By ernsts22

18.7K 160 57

After the battle with Dark Gaia and Team RWBY getting themselves home, Tails, was able to find a portal to th... More

Round One
New Challengers
Its Brawl in the Family
Lessons Learned
Never Miss a Beat
Heroes and Monsters
End of the Beginning

Battle of Beacon

1.2K 13 3
By ernsts22

In the fairgrounds:

The students were running away from the Grimm as Atlas soldiers were shooting the Grimm, but they didn't stand a chance.
Weiss: I don't believe this.
Tails: We need to call the others.
Blake takes out her scroll and calls Yang.
Blake: Yang, are you okay?
Yang and Zwei got out of their dorm and runs off.
Yang: I'm fine. Is Ruby with you? She's not answering her scroll.
Blake: No, she isn't. Yang, I'm sure she's fine. She's our leader, she can take care of herself. Plus, she got Sonic.
Yang: Right.
Weiss: This can't be happening.
Tails: There's so many of them.
Yang: I'm heading to the docks near the courtyard. White Fang are releasing Grimm into the school!
Blake: The White Fang is Here?! Yang!
Yang: Got to go! Be careful.
Yang ends the call.
Weiss: Blake, what are we gonna do?
Blake: We're going to the docks, and we're doing our job.
Blake puts a code in her scroll as her weapon was here.
Tails: Alright!
Weiss: I'm with you!

In the Colosseum:
The Nevermore caws as it was breaking the barrier.
Robotic Announcer: Warning safety barriers failing.
Jaune: Pyrrha! Pyrrha, that thing's going to break in! You've gotta move!
Jaune goes down to the stage and runs towards Pyrrha.
Nora: Jaune!
Sonic: Jaune!
Jaune: Guys! Watch out!
The Nevermore goes for another hit as the barrier shatters and blows them away.
Sonic: Whoa! Now that's a bird!
As the Nevermore goes for an attack, Ruby uses her semblance to hit the Nevermore with Penny's sword.
Pyrrha: Ruby?
Sonic: Ruby! Nice one! Also, where did you get that? That doesn't matter now!
Ruby: Leave them alone!
As the Nevermore goes for an attack, Sonic runs towards it and slides under it as he uses his gloves to shoot energy blasts.
The Nevermore flies around and goes straight for them, but a bunch of lockers stopped it from moving.
Sonic: Huh? Where did those things come from?
All of the lockers open as it was the weapons. All of the students from the tournament comes in the stage.
Sonic: Hey guys! Nice timing!
The Nevermore gets back up as the students dodged it. Ren goes on top of the Nevermore and hits it with his weapon. Nora jumps and hits the Nevermore with her hammer as it knocks it down. Arslan swings Yatsuhashi up in the air with her string as Sage was also in the air. They both go down with their powerful swords and cuts the head as it disappears.
Jaune gives Pyrrha her sword and shield.
Jaune: Whoever was trying to destroy Beacon is the one responsible. And we have to make sure they don't take anyone.
Sonic: Yeah! That's what I like to hear! Alright everybody, let's get ready to do this! We'll show those creeps and the ones responsible the real power of teamwork!
More Grimm comes as a Griffon we're coming down.
Ruby: Sun, i need your scroll.
Sun hands her his scroll as Ruby gets her weapon in the locker. Ruby gives it back to Sun as she goes for her weapon, but a Griffon comes and tries to steal it. As it tries to, Port uses his weapon to shoot the Griffon.
Port: Students. I think it would be best for you to leave.
Ruby: But we can fi-
Oobleck: Miss Rose. This day will surely go down in Remnant's history. I'd prefer it if my students could live to tell about it.
Ruby takes her weapon.
Ruby: Let's go!
Sonic: Yeah!
All of the students run off except for Velvet as she was taking a picture of Sonic and Ruby.
Coco: Velvet!
Velvet: Coming!
Sonic: Let's do it to it!
All of the students left as Port and Oobleck were fighting the Griffons.
Port: One final match, Barty! Place your bets!
People are screaming and running away as they were lining up to get into a ship for safety, but two more ships came and sent the Grimm out to attack.
The robots shoots the Grimm, but it didn't stand a chance as the Grimm breaks it in half.
Ironwood was looking at the Grimm as it rad coming for him. Ironwood and the Grimm run towards each other as ironwood takes out his gun and slides under the Grimm as he shoots the Grimm. The Grimm goes to attack Ironwood, but he dodges it and stops the Grimm with his hand. Ironwood shoots as it made an explosion as the Grimm was in the air as Ironwood slams the Grimm to the floor and shoots the head as it disappears.
Sonic and all of the students came to see Ironwood.
Sonic: Look, it's Penny and Ironwood.
Ruby: What's going on?
Ironwood: Grimm are crawling all over the city. The White Fang has invaders Beacon and to make matters worse, some- Vagabond has seized one of my ships. Until we regain command, the skies are out of our control. So I'm-
Ironwood takes out his gun and shoots the Grimm.
Ironwood: Going to take it back.
Jaune: What should we do?
Ironwood: You have two choices: Defend your kingdom and your school... Or save yourselves. No one will fault you if you leave.
Sonic: Duh! Of course we're gonna defend the kingdom and the school!
Ironwood: Alright then. Let's move out!
Penny: Bye guys. I need to go.
Sonic: It's fine. Just be safe okay.
Ruby: We'll miss you, Penny.
Penny: I will miss all of you. Goodbye.
Ironwood and Penny goes in the ship as they leave.
Jaune: We can take a ship to Beacon.
As everyone was going, Sonic sees Ruby standing there.
Sonic walks up to Ruby.
Sonic: Ruby, they'll be okay. Right now we have to-
Ruby turns around and kisses Sonic in the lips.
Ruby: Thanks Sonic, for stopping the fight. If it wasn't for you, she would've-
Sonic: Don't. Just be glad that I was there. Anyway, let's go.
Ruby: Yeah.

