Keep it undercover //Shawn Me...

נכתב על ידי _Red_Girl_

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It all started when shawn was asked to surprise a fan on her birthday. Little did he know that she'll be the... עוד

1~ señorita
2~ Best birthday gift
3~ Going live
4~ Meet&Greet
5~ Concert time!
6~ Is it too late?
7~ Unknown number
8~ The start of something new
9~ I trust you
11~ I love you
12~ The bitter truth
13~ Never wanna lose you again
14~ First date
15~ In the middle of nowhere
16~ The next step
17~ Christmas
18~ Happy new year
19~ Prank gone prefectly wrong

10~ Getting to know each other

763 22 18
נכתב על ידי _Red_Girl_

A/N: i really enjoyed writing this chapter, i hope u like it too. But you know what would be more fun? If you also answer some of the questions down below. Come on don't be shy I'll be waiting!!🥰❤
Two days has passed since my return, i didn't have time to talk much to brian, we barely spoke at night for fifteen minutes or so to check up on each other. I was kind of busy with hayley, trying to investigate avout her new boyfriend. She refused to tell me anything about him. It drove me mad specially cause i immediately opened up about brian and she didn't return the gesture.

"I'm not done with you bitch, but i need to go home. I'm babysitting sammy this afternoon" i warned her before storming out. I pratically ran to the end of the street where i was met with an angry amber stading at the driveway her arms crossed over her chest.

"You're late where were you?" She scowled tapping her foot on the ground. I shifted from one to another debating if i should say what's in my mind. Amber was very nice but if she gets angry, she'll tear your head and limbs apart with no mercy. I get why ian turns pale every time she screamed.

"You'll be more late if you don't leave now" i said trying to sound tough. That seemed to do it she jumped in her car after telling me that sammy was in her bedroom.

I hurried into the house throwing a glance in her bedroom making sure he was still peacefully asleep. I walked into the kitchen to prepare a delicous jam and peanut butter sandwich. As soon as i placed it on my plate, i heard a loud wail coming from upstairs.

I quickly ran to his room. I carried him resting my hand on his back as i rocked him back and forth til he calmed down. I walked out positioning him on my hip as i headed to the kitchen. Since ian was coming home today i promised I'll make him my special chocolate muffins.

I placed sammy in his high chair turning the tiny tv on, located on the counter, to his favorite cartoon. He may not speak yet but he seemed fascinated by the colors and shapes dancing on the screen. Once i was sure he was successfully distracted, i turned my attention to my recipe i wrote on my phone. Even though I've made them over ten times, i still can't memorize the exact measuring and process.

I climbed on the counter to open the cupboard. I pulled out all the necessary ingredients. I dosed everything putting them into the bowl before mixing the batter. I let it rest for a few minutes then placed the tray into the oven. I took a seat on the chair near sammy. I glanced at my phone grinning when i noticed several messages from Brian.

Brian: hello what's up?

Brian: helloooo??!

Brian: heyy cass answer me!

Me: I'm here. Sorry i was busy.

Brian: doing what?

Me: cooking muffins and babysitting sammy.

Brian: ooh i love muffins! Ugh now i wanna eat one. Why did you tell me?

Me: you're the one who asked!🤷‍♀️

Brian: whatever, i have a few hours off. So we can talk a little.

Me: sure, i have nothing to do but wait for my delicious warm muffins😋

Brian: you're so mean!😩

Me: so what do you wanna talk about?

Brian: i have an idea. Let's ask 20 questions to get to know each other more. And we have to answer honestly.

Me: that's a great idea. I'll go first. When is your birthday?

Brian: 5 august 1998

Me: 22 june 2001

Brian: do you own any pet?

Me: yes a i have a puppy named milo.

Brian: aww i love dogs but i can't get one cause I'm extremely allergic.

Me: oh that's sad. I can never imagine my life without him. What's your favorite city beside your hometown?

Brian: ummm i love Amsterdam.

Me: my dream is to visit Barcelona.

Brian: what's your dream job? Even if you practice something different now.

Me: i wanna be a pediatrician. I love working with kids.

Brian: I'd love to do something in holistic medicine.

Me: what's your favorite pastime?

Brian: eating, hanging out with my friends or listening to music.

Me: reading or making covers even when i don't post them. I keep them in store.

Brian: what's your favorite subject?

Me: definitely biology.

Brian: I'm not sure if you consider it as subject but musical theatre were the best.

Me: tell me about it. What's your favorite food?

Brian: ahh spaghetti!

Me: my special lasagna!

Brian: you also cook lasagna? That's it I'm taking the first flight to San Francisco. And i want a feast waiting for me ASAP.

Me: first take me on a proper date then -you have my word, one day I'll surprise you with a delicious dinner.

Brian: deal. What's your least favorite food?

Me: it's not really a meal but i despise bananas.

Brian: weirdo. I hate tomatoes.

Me: seriously!? And you call me weirdo!?
At least now i see why you're bestfriend with shawn.

Brian: why?

Me: you love muffins, spaghetti, music and hate tomatoes. That's shawn written all over it.

