Baby on Board

By kittyface27

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What is in that barrel floating in the ocean? And why is it uneven to hold? When the bored crew finds a float... More

Why Is He In a Barrel!?
Meetings and Rejections
Two New Friends
The Storm
Fifteen Years Later

Bugs and Silent Goodbyes

672 28 2
By kittyface27

This chapter fulfills the drama category I put the story in. It's a bit dark, but don't worry because next chapter (the final chapter) makes up for it. And at the end, I think there's someone people will be happy to see.

Also, I made the symptoms of the bug because I can make it whatever I want. I also briefly researched what the thing would lead to. Enjoy~

The day seemed to go by quickly. Franky finally got time to show Luffy his invention, which was a mini rocking chair. It was easy and fun to make, and didn't take much time. At first, Luffy wasn't sure what it was and was startled when it moved after he touched it, but then he registered it was a chair, and he knew chairs were for sitting on. He bravely sat in the chair and rocked back and forth with his eyes wide. It felt familiar and he liked it. Now he just needed someone to sit on it so he could be in their lap.

"You like it?" Franky asked happily when Luffy rocked harder with a smile. "That's SUPER!" Franky exclaimed, putting his forearms together, startling the little one. Luffy continued to rock as he put his arms above his head to mimic what the big person had done. His arms aren't long enough to reach properly, but it was cute anyway, and made those on deck smile, somewhat sadly. There were two days left until they reached the next island and the crew knew they were becoming more attached to him. They each felt guilty about leaving him at the first good place they found. Deep inside, most of them wanted the next island to be uninhabited so he could stay with them a little longer. But they each wanted him to grow up in a safe and consistent environment. Not on a dangerous pirate ship like their own. So many things could go wrong with a set up like that.

Robin continued to sleep with him and be near him all day. She'd had never considered or wanted to be a mother, but she enjoyed this. Taking care of someone else instead of only herself for once in a long time. Luffy still cried a lot from small things. Every single time he lost balance doing something he burst into tears, though they were more easily subsided as he got to know the others more. He liked these people, except for the scary walking thing. He didn't run away from Brook, but he closed his eyes when he saw him. He liked the music he played, but Luffy did his best not to look. Brook didn't mind so much. Luffy enjoyed the music Book made, and that was enough. And the fact Luffy didn't scream in terror when he saw the walking skeleton. It was progress in a short amount of time. Maybe Brook would be able to say goodbye to him when they time came without Luffy feeling terror when Brook approached.

Zoro and Sanji continued their "lessons", both now using Copper as a spotter for their activities. The two still weren't good about calming Luffy down when he cried. It seemed only the women were good at that on the ship.

The next day, the day before they reached the next island, Luffy was made another pair of clothes by Nami. She tried to make this one better quality so he'd look nicer when he was brought to someone else. He'd been bathed only yesterday, but they gave him another bath in the morning after breakfast. Brook ate the meal with the rest regardless of Luffy not looking at him. Brook also didn't talk at all. He was still feeling a little depressed Luffy liked everyone but him.

Later, on the grassy deck, Luffy was playing with his blocks happily, taking occasional breaks to go on his small rocking chair just for him and rock happily for a few minutes with his teddy. Franky was feeling proud of his rocking chair. It was almost as special as Usopp's blocks and teddy bear. The little one was content to be all alone while he entertained himself, but the others wanted to spend more time with him on what they thought was their last day with the boy.

Strangely, Zoro and Sanji were the first to come over to him, followed by Usopp and Chopper. They sat next to him, Zoro and Sanji resisting the urge to beat eachother up.

"Luffy, do you want to play a game?" Chopper asked. Luffy looked up from his blocks and recognized "game". He nodded. Usopp happily jumped up and left the deck to get the rubber ball they had. While they waited shortly, Luffy went back to his blocks. They were only messy towers, but Luffy was enjoying himself, so it didn't really matter. There was no reason for him to have to make neat buildings. They crew were still impressed with Usopp's creations for the boy.

Eventually everyone joined in the game of just passing the ball. Of course Sanji and Zoro got in a fight eventually when Zoro "accidentally" threw the ball as hard as he could at Sanji's groin. That messed up the game because the ball ended up going overboard when Sanji kicked it away. Luffy cried, causing everyone to glare at the two monsters on the ship. Both looked guilty. Good, everyone thought as they tried to cheer Luffy up.

There was another ball on the ship, but this one was too big for Luffy, so they played hide and go seek around the ship. Nami and Luffy hid together. Really, Luffy, Chopper and Usopp were the only ones playing. Franky, Zoro, Sanji and Brook all did their own things during the game. The day passed quickly for all of them, and as they bid goodnight to Luffy and Robin before it got dark out, they all felt sad. They were so close to the next island, and might be saying goodbye the next day.