In a ship:
Roman:Hmm, let's see. What does- this button do?
Roman pushes a button as the robots from the ship were falling from the sky as the back of the ship was open.
Roman: Hmm. Alright... Nothing.
Neo gives Roman the scroll.
Roman: Oh, ho ho. Now, this one, this one's gonna be fun.
The inside of the ship turns red.

In Beacon:
Goodwitch and Qrow were fighting off the Grimm. As the robots were going to shoot, the robots then turn red as it shoots at Goodwitch and Qrow.
Goodwitch: What?!
Tails, Weiss, and Blake made it to Beacon as they see the robots turn red as they turn around and goes to shoot.
Blake: Look out!
Blake grabs Tails and Weiss as they dodged the bullets. They were surrounded by robots as Weiss and Blake get out their weapons.
Weiss: Tails, stay close.
Tails: Hey, I can fight too!
Tails gets his cannon out.
Blake: Woah!
Weiss: Get ready!

In Ironwood's ship:
Ironwood was flying the ship as Penny was with him. The robots were in the back as they turned red and goes to shoot the ship.
Ironwood: No!
The robots shoots the ship as an explosion happened and another ship was there as Sonic and the other students were there.
Sonic: Oh no! Ironwood! Penny!
Ruby: No!
Sonic and Ruby goes out of the ship.
Sun: Ruby, Sonic! What are you doing?!
Sonic and Ruby jumps in the air as they skydived into the Colosseum.
Sonic: Let's hurry!
Ruby: Right!
Sonic and Ruby runs in the Colosseum as they got into a locker.
Sonic: So... Why are we standing on the lockers?
Ruby: We're going up!
Sonic: Going up?
The lockers then instantly goes up in the air.
Sonic: Whoa!
They both controlled the locker as they got into a ship that was in the air. A big thud happened as Roman and Neo were in the ship.
Roman: Go see what that is.
Neo then goes to the top of the ship.

With Tails, Weiss and Blake:
Tails shoots the robots with his blaster and does a tail whip to destroy the robots. Weiss uses her glyphs to go around fast and destroy the robots. Blake uses her weapon to attack the White Fang. As one of the White Fang was going to hit Blake, Weiss uses her gravity dust to send all of them to the air and send them down to the ground. They all see the Atlas soldiers fighting back against the big robot, but it knocks them over.
Weiss: Come on!
As they were about to go, a ship was falling down in Beacon as it made a explosion.
Weiss: Be safe.
Tails: Be careful, Blake.
Blake: I will.
Blake heads out to where the ship was while Tails and Weiss were helping the people.
Tails: Let's go, Weiss!
Weiss: Yeah!

With Blake:
Blake runs to where the ship was as it was at the cafeteria, but someone was there as someone kills the soldiers.
Blake: No. Adam?
Adam: Hello, my darling.

With the students:
All of the students were fighting back as they were taking out the Grimm. Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury we're on top of a building.
Cinder: My plan may have failed to kill that robot, but at least the people are scared. Beautiful.
Emerald: It's almost sad.
Cinder: It's horrendous. Focus on the Atlesean Knights.
Mercury takes out his scroll and records.
Mercury: Ho ho, I'm getting all of it.
Cinder: Good. Continue the broadcast until the end. And do not miss what happens next.

In Ozpin's office:
Ozpin looks at the footage of Beacon getting destroyed and people in fear running away.
Ozpin takes his weapon as he was leaving, but a big shake was happening around Beacon.
In Mount Glenn, a thing was inside as the mountain was breaking for it to be a Grimm Dragon. The Dragon screeches as it flies over to Beacon. The black drop fell on the floor as more Grimm were coming out of. The dragon arrives as it send more black drops for Grimm to come out of. The students out in Beacon ready their stances as Ozpin was outside. Pyrrha then walks towards Ozpin.
Nora: Where's she going?
Jaune: I'll go find out. You two stay here and keep fighting.
Cinder was on top of the building as her eyes then gets brighter and burning up.


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