naruto: master of the Shadow...

By AaronHansell

39.4K 655 170

naruto dies in his battle against Sasuke but instead of continuing to fight naruto and the kyuubi are reincar... More

chapter 1:the death of a true hero.
chapter 2: meet the furious 5
chapter 3: training with the furious 5.
chapter 5:astral projection and chi manifestation.
chapter 6: finding your inner peace
chapter 7:the dragon warrior vs Tai lung.narutos intervention

chapter 4:the next exercise.speed and endurance training.

4.8K 93 14
By AaronHansell

Naruto was impressed with how quickly the furious five had mastered the mental and emotional discipline of his training.

And now it was time for the next part of the training to begin.

The furious 5 and Po met naruto at the great Wall of China for their next test.

Monkey then asked.

"Forgive me for questioning the reason for your methods master fox. But why are we at China's great Wall???.

And what are those barrels of water for if you don't mind me asking???."

And naruto said.

"Those are good questions monkey. Because today is your speed and endurance training exercise. There's six barrels of water here.

One for each of you to carry...on your back... your task is to carry the full ten gallon barrel of water as far as you can from this end of the great Wall of China to the other end of the great Wall of China.

Once you reach the end of the great Wall your going to
Grab a stone slab of marble or jade. Each slab is roughly 75 pounds you must grab the slab carry it on your back and make it back to the jade palace without dropping it by nightfall.

You have a full week to do all this with a single break in between each section of the wall. Once you make it to the jade palace you may rest before we start the agility training next week.

If anyone falls behind they may drop out at any time. I've done this myself and it has made me stronger because of it. Each person grab a barrel of water.

On my mark. Ready...set.... BEGIN!!!."

The furious five and Po all hoisted a barrel of water on to their backs and began their journey across the great Wall of China.

Little did they know that it would take them close to almost 72 hours to finish the journey. And then another 72 hours or more just to reach the palace. Naruto watched closely as the furious 5 were pacing themselves to conserve energy.

Po however. Was slacking. Which came as no surprise to him as he watched the panda struggle. So naruto decided to give him some motivation.

Naruto then said.

"Panda hurry up!!!. Your falling behind!!!. Did I forget to mention that if one of you fails all of you fails and doesn't get dinner!!!.

If you want to eat you must push past your physical limitations Panda!!!.

One member fails all members fail!!!. You either win as a team or fail as a team!!!. Now move it move it move it!!!. Pick up the pace!!!."

Tigress then said.

"Po. If we fail because of you and go without food I'll make sure you suffer my wrath and show you what a tiger is truly capable of!!!.

Don't think I'm bluffing because I hate losing!!!."

Monkey then said.

"She's right Po. The last time shifu made her go hungry she almost tried to kill him!!!."

And Po said.

"Don't worry guys. I think I've already figured this guy's training methods out. He's trying to see how long it takes before we crack and decide to quit.

If we quit it proves him right that one of us is the weak Link of the group. To him this is just a game. But for us it's to see how strong our resolve is."

The five were shocked!!!. Did that mental training really open up Po to seeing things differently!!!.

Tigress then said.

"Well then what are we waiting for???. Let's show master fox what we're capable of!!!. Full speed ahead but pace yourself to conserve energy for the final stretch of the run!!!."

Naruto then said to himself.

"Well well well. Looks like the panda is smarter than I thought after all. Reminds me of my previous life.

By my estimate they should all reach the halfway point by nightfall and then the end of the Wall by the third day.

Well.. guess the only thing to do now is prepare the second half of the training session.
This is getting more and more fun each day."

(With Po and the 5.)

PO and the furious 5 had just made it to the halfway point of the great Wall. And just like naruto assumed it was already night fall.

Tigress then said.

"Alright guys. Let's take a break to regain our energy.
If I had to guess we must be at the halfway point by now.

If we start moving again at first light we should make it to the other end by noon tomorrow. From there we grab a stone slab and run back to the palace.

By my estimate that's at least another 3 to 4 days travel from where we are now."

Monkey then said.

"But tigress. Those slabs of stone weigh a good 75 to 100 pounds!!!. How are we supposed to carry something that heavy back to the palace!!??. It's impossible!!!."