Brian: hahaha yeah, i bet you'll see lots of stuff in common between me and him.

Me: what's your favorite color?

Brian: blue.

Me: I'm a red stan.

Brian: haha yeah I've noticed your posts. All red outfit. What's your favorite genre of music?

Me: anything pop, rock and a bit of jazz.

Brian: i like everything mostly pop and maybe rock.

Me: do you play any instruments?

Brian: i play piano and guitar.

Me: that's cool. I only play guitar, just a few songs. I used to take classes but i had to quit cause senior year is tough and didn't need any distractions.

Brian: maybe i could teach you. I don't mean to brag or anything but I'm pretty awsome. What's your idea of a perfect date?

Me: wow smooth trying to get some ideas. Umm maybe a nice picnic in the country side near a lake or in the forest. Anywhere in the nature away from the city.

Brian: I'll keep that in mind. My perfect date is a romantic dinner then a long walk on the beach at sunset.

Me: that's sweet. Do you know how to dance?

Brian: noo I'm terrible!

Me: i know how to tango. I took a few classes two years ago. But i probably forgot the moves by now.

Brian: who your favorite singer besides shawn? I'll go with john meyer and ed sheeran.

Me: ohh abviously selena gomez and taylor swift.

Brian: what's your favorite serie? Mine is grey's anatomy.

Me: umm it's tough to chose one but I'll go with supernatural or the originals.

Brian: oh I wanted to watch the originals after the vampire diaries but i never got the chance.

Me: oh my god! You watched TVD too!? Can i ask a few questions but they don't count with the twenty question thing please.

Brian: these are the rules but i can make an exception. Hit me.

Me: what's your favorite character? Mine is caroline.

Brian: i love damon. Which was your favorite season? Mine's the second.

Me: my favorite's season 5. What's your favorite ship? Klaroline owns my heart.

Brian: i love delena.

Me: that's lame.

Brian: oh come on they were so cute. Last question which character would you date? I'd choose caroline cause she's strong, caring and funny.

Me: if i wanted a calm romantic life I'd chose enzo. If i wanted a twisted wild relationship I'd go with klaus.

Brian: i guess you have a thing for accents.

Me: i think so. Do you know how to cook?

Brian: i really wish i could but I'm a mess. I burnt and cut myself hundreds of times whenever i enter the kitchen.

Me: poor boy... how about i teach you how to cook and you'll teach me how to play guitar?

Brian: sounds great to me but i have to warn you I'm a horrible student. What's your biggest fear? I myself am terrified of deep water.

Me: that's interesting, remind me to never take you snorkeling. I have no idea what my fear is...

Brian: come on something must freak you

Me: i think maybe I'm afraid no one will care about me anymore which is ridiculous cause there's always gonna be family or friends. I'm not sure if you understand me or I'm just bluffing hahaha...

Brian: no i totally understand. It's normal to feel this way. But just like you said no matter where you go you'll always find someone who cares even if they don't show it.

Me: describe yourself in three words.

Brian: i don't think three words are enough... I'm gonna go patient, clumsy, kind.

Me: I'd say shy, stupid, annoying.

Brian: i don't think the last one fits.

Me: oh no brian you haven't seen anything yet. When i want to i can be a real pain in the ass.

Brian: noted. What's your favorite shawn mendes song of each album?

Me: why would you ask that?

Brian: i wanna make sure we're on the same page. He is my bestfriend after all. I'm a fan too.

Me: I'm not convinced but why not. That's hard i love all his songs. Ugh never be alone, bad reputation and fallin all in you.

Brian: smart girl... okay I'd chose never be alone, mercy and in my blood.

Me: aahhh smart boy ;) what's your favorite sport?

Brian: i used to play hockey a lot when i was younger.

Me: of course how can i forget you're Canadian. I never played it but i love soccer. I follow lots of European leagues.

Brian: i think that's our last question. I want it to be special. What's your most embarrassing incident?

Me: what the fuck!?

Brian: come on and you have to answer honestly.

Me: fine, one time i was at the mall and i had to pee so badly. I ran into the bathroom. Turns out it was the boy's bathroom. When i walked out i found a boy peeing in the corner. We made akward eye contact before i ran away. That was so humiliating!

Brian: hahahahaha no way! I can't believe this!

Me: enough now tell me yours.

Brian: well I'm the clumsiest person you'd ever meet. I fall fifty times a day. It's hard to pick one. I'll get back to you later.

Brian: oh wait i have one. One time i got into a fight with my teacher, i cried in front if the whole class and ran out.

Me: oh my god that's awful hahaha. Anyway i have to go my muffins are ready and they smell FANTASTIC.

I slided my gloves on carrfully taking the hot tray and placing it on the table. I took a deep breath inhaling the delightful smell of chocolate. I decided to tease him as well.


Brian: bitch! I hate you!

I smirked proud of myself. I slided my phone into my back pocket. "Come here sammy, let's go to the living room" i reached my hand towards him as he started giggling.

I carried him to the livingroom at the end of the hallway. I placed him down in his on the blanket near the wall where my brother built a barrier around it to prevent him from crawling around the house and hurting himself.

