Ivystar's Adventure

By imp0ssible_y3ra

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Ivystar is a kittypet that has escaped her two leg's home. She joins Waterfall clan, and her rival clans are... More

Big Decisions: Chapter 1
Not My Day: Chapter 2
No... Please don't let it be true...: Chapter 4
Skipping Apprenticeship Thoughts: Chapter 5
Finding His Body: Chapter 6
I Am Your Warrior. What? Death?!: Chapter 7
Cast!~ :D
Her Buried Body: Chapter 8
Littermates: Chapter 9
Star: Chapter 10

Being an Apprentice: Chapter 3

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By imp0ssible_y3ra

A couple moons past by and I finally became an apprentice. I actually hunt bunnies and mice now, which is fun, but incredibly tiring. I work very hard just to support my family and their needs. Me and Badgerpaw remained friends, and I don't think anything more but friendship will be us. "Ivydawn, come here! You gotta see this!"

I ran towards Berrybird and Patchtail. "Hey guys, what's up?" I asked.

"Look at Patchtail's scar! It's huge!" Berrybird said, laughing at his brother.

I rolled my eyes. "I thought somebody died and you yell from far distance because of some scar that isn't even really bad. Go to the medicine cat, she's really nice. Her name is Ambernose. She's a cute cat," I said, licking his scar.

Patchtail nodded his head and walked away. "That cat doesn't have luck in life. He's a hunter, and he already lost one life. I am worried for him," Berrybird said, looking down at the grass.

"Aw, look at you being a caring big brother! You're worried for him. Speaking of being worried for somebody, I am concerned about Nightpuddle and Flowerfrost. I haven't seen them since the day I picked up Sharpfur from the kittypet home," I said, licking my paw.

Berrybird looked up at me, "Yes, I am worried about my brother. I love him. And about those two, Nightpuddle has a mate, they ran away together. Her name is Heathertail. And about Flowerfrost, she died," he said, licking my ears.

"Flowerfrost is dead!?" I yelled.

Lilysky walked towards me, "Unfortunately, she is. Her spirits will live on, forever, but it seems as if she'll return. She won't, ever. I am sorry that you found out by your brother, which I've told him not to tell you, but now you know. And Nightpuddle is long gone, we don't even know if he's alive or not, which I hope he is. And Heathertail, ugh, why did they fall in love? She's from Marine clan, the strongest clan you'll ever come across. If any of those cats speak to you, ignore them," Lilysky said, as she tried to comfort me.

"Don't try to comfort me! I was concerned many moons ago and now that I'm older and a apprentice, you tell me that she's dead? Seriously, maybe your father was right. Your rights of being a leader shouldn't be. If anyone could deny that fact, I'd start it," I said, running to my den.

Berrybird stood there, confused and shocked. "Please ignore what she just said, she obviously doesn't mean it, she's in that mood where she wants nothing more but her friends," Berrybird said, running towards our den.

Badgerpaw walked in my den. "Hey Ivydawn. I got you a rabbit, just in case you were hungry," he said, looking gorgeous as always.

I tried to get over my feelings for him but I just don't know. I honestly don't care, my friend is dead! "How did Flowerfrost die?" I asked Badgerpaw.

"Oh, Flowerfrost, my mother..." he mumbled.

"Your mom? She's your mom?" I asked.

"Yes. She died many moons ago. She got killed by Firespots, a big tabby cat in Marine clan. He's a very strong cat, we wouldn't last a chance against him," he said.

"And, is Nightpuddle alive?" I asked.

"Oh, yes. I saw him with his mate. She's really rude, I think she's evil. Well, most likely is because she's from Marine clan," Badgerpaw said.

I looked at him, scratching my ear. "Heathertail?"

"Yeah, Heathertail," he said.

Berrybird walked inside the den, "What is your problem? Did you seriously disrespect the leader of this clan?"

"I did, by accident. I am just in the mood, please, leave me be," I said, growling.

"Well you surely seem like you wanna kill someone," Berrybird said, hissing.

I walked outside the den. I climbed Lilysky's tree. "Hey, Lilysky. Look, everything I said, I didn't mean it. I'm just a bit upset now, finding out my friend is dead. I miss her," I said.

"We all do, Ivydawn, each and every single one of us do," Lilysky said, frowning.

A cat named Daisyleaf climbed the tree. "Nightpuddle needs to speak with you," she said.

"Excuse me, for a second, I must see what this cat wants," Lilysky said, climbing down her tree.

