
By AraJLani

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Adura That was her name. One could refer to her as 'the one who would always get away' Her rules were simple... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 7

219 15 19
By AraJLani

Understanding the Nigerian tongue

Wahala: trouble

Jor: please

Make I just hear the guitar: I just want to hear the guitar

Why you too dey fear: Why so scared?

Oyinbo: white

Matt stared at Adura's number on his phone later that night. After a bit of contemplation, he pressed the dial button and watched it ring. It was after the second ring that he realized that he had nothing to say to her.
What am I doing? he thought cutting the call. It was beyond silly, calling her up in the middle of the night without having a single conversation starter in mind. So he decided to go to bed before he made any more stupid calls. His head hit the pillow but his phone rang before sleep could come. He picked up the phone, a smile growing on his face at the caller ID.

"I take it you called me by accident," Adura's voice said on the other end of the line.

He rubbed the back of his head, cursing his sudden impulsive behavior. "It wasn't an accident. I did call," he admitted.

"So what happened?"

"I didn't know what to say, I guess," he said, a bit mortified at how he was behaving like some high school kid.

"A simple hi would have been enough."

"I thought of that. Didn't know what to say after that."

"Hmm, maybe I can help with that."

"How exactly?" he asked, his brows furrowed in curiosity.

"Let's start with something plain. How was your day?"

"My day? Well... It was pretty normal I guess," he answered and cringed at how boring he sounded.

"Well mine was stressful. I woke up this morning to my bed floating in the sky. The view was absolutely stunning but unfortunately I had get down because my house was being floated away on the back of a giant sea turtle and you would not believe how grumpy he was. I mean I know mornings are terrible but sheesh, he didn't have to be so rude... Wait, are you laughing?"

True, Matt was vibrating with laughter at her bizarre story. How did she even come up with that? He cleared his throat, trying to keep it under control.

"Sorry sorry. You do know it's not nice to tell tales, right?" he said, grinning.

""It's only a tale if you can prove it, sweetheart."

He could actually picture that teasing smile of hers as she said that statement. "I'm pretty there's no such thing as a floating bed or giant sea turtles."

"This is why I will forever have the impression that you have no fun bone in your body."

"Ouch, I can be fun if I want to be."

"Yeah, keyword being 'if'. Fun people don't kill vibes. That should be your nickname. Fun killer. Has a nice ring to it."

He held his chest in mock hurt.
"Okay, I don't think I deserve that. Is there anything I can do to redeem myself?"

"Once a fun killer, always a fun killer."

"Don't say that. Don't I get another chance?"

"Okay, dance with me."

"What?" he asked, confused.

"Tomorrow, you, me and the dance floor of this club I just discovered."

"I don't know. I'm terrible at clubbing."

"Fun. Killer," she taunted.

"Okay fine. If I go with you, do I get a better nickname?"

"We'll see."

"What time?" he asked, tracing circles on the gray bedsheets.

"How about seven? We can leave early if you're still not feeling it."

"Fine with me."

"It's a date then. Night, fun killer," she replied.

"Night," he said and the call ended, leaving him to anticipate tomorrow and what it would bring.

He remained in high spirits next morning as he waltzed into the kitchen, humming as he took a bottle of zobo from the fridge.

"Good morning sir," he heard Zainab say. He turned to face her, leaning on the kitchen counter.

"Morning Zee. Still haven't dropped the 'sir', have you?" he said offhandedly, using Noah's nickname for her.

She was still in her blue floral nightgown, her 'slave driver' had travelled yesterday which meant she could sleep in. John didn't care either way, as long as there was food by the time he woke up.

"No sir," she replied, taking a pot from the cabinet above the kitchen counter and putting it in the sink, rinsing it and filling it with water.

But you dropped it for Noah the first week, Matt thought.

"I guess I'll get out of your hair then," he said, walking out. Come to think of it, they hadn't shared a real conversation asides from regular unavoidable questions and the time they spent together at the pool.

He guessed that was partially his fault. Roberto always said he had the expression of an angry old man. Even though he thought that was overly exaggerated, he did admit that he wasn't the friendliest guy around. He went back to his room to spend the day, lying around and playing on his laptop, having nothing better to do. He could hear John and Noah at one point before they left on some outing.

