The Girl With a Broken Heart💔

By MagicInWords2690

300K 14.4K 5K

#1 Mature #1 Suspense #3 LoveStory #3 Conspiracy #3 Murdermystery #1 Romancereads2020 #1 Bestseller #6 Undisc... More

Moving On
Shadows of Past
Reality Check
The Man of my Dreams
The Indifference
The Girl with a Broken Heart
Pep Talk
The Unexpected
Working for him
Push and Pull
His Girlfriend
Being watched?
The Ball
Under my Watch
Some explaining to do
He found her
Moment of Truth
Aurora Borealis
The morning after
At my door
Caught in the Crossfire
Cordial as Friends
Craving a hug
Such a Tease
Hurting her
You saved me
Two to Tango
Handling the ex
Sunday bliss
Not just a rumor
Honeymoon Crashers
Niki's thing(s)
Her betrayal
Her recovery
Your wish is my command
His Secrets
Web of lies
Ultimate Truth
Rock bottom
Merry Christmas
Britney and Max
His dilemma
Her choice
Author's Note

My Saviour

6.4K 353 103
By MagicInWords2690

Emma's POV

The unknown owner of the luxurious car opened the door and stepped out. I flickered my eyes in an attempt to see through the glaring lights, but I could just manage to catch a vision of a tall well-built figure walking towards us.

He took brisk steps in our direction, and the moment he emerged from his shadow and stopped inches apart, I was dumbfounded to see who it was.


He stood between those three despicable guys and me. His aura was intimidating, the prick who was cornering me earlier, immediately loosened his grip on me. I could see a lump form in his throat when he saw Jake's intrusion, followed by his fierce gaze that was piercing through them, warning them to back off. If rage in eyes could kill, these guys would be dead by now.

"Get in the car, Emma." Jake whispered to me.

My blood was boiling, and seeing Jake appear unexpectedly, it suddenly froze. His icy blue eyes were enraged with fury, and his strong muscles tightened under his well fitted shirt, struggling to rip it apart.

"Get in the car now." This time he was loud and clear, and I almost jerked in shock as anger renounced in his voice. I quickly agreed and went to sit in the car.

He closed his fist, and I assume he was ready to punch those obnoxious guys in the face when they stepped back in fear.

"Sorry man, we didn't know she's taken. We were just looking for some fun". They stammered and stepped back. They quickly turned around and ran back towards the club. It was not even a couple of minutes until they completely disappeared.

Jake got back in his driver seat, and without looking at me again, he pushed the accelerator, and we stormed out of that street.

There was a deafening silence in the car. I was shivering in shock, and my palms were sweating. Nobody uttered a word for a while, it took a minute or two for him to calm down before he noticed
my state.

He immediately pulled over in a better-lit ally and turned around to look at me.

His blue eyes were scanning my face. This was the moment I had always dreamt about, the day I would meet him again. I had imagined a thousand different things that I would tell him when I see him the next time, but right now I was barely coping.

The owl let out a solemn hoot, the otherwise merry streets stood in pin drop silence. The dark sky was embellished with a blanket of stars, and by some suspicious play of destiny, I was sitting inches apart from the mysterious man I met in Corsica.

He held my shoulders, and gave me a warm look. The moment he touched me, I had shivers run down my spine. These shivers were different from the ones I felt earlier.

His eyes were now soft and deep, and they were looking for answers, "are you okay, Emma?"

I could barely speak, I just blinked my eyes in response.

"Talk to me, Emma, did those guys hurt you? Did they touch you?" I could see his jaw stiffened at the mention of those guys hurting me, and the rage that had disappeared from his eyes a minute ago, was now back again.

"I am fine Jake...." I stuttered, while rubbing my arm which was sore from the rough grip.

"Show me your arm". He took my hand in his and scanned my arm that now had a red mark imprinted on it.

He brushed his fingers on it, and his soft feather-like touch felt like fireworks on my skin. His eyes had a disappointed look, he was blaming himself for not helping the situation sooner.

"You should be careful, Emma. What were you thinking? Walking down the road all alone in the middle of the night? I can't even imagine what those bastards would have done if I did not find you in time".

