By could_careless

466K 15.3K 14.1K

A gifted kunoichi from a far away land in a village hidden in the leaves embarks on a journey with her teamma... More

Before we start..
Prologue: The Untold Story
Chapter 1: Team 10
Chapter 2: Musutafu
Chapter 3: The Big Three!
Chapter 4: U.A. High!
Chapter 5: Q.A.T
Chapter 6: Battle Trial
Chapter 7: Battle Trial Part 2
Chapter 8: Class Rep?!
Chapter 9: Rescue
Chapter 10: League Of Villains
Chapter 11: What the Jinchuriki?!
Chapter 12: My Story
Chapter 13: New Comers
Chapter 14: First Training
IMPORTANT A/N: Your ex โ™ฅ
Chapter 15: Sports Fest
Chapter 16: Fight!
Chapter 17: Todoroki
Chapter 18: Healing
Chapter 19: Shinsou?
Chapter 20: Gather Around
Chapter 21: Making Memories
Chapter 22: Tenya Iida
Chapter 23: Internship
Chapter 24: Internship Part 2
Chapter 25: FREE!
Chapter 26: Stain
Chapter 27: Katsuki Bakugou
Chapter 28: Back to school
Chapter 29: Lunch (Love Interest Progress)
Chapter 30: Momo
Chapter 31: Examination
Chapter 33: "Thank you"
Chapter 34: Kakashi Sensei
Chapter 35: Wild Wild Pussycats!
Chater 36: HOME!
Chapter 37: Sasuke and (y/n)!
Chapter 38: Hot springs, Curry and Ramen!
Chapter 39: Mankai and Naruto VS... MINETA?!
Chapter 40: Gray
Chapter 41: Day 2
Chapter 42: Genins
Chapter 43: Sadness and Sorrow
Chapter 44: You (โค๏ธprogress~)
Chapter 45: WHAT?!
Chapter 46: The Reunion
Chapter 47: Ice Ice Baby
Chapter 48: The night
Chapter 49: The Night Part 2
Chapter 50: Training Ground 3
Chapter 51: The Wait
Chapter 52: Aim
Chapter 53: Unlikely Group of Rescuers
Chapter 54: Akatsuki
Chapter 55: Akatsuki part 2
Chapter 56: (y/n) vs Akatsuki
Chapter 57: Asuma vs Hidan
Chapter 58: Asuma Sarutobi
Chapter 59: Pain
Chapter 60: Beast
Chapter 61: Safe And Sound
Chapter 62: A Promise
Chapter 63: More
Chapter 64: Ill at Ease
Chapter 65: Belief
chapter 66: Red Tailed Hawk
Chapter 67: off the heat
Chapter 68: Founding Fathers
Chapter 69: Sleepover Reunion
Chapter 70: Rock Lee's New Mission!
Chapter 71: Lee's Demise
Chapter 72: Shikamaru in Pursuit!
Chapter 73: Lee's Redemption
Chapter 74: Aizawa Vs Kakashi?
Chapter 75: My Big Brother
Chapter 76: Shikamaru Nara
Chapter 77: Stronger than i was yesterday!
Chapter 78: Suspicion
Chapter 79: Team 10's Will Of Fire!
Chapter 80: Will of fire! Part 2
โš ๏ธโš ๏ธ IMPORTANT โš ๏ธโš ๏ธ
Chapter 81: Tracking The Immortals
Chapter 82: It Begins
Chapter 83: Two Immortals, Two Copies
Chapter 84: The Separation
Chapter 85: Naruto!
Chapter 86: Kakuzu vs The Uzumaki Twins!
Chapter 87: Mission Complete!
Chapter 88: Sai and Ramen
Chapter 89: Sakura Haruno
Chapter 90: Hugs and Kisses~ ๐Ÿ’•Progress
Chapter 91: Goodbyes
Chapter 92: Goodbyes part 2
Chapter 93: Road trip?
Chapter 94: Invitation
Chapter 95: Uchiha
Chapter 96: Just a Dream
Chapter 97: Done is Done