Zainab used the opportunity to invite her friends over and the giggles and chatter of the teenagers filled the house. He and Noah came up in their discussions, the two oyinbos, as they liked to call them, who were hanging out at their house. He wasn't surprised that she talked most about Noah, he was after all, the one she talked to the most. But he was a bit taken back when he heard his name. He couldn't make out all the words being said downstairs but he could have sworn he heard 'fine' and 'too quiet'. She said more but he decided to tune it out. He picked up his guitar and strummed, playing a riff from the first song he learnt how to play on his guitar.

He played for a while, letting the noise drown out their voices. Then he paused to listen. All seemed quiet, too quiet. The hen he heard the whispers at his door. They were spying on him. The thought amused him more than it should considering they were invading his privacy.

"Guys, lets go na. I don't want any wahala. He will vex if he catches us," Zainab whispered with a hint of fear in her voice.

Wow, is that what she thinks of me? Matt thought.

"Chill jor. Make I just hear the guitar. Why you too dey fear?" another voice whispered a bit harshly, a bit more deeper than Zainab's voice. He couldn't completely understand the pidgin English she spoke but he knew that she wasn't planning on going away.

Might as well keep them entertained, he thought, playing another song. He was already in the middle of the third song when he looked up at the clock above the door to see it was almost six. He dropped the guitar, walking towards the door. He waited for a moment before opening the door to see three pairs of shocked brown eyes gawking at him.

Zainab looked downright terrified while her slimmer, much darker friend with the wide shiny forehead looked abashed. It was only the fair girl with the double piercing and haughty eyes that hid her expression well, even though she was definitely embarrassed to have been caught.

She must be their leader, Matt concluded.

"You guys are terrible at spying," he said, leaning on the doorframe. They said nothing, not wanting to make it worse.

"Please, don't tell John," Zainab begged with a pleading expression on her face.

He shrugged casually, his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants, realizing that he wasn't wearing a shirt. He wondered what kind of impression it would give the girls that he came out to meet them half dressed.

"No harm done. If you need something, you knock next time, okay?"

She nodded, pulling her friends with her as she speed walked away, eager to get away from there. The girl with the double piercing looked back at him, giving him a small once over. He shook his head, closing the door.

If only he was half as cool when it came to Adura. He sighed and went to have a light shower, changing into a simple leather jacket and jeans, running a comb through his wet hair before going out. He stopped at Zainab's room downstairs which was adjacent to the sitting room and knocked. He heard shuffling before she opened the door a bit, sticking her head out.

"Yes?" she asked.

"I'm heading out. Just wanted to let you know," he said.

She relaxed a bit, probably relieved that he didn't come to scold her.

"Okay, bye," she said and shut the door immediately.

He shrugged it off, walking away, more interested in what he was going out to do than in her awkwardness.

He arrived around the club at past seven, waiting at the entrance for his companion. Before he could call to let her know, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned and gaped at the sight before him. Adura smiled at him, looking absolutely stunning in a high waisted shorts that left her mocha legs bare which she paired with a black lacy camisole and stilettos. She donned a small jacket on the almost see through camisole and left it unbuttoned.

"Hey fun killer," she greeted playfully, enveloping him in a brief hug, which he returned, deliciously aware of her clothed chest that brushed his lightly and the scent of her perfume that made him heady.

"Okay, I got to get a new nickname," he managed to say as they pulled away.

"We'll see. So, are you going to keep drooling or are we going to head in now?" she asked with a teasing smile on her face.

He scoffed to hide his slight embarrassment.

"I'm not drooling," he denied. She laughed, grabbing on to his hand and pulling him inside. He took one look at the sea of dancing, sweaty bodies under the multicolored lights and gulped. This was definitely not his scene. Fortunately, instead of going right in, she went right to the bar. He leaned closer to her.

"I thought you wanted to dance," he said into her ear.

"Change of plans. You are completely boring when sober, let's see if some drinks will loosen you up," she yelled over the deafening noise. They took a seat on the bar stools. The bartender walked up to them.

"Gin and tonic please," Matt ordered.

