Niall Horan Imagines

By chrissy_horan

877K 11.1K 2.8K

Made some Niall Horan imagines for everyone! ❤ More

⚠❗Author's Note❗⚠
1° You're Pregnant
2° He Wakes You Up
3° Little Miss Stalker
4° Grocery Time
5° Niall's Little Happy Family
6° Anniversary
7° Watching "This Is Us" Together
8° Test Drive
9° Your Worst Nightmare
10° You Are A Youtuber
11° Cravings
12° Birthday Present
13° Laundry
14° He Misses You
15° Wedding (Part 1)
15° Wedding (Part 2)
15° Wedding (Part 3)
16° The Baby Is Coming!
17° Los Angeles
18° Unexpected
19° Dirty Imagine
20° You Cheated On Him
22° How Everything Started
21° Shoe Shopping
23° Monthly best friend
24° Secret Love
25° Disneyland
26° Morning sex
27° Coffee Shop
28° I need you
29° Baby
30° After work
31° Late Study
32° Christmas Prank
33° Miscarriage
34° By Your Side
35° Mother's Day
36° Gym time
37° "Wait what?"
37° "Wait what?" (Part 1)
37° "Wait what?" (Part 2)
38° Vlogging series
37° "Wait what?" (Part 3)
39° Packing
40° Vlogging series: Drive-thru
41° Surprise
42° Sorry I Left
Niall and Hailee
43° You're Under Arrest (Part 1)
43° You're Under Arrest (Part 2)
44° Don't Leave Me Alone
45° Slow (Dirty Imagine)
46° Twenty-five
47° He'll be back
48° Halloween Series: Surprise
49° Halloween Series: Pumpkin War
50° Halloween Series: Costume
51° Halloween Series: Trick or 'Treat'
52° Good girl gone bad (Part 1)
52° Good girl gone bad (Part 2)
53° Just like Niall
47° He'll be back (Part 2)
54° Christmas Series: Special Delivery
55° Christmas Series: Chicken Soup
56° Christmas Series: New York City
57° Christmas Series: Hate
58° Christmas Series: Starving
59° Christmas Series: Wedding Anniversary
60° Christmas Series: Happy New Year
61° What A Time
62° Back to Life
63° Hero
64° Meeting the girls
65° Meeting the boys
66° I'll get her back (Part 1)
67° Vlogging series: Food buddies
66° I'll get her back (Part 2)
66° I'll get her back (Part 3)
66° I'll get her back (Part 4)
68° I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here
69° Father's Day
70° You Are My Home
71° First time saying "I love you."
72° Husband Goals
73° You'll Always Have Me
74° The Moment I Knew
75° Worth the Wait (Dirty Imagine)
76° "And I Do."
77° Don't Even Try, Horan
She's back?
78° Christmas Series: Ada and Stitch
79° Christmas Series: To Niall and (Y/N)
80° Christmas Series: Niall's Support System
81° Christmas Series: Is it a Boy or a Girl?
82° Christmas Series: Ladybug
83° Christmas Series: New Year, New Petal
84° Meet the Horan's (Part 1)
84° Meet the Horan's (Part 2)
84° Meet the Horan's (Part 3)
84° Meet the Horan's (Part 4)
85° Still
86° Black and White
87° Put A Little Love On Me
88° Quarantine With You
89° My Pimp
90° The Right Thing To Do (Part 1)
90° The Right Thing To Do (Part 2)
90° The Right Thing To Do (Part 3)
91° Niall's Little Tricks
92° Oh Brother!
94° Quizzing My Boyfriend On Female Products
95° You Thought Niall's Cheating On You
Everything Comes To An End
96° A Decade And A Two
97° She's A Fighter
98° Zoom With The Lads
99° (Un)forgettable Birthday
100° Fire Away
u n p u b l i s h
n h 2

93° More Than I Expected

2.9K 59 18
By chrissy_horan

This imagine is requested by OneDirectionh0es! Sorry it took me a while but I hope you like it!

I hope you guys will like and enjoy it as well! ❤️

Thank you for all of the support and patience!