Chapter 98: (m/n)?
Chapter 99: Dinner?
Chapter 100: Moving
Chapter 101: shopping mistake
Chapter 102: Dadzawa
Chapter 103: Dadzawa part 2(?)
Chapter 104: Welcome To Sports City!
Chapter 105: Iwatobi High!
Chapter 106: Daddy yo zawa (lol)
Chapter 107: Keeping up with the Bakugou's
Chapter 108: Family Portraits
Chapter 109: Sports, Classmates and Friends!
Chapter 110: Forward and backwards.
Chapter 111: Ninken
Chapter 112: Totally Oblivious
Chapter 113: Eren Yeager
Chapter 114: A Familiar face
Chapter 115: Yuri Plisetski's Request
Chapter 116: Practice...
Chapter 117: Moving in!!!
Chapter 118: (y/n).. (m/n).. what?
Chapter 119: Competition!
Chapter 120: Yuri Plisetski Special ๐Ÿ’–
Chapter 121: Reverse come back
Chapter 122: Shota Aizawa
Chapter 123: End of Sports City
Chapter 124: Dorm room
Chapter 125: Shoto Todoroki
Chapter 126: After effects
Chapter 127: Iruka Umino
Chapter 128: Tomorrow
Chapter 129: Provisional Training
Chapter 130: Ninken, Gamakichi and Katsuyu
Chapter 131: We meet again, Sasuke.
Chapter 132: Unwanted Reunion
Chapter 133: Revisiting Old Memories
Chapter 134: Sasuke VS .. (y/n)?
Chapter 135: Under A Genjutsu
Chapter 136: Our Bond
Chapter 137: Sleep...
Chapter 138: The Misunderstanding
Chapter 139: Isolation
Chapter 140: Depression.
Chapter 141: Advice
Chapter 142: Provisional Hero License!
Chapter 143: RUSH!!!
Chapter 144: Rescue part 1
chapter 145: Rescue part 2
Chapter 146: In or Out?
Chapter 147: The Master and the student(s)
Chapter 148: Training
Chapter 149: Forgive and Forget
Chapter 150: Collaboration
Chapter 151: Sage Mode?
Chapter 152: Sparring 0700
Chapter 153: What if?
Chapter 154: The Announcements!!!
Chapter 155: Letters from Gaara
Chapter 156: ๆ„›
Chapter 157: USJ
Chapter 158: Hide and Seek
Chapter 159: XOXO~
Chapter 160: Meow~
Chapter 161: Works of a Medical-nin
Chapter 162: Isami High!
Chapter 163: STICK to the plan
Chapter 164: A wake up call
Chapter 165: A close call
Chapter 166: Friends
Chapter 167: Two Great Sage Toads
Chapter 168: Jiraiya the Gallant
Chapter 169: The Seal's Key
Chapter 170: Bingo
Chapter 171: Bingo Book part 2
Chapter 172: villains alike
Chapter 173: News
Chapter 174: Death to another Member
Chapter 175: home alone
Chapter 176: Visiting Konoha
Chapter 177: Big bro, Naruto.
Chapter 178: Sage Mode Continues
Chapter 179: Invitation to I-island
Chapter 180: Mt Myoboku
Chapter 181: Gamamru
Chapter 182: Bittersweet Vacation
Chapter 183: Melissa Shield
Chapter 184: shopping and sightseeing
Chapter 185: Guess who?!
Chapter 186: Challenge Accepted!
Chaoter 187: The Honored and The Unexpected Guests
Chapter 188: Cornered to a fault!
Short A/N!!
Chapter 189: Mistakes and Regret
Chapter 190: Mind Control Puppetry
Chapter 191: Wrath
Chapter 192: Fight or Flight
A/N ๐Ÿ˜ฑ (BOOK 2!)

