Double Trouble - Anthony Reev...

By DontCallMeEveny

12.8K 280 67

Twins that don't act like twins but act like Best friends! More

Meet The Characters
Chapter 1 🖤
Chapter 2 🦢🤍
Chapter 3💛
Chapter 4 💙
Chapter 5💚
Chapter 6 🧡
Chapter 7🖤
Chapter 8 💖
Chapter 9 ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ
Chapter 10 👑♥️
Chapter 11 😽
Chapter 12 🥀
chapter 13🥴
chapter 14😂
Chapter 15 🔥
Chapter 16 🥺
chapter 17
Chapter 19 🦋
Chapter 20 💀
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 18

337 9 2
By DontCallMeEveny

Jaden's POV:

I woke up and got out of bed washed my teeth and did my daily morning routine we had a show tonight

I looked at Anthony who was looking at the floor thinking

Jae: What's on your mind

Ant: The girls literally weren't wrong but weren't right either

Jae: it wouldn't have been the best if they got hurt

Ant: Exactly!

Jae: well idk I will try to avoid Eve today

Ant: I don't think that's a great idea

Jae: why I mean I don't want to get her to feel like im mad or anything

Ant: idk I will go talk to them bye

Jae: bye

I was thinking about Anthony said, will I hurt Eve if I did that?

Everliegh's POV

Anthony came in and stood silent not knowing what to say

Av: we messed up we know but

Eve: but she deserved it Anthony that ring is the best thing I have it's the only thing left that reminds me of mom and dad

Anthony looked at me and saw me tearing up

Ant: oh come here...
He said hugging me and kissing my forehead

Ant: I know that I know she is a pussy for that but still you could've got heart

Av: do I have to cry too so that you can hug me?
She said laughing

Anthony gave her a kiss and hugged her

Eve: ew you two are too cute get a room

It was time for breakfast I went with Chase he has the opposite reaction of the boys he thinks its funny and that she deserves it

We went and sat down Anthony and Avani joined

I saw a hickey on Avani's neck

I laughed and pointed to my neck so she will understand, she got it she was getting a little red and hidden it with the hood of the jacket

I lifted her a thumbs up and she giggled

I was looking for Jaden

Eve: he isn't gonna eat with us, is he...
I said looking upset

Chase: I mean he is over reacting but he is Jaden so

I barely ate anything I was worried about Jaden

Eve: Ant can you please call him?

Ant: why don't you do it

Eve: he won't answer me

Suddenly Chase jumped and stood infront of me trying to open a conversation he looked nervous I peeked from his side it was Jaden... and Madison

That mother fucker my ring now what my boyfriend, well he isn't my boyfriend but still

I started tearing up and ran to the bathroom

Jaden's POV

I saw Madison coming up to me opening conversation I wanted to leave but every time I did she pulled me back

I saw Eve running to the bathroom with Avani and Chase after her

Anthony came up to me and gave me a wtf look

Jae: That bitch isn't letting me go

Ant: Go check on Eve

I rushed to the bathroom and heard sniffs

I opened the door slowly and when she saw me she looked away

Jae: baby girl I swear to god I was coming to sit with you guys and that mother fucker Madison kept pulling me to talk

She said crying even harder

The pain in her voice killed me seeing her broken like this killed me

I walked in and pulled her into a hug resting her head on my chest because I know my heart beat calms her down

Jae: I'm sorry Eve I was just so worried you will get hurt yesterday and I promise I love you not her she is just a piece of shit

I could feel her calming down and finally hugging me back

Jaden: I love you more than anything in this world Eve and I wouldn't forgive myself if something bad happened to you

Avani and Chase were setting with an aww face on

Eve kissed my chest and she looked up at me

Eve: Im sorry

Jae: baby no don't be I always over react

I kissed her head removing the hair off her face

Jae: That mascara didn't flood all over your face

Avani: she came prepared and used the water proof one

Chase: she is a smart ass

I could feel her giggling so I smile

We got up and I held her hand intertwining our fingers together and walked out

We went and sat down and I passed her her plate to eat because she didn't eat anything

Ant: great the glued couple are back

Everyone laughs and Dixie comes up to us

Uhhhh no more fights please

Dixie: Why are you trying to take my man?

I looked at Eve and she was confused as hell she looked adorable

Eve: which one?

Everyone was shocked that she said that

Dixie: Griffin

Eve: first of all I hate Griffin and there is noway I would wanna "take him"

She said bending her fingers and rolling her eyes

Eve: andddd second of all my man is setting right in front of me and he is the only man I would take, got it?

Am I blushing I might be bruh she really just said that

Chase looked at me and smirked with Avani next him winking

I tried to hold my laugh

Dixie: I know you tried to fuck Griffin

Eve: ew what the fuck I literally was with Jaden the entire day yesterday and Anthony and Avani for the rest of it

I knew Dixie was lying so I didn't really care

Dixie: Jaden are you okay with your girlfriend or whatever checking other men?

Jae: uhh no but she didn't check anyone beside me

I say not even bothering to look up from my plate

Avani: Dixie can you just fuck off?

Dixie stormed away and we all laughed

Ant: y'all are getting to comfortable

he said pointing to me and Eve

If he knew what we did he will kill both of us

I looked at Eve and she understood and started laughing

Chase: listen bitches we are going somewhere with everyone

Avani: where is that?

Chase: So there is this ice skating club not faraway from here we are taking 5 ubers they already said which uber is everyone

He showed us the paper

The first uber was me, Eve, Chase, Charli, Payton and Neon

The second uber was Josh,Anthony,Nessa,Dixie and Madison

Anthony chocked when he saw who he was with

Chase: don't worry it will be quick

Anthony look a little more relaxed we got out on the car everyone got in except Eve there were no space

Avani: set on his lap

Chase: yeah

I patted my lap and she sat on it

I got hard, yes she felt it she looked at me and I turned red

She started laughing everyone looked at her and she stopped and said sorry I started laughing and she laughed even harder she whispered in my ear

Eve: you are enjoying this Hossler

She didn't lie I enjoyed it I looked out of the window smiling

Tadaa an entire chapter of Jaden's POV

I hope your enjoying it so far <3

1211 words

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