Our Lost Memories [Jungkook X...

By Heartysum

359 33 1

Jungkook and y/n, when they both woke up, they thought they have lived for 20 years in the normal world, but... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Fun facts :)

Chapter 15

6 1 0
By Heartysum

Y/n POV:

"Father, you can't do this!" I looked at Heji disbelieve. "Heji, can you..." I couldn't say anything more, I was still in shock. 

"I will explain to you later Y/n. But please father don't kill anybody." She stood in front of Taehyung. Mr Lee put down his gun, "Stay away Heji." He said calmly. 

"No! As long as you promise not to hurt anyone!" Heji shouted. "Fine! Now I'm not patient at all so I gave you guys one more day!" He then slammed the door shut, leaving the four of us. I sat beside Jungkook who was still not in a condition. 

"Y/n.." Heji spoke. I glared at her, "You betrayed me too Heji... I thought you are my best friend." I said in anger. "No Y/n please let me explain!" I looked at her and nodded. 

"Yes I'm the daughter of Mr Lee. And yes at first I wanted to be your friend is because my father's order. But the friendship between us was not fake. I really enjoy being your best friend, Y/n, that's the reason I never hurt you though my father told me to. And when I knew you and Jungkook went inside the other side world I was worried but I can do nothing. I was ordered to go inside to cooperate with Taehyung in this whole act. I don't mean to hurt you, I'm sorry Y/n..." she felt guilty, she felt guilty of hiding the truth to me. 

"So, you knew Jungkook when we were at that Cafe?" I asked. "..yes... I recognised him but I didn't say anything to you guys." (If some of you don't know, you guys can go back to chapter 2, there's a conversation at the very first part. That's the conversation of Heji with Mr Lee about Heji saw Jungkook at the Cafe)


"Jungkook!" I went into Jungkook embrace and hugged him tightly. "I missed you Jungkook." I smiled brightly at him. He chuckled and said, "I miss you too Y/n, I remembered everything now and I've also heard what you told me." He grinned. 

"But we didn't feed you any medicine why will you awake..." "Rare blood." Taehyung said quietly. "Why are they both still here Y/n, they betrayed us." Jungkook burned in anger. 

"No wait Jungkook, it's not the time to fight. What did you say Taehyung?" "I won't say another time." He let out a small chuckle. 

"He said rare blood." Heji answered us. "Heji..." Taehyung glared at her but Heji ignored it. "Rare blood is a blood that if a person is just hurt by punching or slapping too hard, if they don't send to hospital immediately, they won't die easily even when they pass out. Well so basically, you both have the rare blood and it is really useful for experimenting..." we listened carefully. 

"For what I know, they will bring your bodies to do a more advancing experiment, tomorrow." Heji continued. 

"Tomorrow?!" We exclaimed. Heji nodded with a sad smile. "We should do something..." Jungkook mumbled. "Oh no, you can't do anything, just wait to be controlled by them." Taehyung said with a bare face. 

"I will help you guys." Heji said. "I'm very known about this building so I think I can help you guys." "Thank you, but first, can I have some food?" Jungkook asked. "Yes wait for a moment." Heji then ordered a guard to bring food into the room. 

"Okay so first we need a plan, will you join, Taehyung?" Heji asked. "Oh no you MUST join our plan, just think of my father almost kill you, aren't you angry?" Taehyung gazed at Heji and after a while, "Fine I'll join." 

Nothing to say, enjoy!

-author nim

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