I saw Nightpuddle. He stared at me  until I climbed down the tree. I walked towards this. "Hello, Lilysky. It's been a couple of moons since we last spoke. Heathertail had kits with Firespots, so me and her aren't on terms. These two questions will sound crazy but, I'd like to join the clan once again. Anyone I'm committing to, I won't run away, unless they're in another clan," Nightpuddle said, standing extra straight.

I looked at him, then I sat down. "And my second offer, well, permission that you can give me is to let me have a chance with Ivydawn. She's all grown up, she can be with me for eternity," he said, smiling.

I stood up and stiff. "Be with you?!" I yelled.

Lilysky looked at me, confused and all over the place. "Nightpuddle, she became an apprentice not so long ago. You aren't even in this clan. And the way she talks to Badgerpaw, I'm pretty sure they have something going on. Plus, you're too old for her, so is Heathertail. She was incredibly young for you," she said, hissing at him, "I'll say this once, so please listen up, leave and never return. You are exiled."

"What! I cannot be exiled! This is my clan, if it weren't for me, you would be nothing!" Nightpuddle shouted.

"Actually, if it weren't for my father's manipulation, you wouldn't be here, begging me to get back in my clan. Now, leave," Lilysky demanded.

Nightpuddle wouldn't move until Blackthorn and Spiderspring showed up. All honesty, they are intimidating. "I will be back for you, Ivydawn. I'll kill Badgerpaw, whatever it takes to be yours!" Nightpuddle said, as his voice slowly faded.

"I could see why Heathertail would have had kits with another cat. First of, they are in the same clan, secondly, he's young. Like, look how much Nightpuddle aged before the last time I've heard of him," I said, laughing.

Lilysky laughed along with me. I walked back inside my den. Badgerpaw was there, waiting for me. "I heard a deep-voiced male cat say "I'll kill Badgerpaw," what was that all about?" Badgerpaw asked, concerned.

"Funny story, Heathertail left Nightpuddle for the same cat that killed Flowerfrost, and yes, that isn't the funny part. She has kits with Firespots. Then, he wants to get with me and then Lilysky told him that me and you got a connection," I said, laughing.

Badgerpaw sat there, serious. "Me and you won't ever have something. We're just friends, okay? Don't go around thinking that I'm your true love. Find somebody that is an angel, but not me. Me and Emberfall got something special," He said, walking outside.

Have I mentioned that Berrybird was inside our den the whole entire time? No? I haven't? Oh well I have now. "Hey, Ivydawn, I'm so sorry..." Berrybird said.

I cried. "Why does he expect that I'm in love with him? Nightpuddle and Lilysky do, why me?" I asked.

"You do like him, of course. He's gonna be the one. He'll come back to you. In three, two one-"

"Ivydawn I am so sorry how things ended between us. You know I care for you. And yes, me and Emberfall are over. It didn't even last half a moon," Badgerpaw said, interrupting Berrybird.

Berrybird rolled his eyes. "It never was a thing between you two. When you tried to cuddle her, she ran away to Dustbreeze," Berrybird said, as we laughed.

Badgerpaw was embarrassed. "You know I gotta respect m'lady. Now, you left this rabbit expire in the wind. Can I get you something else to eat?" he asked, politely.

"Maybe a rat?" I asked.

Badgerpaw rubbed his head on mine and we ran outside the territory. Lilysky looked at us, smiling. I looked back and I saw her face from distance. I smiled back. She lip synced the words ,"You guys are meant to be, forever" which made me feel better about what Badgerpaw just said to me. I felt sorta manipulated but I felt great. This is my soulmate and I never wanna let him go. He's perfect for me. He makes my tail go all over the place, his eyes make me purr, his spots make me run in circles. Me and him ran into the distance, very far away from here. "Badgerpaw?"

"Yes, m'lady?" He asked.

"Why are we so far away from the territory?" I asked.

Badgerpaw looked around. "Well, it's just you and me. Maybe we are meant to be," he said, licking my forehead.

I blushed and climbed on a small tree. "Let's stay here for a while, and let's talk," I said.

"Just talk? You sure you don't wanna do anything else? We can do whatever you want," He said, winking at me.

"Oh, hush up now. Let's talk about that Nightpuddle situation, since I smell him," I said.

"He's close, I smell him too. And holy grasshoppers, he stinks like a muddy cat," Badgerpaw said.

We laughed, then when we got quiet, I saw Sharpfur and Ambernose walked together. They were adorable. I climbed down the tree. "Look! It's the great Ivydawn!" Sharpfur shouted.

"Quiet, I smell Nightpuddle, my stalker who's in love with me," I said, giggling.

"Stalker?" Ambernose asked.

