freaky | ondreaz lopez

By -ludicrously

196K 2.5K 961

teal hutchings isn't a hype house member but rather the friend of everyone in the hype house. her hobbies con... More



7.4K 92 44
By -ludicrously


"And I believe that if you don't shut the fuck up right now, I'm gonna get mad. You're really on my nerves." Hearing this come from Ryan's mouth as I am trying to get my point of view out isn't surprising, it just becomes more and more disappointing every time. Usually I would just go silent and move onto doing something else but this was important to me. I believe that Ryan was controlling this relationship and I tried to tell him this as respectful as possible but now he is only shutting me out. I can't go hang out with him because I enjoy his company but right now I'm not really enjoying it.

I picked myself up off the couch and grabbed my belongings from the side table. Walking up to him, I gave him a quick kiss before I headed for the door.
"Where are you going?" He asked, slightly edging off the couch and I looked back.
"Leaving." I pointed back to the door with a small smile.
"But we are hanging out right now." He remarked with a frown and I let out a chuckle.
"Yeah but I don't really want to hang out anymore. I'm going to see Emma because she's back from Paris." I knew what I was doing and I felt so good to be bad. I had a shit eating grin plastered on my face and held the most innocent eyes. "She's a lot more fun anyways."

I didn't let him respond as I walked out the door. I'm not a nice girl anymore and he can not walk all over me like he does. I pulled out my phone and dialled in Emma's number before calling. Pressing the phone to my ear, it rang a few times until Emma answered.
"Hey baby girl!" I called through the phone, "What are you doing? Because I'm ditching Ryan for you, and I think that means we need to hang out."
"It's like you read my mind, I'll get the coffee ready." She replied into the phone as there was shuffling. Emma must have been in bed due to the sounds in the background.
"I hope you weren't about to nap, sounds like you were ready for one." I commented and she let out a snort.
"No I was just editing my vlog in my bed." She informed me.
"Oh of course. I'm driving over now, I love you and I'll see you when I get there." I hung up the phone after she said her farewell.

Lately I haven't hung out with Emma, 've been spending most of my time with Kate. We've gotten really close and she's really inspiring me to keep up my whole "not a nice girl" plan. It's working out really well for me. I told Emma about my plan to and she agreed with it, mostly because she knows it will stop me from letting Ryan wipe his feet on me like a doormat.

I planned a little day for us, first we would drink some ice coffee and catch up before we paint portraits of each other. While those dry, we tan on her balcony. I pulled into her parking garage and texted her that I'm here. Collecting all the belongings I needed, Emma met me at her door.
"Hey baby girl!" I exclaimed, pulling jumping into she arms and I guess she was prepared for it because she caught me.
"Hello girlfriend!" She squeezed me in her arms before putting me down. Emma grabbed my hand, pulled me inside and we made our coffees.

Taking our seats on the outside table set, we started off catching up about our days that we haven't spent together and I told her about the party that I went to. She gave me a lecture about drugs before I promised her it wasn't going to be a re-occurring thing.  
"So, Ondreaz texted me the other day." She started off slow, testing my reaction. "Why would you tell him that we had a fight?"

Needless to say, I didn't tell Emma about the physical abuse from Ryan. Only that he was threatening it and was verbally abusive. She was going to find out sooner or later and I would rather she hear it from me. "Ryan has started to hit me, like purposely lay hands on me physically. Abuse. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to pity me and I'm in love with Ryan. I didn't want you to tell me to dump him." I surged out, trying to speak fast in order for my words to sound jumbled and incoherent.
"Fucking what?!" Emma shouted. She definitely heard it this time. "Teal I don't give a flying fuck if you love him! Because if I'm being honest, if he has the audacity to lay hands on you then baby girl he doesn't love you. There is no more love when there is physical abuse!" She was shouting at me, and I started to cry.
"I know I should break up with him and I will eventually. I'm just trying to get over him first." I whimpered and her angry facials softened. She calmed herself in her chair and motioned for me to sit with her. I got up from my seat, curled up in her lap and cried. She whispered sweet things to me and told me that I was gonna be okay. She also cursed Ryan a lot and I giggled at that.

"Can we tan now?" I sniffled, pulled myself from her lap. "I'm tanning naked thought because I can't have tan lines or I look funny."
"You don't even have to explain yourself, I already know." She laughed and my innocent demeanour dropped as my face scrunched. I scoffed at her and her laughter only grew.


notteal i'm pretty sure emma's neighbours were watching us naked tan

emmachamberlain 🤬🤬🤪

lopez_tony oh you naked naked 👀

katehealy tag urself i'm the neighbours

lilhuddy tag yourself i'm the hair towel

avani tag yourself i'm the towel touching her

ondreazlopez tag yourself i'm the ground she laid naked on

k0uvr tag yourself i'm declan watching from the window

patrickhuston tag yourself im the tree looking down on the naked tanning

oliviarouyre teal you have fan fans

username ryan been real quiet


slow burn otw!

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