And tigress said.

"Master fox said we had to get the slabs back to the palace. He didn't say what methods we could use to do it. My guess is that there's a single slab and we have to figure out how to carry it back as a team."

And monkey said.

"We could divide the slab up into four individual pieces and each of us could carry 25 pounds. Or two of us could carry 50 pounds and the others could carry the other 50 pounds of stone."

And Po said.

"I agree with monkey. If we divide up the stone into four pieces it will make it easier to carry and we all succeed as a team."

Crane then said.

"I could fly overhead and be your guide back to the palace. Mantis and viper.
Could be recon and scout ahead."

And tigress said.

"No.. splitting up without knowing the terrain and area will only hold us back by at least two days. We all stay close and don't lose sight of each other. That means you panda."

And Po said.

"What me!!??. Like I would fall behind again!!!. What makes you think that???."

Tigress then got angry and grabbing PO said.




Tigress then threw Po to ground and went to sleep so that they could get an early start the next morning.

Viper then went over to tigress and said.

"Don't you think you were being a little bit hard on Po tigress???. I mean. Sure he's not the strongest or the smartest of us right now.

But with time comes experience. Stop thinking that this is a competition.
It's only training tigress. remember that.

I think this is one of master Fox's other methods of training by trying to turn us against each other. We must remain calm and level headed until we reach the end of the wall."

And tigress said.

"Fine!!!. But if he falls behind I'm leaving one of you to pick up his slack.

You heard what master fox said. We either win as a team or fail as a team and I've never failed anything before. I don't intend to now."

The next morning as the sun started to rise they picked up the barrels of water and just as tigress predicted they had made it to the end of the wall by noon.

They then noticed a single slab of marble. They then broke it up into four pieces and using the ropes from the barrels strapped the individual 25 pound slabs to their backs.

They then began their journey to the palace and that was going to be quite a while since they were at least 3 to 4 days travel away from the jade palace.

At the palace.

Shifu was very angry with naruto right now as he yelled at naruto and said.



And naruto said.

"Relax shifu. Their smarter and stronger then you give them credit for. I'm surprised you haven't taught them how to manifest their chi by now."

And shifu said.

"Because that kind of training is only meant for Grand master's!!!. Their not yet ready to learn how to use chi just yet!!!. Not at their current skill level!!!."

Meanwhile not far from the village entrance. Six people could be seen carrying large stone slabs on their backs.

Sure enough it was the furious five and dragon warrior. They had just made it into the village within two days. It would take them another 24 hours to make it up the palace stairs and into the main courtyard.

By the time they had made it to the palace they were almost completely out of strength and energy to keep going.

Tigress then said.

"Come on guys!!. We're almost there!!!. We just have to make it up to the top of the palace stairs and through the gates and we can rest."

Inside of the palace a bell could be heard going off as naruto smirked arrogantly.

Naruto then said.

"Well shifu. What did I tell you???. They made it back and in the time limit given to them no less. What does that tell you about your students???.

Because it tells me their almost ready to learn the first step to using chi.

Finding one's inner spirit animal. Focusing on the yin and yang aspects of of their training and combining them.

Yin is the power of the mind Yang the body. But before this they must go through agility training."

The furious 5 and Po then came stumbling into the palace and set down the stone slabs.

Tigress then said.

"Objectives... accomplished.. master fox... what next???."

And naruto said.

"Next your going to take a one week break. Eat drink relax take a bath because we all know your in need of one panda....whew.

will someone get this bear a hot bath to soak in???. The rest of you may do whatever you please.

Next week is agility training. Be well rested and well prepared. Your going to need every bit of rest you can get."

PO and the furious 5 were relieved that they were getting a very long break.
Even if it was only for one week. But that still begged the question to each of them

What did master fox do with his spare time when he wasn't training or meditating???.

Where did he go???. What doe he do and why doesn't he tell anyone about his past life???. All these questions and more plagued their minds.

But little did they know.
Trying to dig up master Fox's past life... would only end badly for them.

One thing was certain.
By the time they mastered chi. No warrior would stand a chance against the furious 5 and dragon warrior.

Not even Tai lung who was only a day away from the village and the jade palace.

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