After the storm || Oscar diaz...

By lemonysnicketz

7K 283 34

Cause after the storm is where the flowers bloom !! More

House meeting
Pool party
Better placement
See you again
I wanna be down
Forgive me
Help me
Old me
Baby alexa
Young and alive
Present day
After The Storm

Save us

116 9 0
By lemonysnicketz

*2 weeks later*

I reached over In the bed finding it empty as I pouted. It was 1 am and Eli never left me alone not unless something was seriously happening "baby" I called out but I got no response. I reached over and grabbed my phone calling him as he picked up on the first ring making me sigh in relief "thank god" I nearly screamed.

"I thought something happened to you baby" I sat up as I cut on the lamp while he laughed "you looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake you but king called me and said I needed to come over I should be home soon" I smiled while he was talking because I just loved Eli way too much for my own good. "Well hurry back I'm lonely" I could tell he rolled his eyes "I've been gone for 10 minutes," he said as I heard king in the background talking.

I heard movement downstairs "hey I think Andre is here I quickly got up and opened the door as I called for him "Dre I'm in here," I said as I got no reply back which was weird. I heard yelling on my phone as I went back over to it "baby dre is with me whoever is in the house isn't him lock the door now" Eli screamed as I ran over locking it as the footsteps were now turning into running as I cut the light off and ran into the closet closing it.

"I love you baby" I was crying now as the beating on the door got louder "I'm coming baby" Eli screamed into the phone as the door bussed open In the room as the males were talking "where is she" I heard one guy say as I held my breath "check dumb ass we can't leave without her," another guy said as footsteps got closer to the closet. I nearly stopped breathing as I heard nothing but footsteps.

It was stupid of me but I needed to try and make a run for it or something because they would find me in here. The closet wasn't that far from the door so I had a good chance at getting out of the room. I pulled out my phone and sent Eli a quick text and then left it as I slammed the door open running out the room as they ran after me. I looked down the stairs and back to the room as they were closer to me I was about to run when one of them grabbed me.

I was kicking and fighting before I knew it I was pushed down the stairs "that bitch bit me" was the last thing I heard.

5 hours later

I touched my head as I felt the blood "ow" I cried out as I looked around the room. My head was in pain and my body ached. I realized I was tied down to a bedpost. I was now crying out in pain as the door opened "shut the fuck up" the guy yelled at me as he slapped me making me cry harder than before. My shirt was bloody and I was stripped of my pants but I still had my underwear on. "I'm so sorry for whatever I did I can pay you guys I promise" I cried out as the guy chuckled in front of me.

"That's not how this works baby girl" he was touching my face as I turned my head so his hand could move. "I like girls who play hard to get" his hand moved to my leg as I was crying harder now "it makes it more fun when I can take the hard from them and leave them helpless" he laughed in my face as he moved back. I was praying Eli found me quickly as the door opened and the guy left but another one came in.

I didn't look up because I was scared "you still look beautiful even with a fucked up head" I knew that voice and laugh anywhere. I looked up to see spooky "what did I do to you" I cried out as he just looked at me with no emotion in his face. "You guys shot my girlfriend who's still in the hospital.... she hasn't woken up either" he looked sad but it was quickly gone. "We didn't do anything to your girlfriend I promise" I was now in my tears as he just smirked.

"Yeah okay," he opened the door as the guy from before came back in "watch her for me" I was now sobbing as spooky left me with this man. "We are going to have so much fun pretty lady" he smiled at me as he took the chains off my feet and arms.

I never knew what hell was like until now. I was praying for a savior and fast.

Well, theories?

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