Aria Solo A Star-Wars Story

By _Munson_Baby_

1.8K 51 16

Aria Solo, she is the younger sister of Ben Solo. Her best friend Poe and her went on a single mission to Jak... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 9

81 3 2
By _Munson_Baby_

Aria's Pov

I was in my quarters on the Starkiller base. While I was thinking about almost everything I couldn't just step into the dark side  of the force I even didn't know how to use the force properly. Yes I was
Angry at my parents because they lied to me about my brother and having the force in me. I was lost in thoughts and didn't realize it was already 1 in the morning. When I saw it was already that late I decided to try to get some sleep. So I laid down and closed my eyes. I soon felt sleep taking me over.

- 7 in the morning -

I woke up by a slight knock on my metal door I went out of bed en pressed the code to open the door. I was greeted by one of the droids.

"good morning miss Solo, since you didn't gave Comander Ren your new name I had to call you by your given name."

"good morning"

I said softly I could see it was a droid like C3P0 but in black and red the colours of the first order of course.

"I had to inform you to be at 8 in the training room, and he is waiting for you to tell him your new name."

I nodded my head and grab cup in the kitchen that is next to my bedroom. And make some tea since I don't really eat in the morning. While I was finished with my tea the droid left and I made my self ready to go to the training room.

I wore a black shirt with the logo of the first order with some basic leggings and some black sneakers. I walked my way to the training room and walked past Phasma.

"Hey Phasma! How are you?"

I greeted her and smiled at her. She gave me a nod while she of course wore her shiny silver armor.

"Greetings Aria, I'm good how are you?"

"I'm doing great I was just on my way to the the training room"

I said to her, I was glad to have a friend here I know I have my brother here but I never asked to be here... I even don't know what name I have to choose. I was hoping I just could use my name I have right now. I was so lost in my thoughts I bumped into someone. While I looked up I saw it was General Hux.

"I'm so sorry... General"

Was all I could say, I saw he was annoyed but he just nodded his head. I sighed in relief since he didn't say anything else and took off. So I walked to further to the training room. When I arrived there I was greeted by my brother without his helmet.

"Aria you made it, I am not going to push you but did you have a name yet?"

I was trembling on my feet I didn't had a name yet and I just asked him what I was thinking about it.

"can I just keep it like this? I don't know I just can't change who I am so directly."

He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. He came closer to me and spoke.

"my dear sister, I know it's hard especially when you are lied to about everyone. Mom, Dad, Uncle Luke and the hardest part of all for you Poe."

I looked at him and gulped. He was right but was it right for me to fight against the ones who raised me. Poe was a brother I never had.

"I'm your brother!"

Kylo half yelled and told me, I knew on that moment he read my thoughts.

"I know that! But when they let me believe my brother is death! Then yeah Poe was the brother I never had!"

I screamed back at him. I realized after my shouting at him my rage made the force within me going dark. That's not what I wanted. I looked at him and I could see guilt on his features.

"Aria... That's not my problem they lied to you... They could say at least I was ones your brother on D'Qar. But they didn't. For what? Because they wanted to hide you away from me, the first order!"

He said in a loud tone. I started to get more angry because of his words not only anger about my parents and best friend lied to me but also on the way he is talking. He came a bit closer again and without thinking or doing I was so angry at him and the truth he was saying I closed my eyes and screamed for him to stop but that was not the only thing that happened. When I opened my eyes I saw my brother laying down on the ground. I force pushed him for like 5 meters away. My hands started to shake and tears started to form that's not what I was expecting. He looked at me with a big smirk not a mad expression or something just that smirk.

"Well sister your getting the darkside quickly in you, oh and what beautiful your eyes changed to yellow. Welcome to the darkside sis"

He said and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Now give me a name or I give you one"

He said with a harsh tone in his voice. I kept quite and looked at him death in the eyes without any emotions.

"well since I can't use Aria Solo any-"

I was cut off by him.

"you make me very irritating Aria! So I will give you your name"

He smirked evilly and gave me a side hug.

"My dear sister your new name would now be k-"

OH WHOAW WHAT? K? Would he name her also whit a name with the letter K? Find out soon!

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