The following day, just after breakfast, Nami called that she could see the island. She couldn't tell from the crow's nest whether it had any cities or ports on it. All she could tell was the island was very green and had a lot of trees. Luffy was napping in Robin's lap on the grassy deck, sitting on a blanket. Her shout woke the sleepy toddler, who yawned cutely and sat up in Robin's lap.

"Did you sleep well?" Robin asked, not expecting an answer, which is what she got, or technically didn't get. Luffy could see from where he was that there was a big green shape on the horizon. He stood up slowly and walked to the far railing to see the island. He'd seen these before. Everyone was always happy when they saw one. At least at his old home they were.

Usually, the crew would be happy they reached land, but for once they weren't, though they knew they needed supplies and this island could help them out. They would basically be trading. Giving Luffy and taking supplies and food.

Sanji brought out a piece of candy for Luffy to put him in a good mood for when they reached near the shore. Luffy wouldn't be getting on the island, he'd be waiting on the ship with Chopper and Robin while the others explore the island and look for civilization, and then for a good home they could leave Luffy to.

The others split up in groups for the supplies they needed, which was mostly food and medicine. Chopper had made a long list of medication he wanted brought back. He'd asked for some children friendly medications in case Luffy where to stay with them if there was no good place to leave him.

Luffy wanted to go on the island too. The nice lady and teddy bear were staying with him, but he wanted to go somewhere else. Maybe mama would be there. He had rarely been allowed to go on an island at his old ship. Someone would always stay with him on the boat since he was still a baby and could get sick easily, not to mention bad guys on the island. It would be hard to defend themselves if someone had to keep Luffy protected in their arms.

Luffy whined when he watched most of the crew leave the ship. He wanted to explore too! Robin and Chopper came up behind him and she picked him up. "You can't go off the ship right now, Luffy. Maybe later," Robin said with a smile. Luffy still wasn't very happy and was now in a pouty mood. He was bored. He enjoyed his blocks but he could only do so much with them. So he settled for watching the forest and the clouds, listening to the sounds of the waves against the coast and the birds and bugs. There was an abundance of life on this island. Robin and Chopper didn't like that. That meant there was most likely no human habitants. Luffy might be staying with them a little longer.

Robin eventually brought Luffy and led Chopper inside once it got humid and the insects were heard louder and were flying around the deck. Luffy itched his small arm and leg.

The crew who weren't on the ship with little Luffy were exploring the island, becoming more and more worried that there was nowhere for Luffy to go to on the island. Zoro hacked the foliage in front of them with his swords. The jungle was thick and they continuously swatted bugs off of themselves. It wasn't a fun outing to say the least.

Though there was no city to buy food they needed to eat, there were an abundance of fruits and animals. Sanji was bummed there wasn't any place to get flour and dough. Luffy had enjoyed his mini pie, and if he couldn't be dropped off here, he had wanted to make him some more food that he liked. The group didn't disperse, some only walked away once Zoro or Sanji saw or was approached by an animal. Stupid animals.

When the crew was half way inland, they knew there would be no home for Luffy here. He'd die instantly if he set tiny foot anywhere on this land alone. Even the bugs would kill him first. They were big and loud. The group arrived back at the ship with natural food and wood Zoro had cut off in case something were to happen and drastic times called for drastic measures. They wished they could have gotten Luffy something new to play with.

Chapter 4

By the time the crew got back, it was late afternoon. They had packed lunches for their exploration and Robin, Chopper and Luffy made their own food. When the group headed into the galley, they saw the no one was in there. The three who stayed weren't in the aquarium or on deck either. The group that had just arrived split up and looked for those that had stayed, finally finding Robin in the library with Luffy sleeping in her lap, cuddling his teddy bear, with a light blanket wrapped around his small body. Chopper was nowhere to be seen.

"How did it go?" Robin asked quietly, so not to wake up the little one sleeping deeply in her lap.

"Well, Luffy's gonna be with us a little longer. There is nothing on this island. It's like Little Garden but with no giants or dinosaurs," Nami explained.

"That's a shame," both Zoro and Sanji said at the same time, then glared at each other, for once trying not to get in a fight; Luffy was in the room. Nami glared at them for interrupting her.

"Anyways, we found mostly fruits. There were a few animals Zoro and Sanji took care of, and we left them on the beach. I think we need to do some more hunting," Nami continued.

"You mean, us hunt," Usopp said as he looked at Nami, who smiled deviously.