I turned around to sit on the couch. He let out a discomfort squeal. But the sight i met when i glanced back at him melted my heart completely. He extended his arms out to me, he's pouting and his eyes watery begging me to stay by his side. "Aww don't cry sammy, I'll join you" i cooed stepping inside the closed cirl. It's cool that ian made it spacious for anyone to sit next to him.

I scooped him on my lap as i leaned my back against the wall, this postion was uncomfortable, i could already sense the ache buidling up in my lower back but it was worth seeing his cute smile. He threaded his tiny finger into my long hair tugging gently.

"Hey auntie's hair is off limit!" i scowled frowning. He bursted into a fit of laugher pulling harder enjoying my suffer. Yep that's definitely Ian's son! My phone started buzzing again.

Brian: cass!

Brian: so you just gonna dump me for muffin😟

Me: no I'm dumping you for this cutie!!🥰


Me: yeah he gets that from his auntie.😉

Brian: sure... aww i wanna eat him up! Damn he's more delicious than those muffins you made.

Me: are you questioning my creativity?

Brian: facts can't be changed honey.🤷‍♂️

Me: rude!😤

Soon enough amber got back and kept an eye on sam, then gave sam back to me and took a shower before heading to the airport to pick up ian, and not once did i break my conversation with brian. Its like I'm  addicted, i can't get enough of him.

We talked about everything anything that pops in our head, we also did a part two of the twenty questions game. Even when ian barged into the house talking loudly, i didn't glance up from my phone and waved at him mouthing a quiet "welcome back". I can sense his intense glares and clearly hear his angry breathing from above me.

"Didn't mom and dad teach you hospitality!?" He questioned bitterly but i remained silent "i thought you were upset and devastated that i had to stay there, what happened now?" He tried again. I giggled faintly typing back.

"Apparently I'm talking to a wall..." he mumbled shaking his head.

"Give her a break Ian she's talking to her boy" amber teased as Ian's eyes widened with mouth wide open.

"Amber!" I hissed through gritted teeth. My head snapped towards amber, my reaction similar to Ian's.

"No no honey it's okay... everything's fine, you're eighteen you're allowed to talk to any boy you want" he replied flashing an innocent smile, though his voice sounded tense and irritated.

I raised my eyebrows not believing him. Amber seemed to buy it, she approached him sneaking her arm around his waist "Wow real mature... ian I'm so proud of you" she cooed pecking his lips. I sent her a grateful glance for distracting him.

"Cool..." i mumbled ignoring their sweet kisses, my cheeks slightly blushing "hey guys if you'd like I'll keep an eye on sam while you do your stuff" i suggested when they began to get more touchy. Or maybe i just wanna get Ian out of here so i can peacefully talk to brian.

Amber winked at me taking Ian's hand. Just when i was about to let out a relieved breath, "Just one second cass..." Ian turned around. I bit my lips slapping my forehead.

"I just think as the big brother it's my responsibility to check if this boy's good enough for you" he countered raising his eyebrows.

"Sure ian but you won't meet him til i do..." i retorted hand flying to my mouth when i processed what i just said.

His smile faded away quickly replaced by a furious frown. "Excuse me!? You're texting someone you never met!" He yelled.

"No I've met the guy once... ugh i met him backstage when you were waiting outside and we've been texting ever since" i explained swallowing thickly but his facial expression haven't changed.

"Look i understand you feel the need to get protective, but i can handle myself." I locked eyes with his worried ones. "Beside i made you muffins..." i mumbled in a squeaky voice.

"Okay...Cassandra i want you to bring those muffins here and tell me everything you know about this boy" he ordered ditching amber as he took a seat in front of me.

I glanced nervously at amber who just shrugged her shoulder. "Now?! I mean there's nothing to hide... I'll tell you everything in the right time i promise... and you have more important things anyways" i wiggled my eyebrows eagerly acting coy but inside i was shaking.

"Uh uh sister, the right time is now. Come on" he tilted his head towards the kitchen. I sighed getting up as amber followed me.

"Hey cass I'm sorry... but brian is a great guy. Ian won't have much to criticize" she rassured me placing her hand on my back.

"If i slip a drug in one of those, is it considered a murder?" I rasped placing the muffins in the plate as she laughed saying that it won't work cause when he wakes up, the first thing he'll do is question me.

Thank god, no one strangled the other. Both of us made it alive. I answered all his unnecessary lame questions, he even checked our chat and i didn't object. Everything seemed clean to me but Ian insisted that he's a lair. And when i asked him how, he just kept repeating that it's obvious. But i didn't wanna ruin our first civil unharming conversation. So i wished him good night and headed to my room alone with my thoughts.

Why does he think he's a liar? He hasn't even talked to him. I'm sure he doesn't approve of our relation so he's making up stories. But again Ian is always right when it comes with boys, he's one of them after all, he knows all their tricks. I tried to believe him, gathered some clues to back him up but i found nothing.

Brian is perfectly fine. But still a made a mental note, just in case, I'll be more alereted and cautious with my chats with him from now on.
I really hope you liked it🥰 don't forget to vote and share and comment your thoughts down below ly❤

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