"Yes, her stalker. And by the way, his scent is slowly fading away, he might be gone by now," Badgerpaw said.

I turned around to the tree that me and Badgerpaw were sitting at and Nightpuddle was preparing himself to pounce. "Badgerpaw, look out!" I shouted.

Nightpuddle jumped off the tree, very quickly. "Everything is happening so fast!" shouted Ambernose.

Nightpuddle stood there. "Who shall I kill first? Lilysky or Badgerpaw?"

"Everyone, don't worry, I'll fight this guy off," I said, pushing Sharpfur aside of me.

"Really? My love, we'll be together, forever," Nightpuddle said, laughing like a maniac.

I looked to my left and I saw Blackthorn running and intensely pounced on Nightpuddle. He bit one of his ears off and said ,"Touch my daughter and I'll blind you. My daughter and her mate will live on, but after today, you could get yourself killed."

Nightpuddle ran away, as his ear bled. "Dad... why would you-"

"Quiet! I've told you this before, I don't need to repeat myself. You stay in the territory at all times. Imagine what life you'd be living if your friends had been killed by this old black cat? He's incredibly strong, don't expect the best of the best. You and your idiots will die if you don't use your head. Be smart!" Blackthorn shouted at me.

He led me back to the territory. Sharpfur, Ambernose and Badgerpaw followed me. Blackthorn walked inside our den. I already knew that he was gonna tell Snowfall. "Badgerpaw, I am so sorry, I didn't mean to put you in danger," I said, upset.

Berrybird walked in front of me, "Not cool, sis, not cool," He said, walking away.

"Don't worry, I told you to follow me. I didn't mean to put you in danger. My mistakes will never be forgiven, but my apology will stand," Badgerpaw said, walking to his den.

Sharpfur comforted me. Hazelthump walked towards me. "Hey, thank God you're safe. We were worried sick!" Hazelthump said, licking my ears and neck.

I stayed silent and speechless. I thought about what dad said about Badgerpaw. Maybe he is the love of my life. Ambernose smiled at me. "Are you hurt? I'll heal you. Well, now I gotta go explain my story to Lilysky for having one of her favorite medicine cat sneaking away with her mate," she said, as her smile faded away.

I smiled at her. "You and Sharpfur are something? How beautiful," I said, licking my paw and rubbing it on my head.

Ambernose walked away, without answering my question. She's a bright cat with big future ahead of her. Lilysky walked towards me. "Go inside my den, now. We need to talk about what I am hearing from your father and your friends," she said.

I came inside her den and Badgerpaw, Ambernose, Sharpfur and Blackthorn were waiting. "So, Ambernose, you left without informing me that you were going to spend time with your mate, Sharpfur?" Lilysky asked.

"Yes, ma'am, and I am so sorry," Ambernose said, frowning.

Sharpfur looked at me and gave me a quick grin. "Sharpfur, wipe that grin off your face. You took Ambernose to hunting grounds where all territories fight each other and hunt their meals at?" Lilysky asked.

"Yes, and I am sorry. So basically, I asked her to come with me because she was play fighting with her younger sister, Pearlstream, and I wanted to take her out somewhere," Sharpfur said.

"If you wanted to take your mate to somewhere special, hunting grounds is not the greatest place you could possibly think of," Lilysky said, disappointed in Sharpfur.

Badgerpaw stood up. "Me and Ivydawn were at hunting grounds longer than them. I started a conversation with them that kept them there longer. Ivydawn also told me while I was at her den that Nightpuddle will kill me if I don't back off of Ivydawn,"he said.

"I respect that, one thousand percent, but you know that you guys are apprentices. When you guys are warriors, that's when you're allowed to go out wherever and whenever you'd like, but apprentices stay in their dens unless someone needs them. I am disappointed in all of you in a different way and form but you must learn. I want you guys to promise to me that it'll never happen again. And no, this policy doesn't just run in my clan, Desert clan, Marine clan and Meadow clan have the same rules. It's lived on these ways for centuries. Now everyone, please leave to your dens. It's past sunset, you need rest," Lilysky said, turning her back around.

Badgerpaw was the first one who stormed outside of the den. I knew that he was angry, and of course, I felt bad. I stormed out next and stopped him before he arrived inside his den. "Badgerpaw?"

"Yes, m'lady? Did I forget to give you your goodnight licks and cuddles?" He asked.

"Well, yes, you did, but also, you forgot to tell me one thing..." I said.

Badgerpaw didn't know what I was talking about. "And what's that, m'lady?"

"Are we mates?" I asked.

Badgerpaw's tail went up. "Well, if you consider me your one, we are one," He said, licking me and warming me up.

