Strength From Within (A Narut...

By Kesokeos

280K 5.7K 895

Naruto has been neglected most of his life by his parents and village for his younger siblings for a reason h... More



5.4K 117 32
By Kesokeos

"Troublesome," Shikaku muttered. "Well, what the hell are we going to do now. A ruined training area, a tyrannical and crazy strong Hokage who's off his rails and also collapsed. The paperwork will be a nightmare."

"I will go and get Tsunade-sama and her apprentice Shizune. She will be able to help us without their being too much fuss about everything if we carried the Hokage around in public," Hebi stated, leaving them to be when he shunshined away in a swirl of leaves.

Anko just shook her head in acknowledgment to his words and ran over to Daidai, who was surprisingly up injured but seemed to be exhausted, allowing Kakashi to have some time to talk to Shikaku.

"That boy, he is not any random orphan off the streets, not even any random Uzumaki, is he?" Kakashi breathed, glancing over at Daidai. "I would bet that he was pretty much untrained with that last move he used and the chakra chains too. Even with his reserves, there was no way that he should have been able to sustain that whirlwind of pure fire and wind chakra. You know something about him that we don't, Shikaku. Why else would you hav taken such a big interest in him?"

The older male nodded and let out a long sigh. "Daidai is rather special. I don't think we can talk about it here, or if we should talk about it at all. I don't think he would be appreciative if I spilt all his secrets, especially because of your position. I think he'd much rather you figured it out for yourself."

Kakashi nodded in understanding, though it was quite clear that he was reluctant. "I see. I still don't quite get what happened, we're backed into a wall here. That contract was a load of crap, and though technically Daidai won since he was the last one standing, it's still an unknown what the Hokage will do. What's gotten into him, he used to be so kind? And now he's just changed."

"Hell if I know, Kakashi. But I'll be keeping a closer eye on him, that's for certain." Shikaku sighed once more and brushed some dust off his sleeve, a result of the chaos from the fighting. "I would almost suggest to Daidai leaving Konoha, but he cares too much about it to leave. The will of fire burns brightly within him."

Their conversation continued for a few minutes, and soon both Tsunade and Shizune were there. It was clear the blonde woman wanted to run to Daidai, but she refrained from doing so and went to Minato as that was her main priority, serving her Hokage. Shizune was looking after Daidai, and after checking him over and seeing he was okay she diagnosed him with chakra exhaustion. "Shikaku, do you mind taking him to your house? I still have work and I trust you and your clan to look after him more than the hospital since what he really needs is rest and food when he wakes, and he trust you as well. He looks up to you and your clan and he'll listen to you. It doesn't mind you as well, as you know."

Shikaku nodded in understanding and moved over to him, scooping up Daidai's small body and holding him securely. Kakashi walked over, looking at him carefully, before sighing. "Let him know that if he's up to it, he can come to training ground seven next weekend. The worst of his exhaustion should be done by then, and as he is an Uzumaki I want him to meet Motoshi and Katsuko."

"I will, or Shizune will. I don't know if he'll actually show up though, so no promises."


Tsunade had taken Minato back to his home, along with Hebi who was there to explain the situation. Kushina was out, as were the children, so it was a private area. She worked on healing him, but there wasn't much to heal apart from some scratches and bruises when he had fallen over. Even the back of his head where he had supposedly been clutching was completely fine. It wasn't chakra exhaustion either, there had been absolutely no reason for him to have collapsed like that.

The two of them just sat there waiting for him to wake up, and surprisingly it didn't take long. The Hokage sat up, looking around at the people in the room in confusion. "Tsunade? Hebi? What is it you're doing here in my room? And look at the time, I was meant to be testing an anbu candidate hours ago."

Hebi's surprise was hidden by the mask he was wearing, but Tsunade's was more visible. Luckily, the former took action and decided to explain things. "You did test the candidate, Hokage sama. You were acting strange and then suddenly collapsed, which is why Tsunade is here."

