The Villainess Wants to Avoid...

By born2beme

193K 6.1K 1.5K

Meet Paige an antisocial bookworm. When Paige dies falling off a ladder in the library to get her favorite no... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chaoter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 4

13.5K 405 158
By born2beme

The academy looked like a giant castle. As soon as we got close enough I jumped out and stared.

It was ginormous! A giant castle that's are supposed school?

I shook my head and quickly went for my luggage only to see Karsen has got it. I sighed and quickly snatched it from him.

Am I seriously being salty right now? It's not like he liked me in the first place. He's just convincing himself that so he doesn't have to like Kristen anymore.

"Hello you're third years right?" A girl walks up to us. Everyone nods except me.

We are third years? That means this is the year I get expelled. That means I'm already friends with those terrible girls. Oh no.

I audibly gulp and follow the girl who leads us to our rooms.

"Anna, Kristen has requested you share a room with her this year because you're accident prone." The girl smiles. I giggled a little at her calling me accident prone.

This might make it easier to avoid those girls at least.

Both Kristen and I wave goodbye to the boys before entering.

I looked around the room scanning it. It was quite large with a queen sized bed on each wall. In between the beds was a couch and a coffee table. Then there were two seat across. On the opposite wall of the bed were a wardrobe and dresser across from each bed.

"Hey Kristen?" I tugged on her uniform.

"Ah! Yes Anna?" She asked tilting her head.

"Um I'm really sorry about my bullying. I know it doesn't excuse me from my actions, but I want to turn a new leaf. I didn't realize until I almost died." I said looking down at my feet.

"Oh Anna!" She squeals with teary eyes and hugs me.


We soon started to unpack and just as we finished we heard a knock.

"I'll get it." I said before running to the door. When I opened it I was greeted by two familiar girls. Both girls were tall and beautiful. They both engulfed me in their arms.

"Ah Anna I'm so sorry you have to room with this hoe!" Mary said dramatically. I scoffed and quickly but gently pushed them off me.

"Can you not talk about my sister like that." I glared.

"Oh puhlease! You hate her you always bully her." Kelley cackled.

"Get out." I glared again.

"Whatever! You'll regret this Anna." Scoffed Mary.

"Come on, let's go Mary." Kelley glared. As soon as they were gone I brought my attention back to Kristen.

"Hey are you oka-" I was quickly cut off by Coby rushing in and gathering Kristen in his arms.

"What did you do to her?! We get you're jealous but your constant bullying of your sister is where I draw the line!" Hissed Coby. I glanced around quickly to see Karsen in the doorway before bringing my attention back to them.

"I seriously didn't do anything!" I protested.

"That's some bs." He hissed again. I looked at Karsen hoping he would say something but he actually avoided my gaze.

"Coby you are so insufferable! My sister didn't do anything! She actually stuck up for me, so I don't want to hear it." Kristen said shoving him off.

"I know what I did in the past was wrong, but I'm trying to turn a new leaf!" I said again with tears brimming in my eyes. Kristen glared at Coby which seemed to affect him the most.

"You know what? I can't do this. I'm going to take a walk." I glared before pushing my way past Karsen to the door.

"And Coby?" I asked right before walking out.

"hm?" He grumbled.

"I can't turn a new leaf if you don't even give me a chance." I nodded to him curtly before walking out and finally letting my tears fall.

Why is this affecting me so much? I barely know these people. Is it because of my past feelings?

Next thing I knew I found myself in the circular courtyard. I glanced around taking in my surroundings.

There was a beautiful water fountain in the middle with multiple different paths connecting it to doors. Around were flowers and scattered trees. The trees were of course cherry blossom trees. They were so incredibly beautiful.

I took a seat on a bench near me. I gently put my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands.

"Hey are you okay?" I quickly glanced up to be met with the prettiest eyes I have seen. They were this gorgeous purple.

I looked around to make sure he wasn't talking to anyone else, but everyone else was keeping along the paths and to themselves.

"Ah yes I'm alright." I smiled. He raised one of his perfect eyebrows at me.

"You were just crying so obviously not." He laughed and brushed his perfect blonde hair out of his eyes. This man was gorgeous and could definitely compete with Karsen, which is saying something.

"Was not." I mumbled.

"Your eyes are puffy and red. So do you want to talk or not?" He said putting his elbow on his knee and his chin in his hand, looking at me admiringly.

"Well since you insist....Okay so I wasn't always the best person and I am trying to change ya know? But no one is even giving me a chance and there is this guy, er well two guys but we will talk about the other later. So this first guy is my sisters fiancé and he hates me because I uh used to bully her. It's not my proudest moment okay! Okay okay, but he constantly accuses me of anything and everything even if I didn't do it. I have even already talked to my sister about it and she said she would be supportive, but how am I supposed to change without even being given the chance!" I rambled and realizing I must've been chatting his ears off I covered my mouth. I glanced at him but he seemed to be listening intently.

"Hm okay what about the other guy?" He asked.

"Ah yes! Okay so this guy is my fiancé. Someone I uh used to be in love with. Note the words 'used to' though. So, he told me he wanted to cancel the engagement and I fell out of a tree onto my head. I didn't realize until then how I wanted to change and I had a good talk with my fiancé, and even thought we were growing closer. It's alright and all...okay, so I tried to cancel the engagement but he insisted on keeping it. Then I got to the idea he might like me, but I also got the idea that he is just using me to get over my twin sister. Hell, he might even be using me to get close to her. Wait I didn't even say that part did I? So yeah, my fiancé is in love with my sister." I groaned and dramatically sighed.

"Your fiancé is an idiot." He smiled at me. I felt my heart flutter at that action.

"Tell me something I don't know." I laughed. Suddenly it became quiet and we just sat there.

"Did you hear that the prince is attending this year?" A voice spoke.

"Prince?" The other person asked.

"Yeah It's crazy right? I heard no one has ever seen the prince."

"He's probably hideous."

I shook my head quickly to tune those people out.

"Anna Stafford, It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance." I said sticking my hand out to the man.

"Darrick Larson." He said taking my hand in his. I couldn't help but notice how large his hand was in comparison.

"Ah well I should probably be going." I said, standing up and gesturing to the sun setting. He nodded before standing up as well and drastically dwarfing me standing next to him.

"Hey can I get your number?" He asked and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. I felt heat rise to my cheeks but quickly nodded. We exchanged numbers before a voice came and interrupted us.

"Prince Larson! There you are! We have been looking for you!" A chubby male said running up. I widened my eyes at 'Prince." Him seeing this gave me an awkward smile and mouthed 'I'm sorry,' before the chubby male dragged him off.

I don't know why but I found myself smiling the whole way back to my room. When I reached it I was about to knock when I heard noises from inside. I tiptoed closer to the door and leaned my ear to it.

I heard...moans.

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