Chains of Destiny

By Starliegirl

166 7 39

Jake Tyler and Genie Mullet are two pretty normal kids except for one thing: they're part fae. As in fairy. S... More

Riley's Roller Café
Don't mess with a princess
And now, a word.
Ze beginning
Tagged again
Nice to meet you, now kindly jock off
Oof, tagged again
Story Form!
I got a sticker!!!

I told you not to touch it!

5 0 0
By Starliegirl


"Jake, wait!" He sighed, slamming his locker shut and leaning against it, arms crossed. Genie stopped in front of him, panting. "What?" he asked in a bored tone. She bit her lip. "I'm sorry for what happened back there, truly I am. Sophia is...not good. I was trying to help you."

He sighed again, finding it impossible to stay mad at her. "It's ok. I get it. But I can handle myself, k?" She nodded quickly. "Yeah, I know." He nodded once. "Good."

They started walking to their next class, which, they discovered from a quick exchange of schedules, they also shared. In fact, they had almost every class together, bar Maths and Latin.

Suddenly, Jake felt someone grab him from behind. Something rough and scratchy was shoved into his hand, and he was shoved into an empty room seconds after. Landing facedown on the cold white tiles, he heard Genie cry out as she was tossed next to him.

The door shut with a click and the eerie sound of a key turning in the lock followed moments after. Loud footsteps pounded away as the raven-haired boy helped his new friend up. "Thanks, Jake..." she mumbled softly.

He nodded, looking around. His heart jumped to his throat when he saw their predicament. They had been locked in a small, dark closet-like room with no way out.

Fighting back panicky tears as his claustrophobia threatened to overwhelm him, he suddenly remembered the thing that had been shoved in his hand.

Opening his clammy fist revealed a crumpled note, the edges jagged and torn. He unfolded it, squinting at the messy writing. It was so bad, it looked like nothing but gibberish for a minute. Once he was able to decipher it, his face morphed into a ferocious scowl.

'Have fun in the closet, little prince! Remember, don't imagine that the walls are closing in. And don't think about what would happen if all the oxygen gets used up. And DEFINITELY DON'T think about no one coming to help you...because no one but me knows you two are in there. Have fun, Makar-dur!'

He shuddered, his breaths coming in short, quick rasps. He sat down on the floor hard, pulling his knees up to his chest. His wide violet orbs darted around as the walls seemed to press in more and more and oh God he couldn't breathe-

"Hey." He flinched as Genie knelt in front of him. "Shh, it's just me. You're having a panic attack, it's gonna be ok. May I touch you?" she asked in her soft British voice. He hesitated, then nodded slowly.

She slowly reached out and set a pale hand on his arm, looking up to gauge his reaction. "Is this ok?" A tear slipped down his face as he nodded. Genie reached up with her other hand and gently brushed it away. The American leaned into her touch, looking at her with wide eyes. More tears fell as he bit his lip and whimpered softly.

Genie felt her heart shatter a little. She moved the hand resting on his cheek to the back of his head and the one on his arm to his back, pulling him closer in a gentle hug. "Shh," she whispered, "it's gonna be okay, just breathe." Jake gripped onto her tightly, as if she was the only thing keeping him from breaking apart.

She knew that there wasn't much she could do but was still determined to try. With a tender hand, she stroked his soft hair and murmured comforting nothings into his ear. Soon enough, he calmed down enough to pull away from her and stand.

Jake looked down, letting his purple-streaked bangs cover his eyes. "Th-Thanks, Genie. Sorry you had to, um, had to see that." She stood as well, smiling brightly. "It's ok, mate. Claustrophobia, hm?" He nodded, walking around their prison.

Genie mimicked him, studying the tan walls. Suddenly, she saw something strange. What looked like the end of a silver key was jutting out from a dark part of the wall. "Hey, Jake, cmere!" He walked over. "What's up?" She pointed to the odd sight. "Should I try to turn it?"

He shook his head. "No, don't touch it-" "Too late!" Genie chirped, twisting the key. The two cried out as a bright flash blinded them, and then everything faded into black.

Well. That was...rather descriptive.

You're telling me! It was like living it all over again!

For the last time, will you two stop breaking the friking fourth wall?!

Isn't you talking to us breaking it even more?

Hey yeah!


Oh bloody hell-

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