Chapter 32: His weakness

3.4K 130 84
By could_careless

-----NO ONE'S POV-----

They continued to watch the battle between Master and Disciple on the screen in front of them. Kicks, flips, slashes and dodges filled the screen, The camera couldn't capture a solo shot of either one of the two because of how fast they were moving. Time moved fast but none seemed to notice it. Aizawa walked into the room "Satou, Kirishima. It's time for your practical exam." He called out he noticed the two's gaze and followed it leading to (y/n) battle.
"What about (y/n)'s battle sir? I though we'd only get thirty minutes each?" Kirishima asked. 
"Yes but there has been some minor changes. (y/n) and her teacher's battle might go on for a while. The thirty minutes doesn't apply to them. He personally asked to extend their time."
"And you agreed? Isn't this kind of unfair?"
"Maybe but i didn't accept his request. Principal Nezu did." Aizawa defended.
"Then that means he's literally testing her." Midoriya said looking at the screen.
"What better way to see how one improved than to fight them head on." Todoroki said.
"Right." Aizawa said and turned to Kirishima and Satou. "Come now you two. Cementos is waiting." They both whined but followed him out the door to their battle.

(y/n) was caught off guard and got kicked on her back sending her tumbling forward. She turned around and Kakashi was standing with her sword in hand. "Not holding back you say?" He looked at her sword. "You haven't used this once." he threw the sword at her. She held out her palms and caught the sword twirling it and redirecting its aim to the ground beside her. The sword cut through the ground.

(Master shifu dis shiz)

She looked at him and as did he. 

"She caught the sword?!" Mineta exclaimed. 
"No. She merely redirected the sword away from her." Todoroki said.
"Tai jutsu?" Ino asked out loud.
"She managed to use it for defensive use. Im impressed." Asuma said smiling.
"Taijutsu? What's that?" Midoriya asked.
"Its a combat skill, technique or system of martial art using body movements. You know it as Hand-to-hand combat." he paused. "But using it as a shield and redirect it must have took many hours to perfect."
Shikamaru huffed amused. "Thank the Hyugas, Neji and Hinata. They were the one's who taught her. Maybe throw in Lee in there for extra credit." Azuma hummed. They continued to watch in silence apart form Choji's occasional chip crunch and muffled chews.

(shh. ive put a restraint on Katsuki, i don't want Choji to go on a rampage because of the ash blonde bomb.)

Kakashi had his kunai in hand while (y/n) pulled out the sword from the ground and both began to charge at each other clashing their weapons creating a small spark here and there. This time it was (y/n) who did most of the attacks, all Kakashi could do was step back to dodge and block her in coming attacks. Kakashi flipped backwards putting some distance as soon as she was far away her.

(Just imagine its sword and not a scythe),

The class along with Recovery Girl watched worriedly with a hint of doubt in their mind.
"She's not actually trying to kill him right?" No one answered, no one knew what to think.

He did some hand signs and placed his palms flat on the ground. (y/n) knew what jutsu that was, she placed her sword back in its holder and waited for the right moment to move. The earth started to shake, rumbling. Up rose multiple walls carved with dog heads, blocking (y/n)'s view. The ground in front of her shook, the walls rising closer and closer as if they were trying to hit her. She jumped up standing on the wall, she did some signs, she placed her hand wrapping around her wrist point downwards. Soon a burst of blue-ish light appeared on her palm along with a familiar electrifying sound of a thousand birds screeching. She slowly let go of her wrist and let her free hand slump down beside her.

"What? She can do electricity too? Aw come on." Kaminari said slightly bummed out and complaining but mostly he was impressed.
Midoriya, Mineta and Asui. looked at the screen surprised at the familiar scene.
"hey that seems familiar." Mineta said.
"She did that in USJ too! Ribbit." Asui said.
"That's right! She used it and electrocuted the villains in the water." Midoriya recalled.
"So that was her." Iida said remembering the event.
"Um hey, Asuma-sensei, if you don't mind me asking but what's that called?" Midoriya asked pointing at (y/n).
"It's called 'chidori'. Kakashi taught her that." He said calmly watching with his team.
"He did?" Most of them said in shock.
"Only three people use it. Kakashi taught the other two." Asuma said.
"So what you mean to say is.." Midoriya looked at him shivering a little.
"He was the one who created it. Yes." Asuma finished his sentence for him.

(Y/n) ran and jumped on the walls heading to Kakashi who was still had his hands on the floor. She came from above and used the chidori at him. Kakashi was able to move, tucking and rolling under (y/n) slipping away.