"Boring choice but as long as you can get drunk on it," Adura said.

"Oh really, and what were you going for?"

She shrugged.

"Vodka martini," she said.

"Yeah, that's different," he muttered, watching the bartender mix the drinks. He pushed their orders to them and she thanked him, her slender fingers wrapping around the glass. Matt watched her bring the glass to her mouth, his own drink forgotten in his hand. She took her time with it, drinking at a slow pace. When she was done, she took the olive and popped it in her mouth.

"You're not done yet?" she asked once she had swallowed it.

He finally snapped out of his haze, staring back at his still full glass.

"I'm just savouring the drink, I guess," he said sheepishly, taking a sip. She sighed, standing up and moving behind him. She placed her hands on his shoulders, rubbing them in soothing circles. She leaned in, bringing her mouth closer to his ear.

"You need to relax, seriously," she said in an alluring voice. He wished she wouldn't stand so close, his self control was already slowly slipping.

"I'm totally relaxed," he said, taking deep breaths to calm his excited body.

"No, you're not. I think you might need more than one glass" she said, taking the glass from his hand and drinking from it. She placed it back in his hand before moving away. He turned on the stool to face her.

"I don't know about you, but there's a dancefloor with my name on it. So if you'd excuse me," she said and turned, walking away. He watched her ass sway in the shorts that accentuated and he felt his crotch tighten.

"Damn," he breathed, finishing his drink. The bartender pushed another full glass to him and he looked up, confused.

"Liquid courage. You'll need it if you want to handle that one," he said, winking. Matt took it, turning back to Adura. She had found a female companion and they worked pretty well together, messing around more than dancing. He watched them, drinking leisurely, taking his time. The song changed and so did her dance moves. She moved more enticingly,her hips swaying, each movement matching the tempo of the beat. She raised her arms above her head, moving her behind with finesse as she bent her knees a bit. Matt watched her in shock and lust. How the hell was he supposed to keep up with her?

"I think I might need another one," he said to the bartender who laughed in return, handing another glass to him. He gulped it down, his eyes never leaving her ass. She must have felt his stare cause she turned to him, smiling wickedly. She raised a finger, motioning for him to come over. At the same time, another guy had already started making his way to her.

Matt stood up immediately, feeling the alcohol course through his veins. Like hell was he letting that guy anywhere near her. He walked over to her, and her smile turned into a full fledged grin as she pulled him closer by his collar, pressing her body on his. She took his hands and placed it on her hips, allowing him to feel every single fluid movement it made. He left it there, too frozen to move it anywhere else. They danced, and she slowed down a bit for him to get in sync with her. The song changed to something more slower and sensual and she turned her back to him, grinding slowly on his tightening crotch, teasing him. His breath hitched and he gripped her hips tighter. She knew exactly what she was doing to him and she was enjoying it.

He felt his control slip away and for the first time in his cautious life, he couldn't give a damn. He remained in his lust induced high, matching her movements, letting the music take control of him.

When she turned to face him, he stared at her lips, pulling her closer to him involuntarily. Then his cautious nature kicked in, making him rethink what he was about to do and he groaned in frustration, cursing his need for control. She made no attempt to help him out, just waited to see if he would actually take the leap and kiss her. He didn't, laying his head on her shoulder instead, breathing hard. He was already excited enough. If he went any further, he was afraid of losing that the sense of control that he had surrounded himself with for a long time.

She stroked his honey brown hair, roughening it up a bit. "Had enough, sweetheart?" she asked, trying but failing to hide the laughter in her voice.

"Yeah," he sighed against her neck, making her shiver a bit.

"Of course you have. You are really excited," she noted and he pulled away from her, feeling sheepish.

"Let's go. I think I've had enough of dancing," she said. He nodded, following her out of the club.

"You know what?" she said once they were outside. He breathed the fresh air, still dizzy from the stuffy club, alcohol and lust.

"What?" he asked, still trying to calm himself. She looked up at him, smiling.

"I wouldn't mind doing this again."

Another chapter guys, love to know your thoughts on this. Sorry I haven't updated in a while, had a bit of writer's block but it's better now.

That's all I have for now, till next time.

Stay safe.

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