The Forgotten 🐺

By Supreme_Enchantress

10.6K 370 27

"No ones truly forgotten," - Alice The Beast of Gevaudan was finally dead, for good this time. Theo was lock... More

~ Recap ~
~ Prologue ~
Chapter One: Candid
Chapter Two: Hunt
Chapter Three: Scott
Chapter Four: Missing Friend?
Chapter Five: Party Crash
Chapter Six: Parrish Love
Chapter Seven: Rider Weakness
Chapter Eight: Stiles
Chapter Nine: Canaan
Chapter Ten: Trap & Date
Chapter Eleven: Hellhound
Chapter Twelve: Rift
Chapter Thirteen: Remembered
Chapter Fourteen: Stiles Is Stiles
Chapter Fifteen: Train Tracks
Chapter Sixteen: Price Paid
Chapter Seventeen: The Dead Doesn't Stay Dead
Chapter Eighteen: New Life
Chapter Twenty: Frozen Deputy
Chapter Twenty-One: Death Twice Took
Chapter Twenty-Two: Lunch Date
Chapter Twenty-Three: Faceless
Chapter Twenty-Four: Stand-Off
Chapter Twenty-Five: Man With a Plan
Chapter Twenty-Six: Armoury
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Bullets
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Nemeton Power
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Silver
Chapter Thirty: Halwyn
Chapter Thirty-One: Time of Need
Chapter Thirty-Two: Consume
Chapter Thirty-Three: Eichen Break Out
Chapter Thirty-Four: The Lived
Chapter Thirty-Five: The Chosen
~ Epilogue ~
~ Bonus Chapter ~

Chapter Nineteen: Dead Heard

202 9 0
By Supreme_Enchantress

I decided to go home and get changed, as I needed something better to wear if we are going to hunt the killer through the woods. Scott, Malia and Lydia went ahead as I would meet them in the woods...

I threw on whatever my hand touched, which was a pair of sport leggings, with a space themed T-Shirt and wore some black Nike trainers. I left my apartment and went back to the woods, using my car as I wouldn't make it there using vamp-speed...

I walk through the woods, but I hear a dozen heartbeats, coming in the distance. I rushed pass trees and twigs snapped under my feet, but as I came into the a small clearing. I see Scott on top of the Sheriff, his wolf form shown, but deputy's were surrounding them. Scott's gaze lifted up to see the deputy's shining their torches at him.

"Everybody, stay back. It's just a kid," the Sheriff spoke as he was now back on his feet. His deputy's dropped their flashlights and lowered their guns.

"What's wrong with his eyes?" One of the female deputy's ask as she must have saw his eyes.

"You heard the Sheriff. Stand down," Parrish's manly voice came into play as she lowered her gun and torch. I came over to stand in front of Scott, as Malia and Lydia joined me. He stares up at us with a sadden gaze. I offer my hand out to him and he grabbed it and I pulled him to his feet. We walk over to the body which still laid in the ditch, claw marks along his chest, and the bullet wound in his head...

"I'm really sorry," I hear Scott say, aiming that to the Sheriff. "You don't think they saw anything, do you?" Scott states worried if they saw his wolf form.

"No more than they're used to," Parrish ensured him as I offered a smile.

"You wanna tell me what happened here?" The Sheriff asks us, his gaze flickering between us all.

"He's a Hellhound," Parrish points to the dead guy on the floor.

"A dead Hellhound," Malia added to the group.

"Yep, got that," Sheriff replied as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Well, I don't get it. I didn't think you could kill a Hellhound," Parrish states all confused as he thought they were indestructible, but I felt everyone eyes shift to mine.

"Every living thing has a weakness. Thus, everything must die. To be fair it looks a lot easier than I imagined," I state to the group before casting my gaze to the guy on the floor.

"You got anything you wanna add?" The Sheriff spoke but his gaze was on Scott.

"Yeah," Scott spoke after a moment. "I don't think it was just any bullet," Scott told the Sheriff as Parrish crouches back down and looks at the body.

"I hope not," he states, kind of worried for himself. I'm make sure he won't be hurt or killed on my watch. I felt Scott shift as they were all ready to leave.

"You guys go. Keep me updated," I cock my gaze to Scott as he nods as Malia and Lydia walk away with him, back to the car. Parrish stands back to his feet, as I cock my gaze upon him. "I won't let you get hurt," I told him as that was a promise.

"I know," he states as he extended his arm out and grabbed my shoulder and gave me a side-way hug as I wrapped my hands around him.

"Takeout tonight? I'm kind of tired to cook," I state to him as I lean onto him.

"Chinese or Indian?" Parrish asks, making me tilt my head up to stare at him.

"Chinese," I replied to his question.

"Chinese it is," he states as he leans down and places a kiss upon my lips, as it was sweet and loving. "The usual?" He states as he pulls back from the kiss, as all I could do was nod at him. I didn't know what we were, but I knew I was falling head over heels for him...


Parrish got the takeout and we enjoyed the rest of the night talking to one another, when we talked our problems seemed to melted away. We just enjoyed one another's company. He also slept the night, but we just cuddled in bed... Naked...

I woke to the birds chirping away, as the door that lead out to the balcony was letting sunlight through, hitting me right in the eyes. I turn slowly on my left side, so the light didn't hit me. Just then, Parrish's alarm went off, making me groan. But I flutter my eyes open to see Parrish laid on his back just for a moment as he began to stir awake.