The chidori landed on the ground making it explode, chunks of the earth broke and flew off through every direction. Kakashi jumped up and kicked her on her back downwards. She smashed to the ground creating more cracks. She stood up from the smoke and debris and turned around to look at her sensei. She took off her mask and smirked "So?" Kakashi stood up and placed his hand on his hip. "You're doing great." He hummed. She looked pleased with herself and smiled. "Don't lose focus now. We're still fighting." He said standing in a fighting stance. "Of course." she placed her mask back and waited for him to make a move.

Kakashi Summoned a clone and did chidori, (y/n) readied herself. The two Kakashis rans towards (Y/n) With the lightning transmission. 

(Y/n) summoned a chidori too she waited for him to get closer. When the two got closer it was just as before, both were tying to hit one another while dodging each other, complete with jumps and flips but this time with two senseis and lighting on everyone's hand. As expected two verses one proved to be a challenge, especially with two fast ass ninjas. (Y/n) didn't notice but Kakashi was right behind her and the lightning bolt cut through her.

"He.. He actually cut her." One student said, Everyone was shocked to see that (y/n) was impaled.
"I-is this even legal?"
"Did he actually kill her?"
No one answered, they couldn't, they were in too much shock to be able to talk back. Their minds blanked hoping that their friend was alive.
"Recovery girl!"
As recovery girl was about to call an emergency halt they heard a female scream from the T.V.

A sword dug trough Kakashi's back and came out through his chest. He looked at the sword and turned his head to the (H/c) haired female behind him. "How did you know?" He spoke shakily.
"Ive used it way to much i can easily spot you and you didn't really make it hard, I kept track of which is which." She said smug. The first (Y/n) turned into a piece of log while the kakashi that (y/n) impaled turned into a lightning version of him that turned into an electric bomb. "A bomb?!" she want fast enough to dodge it and she got electrocuted, she was sent back a few feet away.

"Wait? Clones?" Everyone sighed in relief.
"For a second there i though he killed her then i though she killed him." Kirishima who had done his exam huffed "This fight i can't." His other classmates joined him placing their hand on their chest as if holding on to their hearts.
"Is she okay? How many times have we asked that question now?" The voice thought out loud to itself.

She stood up cracking her neck, stretching it. Now it was Kakashi and (y/n) again looking at each other. (y/n) placed the sword back into it's holster not looking away. "Im impressed. I didn't even see you use a substitution jutsu."
"Learned it from you." She shrugged sticking her arm out to the side and re-summoned chidori. Kakashi hummed and placed his free hand in the other chidori and stretched it, snapping it in two. Kakashi charged at her to attack. 

She placed her free hand on the ground as soon as Kakashi got close enough, He was about to strike at her when a wall rose from the ground and caught his hand. He hummed and pulled out his hand before she could trap him there. He retreated by flipping up high through the air he used another jutsu and sent a dog towards the girl. The dog was made out of electricity that shot out from the mans chidori, it had red eyes and darted towards her in a jagged formation much like lightning. She tried her best to escape the lightning hound but it jumped on her clinging on her shoulders and bit down on her throat.


"AAAAAGGGHHHH!" she had launched herself upwards, chidori in hand and was now close to the silver haired male. Kakashi knew it was too late to dodge it so he prepared himself to come in contact with her chidori.

Bright lights filled the area, too bright to even make out what happened. The cameras changed to a scene right by the trees not too far from the light. The ground shook and winds blew. Walls that the two had created a while ago had broken off into small pieces of debris that flew along the leaves and small branches in the winds. The trees where forced to tilt away from the explosion that caused it to permanently stay askew.

"What happened?" Kirishima asked
"The two chidoris are like lightning, when they touch the ground  they create a small explosion like of that with actual lightning but when the two collided it created a bigger explosion and blinding light." Midoriya analyzed.
"Somehow i don't think this is an exam anymore." Kaminari sweat dropped looking at the screen shaken.
"Ice, fire now lightning and earth? What else can she use?" Todoroki asked out loud.
"Water but her water techniques are advanced thus, the ice manipulation." Asuma said.
"That's just crazy!" Kyoka said.
"Look!" Uraraka said pointing at the two figures at the screen.