"Strangely, I couldn't find a thing wrong with you. It's odd that you don't remember anything, since there are no signs of brain injury. Or any injuries at all, for that matter," she explained, sighing and glancing towards Hebi. "I have work to do, so I can't stay here looking after a perfectly well person. Can you look after him for me?"

The anbu nodded and Tsunade took one last look towards Minato before leaving. The Hokage looked at him curiously and tilted his head. "If you don't mind me asking, what was your opinion on the candidate? Did he pass?"

Hebi nodded in response. "Yes, Hokage-sama. In fact, I would be willing to take him on myself, if you would allow it." The Anbu captain had not a clue what game Minato was playing, whether he had genuinely forgotten or it was an act, but either way he knew that he needed to have a way to keep the boy away from the wrong hands. He was strong, and he would only get stronger as the years passed. Hebi knew that especially if things happened in the future they would need Daidai on their side, since he had seen the loyalty that particularly Shikaku, Anko, Shizune and Tsunade showed towards him. If he decided to leave, at least some of them were very likely to leave Konoha as well, and that would be extremely bad.

Minato seemed genuinely happy about his words, clapping and giving him a warm smile that was completely genuine. "You may take off your mask, Hebi," he told him kindly. The anbu captain Hebi, or rather Naoki Hibiki, did as asked and looked up at his leader. "For as long as I've known you, you've never been one to willingly interact with people. What has brought on this change of heart, that you of all people want to take on someone?"

Hibiki shrugged and ran a hand through his brown locks, closing his eyes. "He is, special, to say the least. There have been a number of highly regarded ninja taking interest in him, none of whom I will name, and I believe that I can help him in his journey. He needs experience more than anything, and I do not plan to take him on too many dangerous missions initially because of that, or too many at first either as he still needs time to train and work on his skills. If you will allow me to oversee him, I will know what's best for him. I'm afraid that this might make him seem weak, but he is anything but. He is just young, and I also do not want to completely take away his childhood. I don't quite know how to word things properly, I hope that makes sense enough to you."

Minato laughed softly and shook his head. "No, I understand. You see that he has potential and he needs experience without all the pressure on him of both fame and the constant need to work. Very well then, Hibiki-san, I will allow you to have this boy work under you and I trust that you will look after him well. You are one of my most trusted ninja and I know you wouldn't do anything without good reason. Now tell me, just what is this boy's name?"

"Ichigo, no, Uzumaki Daidai."


Daidai woke up in a sweat, panting heavily. His chakra exhaustion had rendered him unconscious for about three days, in a state of fever that Kurama hadn't done anything about. Why? Because said chakra beast had been angry about what he had done and didn't want to heal him completely. They had discussed everything that had happened already, and they were now on good terms, but he still didn't want to heal the boy as a minor way of holding a grudge. If Daidai could look after himself and block out Kurama in the midst of an important battle, then he could get over the fever on his own, which he mostly had.

Beside him, Shikamaru was asleep, as it was late at night. He had clearly been reading, as a book was sprawled out on the floor as if it had dropped out of the other boy's hand, as it most likely had. At closer inspection, it was a book on chakra exercises, both to improve control and increase reserves. Shikamaru had began to work harder himself, and though he was worried for his friend he didn't want to give that up either.

In the day he would train, and in the morning and evenings he would study practical things that would improve his training and make it more worthwhile. On breaks he would have a shogi game and he always made sure to have a balanced meal and eat properly. He also made sure to spend time with the Akimichi heir, and his other best friend, Akimichi Choji.

He was still fast asleep when Daidai woke, and the Uzumaki chuckled softly at his sleeping friend. With shaky movements he stood up, gently picking up Shikamaru and tucking him into bed where he had previously been sleeping. He was wide awake at the moment, and he could see on the clock that it was around three thirty in the morning, so there was no point going to sleep. The other boy stirred as he was laid down, but he soon curled up in the warmth of the bed and was sleeping peacefully once more, but not for too long.