Love y'all so much!
Stay safe and hydrated!



(Y/N)'s POV

It's 11 am in the morning and I'm home alone in Niall's house here in London. Niall went to the groceries to buy some food, vitamins and all of my pregnancy cravings.

Yes, Niall and I are pregnant.

I'm already 13 weeks pregnant which means I'm in my second trimester. We haven't told anyone about the news when I was in my first trimester because we wanted to be sure because when I was in my first trimester the Ob-gyn told us that I have pregnancy complicatios but thank goodness me and my baby are now perfectly healthy.

This morning we called Niall's family relatives and they are so happy for the both of us. Maura is so excited that she sent me a lot of information about pregnancy and parenting.

Once Niall gets home, we'll have lunch and then call Roman Kemp, my brother, and tell him the news. I'm actually a little nervous on telling him because he believes in sex-after-marriage type of situation so I don't know how he'll react when Niall and I tell him that I'm pregnant.

Around 30 minutes, Niall was home bringing the groceries that he bought with his cousin because his cousin lives here with him way before Niall and I got together.

“Hey babe, instead of telling Roman today through Zoom, why don't you come with me tomorrow at the Capital FM. I have a scheduled interview with him tomorrow and I think it's better if we tell him personally don't you think?” Niall asked while he was in the kitchen preparing our lunch and I'm in the living room scrolling through my phone

“Yeah, I think that's a great idea but I prefer if we tell it to him after your interview.” I answered

“Sure, so how are you today?” Niall asked walking in the living room and knelt in front of me “Are you feeling good?”

“Felt a little tired a while ago but I'm alright.” I smiled at him while giving my belly a soothing rub

“You're getting bigger and bigger every week and it's starting to get scary.” Niall said making me chuckle

“I know, it's making me miss my little bump too.” I pouted

“I can't believe it feels like yesterday when I was still calling it a peanut.” He smiled

I still remembered the day when we found out that I was pregnant and it was the best thing that ever happened in our one year relationship. Niall couldn't stop jumping around the room and screaming “I'm going to be a daddy! I'm going to be a daddy!” when I showed him the result on the pregnancy stick.

Then that night, before we slept he said good night to me and added “Good night peanut, I love you.” It was the purest moment that I spent with Niall which made me love him even more.


“I'll see you later.” Niall said before giving me a kiss on the cheek while I was in the kitchen making myself a brunch while Niall on the other hand is about to leave for his interview at Capital FM “I'll call Mark to pick you up around 12. Make sure to eat and take your vitamins before leaving the house okay?”

“Yes.” I nodded “Drive safely. Good luck on your interview, I love you.”

“Thank you, bye love you both.” He said giving my belly a kiss also

It's around 10 in the morning when Niall left so I still have two or less hours to get ready before Mark will pick me up. I am currently making a vegan taco because I am craving for taco bell this morning but I don't want to eat 'unhealthy'. As much as possible I try to eat vegan in my diet because I'm also feeding a baby in my belly so I want my baby to be healthy when he/she comes out.

After having brunch and taking a shower, I walked-in to my side of Niall's walk-in closet to pick on an outfit to wear. Ever since my belly was growing I was wearing a lot of Niall's clothes because they are much more comfortable than wearing a crop t-shirt or halter tops, so I decided to wear Niall's navy blue t-shirt pairing it with my black Nike biker shorts then wore my-all time favorite slides from Adidas.

It was exactly 12 when Mark arrived. I grabbed my phone and wallet and said goodbye to Niall's cousin before leaving the house.

“Good afternoon, (Y/N). You look beautiful with your belly.” Mark said when he opened the door of the backseat

“Thanks, Mark. I miss you so much, it's been a while since I last saw you.” I said giving him a hug before entering the car

It's also been three months since I got out of the house. I've been bed-ridden on my first trimester because the Ob-gyn ordered me 'to rest and rest and rest' because that's was best for me and my baby. So I'm really excited on going out and seeing the outside world again.

