my house," I clarified. "But Kaden and Tess stay there as well. At least until they claim their mates and have pups. It's sort of an... Honor. To stay in the pack house," I explained.

"Oh," she nodded. "Wait, pups?" She asked, looking horrified.

"They're not actual pups," I said quickly. "Sorry, it's just our terminology. They're babies. Normal babies that will one day shift."

"Oh," she breathed. "Right... Okay. I'm going to change but I'll be fast."

"Take your time," I said, leaning back in the couch.

She didn't take long but she came out in black skinny jeans and a red sweater that showed off her narrow hips and bigger chest. Goddess, she was beautiful.

"I'm not a light packer," she said, gesturing to the bags.

It took me a minute to respond because I was so distracted by her clothes but I finally got ahold of myself. "No problem," I said, standing. "Ready?"

She nodded then paused. "Oh, wait," she said, running back to her bedroom. She came back with a blanket. Did she not think I'd have blankets for her? "It's a weighted blanket," she explained. "I have trouble sleeping sometimes and it helps."

"Why do you have trouble sleeping?" I said, frowning in concern.

"I don't know," she shrugged. "I just do."

"Dreams keeping you up?" I asked, smirking. Last night while we watched over the apartment to keep vamps away, I'd heard her moaning my name in her sleep. Tess took the fun away too quickly and sent me down the street, saying it was an invasion of her privacy. She had a point but it didn't make it easier to leave.

The way Addie looked at me told me she was both shocked and embarassed. Then a determined look came over her face as she grabbed Hector's leash and brushed past me. "Yep. Nightmares."

Damn her. She looked back to see me frowning and bit back a smile. I rolled my eyes and grabbed her bags, following her out the door and to the car where Kaden and Tess were waiting.

Kaden grinned when he saw her. "Hey Addie," he greeted.

"Hi," she smiled.

I couldn't help it. I knew he meant nothing by it but it was instinct to send him a warning growl. He backed off and climbed into the passenger seat while Addie frowned at me.

"Why did you do that?" She asked as I loaded her bags in the trunk.

"What?" I feigned innocence, winking at her before closing the trunk and walking around to the backseat, opening up the door.

She glared at me but got in with Hector following after. I slid in next to Hector, wishing the dog hadn't sat between us.

Kaden turned in his seat and nodded to Addie. "What's with the security blanket?" He teased.

"Leave her be," I growled, making Kaden shrink into his seat and turn away.

"Rule number two," Addie hissed, smacking my arm. "Don't growl at anyone that smiles or talks to me."

I narrowed my eyes at her and Tess started laughing, pulling the car out onto the street.

"Damn, Xander. We're not even there yet and you already have two rules?" Tess teased.

"Shut up," I grumbled.

"You tell him, Addie," Tess said, winking at Addie through the rearview mirror.

I wanted to be annoyed with both Tess and Kaden who seemed much too amused but Addie let out a breathy laugh. My annoyance faded at the sound of that laugh.


Hiii! I hope you like this slightly longer chapter :D

And guess what? We hit 1k reads! I'm so excited! Thank you guys for reading and voting and commenting, it's so encouraging, you have no idea!!

I hope you all had an awesome week and enjoy this chapter! Let me know what you think of it :D

Who's happy to finally have them back together? 

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