Daidai walked out of the room and to the kitchen and dining room, where Shikaku was sitting at. The clan head looked over at the boy and nodded, gesturing for him to sit down which he did. "Yoshino made sure there was food set aside for you incase you woke. It'll be cold, but it's better than nothing. I'll make you some tea to go with it," he said quietly, grabbing chopsticks and a bowl of rice with some meat and vegetables and setting it in front of the boy.

"Thank you for the food," he muttered, picking up the chopsticks and beginning to eat quietly. The two were in silence as Shikaku made some tea, the food almost finished by the time two steaming cups were set down on the table.

"Are we going to talk about what happened? I can't even begin to describe how irresponsible that was, Naruto. I know it's a big opportunity and all, but with how that man was acting you could have gotten yourself killed. You need to act more rationally, especially when you're upset, since that sort of thing in the real world would definitely get you wound up dead." Shikaku was the laid back type, he didn't give lectures out too much, so it was clear how important this was.

"I know, I know, Shikaku-san. It won't happen again, I promise you. I'm just so sick of him treating me like nothing. I just want a family, I want them to love me like they're meant to," he pleaded, closing his eyes and taking a sip of his tea in the hopes that he calmed down. "I'm their son, yet they disown me and treat me like rubbish. They even made my siblings hate me, and now I don't know how I can ever hope to mend that relationship since a part of me still feels like they'll hate me and never even know they had a brother."

Shikaku sighed and placed a hand on his shoulder. "You are no longer Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto, you are Uzumaki Daidai. You are a part of our family here if not by blood but in our hearts. You are not the son of Namikaze Minato and Namikaze-Uzumaki Kushina unless you choose to be, and they choose you back. You are not brother to Katsuko and Motoshi unless they claim you as such and you claim them as such. Family is not made by blood, but by bonds. You are not the person you once were, and that is okay. It might hurt, but you'll get a chance with them again if you choose so. In fact, Kakashi wants you to meet your siblings this weekend."

"Does he know who I am?"

"No, but knowing him it won't be too long until he finds out."

"What do you mean, 'does he know who I am'?" Shikamaru's voice interrupted their conversation, and the boy walked from the doorway and to be standing between the two other people in the room. He had woken up not long after Daidai had put him into bed. "The Hokage only has two children, right?"

The other boy sighed and shook his head, looking up at him. "What I'm about to tell you, do not tell anyone else about. I can't tell you everything, but what I'm about to say I only say because I trust you. My real name is Namikaze-Uzumaki Naruto, son of Kushina and Minato and brother of Katsuko and Motoshi. I was neglected from a young age and eventually they forgot I was their son and brother. I left because I wasn't a part of their family anymore, so there was no point sticking around."

Shikamaru looked at his father for confirmation, and when he got a nod to show that his friend was indeed telling the truth he let out a heavy sigh. "I just can't believe that they would do something like that. They're all some of the kindest people in the village, always helping out. Particularly Katsuko, who has quite the reputation for being kind and excellent when she does jobs and always helping out older citizens. And the Hokage, he's a good man, it doesn't sound like him to abandon his family, especially when him and Kushina-sama are always so caring of their other children."

Daidai and Shikaku sighed as well. "That's life though, it's not always fair and things aren't always clear. We need to take our time and figure out what's going on because they're acting so strangely. Especially the Hokage, who apparently has forgotten all about Daidai, and the events of a few days ago," Shikaku said, gesturing for his son to sit down at the table with them before looking to the other boy who was fuming at hearing the last part.

"What? What the hell does he think he's playing at? Pulls a stunt like that and expects pretending to have memory problems will make it all better!" Daidai growled, beginning to stand up and turning towards the door. Shikaku grabbed onto his arm and then pulled him to sit down once more. "That's the thing, Tsunade had Inoichi check him out. There are no memories of you other than meeting you in his office that day. Just blank patches. He truly doesn't remember."

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