The Betas Alpha

By hkayh123

1.2M 36.6K 12.6K

Jay is going to be the next alpha of the Blue Woods pack. With his birthday coming up in a week he is excited... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Authors Note
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 21

20.2K 625 40
By hkayh123


Jay's POV

The feeling of the wind through my fur was truly something that I would never get over. I remember the first time I was allowed to go on a run by myself, no parents or adults there to watch over me; nothing had ever made me feel freer.

8 years ago

"Promise me you'll be safe,"

"I will be fine, mom. Nothing's going to happen, I promise," My mom was worried to let me go out by myself for the first time, but I was ten years old! I would be fine and could totally protect myself if some rouge showed up; I had alpha blood in me.

"Don't give me attitude, I don't care how old you are, you'll always be my little boy." I quickly gave my mom a kiss on the cheek before dashing out of the house and into the forest line to shift. The newly familiar feeling of my bones cracking and shifting took over my body as I got closer to my wolf than ever before; it was freeing.

Before I could look back, I was running further into the forest and losing all sense of time. The bright sun-filled sky quickly turned dark as a storm rolled in and the day turned to night.

By the time I got back to the edge of the forest, the rain has already began a steady downpour. I didn't bother shifting until I got into our mudroom and grabbed a fresh pair of clothes, mine were soaked even before I could make it back from deep inside the forest.

"Jamison, have you seen Carson? He was playing in the woods earlier with some other kids," my dad questioned as soon as I walked into our kitchen. His parents both looked panicked and my mom looked just as worried.

"No, I haven't talked to him all day, are you sure he's not just hiding somewhere?" Carson usually didn't go into the woods without me; he was scared a rouge would show up, but I always promised to protect him.

Before anyone could answer, my dad along with Carson's got the faraway look in their eyes they both got when communicating with the pack.

"Alice, go to the packhouse with Jamison and Alayna, now. Get everyone inside the safe rooms, there are rouges starting to invade," Carson's dad and mine ran out the door shifting as the two moms rushed me over to the packhouse and started ordering everyone into the safe rooms. I kept looking around for Carson, but he was nowhere to be found.

Carson was different after that night. I don't even know what actually happened in the forest, all I know was Carson wasn't the same after that day. He jumped when someone closed a door too loud and huddled against me when people started yelling; he never stopped being scared.

My pretty mate began to slow down as we started to cross into the training area, pulling me out of my thoughts. As we started making our way toward where our dads were overseeing, Miles came out of nowhere and tackled Carson to the ground with a painful thud. The two of them rolled around together with nothing but playful growls exchanged, drawing attention to the three of us. Carson let out a painful whine as Miles bit down on his side that caused me to growl instinctively, but before anything else could happen, both Miles and Carson came upon me and brought me to the ground.

The three of us rolled around like we were pups again as Carson and my's dads made their way over to us. When they came to stand in front of us, the three of us quickly shifted with a huff.

"I'm assuming you three didn't come here just to roughhouse with each other," my dad assumed with a slight grin. We all nodded like soldiers before following him back to where he and Sean had previously been overseeing the warriors training.

"We just wanted to come and talk to you two about what was going to be going on as far as training and Miles becoming beta seeing as Carson will be luna whenever we mate," Miles raised his eyebrows and shimmied his shoulders against Carson's. Even though I couldn't see his face, I knew my mate was blushing and rolling his eyes.

"Okay, well we need to decide when we will be having the ceremony to pass the alpha title, and then we will be holding the beta ceremony the next day along with the gamma passing that will have to happen before Sean is able to pass the title to Miles; Miles will be taking over that role and you will have to pick someone to take over the gamma role." My dad explained to the three of us with a tired look on his face; I knew he was hoping for me to take over as alpha as soon a possible so he could relax for once in his life. He had been alpha since he was 14 and wanted to retire and see me take over the pack he reformed.

"I'm sure the three of us can come to a consensus as to who to pass the gamma title on to, aside from that, when do you want to pass the alpha and beta title? I feel like sooner rather than later would be better; give you, dad, a chance a relax, and give Sean some time to be with Zayn," I suggested knowing they would both be more inclined to pass the torch knowing we were all ready for the responsibilities that came along with it.

"If you guys can decide on a gamma and are okay with this, then we all are too, but please don't rush into this because as exciting as it all seems, it is a lot of work in the end,' Sean spoke up.

"We know, I promise, but in the end, it is going to happen at some point, so it might as well happen now. Anyways, Miles is about to be a better beta than I could ever be, we all know he's always been more fit for that position," Carson declared with a tight smile and he looked at his dad; he had never believed he would be a good beta, no matter what anyone told him.

"Don't say that, you would've made an amazing beta, and we all know that. Being a luna was just your true calling," Miles spoke up. The rest of us nodded at Carson's bashfulness but didn't make any more comments.

"Let us know when you decide on who will be filling the gamma role and we will go from there, okay? Good, now Carson, remember to meet up with Alice sometime this week to go over luna duties and all of that. She's been dying to see you now that you'll be taking over her role," Carson giggled lightly but nodded none-the-less.

"I'm excited too. Luna duties seem to be more my speed,"

"Sounds good, now Sean and I have training to finish up so you three can either join us or-"

"We're out, nice talking to you both!" Miles interrupted before pulling Carson and me away from our now laughing dads and into the forest. "I kinda want to go swimming, either of you cares to join?" He asked before we all shifted, Carson and I both agreed, a swim sounded nice.

"Cool, I'll go pick up Will and get a suit and meet you two at the cliff?"

"That works," and with that, Miles was running in the direction of the gamma house he and Will lived in, and Carson and I were heading towards the packhouse we both continued to stay in.

-- -- --

Carson and I made it to the cliff we were all meeting at before Miles and Will did which was to be expected. Miles had linked us to let us both know that Will was making some lunch for us since we'd probably be out here for a bit.

Carson and I threw the blankets we brought with us down and laid down together in comfortable silence, focusing on the sounds of the birds chirping and leafs rustling. Everything seemed so much more peaceful out here, which is why we designated this as our friends' hideout whenever we needed a break from people. The cliff overlooked a lake on our packland property where the line between our pack and the free land seemed to blur.

"My dad made my appointment with my therapist for me on Tuesday and then a nutritionist Wednesday morning. He said they both know about wolves and all of that but aren't directly related to the pack," Carson broke the silence that had fallen between the two of us while linking our hands together.

"That's good, both parts of it. I'll be there for you every step of the way, you know that. And not only because we're mates; we were friends before this and will be friends until we die, just now I get to see you naked without it being funny or weird," Carson laughed and shoved at my shoulder causing me to fall back against the blanket.

"Thank you, really. I'm sorry I haven't opened up to you about everything before. I just didn't know how or if you would care, I guess. I'll work on that."

"You don't need to apologize for anything, that's all in the past and we can only move forward from here." I pulled Carson close, and we laid there together in a blissful silence before Miles and Will came rolling in.

"Okay, who's ready to swim!"


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