“How are you Mark?” I asked trying to make a conversation with him

“I'm good, thank you. I'm also so glad to finally see you again, looking all happy and healthy.” Mark answered making me smile

“Awe, that's so sweet. Well, I've been really trying to stay away from stress and trying to eat healthy.” I said

“That's good.” He said “Niall also told me how he's excited on having a baby. Every time I take him to work, he won't shut up about it.” He added making me laugh


When we arrived at the building of Capital FM, paparazzi are everywhere. I quickly called Niall and told him about the situation.

“Oh shit, tell Mark to go around. He knows it already, I'll meet you there.”

I ended the call with Niall and told Mark to go around and he drove us to the back entrance of the building which is more quiet and safer for me to go out. Like what Niall said he'll meet me here and he was. Standing outside the door munching a burger.

“I can't believe you're eating a burger right in front of me.” I said once I got out of the car “You know I'm trying to eat healthy.”

“It's In-and-Out, you know how intense my love for In-and-Out burgers.” He said making me playfully roll my eyes at him

“So how was your interview?” I asked him while we are walking towards my brother's dressing room

“It went well. Better than I expected.” He said while throwing the burger wrap on to the trash can 

“That's good to know.” I said before we knocked in front of Roman's dressing room

“Come in.” We heard him said through the door

“After you.” Niall said opening the door for me

“(Y/N)! It's good to see you! Miss you sis.” He said as he stands up on his chair then he stopped on his tracks when he saw my belly

“What's that?” He asked pointing at it

“I have a baby growing inside me.” I casually answered “The reason I'm here because Niall and I want to tell you about it. You're going to be an uncle!”

“No kidding?” He said and I felt that he isn't happy right now

“Niall, uhm. Is it okay if you wait for me outside?” I asked Niall and he got the code so he nodded and left the room

“No way you're having a baby with Niall Horan.” He said crossing his arms

“Of course I'm having a baby with him because he's my boyfriend.” I said

 He then paced back and forth in the room while running his fingers through his hair

“Okay I get it, you're not happy but a little support will be helpful.” I said

“Are you aware how hectic and crazy his work is?” He asked “Most of the time he's gone, (Y/N). You are dating on one of the famous singers in the industry! And now you're having a baby with him?!”

“Roman, Niall and I have talked about this. Anyway, he's been there for me since we found out. He is always taking care of me and--”

“So what if he started touring? Who'll take care of you?”

He's right about that one, I'm not ready to do this alone when Niall starts touring after my labor. When the baby is born after four months, Niall we'll be touring around the world and won't be home for a long time.

“We haven't talked about that part yet. We'll get there once we cross the bridge but for now we'll stick to the plan that we have right now.” I sighed

“See! This is what I've been telling you before. If you just broke up with him way back--”

“You know I can't do that! I love him, Roman!” I exclaimed “Breaking up with him isn't the solution here and it will never be!”

“How about you then? How about--”

“I don't care about myself right now! I just want my baby to have a father. I want my baby to have a father growing up and an uncle to support him/her when he's dad is not around.” I said trying to stay calm because I can't be stress right now, it's not good “Aren't you supposed to be happy about this? You're sister is having a baby and it's making me happy. I am so happy that I am having a family to the person I really love and now you're trying to take that away from me?”

“I know it sounds selfish but I just want what's best for you. I just don't want you to get hurt.” He said walking towards me and gave me a hug

“I'll be fine. Niall loves me so much and so does the baby.”

“Okay, I'm sorry.” He said “But don't hesitate to call me when things started to crumble.”

“Thank you.” I smiled at him

“Gosh, I'm going to be an uncle.” He said making me chuckle


“Take care you two.” Roman said before closing the door of the passenger seat

“Bye, love you.” I said before Niall and I drove away

“Well that went well.” Niall said while intertwining his hand with mine

“Yeah, more than I expected.” I chuckled

“You look cute with my shirt by the way.”


“You're belly looks good on it.” He said making me blush “So, do you want to grab something before we head home?”

“None, I got it all right here.” I said while raising his hand and giving the back of it a kiss “I love you.”

He blushed and smlied at me “I love you, too.”


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