Just Us *Finished*

By Storm-Love

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Luna and Russel are new transfer students to Ouran Academy. In fact, they're new to Japan. They moved to Japa... More

Welcome To Ouran
Bothering Kyoya
First Day
The Jungle is A Kyoya place *Part 1*
The Jungle Is A Kyoya Place *Part 2*
Performing For You
Performing For The Host Club
Leaving Us
Beach Party *Part 1*
Beach Party *Part 2*
My Finale
Silent Dinner
Just Me
Friend's Are Forever
Don't Worry
Trust Me
3 Words For You
New School
Fall Apart
Facing The Past
My Story
My Heart To Yours
Last Song
Returning To The Life Of.... Haruhi?
Let's Make Lunch!
Like A Lost Puppy
I Don't Want A Lot For Christmas
I'll Be Home For Christmas
Walk In
What Will I Do?
The "L" Word
The Sequel!!!!!!!!!!

My Song For You

79 1 0
By Storm-Love

Luna's Pov

        I watched as women began streaming into the room, going to the Host of their choosing. It was amusing to say the least. Russel was watching with me, and was just as amused. After about a half hour Haruhi came over to us, I had moved to the table to sit with him, and brought us some coffee and me cake. "Thank you, Haruhi," I smiled at him and he nodded as he held the silver tray to himself," No problem!" He smiled, and then he was attacked by his fangirls, and I laughed as he was dragged off to his table, and began chatting with them. Eventually I caught a signal from Tamaki, and finished up my cake and headed up to the stage, and sat at the piano.

        He stood up and clapped his hands to gain everyone's attention. "Excuse me, ladies, but if I could have your attention for but a moment. I would like you all to meet, Luna Rhoades, our new performer." Everyone looked over at me and clapped, and I nodded slightly and smiled at them, cocking my head slightly," It's a pleasure to meet you all. I hope you enjoy the music I have for you all!" Tamaki looked like he was going to speak again, but before he could there was a grinding sound from the floor, followed by laughter. A lift began rising randoml from the floor, and a girl was on it," That was wonderful! Absolutely perfect! The sincerity, the beauty, not to mention the elegance! Yes! If this were a parallel universe, you would be the Queen female host! Ah, I can see it now! Your beautiful charm luring boys into your embrace, like a flytrap using its scent to lure its meal to its doom. How beautiful," The crazy girl fangirled. I sweatdropped, "I'm not sure I like that comparison," I mumbled to myself. She went silent then as Tamaki began speaking," Yes, yes, Rengee! I can see it, and a beautiful sight it is. Now, if everyone would turn their attention to the stage for Luna's beautiful performance."

        Now it was silent as everyone turned their attention completely to me. I took a deep breath as I placed my fingers on the keys and let it out as I started playing. (Her song is to the side). Then I joined in with my voice. 

        "~When you try your best, but you don't secceed," Mom.

        "~When you get what you want, but not what you need." What did we do?

        "~When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep." All those nights spent in woken horror.

       "~Stuck in reverse." Always repeating it over, and over, never able to move forward.

        "~And the tears come streaming down your face." How many times did you hold me with tears in your eyes?

        "~ When you lose something you can't replace." When did we begin to fall apart?

        "~ When you love someone, but it goes to waste." What happened to the love you two had shared?

        "~Could it be worse?" Could it be worse?

        "~Lights wil guide you home." You are not alone.

        "~And ignite your bones."

        "~And I will try to fix you." We will find our way.

        "~And high up above, or down below." Through all of the hard times, and the very few good.

        "~When you're too in love to let it go." You couldn't give up.

        "~But if you never try you'll never know." You're too afraid of the loss it will leave.

        "~ Just what you're worth." You deserve more.

        "~Lights wil guide you home." You don't have to do this alone.

        "~And ignite your bones."

        "~And I will try to fix you." I will try to fix you.

        I took in a deep breath and let it out with a small smile.

        "~And tears stream, down your face." You cried for us.

        "~When you lose something you cannot replace." When you lost yourself.

        "~And tears stream, down your face." You cried for what was gone.

        "~And I."

        "~Your tears stream, down your face." You held me tight, and cried.

        "~ I promise you I will learn from my mistakes." I won't lose myself.

        "~Your tears stream, down your face." We cried together.

        "~And I."

        "~ Lights will guide you home." We will be with each other.

        "~And ignite your bones."

        "~And I will try to fix you." I love you.

        When I finished I sat at the keys for a second longer before turning and bowing to everyone. When I looked up, everyone was crying and I smiled as I said," Well, that wasn't my intention," I said puting my hand behind my head. They had all begun to crowd the stage at some point, so when I walked off they all were surrounding me. Many of them were speaking to me, saying things like," That was beautiful," or," That was so moving," and," I can't stop crying." I recieved many hugs, and i'm pretty sure most of them were from, Hikaru and Karou, and Tamaki. Honey hugged me once, but now wouldn't let go. I looked over the crowd to Russel, who smirked and mouthed to me," Good job." I smiled in return and turned back in time to dodge another hug from Tamaki. "I think I've had enough hugs from everyone," I said holding up my hands. Honey looked up with fresh tears in his eyes," Even me?" I felt my heart break at hsi sight and picked him up hugging him close, and spinning around," I could never get enough of your hugs, Honey-Senpai!" I said. 

        After that, slowly everyone went back to their tables, and I caught a glance of something that made me freeze. Kyoya wiped under his glasses. Could it be... he was crying? I shook the thought from my head, no. There was just no way. I headed back up to the stage, and just played a soft melody for a few moments, before breaking to speak with a few people, and then went back to playing background music for the club. And this is what I did for the rest of club hours. I would play soft melodies, chat with people, eat some cake, speak with Russel, and then do it all over again. When the club ended I stretched from my position at the piano, and sighed," It's been a long time since I've played so much. I can't believe I remembered how." I stood up then and yawned as I walked down from the stage. "Um, would you all mind if I headed out right now? It's been a while since I've done this, and am kind of tired." No one had objections, so I was about to leave when I remembered my clothes," Oh, um. My clothing..." Just then, the one and only Hitachiin twins popped up out of nowhere and said," It's fine, you can keep it." Then Hikaru lead with," It doesn't matter to us," And Karou finished," We have tons of clothes."

        I was confused by why they would have dresses, until I remembered that their mother was a designer. I smiled," Thanks," Before I began to leave. As I passed Kyoya at hsi table I smiled," Have a goodnight, Kyoya," And as I walked away I heard him mutter," It was a beautiful song." I smiled at the compliment, and continued over to Russel. As I walked up to him, I held out my arms, and he sighed, and picked me up in his arms, and carried me, and both of our bags from the room.

Russel's Pov

        As we walked through the silent halls of the Academy, I could tell something was bothering her. "You shouldn't have sang it," I finally sighed. Sh shook her head," It was perfect for today. It was a nice song to lead with. It was calm, and sweet, and-" I cut her off," Sad. Luna, it made you sad." She looked up at me then with tears in her eyes," What are we supposed to do? She sent us off alone. How are we supposed to help her, if we cant be with her?" I felt my eyes moisten and I hugged her to me," I don't know. But we will find a way. She's not alone; and neither are you. We will always be together. There's just us, and then the world." She was silent after that, and as we walked across the courtyard I heard her whisper," Just us," Before falling asleep in my arms.

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