Two figures slumped over tired but not worn out yet. Kakashi's sleeve was ripped off exposing his arm. His mask wasn't torn off but a cut was made only slightly exposing his cheek. (y/n) was just as torn as her sensei the gloves she wore was gone and her mask was chipping away. The garter that held her mask in place snapped when a soft breeze flew by exposing her face to the outside world. 

'How long has this fight lasted? Its  not even over yet. Im losing my goal here. Capture him with the cuffs or make it through the damn gate.'

She huffed out steady breaths and closed her eyes for a short while trying to think of a plan to end this shenanigans. Kakashi took this opportunity to tackle her. (y/n) was fast too but she panicked when she was him inches away from her. She used her substitution jutsu and appeared right behind the wood then she summoned multiple shadow clones surrounding her and her sensei. It was an overwhelming amount of clones that Kakashi couldn't help but stare and wonder at the amount of clones she had summoned. 

"Sexy reverse harem technique!"

The clones changed into different looking naked women surrounded with clouds and smoke that covered their private areas. They swung their hands around the infamous copy ninja giggling in a flirtatious manner. "Ne~ Kakashi." They all said in unison the masked ninja was frozen solid. One of the clones handcuffed Kakashi while he was still in his trance. The clones disappeared and the original (y/n) took Kakashi's free hand and quickly cuffed him from the back with one swift movement. 

A horn blew signaling the end of the exam. (y/n) sighed and turned to her sensei. "Sorry i panicked!" she bowed. He looked at her and laugh lightheartedly "You made me lose my guard. You're really like your brother." He smiled closed eye. "But don't expect that to happen again." he said still smiling but his aura was WAY different. "Y-yes sir." she said. They walked to the gate where the others where waiting, Kakashi still had his hands behind his back. 

"(y/n)!" Uraraka greeted running towards her the others followed as well. The teachers along with Asuma walked to the still hand cuffed male.
"I didn't expect you to go down like that." Asuma teased Kakashi.
"Yeah yeah." Kakashi said lazily rubbing his wrists.
"Should we let her pass after what she did? She seduced her way out of that." Aizawa asked generally.
"Well she did pass. She managed to follow instructions and capture her opponent." Midnight said.
"She did well. Its a pass for me." Kakashi said walking away waving his hand. "If you need me you know where i am." He said though it seemed to be directed at Asuma-sensei. 

-----YOUR POV-----

"THAT WAS AWESOME! Though that ending was so unmanly!" Kirishima said making me laugh nervously. 
"Yeah sorry about that. I panicked." I scratched the back of my neck.
"WHO WHERE THOSE BEAUTIFUL WOMEN?!" Kaminari and Mineta asked small blood coming out of their noses. I placed my hand on my hip and looked at them.
"Really?" i said unamused.
Kaminari whistled and walked back while Mineta continued to ask.
"Dude look i don't know any of them i just imagined different women and boom. you got it." I could tell they weren't satisfied with my answer. "Look if it helps it wasn't like that back then. I copied women form the magazines." They blinked.
"Go on." Kyoka said. 
"Look, back then me and my brother where trouble makers." 
"Isn't that the truth." Shikamaru said.
"Back then they caused trouble all over konoha. There certainly made a name for themselves." Ino said.
"It was my role to distract while Naruto got away from painting on walls but that turned over since he can never be sneaky. We exchanged roles so he distracted while i got away."
Ino, Shikamaru and Choji looked at me disapprovingly.

I looked at my classmates and noticed that Izuku and Katsuki was no where to be seen. 
"Wheres Izuku and Katsuki?" 
"Those two are in the infirmary." Asui and Uraraka told me everything that happened.
"Looks like Recovery girl could need your help. By the look of it they won't wake up till sundown." Asuma-sensei said walking over to us.
"Right." I nodded and looked at the teachers but couldn't see Kakashi-sensei.
"Wheres Kakashi-sensei?"
"He just left." Asuma-sensei said lighting a cigarette.
"Wont he be staying for the night?" Choji asked. Asuma-sensei shrugged.
"I already told him."
"I'll go get him." I said running off to find Kakashi-sensei.

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