His Broken Angel (BoyXBoy)

By MsComplex

12.4K 374 29

Austin is a fragile boy. Or that's what he would like you to think. Running from his past is all he knows how... More



316 11 0
By MsComplex

Cole and I ended up just cuddling for the night until I fell asleep. I poured my coffee. He had left early this morning as he had to work early. I sighed heavily. Last night, I told him not to fall in love with me. I told him that. So I don't quite understand, why do I feel like this? Truth is, I was alone. No one to love me and no one to love. Truly alone. I hurriedly showered and got changed. I could wallow in my self pity another time. Right now, I thought I should go to the gym and release some of this pent up stress.

I walked down the street towards the gym. I had a lean body. Not particularly scrawny but not muscular either. I was just average and I didn't mind it. I stepped inside and immediately started running on the thread mills. After about 1 hour, I noticed that Kaiden was also in the gym.

Of all places, why here?

I sighed mentally and decided to just ignore him. It was for the best after all. I took my towel and patted my face. At least I could say I have stamina. What? When your a catcher, that's all you really need. (For those who are not familiar to the term, Catchers are bottoms or you could say the ones that get it. Pitchers are tops or the ones that  give. All rounders are those who can be either top or bottom.)

"Hey. You got a sec?" A voice said. I turned to look at Kaiden. He was really beginning to tick me off.

"Depends. What do you want?" I said continuing my run.

"Step outside for a bit. Let's talk. Promise we just gonna talk. We cool man?" He said.

Kaiden always had a rich Jamaican accent. He could practically have anyone he wanted and all he needed to do was talk. I looked over at him. He wasn't bad looking either. He always dressed in sweats and tees. His Jamaican locks was always in a ponytail or a high bun and his brown eyes, they held quite a unique colour to them. I nodded stepping outside with him. I leaned against the wall as he handed me a cigar. I gladly took it lighting it. Kaiden focused his eyes on me. I released the smoke through my parted lips.

"I'm here and I don't have all day. So talk." I said pulling back the cigar to my lips.

"How have you been?" He asked.

"Fine." I replied stoically.

"I like the new look. Your really something." He said. I sighed and pulled the cigar from my lips exhaling the smoke. I pushed myself off the wall with my left foot.

"What do you really want Kaiden?" I said looking at him. He stood facing me. It was like a face off between enemies. Only, we weren't enemies but we weren't exactly friends either.

"Look, I know you don't like me that much. I'm not trying to see you get hurt so you need to leave, quickly. Dino is close to catching you." He said. I sighed leaning back on the wall

"At this point, I don't care. Let him catch me. I'm too tired to run." I said truthfully placing back the cigar in my mouth. Kaiden looked at me before deciding not to say amything.

"The twins miss you. They are still waiting for you to come back for them." He said. I turned to him smiling.

"Yea? Tell them I'll be there soon. They just gotta wait a bit longer." I said smiling and looking at the sky.

The blue tinge was bright but the golden yellow that the sun held, overpowered it. The clouds danced carefree looking down at the pitiful humans it was there to give hope to. And those humans looked up at the pitiful sky that would never feel pain. The word was a funny thing. Everyone wanted to be in someone else's shoes. No one likes the life that was dished out for them. I chuckled softly. Why would they? Everyone thought they had it the worst. That was just how humans were. Me? I wished I had a more normal life but I didn't exactly hate my current life.

"Well, I have to get to work soon. I'll see you around 'Austin'." He said walking towards the alley. I cringed at that word. Work. That word was so harmless yet it held so many memories and pain. I sighed and headed back into they gym to cash out. It was probably time for me to get home. I had work in a few hours. I quickly walked down the corridor. From the gym to my house was a 15-30 minutes walk. Depending on how quickly you walked. I entered my house and locked my door. I threw down my gym bag and quickly showered. I hurriedly got ready and called Jamie to pick me up.

"Hey Bro. Think you could pick me up in about ½ hour?" I said trying to put on my shoes while talking. 

"Sorry man. I asked Cole to drop you off since I have an assignment to complete." He said. I sighed.

"That's okay. I'll just call him." I said. We said our goodbyes and hung up. I quickly finished putting on my shoes when a knock came at the door. I hurriedly grabbed my wallet, phone and keys, trying to get ready while dialing Cole. What? I was not good at multitasking. I opened the door as I shoved my wallet in my pocket and the phone at my ears. I slowly hung up the phone and let him in. I blushed softly.

"I was just about to call you." I said looking at him. I closed the door as he turned to look at me. The room felt hot and I knew it was because of how he was looking at him. Cole was dressed in a black jeans with a black shirt and a black leather jacket. He held his helmet in one hand and his phone in the other. His jet black hair was a neat mess. I licked my lips as it ran dry.

"Your lucky Jamie asked when I just finished my shift." He said with his signature smirk. I smiled trying to ignore the rapid beating of my heart. "Ready?" He asked.

"Almost." I said grabbing my perfume and my id card. I fixed myself and walked back towards Cole. Throwing my items in a small bag, a turned to face Cole. "Now I'm ready."

"Good." He said and threw his helmet at me, "I don't have my car so we are going to take my bike." He said. I nodded.

I had never owned a bike before much less ridden one. But I didn't want Cole to know that. We walked downstairs after making sure I locked the apartment. Cole helped me into the bike. I wasn't sure what to do so Cole took my hands and wrapped around his torso. He reaved the back and I clutched unto him tighter. He chuckled lightly before starting the back. We dashed down the streets. The breeze hitting our faces harshly. When I had finally gotten used to the breeze and speed, I looked up through the helmet and laughed.

It was pure bliss.

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