"Morning," my voice was soft and soothing as he turns his head to look at me.

"Morning," his voice was groggy as he was just waking up. "You came to bed late? What were you doing?" he asks with with a raised eyebrow. As it was true, I did come to bed later than him because I was doing something. I shift up the bed, sitting up right as I leaned on the headboard as Parrish followed suit.

"You know I'll always try to be there to protect you," I began as I stare into his green alluring eyes. "But I can't be everywhere at once. So," I held my left had out flat, my palm showing. Just then, a shimmer of light appeared and within seconds the shimmer faded and left was a plain leather bracelet...

"This bracelet has a protection spell-"

"Alice," Parrish spoke cutting me off but his voice was soft.

"I know I can't force you to wear it. But I just wanted to do something to make sure your safe when I'm not around," I told him, with a thin smile, as I know I can't be everywhere all the time.

"I'm a Hellhound, I'm harder to kill," he replies with his soft gaze, knowing I would crumbled under that gaze. "But it doesn't mean I'm invincible," he spoke as he grabs the bracelet from my hand and slipped it on, as it was his size. Without warning, Parrish leans in and kisses me. His lips connected to mine, but he did it so softly and delicate. The kiss ended after a tender moment, as I stare into his eyes once again...

"What are we?" I blurted out as I wasn't really thinking.

"What do you want us to be?" He asks while taking my hand in his. I know I've given this a lot of thought, but I didn't know what we were...

"I've been hurt before, and I never really recovered," my voice was low as my gaze drifted from his. "But with you it's different, it's better," my eyes travelled back to him as he offers me a warm smile.

"You don't have to decide now," Parrish states as he wraps his other hand around me and pulls me into a hug, his body warmth touched me as our skin made contact. I wish I could freeze this moment in time and keep it, but our lives need to start...

But I know what I feel...


Lydia and I went to the police station, as it was on my break from work. She needed help with what she felt in her premonition and I didn't want to not help her. Also we needed to find a lead on the Dead Hellhound. Parrish, Lydia and I all stood in the jail cell room, as she needed to hear the noise the card reader makes when it opens. Parrish swipes down his card as the reader beeps while Lydia listened to the sound.

"Is that it? The sound you heard?" Parrish asks her as his gaze was on her. But Lydia was staring off in the distance, focusing on the sound. 

"No, it's something else," she replies lifting her gaze to meet Parrish.

"It could be any kind of public facility," Parrish begins as we walk out of the room and in the main area of the station. "A hospital, a fire station, or..." Parrish stops at his desk and sits on the edge, as Lydia and I stood across from him.

"Or a mental institution," she states, making me sigh loudly for them to hear.

"Please don't say it," I replied my expression displeased as well as my voice because I knew where she was going with this, and the only place in Beacon Hills that we had one...

"Eichen House," she states in a low tone.

"The card readers on the doors?" Parrish spoke up, taking his gaze to Lydia.

"It's the Closed Unit," she states as she was sure that it was the place.

"You're both not going back to Eichen, and you're definitely not going anywhere near the Closed Unit," Parrish was so authoritative with us, thought he was just trying to protect us both.

"What if there's a connection to the... Dead Hellhound?" Lydia's voice lowered to a mere whisper as she didn't want to scream it out.

"What if you go there again and someone tries to kill you? Which, by the way, happens every time you go in there!" Parrish states his concern very much.

"It's our only lead. Plus she's not off in alone," I told Parrish as his gaze met mine.

"I'm not letting you near that place. Both of you," Parrish states still not allowing us to go.

"Then you come with us," Lydia gave him the idea.

"Or..." He states before taking a sigh. "I can go alone," he grabs his jacket from his chair and off he went, making Lydia and I sigh in defeat. But he was only protecting us from that place...


I went back to the Hospital as my break was over. I tended to the patients that needed medical help, and stuck by Melissa's side throughout the rest of the day helping where she needed. But it was one of the quite days...

"Alice, you can go. I think it's going to be a quite night," Melissa spoke to me as we stood leaning against the reception desk.

"You sure?" I ask with a raised eyebrow as she nodded her head at me.

"I'll phone if I need help," she states with a smile as I nodded to her. I push myself up from leaning, but as I did, I became lightheaded and stopped in my tracks. A feeling rushed over me, but it was cold, extremely cold. Then voices filled my head, but they were whispers, whispers of the Dead - I could just sense it. "Alice?" I hear Melissa state her voice laced with worry as she rushes forward.

'We should be killing them' A voice emerged from the whispers, and it sounded so familiar. Suddenly, Parrish's screams filled my head as I could just tell it was his... Just then, I fall back into the reception desk as the voices were too strong. Within seconds, the whispering and screams left my head.

"Alice?! What's wrong?" Melissa asks worried as she had her hand clamped onto my forearm to keep me stable.

"Parrish," I spoke with distress in my voice, as I regained my balance.

"What about Parrish?" She rushes out.

"I think he's dying," I replied to her question, but I couldn't waste anymore time standing here. I run off down the corridor to the entrance of the Hospital, and came into the parking lot. Eichen was on the other side of the town, and I didn't want to waste anytime. "Phesmatos lacus" I chant as my eyes blurred for a moment. They cleared as I was standing in-front of the Eichen gates.

"Alice?" Lydia's voice came into play from behind, making me spin around to see her walking this way. "You heard it too," Lydia states as she knew by my worried expression. If Lydia heard it, it must be bad...

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