Arrange Marriage or Love Marr...

By prishaagarwal95

1.3M 59K 3.3K

#1 in Forever together. #1 in First Attempt. #1 in Arranged Love. Karuna Singhania: She belongs to a typical... More

1. Marriage Proposal.
2. Tandel's are coming.
3. QnA Session.
4. Karuna's Decision.
5. Spill The Beans.
6. Missed calls.
7. Unknown calls.
8. Sacrifice of 3 Years
9. Police station
10. Club
12. Will
13. Reena
14. Stupid Dream
15. Her Last Wish
16. The Truth
17. Photograph
18. Tsunami
19. Dark Secret
20. Kareena
21. Family Reunion
22. Wifey & Hubby
23. Rose
24. Mr Angry Raj
25. Style n shine.
26. Good news
27. Surprise Visit
28. Mamma
29. Teasing Game
30. Shopping
31. Measurement
32. Motive
33. Engagement Venue.
34. Big Day
35. Love Affection
36. Absence
37. Find her
38. Mr Shah
39. Rahul Mittal
Authors Note
40. Rescue Una
41. Boss
42. Plan
43. Action
44. Disguised
45. Stranger
46. Promise?
47. Welcome
Chapter 48 ( lullaby )
Chapter 49 (Caught red-handed)
Chapter 50 ( Drama queen)
Chapter 51 ( Resort )
Chapter 52 ( Desperate Raj )
Chapter 53 ( Claimed as my Boyfriend)
Chapter 54 ( Finally Mine )
Chapter 55 ( welcome the new bride )
Chapter 56 ( Pag Phera )
Chapter 57 ( Roller coaster night )
Chapter 58 ( Billion dollar lottery )
Chapter 59 ( Tom and Jerry )
Chapter 60 ( My possessive Tigress )
Chapter 61 ( Sangeet ceremony )
Chapter 62 ( only Mine )
Chapter 63 ( Green flag )
Chapter 64 ( Street Food )
Chapter 65 ( Arrange Marriage or Love Marriage )

11. Rani's confession

26.3K 1.1K 16
By prishaagarwal95

give up on something
you really want.
It is difficult to wait but
more difficult to

Karuna Pov

"Miss Rani now it's your turn for the confession and remember one thing I want only truth I hate those who lie to me. So, don't try to mess with me." Said Mr Shah strictly.

Finally the moment came for which I was waiting eagerly, Rani's confession.

"So what happened after Raj gave you his cellphone to call sunny?", Mr Shah asked.

Rani smiled cunningly and said,

"What you will do if I won't answer your questions?"

"Don't test my patients Miss Rani. I need answers give it by your own or else I will have to use my other ways on you. Don't force me to do something which you will regret later."

Mr Shah tried to threatened her but she didn't look like she is getting scared instead she started laughing madly. We all became confused. Is she mad? I don't understand why she is complicating things for herself?

Mr Shah ordered one of his constable to call someone. I don't know whom did he called but I guess maybe he called a lady constable to handle Rani.

Suddenly I heard a ringtone similar to my cellphone. I checked my phone but mine was not ringing. It was Mr Shah's cellphone. Mr Shah excused himself and pick up the call.

"Yes sir.............but sir..........but...........okay sir........yes sir."

Mr Shah called one of his constable and asked him to bring the releasing papers. Releasing papers! But why? He is looking sad after that call I guess whatever the other person said to him is the reason behind his sadness. I decide to ask him about it.

"What happened Mr Shah?", I enquired.

He gave me a very concerned look and said,

"I am sorry Miss Karuna but I can't interrogate her. I don't know how she manage to do that but it's my senior's call and he ordered me to release her instantly."

I gave her a glance. she had a victory smile on her face.

"I warned you don't mess with me. You don't know what I am capable of? So, better stay away from me." She again tried to threaten me.

After signing the realising papers she left. I instantly got up from my seat to follow her. I stopped her mid way.

"How did you do that?", I asked.

She didn't replied me and start to leave but I grabbed her hand. I will not let her go. Mr Shah have boundaries not me. I will get my answers from her.

She became angry and jerked my hand away.

"You b*t*h! How dare you touch me?",

She raised her hand to slap me but Raj came there on right time and stopped her hand mid way before it touched my face.

She smirked flirtatiously and said,

"Hi handsome!",

She try to touch Raj's face with her other hand. Now Raj became angry on her and said,

"Stay away from me.",

"Huh! You know what? You are a looser. Yesterday night I tried so hard to seduce you but you stubborn man Inspite of my numerous trials you remain unaffected.

The moment my eyes landed on you I wanted you. So I spiked your drink and booked a room and when you asked me to call your friend I took the benefit of that opportunity. I lied that he is calling you upstairs and you easily get trapped on my plan.

But when I was seducing you she called. I didn't let you pick up the call and answered it myself.

After that you know what happened? Because of her my mood got spoiled and I kicked you out of my room." She started laughing loudly.

"Actually you know what? you two you both are a big looser now move or else I will file the case of harassment against you both.", She said.

Raj released her hand and she went away victoriously. I was also leaving but Raj shouted.

"Karuna wait."

I turned towards him and looked at him questioningly. He started coming closer to me. I don't know why but I am getting nervous the more steps he took to get closer to me the more my heart starts to beat faster. What's happening? Why I am behaving like this? Maybe I still feel something for him!

He grabbed my wrists and said while looking directly into my eyes,

"I am sorry Karuna. I never want anything like this to happen with you. I am really sorry.", He apologized.

"It's ok Raj. Whatever happened it wasn't your fault. So, no need to say sorry for that.", I assured him

He smiled little bit after my assurance and said,

"So, it means we are still friends?", He enquired.

I nodded my head in denial and he became confused.

"Friends never lie to each other Raj. So, we can't be friends.", I said.

"What are you saying? I didn't understand What lie?", He said confusedly.

Wow! Best actor award goes to him. How can he act so innocently?

"I know everything Raj. I know that you are not gay.", I said.

He became shocked after my revelation and tried to say something but I raised my hand and stopped him midway.

"There is nothing left to say.", I said.

I went outside where Raj's parents and my father is being seated. I informed them everything whatever happened inside.

"Now when everything is sorted. I think we should forget about all these and should focus on Riya and Karan.", Mr Tandel suggested.

My father looked at me questioningly like he is asking me what to do? I smiled and nodded my head to assure him that I don't have any problem.

After that we came back to my house. The moment we entered my mother started asking a lot of questions about what happened? I explained her everything and excused myself.

I came to my room and lie down on the bed. I started thinking about whatever happened with me during last few days. My life became a total mess. Why God? Why me? A lone tear escaped from my eyes to stop my eyes from shedding more tears I squeezed them tightly.

Someone knocked on my door. I remembered how Mrs Tandel came to me with the contract marriage proposal.

I got up and opened the door. This time not only Mrs Tandel but along with her Mr Tandel is also standing. I can sense that it's again about that contract marriage thing.

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