His Step-brothers Are Wolves...

By PissingoffHomophobes

154K 6.8K 510

[Book 1 of the Lighthide Series] Theodore "Theo" Johnson has lived with his father for 4 years since his pare... More

Meeting The Stepfamily
"Sibling Bonding Time"
What Did I See?
Keeping it Secret
A Face From The Past
Alpha, Beta, Omega
History and Threats
Manipulative Apology
A Nightmare
Boredom With A Side Of Meeting
Save Me From Him
Very Own Spark
What It Means To Lead
A Warning Taken Lightly
Attack In The Night
One Falls Another Rises
Adjustment & Nightmares
The sweet smell
His First Heat
A Meeting Em & Ty
Taken Away
So Close, So Far
Back In Your Arms
Dr. Visit
Running into the Past
A love They Share
The Truth Of The Ring
Facing The Pack
Date Night
Set back
Em's Surprise
Traitor In Our Midst
Some Good News
Theo Takes Charge
A Heartfelt Chat
An Unexpected Twist
Authors Note: Very Important!!!
Austin's Spark
Next Steps
Mark of The Mate
Unforeseen Plans


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By PissingoffHomophobes

Theo was still in the position he was left at when Allen left him yesterday. His legs has gone numb at this point, but he didnt care. He just wanted to not feel the intense pain from yesterday. Thats why he hasn't moved yet.

Theo also realized that he was hungry as well, but with Allen still not back, Theo didn't risk it. Instead he started drawing patterns on the dusty floor, keeping in his tears. He missed everyone, even the people who were crude to him. He's only been missing for a short time, but captivity of any kind feels like a lifetime ago.

After a few more hours when the sun went down, Theo finally attempted to move closer to the wall. Pressing both hands on the concrete, he pushed his upper abdomen into the air, jostling his broken leg, he let out a loud squeal of pain. The pain broke his form and he plopped back against the ground, his legs now showing its pain again.

Theo, through the tears, grabbed his leg and slid it towards the other one, biting his lip as he did so. Every subtle movement hurt the broken bone inside his shin, but he was determined to sit up. Once his leg was in position, Theo closed his eyes tight and placed his hands down again, pushing off of the floor. He immediately slammed his back against the wall, keeping close to it.

He waited a good few minutes before finally finishing what he set out to do. With all his mustered up courage, he grabbed the broken leg, lifted it up and carefully placed it correctly, barely registering the pain after the numbness set back in. When Theo was situated, he was panting against the wall, his good leg against his chest while the broken one remained on the floor.

Once situated, he started going through everything that has happened to him, but one thing stood out to him. With what he's been through so far, Jayson suddenly doesn't seem as bad as this. Yes his ex is crazy, abusive and manipulative, but after all he's been through, he doesn't fear him. He fears never seeing the pack again; seeing Ezra and his father. He fears that he won't be fit to lead if he comes back to them. Hes scared of these things so much more than Jayson. He just wants to get back to the pack.

After a few hours, Theo managed to fall asleep against the corner of the wall. He wasn't asleep for long when he heard someone clear their throat loudly.

Theo jumped, looking over at the door to spot both Gilbert and Allen standing there. Gilbert smiled. "Good to see you have settled in nicely." He says.

Theo glared, but didn't say anything.

Gilbert took note and decided to speak instead. "I just came to see if you were still here and in one piece. Keep it that way and your injuries will remain a minimum. Allen will be accompanying me for about a week. Derek and Juan will be on watch duty. They are under strict rules to not touch you in a sexual way. Though a physical beating is on the table. Only if you deserved it." Theo flinched when Gilbert stepped towards him, watching as the older man bent down and brought his hand up to caress Theo's cheek.

"I'd play nice. Paul was the beginning. Act up before we get the ring and you will regret it." He whispered.