"Thanks, Jake. If not for you, I am not sure what would have happened. Thank you for helping me tonight". The tears that were welling up ever since I sat in car, escaped and trailed down my cheeks.

He held my hand gently in one hand, and was caressing my cheeks with the other. There were so many unsaid things, so many unanswered questions, yet I was able to draw comfort just by being around him. Effortlessly and unknowingly, he brought me peace.

He was wearing a black body-hugging t-shirt that outlined his curvy muscles along with a pair of black jeans. He had a light stubble along his defined jaw, and his very kissable lips threw a soft smile, causing me to forget my world, and imprisoning me in his.

We both got out of trance almost at the same time. He broke the awkward silence, "relax, I am here now. Tell me your address, and I will drop you home."

I gave him my address, and he drove off towards my apartment. After some time, I settled down and came to realise that I did not even know how from the middle of nowhere Jake came to my rescue.

Was he following me?

"How did you find me, Jake? How did you know I was here?"

He did not respond and continued to drive silently.
"Please I need to know, in fact, I think it's high time we talked Jake? Or shall I call you Jacob Richmond?"

He flinched a little when I called him so formally, but he still ignored me, and continued to drive. I was getting a bit mad at his behaviour.

"Jake, I am not stepping out of this car until I get my answers. You have to tell me, how did you find me?"

He stopped the car again. We were just one block away from my apartment now, "what do you want to know Emma?" He was dodging a direct eye contact.

"To begin with, how did you find me? Were you umm.. following me?"

"Really? You think of me as a stalker Emma? I just happened to be at the same club as you tonight and I saw you leaving all alone in the middle of the night."
He closed his eyes and paused a bit, before he continued, "I also saw those guys following you out, and my immediate instinct sensed trouble. I just wanted to be careful when I decided to check on you outside the club."

He was running his hands in his hair now, trying to hide his anger. "I was ensuring to keep a safe distance from you until I saw those bastards cornering you." This time he completed his explanation with a sense of hurt and anger in his tone.

"No. I did not mean to call you a stalker Jake, I was just surprised to see you there. I wasn't expecting you to come to my rescue".

"I wasn't expecting to see you tonight either. And yes I think, we do need to clear a couple of things, especially now when we have to work from the same office."

He let out a deep sigh, before he continued, "Whatever happened in Corsica is in the past Emma, unlike how you were implying, I did not lie about my identity, Jake is short for Jacob, and my close friends still call me that."

I didn't imagine that the surreal moment we shared a while ago would turn into a bitter confrontation like this. His words were sharp as a sword, yet his eyes told a different story. Unsure as to what to believe or reason with, I attempted to clarify myself.

"Jake, you are getting me all wrong. I was shocked to see you in the conference room the other day. I have thought a lot about you in the past couple of months, but I met you in the most unexpected circumstances. I was just confused".

"I know what you mean, Emma, I have thought about you too. A lot. But it's irrelevant now, and we should forget about it and move on already."

Deep inside I knew that kiss might have meant nothing to him. He also had quite a reputation with girls. However, when his mouth blurted those words, I felt a stabbing pain in my chest.

"We are at very different places right now, and I do not want you to have any false hopes. I hope we can stay on cordial, professional terms." He said, staring straight across the steering. He did not look back at me again.

His words were hurtful beyond I could ever put it in words. He just rigged off my feelings and self respect.

Who did he think he was?

Maybe his status and success made him believe that every girl who meets him is building hopes to dive into his luxurious life, or is desperate to jump into his bed. But that's not always the case.

Not with me, certainly.

I was not some gold-digging bimbo wanting more from him after a one-time kiss. He didn't know me at all.

Obviously, he doesn't Emma.

However, still his sudden change in tone and bitter eas in attitude shook me. He was cold, and he sounded so full of himself. His arrogance was evident on his face. I gulped the lump in my throat and wiped my tears.

"Of course, Jacob. I totally agree. I guess there shouldn't be another minute that I should spend in your car then, after all we are thorough professionals. Thank you for the ride and all your help today Mr Richmond, I appreciate it". I said in a steady tone, collecting myself, and within an instance, I was out of his car.

I slammed the door hard and walked away without looking back.

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