I had no idea what to say so I licked his forehead. "One more thing..." I said, stopping him in his tracks.

"Yes, my love?" He asked.

"I love you..." I said, blushing.

Badgerpaw shed a tear, "I love you too. Not even my own mother once said she loved me... Feels great hearing it from you," he said, walking inside his den.

I turned around and Blackthorn was standing behind me. "Unbelievable..." Blackthorn whispered.

I stared at him as he ran inside our den. Snowfall and my siblings weren't even asleep. They were so interested to know what happened at Lilysky's den. "What happened, father?" Hazelthump asked.

"Nothing really happened inside the den, but after I exited the den, Badgerpaw and Ivydawn had an interesting conversation," Blackthorn said, angrily.

Snowfall stood up. "What happened?"

"Well, they're mates and they honestly don't care about the fact that they left the territory for hunting grounds. I wonder what else their dirty little paws are hiding. You better not be pregnant," he said.

"Dad, we never did... Nevermind, but seriously, I'm mature now, I know right from wrong," I said, curling myself into a ball.

The family slept the entire night and I woke up first. "Badgerpaw, you're awake?" I asked.

"Yes, I could sleep for that "I love you" I recieved. My sister was concerned, so I told her. She was excited for me," Badgerpaw said, licking my ears very gentle.

Snowfall saw us talking, but we didn't do anything. "I still don't consider them my parents, I mean, me and my siblings have a strong bond, well me and Berrybird do, but at first, when he was just a kit like me, I didn't really understand him. He was a very conceited and manipulative cat, but once I got to know him, he's awesome. I'm trying to hook him up with his crush, Curlywings. She's is super nice and she's my mentor. One day, I'll be a leader of absolutely everyone!" I said, crouching.

"Hey, I'll be your gorgeous mate forever as well. We'll rule the lands together!" Badgerpaw said.

Duskflight walked inside our territory. "Father, what brings you here?" Lilysky asked.

"Oh right, we know that they're related now," I whispered to Badgerpaw.

"Ah, nothing, my bittersweet angel. Just happiness and sadness," Duskflight said.

"Father, you know that's the definition of bittersweet, right?" Lilysky asked.

"Yes, I just feel stupid for murdering your mother and sending your brother far, far away from the land we call Waterfall clan," Duskflight said, looking at the ground.

Lilysky laughed, "As my father would say, laugh with me!"

Everyone laughed, including me, because it was actually funny, funnier than him which he used to think he was. "Oh, look, Ivykit, all grown up. How cute is that?" Duskflight asked our clan.

"Very cute, despite the fact that I have a mate," I said, firing back.

"Nice, you lost feelings for me," Duskflight said.

Everyone laughed, once again. "Father, you finally realized how stupid and idiotic you were for killing mother and sending brother away," Lilysky said, "Everyone, quiet!"

Duskflight looked up at Lilysky, "Yes, I have realized my mistakes and I'd do anything to make you forgive me. It was decades ago but I never regretted it. I miss your mom, she was great," Duskflight said.

I walked up to him, "I'm pretty sure Lilysky would say the same thing to you about her mom. You killed her. Every cat wants to create memories with their mother before their downfall, and you crushed her dreams. You are a failure of a father, so as the embarrassment you are, waddle yourself away," I said, as everyone laughed.

Lilysky smiled at me, "Thanks for that, you really made up your mistakes to me."

Duskflight ran away, embarrassed. You know, being a apprentice is really fun, but it's difficult. The fun part is, being sassy isn't just my specialty, it's me. "Hey, Ivydawn," Sharpfur said.

"Hey, I haven't spoken to you since that incident with Nightpuddle," I said.

"Yeah, you know, you may be Ivydawn, but Sassy lives forever," Sharpfur said.

Wassup, this is the finishing of chapter 3! I loved this chapter!!! It is actually really good, and no, I ain't just saying that because it's my book, it has 3000+ words in it and I actually worked really hard on this! Go on my announcement section and talk to me about this chapter! I'll create an announcement as soon as I publish this baby! <3.

Just remember, my page and chapter comment section is only positive purposes ONLY!! This is a PG13 book and I don't want anyone being mean. If you don't like the book, it's fine, if you do, thanks!! 

I created chapter 2 the same day I made this chapter, and chapter two, in the caption at the end of the chapter itself, I said that i wasn't feeling great, my mood all of a sudden changed and I feel great! 

Stay blessed and always be happy! Nothing is better than a smile! 

Quarantine TingZ

Happiness only!

Smiles forver!

Love everywhere!!!

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