Trust ➸ Jelena (major editing)

By borntorauhl

181K 6.1K 905

If I believe in love and you believe in love Then we can be in love somehow If you want the best for us Like... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two //
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five


6.6K 251 46
By borntorauhl

I ended up going to Alex's house after school and I just left out the door. He offered me a ride home but I told him I wanted to walk home. I needed one to think and get a good exercise out of it.

It was nice and bright outside. It wasn't too cold and it wasn't too hot either. It was perfect weather. I put in my earphones and continued down the sidewalk. Ten minutes into my walk, I recognized someone I knew. It was Justin who was playing basketball and he was pretty good.

He dribbled the ball to his right hand to his left hand in a matter of seconds; I've never seen somebody dribble so fast. The ball bounced in between his legs multiple times before he pulled up and jumped for a jump shot where he scores the perfect shot. Swish!

He smiled in satisfaction. He was proud of himself. He seemed confident in his abilities.

He then stopped and striped off his grey long-sleeved shirt, revealing his perfectly toned chest. His abs we're perfect—on fleek I should say. It was a nice view to see.

He had a few tattoos on his arms and about three on his chest. I was digging the cross on his chest. It was a great symbol. I've always loved guys with tattoos. Sadly, Alex didn't have any but I loved him either way.

Snapping out my thoughts, I realized I was like actually stalking him from afar. I should go talk to him instead of watching him. Maybe I'd get to know him a little better?

When I got close to Justin I spoke up, "You're pretty good, Justin."

He stopped and spun around to face me, "Thanks," he smiled slightly, holding the ball in his hands. He seemed startled but he didn't ask questions.

"Are you thinking about joining the basketball team? You'd totally make it!" I tell him.

"I am actually. I'm so pumped. Jason really wants me to join," he flashed me another smile. "I hope you don't mind me asking but, how did you find my house?"

"I was walking back from my boyfriends house. I spotted you from far away. I hope I didn't scare you. I'm not a stalker, I swear," I chuckled and giggled along with me.

"I don't consider you one," he laughed it off, "You and Alex are good now? I could hear him in Science class harassing you, I wanted to step in but I didn't want to make a scene..." I found it sweet that Justin was ready to step in and help me. He's so kind and selfless. He reminded me of myself because I would do anything for a friend.
"We had a misunderstanding, that's all. Thanks for being concerned. I never thought you'd be one to defend me." I simply gave him a smile.

"I'd do anything for someone like you," he gave me a warm smile before he bounced the ball on the ground. "You wanna play?" He asked. "Show me what you got." He winked.

"Yeah, let's do it." I exclaimed smiling. Now it's my time to show him my skills, even though I don't have any. But I'll try.

He passed me the ball and I started dribbling the ball right away. I passed the ball through my legs, surprising Justin, his eyes were wide.

"Someone has a hidden talent," he smirked a little. I giggled and shot the ball. I hit the rim. Damn it.

"Nice try, Selena," Justin grabbed the ball and bounced it back to me.

"Thanks," I smiled as I started dribbling again. This time I'm going to score. I have to. I dribbled the ball and Justin guarded me close.

Since we are playing against each other, I was determined to find an open shot, but Justin wouldn't let me, he was all over the court. He was quick on his feet and he was impossible to beat.

I tried going for a layup one last time, but I bumped into Justin, causing him to fall with me, my back to the ground. Luckily, he landed on his hands, so now he was hovered over me. That was a close one.

"Shit," I heard him say but not long after I heard him giggle. This shit hurt, it ain't funny.

"Are you okay?" I asked looking up into his eyes.

"I'm fine," he smiled, looking straight at me. His gleaming brown eyes were beautiful up close. "Question is, are you okay?" He giggled.

"I'm okay, don't you worry." I smiled off the pain. He helped me up and I brushed myself off.

"You're pretty good at basketball, Gomez. Good to know I have competition not far from home." He teased.

"You have a nickname for me now?" I raised a brow with a small grin on my lips.

"Yup," he smiled cutely.

"Alright, alright, but I'm calling you Bieber," I smiled, pointing over at him.

"And that's fine with me," he laughed, picking up the ball from the ground. Why haven't I met him sooner?

"Do you have plans...Friday?" He asked bluntly, gripping onto the basketball with his hands. He comes closer to me. He seemed nervous. He rubbed the back of his neck like any other nervous guy out there. 

"I'm free, what's up?" I smiled. I didn't have any plans with anyone so I have up for it. Any friend of Tanner's is a friend of mine.

"Do you wanna hang out?" He smiled shyly.

"Of course, I'd love to."

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