Theo's glare held strong, but he nodded in compliance. Gilbert accepted it, turning to walk out of the room. Allen watched as Gilbert left before turning to Theo. "Dont worry, everything will be fine. I look forward to seeing you again."

Theo glared as they left the room, this time closing the door behind them. Theo groaned, rubbing at his temples. He just wanted to be home. Not kidnapped.

With this looming over his head, Theo went back to sleep.


Theo was awaken yet again, this time by the sunlight hitting him just right through a small crack in the cieling. Theo groaned, turning his head away from the light. Theo's eyes caught a glimpse of movement, making him jump hard against the wall. Looking at the door he noticed Juan and Derek standing there.

"Why good morning, little one." Derek says, walking into the room. Theo shifted away from him, but his leg screamed at him, causing him to squeal slightly.

Juan stepped in, but stopped about halfway in. He knitted his eyebrows, sniffing the air. "Oh. Now that is unexpected." He says.

Derek looked back at him. "What?"

"Smell the air."

Theo watched as Derek sniffed the air with visible confusion, before realizing what it was. Theo went white as a sheet. Was his heat near? It couldn't be since he just had it.

"Now that is something Allen and Gilbert would love to hear about." Derek turned back to Theo. "Still won't stop me from doing this," a punch to Theo's face caught him off guard as he slammed to the wall. Theo has been punched many times, but this one felt different.

"Derek I wouldn't. When Allen and Gilbert know what's going on, they will be pissed if we touch him." Juan says, hesitantly closing himself off.

Derek scoffed. "Let them be pissed."

Derek went in for another punch when a loud crash happened outside the door. Derek jumped up, sharing a look with Juan. Juan looked a bit scared which confused Theo a bit. Why would he need to be scared? Were Allen and Gilbert here?

"You stay with him. I'll go check it out." Derek says, walking up to Juan, grabbing his shirt and throwing him into the room. He closed the door and locked it, his footsteps disappearing towards the noise.

"Asshole." Juan muttered under his breath, getting up off the ground. He turned to Theo with a look. "Sorry for him."

Juan reached over and grabbed one of my old clothes, bringing it forward he brought it up to my face, wiping the blood that was coming out of my busted lip.

"Why are you doing that?" Theo asks, his voice a bit shaky.

Juan chuckled. "I play it up with him, you know. The bad guy routine when I'm with Derek. You have to when you are a part of Defiants Pride. In all honesty, I hate this pack, but Gilbert has a tendency to kill whoever leaves. They hurt too many people all for something petty and stupid." He paused for a moment, a distant pain struck in his eyes that Theo caught. "He killed my brother."

Theo bit his lip. No wonder Juan really didn't chase him much. He hates this clan. Suddenly Theo had an idea, but wasn't too keen on sharing just yet. Losing a family member? Theo couldn't comprehend it.

There was another loud crash, making both of them jump. Juan glared. "Thats definitely not one of us." He says.

Theo got a small sliver of hope to appear in his eyes and heart when he realized what Juan had said. If it wasnt their pack... was it... lighthide?

As if to answer his question, the door busted opened with Derek in a frenzy, his lip busted and shirt torn. He rushed over to Theo, grabbing his shirt and bringing him up. His broken leg made itself painfully obvious, causing him to scream.

"Whats going on?" Asked Juan.

"Lighthide is here. Come on!" He shouted, forcing Theo to walk only to have him collapse near the door in tears. Derek was having none of it and instead, punch Theo in the face again, this time rougher before bending down and throwing Theo over his shoulder like a sack of flour.

Theo couldn't see straight from the pain to the punches, his vision blurred. He can tell that Juan seemed disgusted but he didnt say anything. Instead he followed Derek out of the room, Theo could hear voices but none of them seemed to connect to him.

The last thing Theo heard was a loud thud before he fell unconscious from the pain.

A/N: sorry for the late update. This has actually been on here for a while finished, I just haven't posted it due to some changes I wanted to make but wasn't sure how to do it haha! But here it is!!!

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