"You wouldn't be hunting either," Sanji muttered, causing Usopp to turn red.

"Alright, Zoro and Sanji please go hunting and get some food. Sanji, if there are coconuts can you get some of those?" Robin asked.

"Of course Robin-chan," Sanji replied. Zoro scoffed, but turned around and left with Sanji to go see who can get more and bigger food.

"Nami, how long until the next island?" the captain questioned, still speaking softly.

"Around just a day if I'm correct. It should only take around half an hour for the log to set here," the navigator replied.

"Where's Chopper?" Usopp asked as he looked around, like he'd only just noticed there was no one else in the room.

"I'd have to guess in the infirmary if he is nowhere else," Robin said, running her fingers through the little one's hair. But then she noticed something. Luffy's hair was sticking to his forehead. Her brows furrowed as she unwrapped him from his blanket and adjusted him so she could see his full face, not just the profile. She then became very worried. Luffy's face was red and sweaty. He was also shaking a little bit, like he was cold, though when she felt his forehead he was hot. She immediately stood up with Luffy in her arms and walked quickly to the infirmary, where she was correct that Chopper was in the room.

"Chopper, can you take a look at Luffy?" Robin asked calmly, but very seriously. Chopper was confused, but asked no questions as he turned into heavy point so he could hold Luffy easily. He was breathing a little quickly and was sweaty all over his body, his hair and clothes sticking to his skin. Chopper bit his lip and laid the toddler on the big bed and went to his desk to get a thermometer. The others had followed Robin into the room and waited nervously if Luffy was sick or not. But even seeing him from a distance was enough to show he was not well.

Chopper pulled the thermometer out of Luffy's mouth, who was so sound asleep that he hadn't noticed something being put under his tongue. Chopper frowned uneasily.

"102.1 degrees fahrenheit... someone get a bath ready, not too cold and not too hot. Lukewarm is best. Someone else get his cup with water in it," Chopper instructed. Luffy's clothes were light, so that was fine, though after the bath he'd be best with a new pair of dry clothes. Nami and Usopp had left for what Chopper asked for.

He went to the corner of the room, making sure Robin stayed next to his current patient, and got the revolving fan ready to be used later and positioned it near the bed.

Robin ran her fingers over luffy's skin and saw something she hadn't noticed before. There was a small pink lump on his forearm. It looked like a mosquito bite. She sighed. It was from the abundance of bugs in the air. They shouldn't have brought Luffy outside, but it wasn't like they knew this would happen.

"Chopper, I think he was bitten by a bug," Robin told the reindeer. He walked over and gently handled Luffy's tiny arm, able to fit completely in Chopper's own furry hand. It didn't look like a serious bite, but Nami's bug bite had looked fine yet turned out to be fatal. He decided he should check his young patient's blood.

"I need a blood draw," Chopper stated as he pulled out a clean syringe, the smallest size they had. He wiped Luffy's elbow with disinfectant and slowly put the needle into his skin, hoping to not get a reaction from him. The little boy whined in his sleep, but didn't wake up or cry. A little piece of cotton was then taped on top of the tiny hole.

Usopp came in at the same time Nami did, both having done what Chopper asked.

"I filled the mini tub with water," Nami announced, looking nervously at Luffy's still form. Usopp handed Chopper the homemade sippy cup. "Why'd he have to get sick when we're in the middle of nowhere?" she asked herself quietly and a bit miserably.

Chopper picked Luffy up gently and carried him to the bathhouse, Robin following with the cup of water in her hand. The bath in the bathhouse was much too big to be safe and easy to bathe Luffy by himself, so Nami had filled up the kiddy pool they had gotten because Chopper had wanted to able to take a bath by himself without the worry of drowning. He used it maybe once, but they were all grateful they had it. Chopper gently took off Luffy's homemade clothing and set him in the water he deemed was a good temperature.

Franky and Brook had been there the whole time but had stayed quiet. Luffy woke up when he was slowly set into the water. What happened? He was sleeping and why was he now in a bath? He did feel very hot. It was uncomfortable. And his arm and leg itched. He didn't understand why his hand was gently pulled away from the source of the itching before he could scratch it. He whined quietly. It itched! What was he supposed to do? But then his body relaxed more as Chopper poured some sort of relaxing, powdered herb into the small pool. Luffy was laid deeper into the water, more laying down now than sitting up. All of him was in the water except his head, which was soon adorned with a cool washcloth. He wanted to sleep again. He was so sleepy, and he felt better in the water, so he closed his eyes and fell back asleep, the itches not bothering him anymore.

The spectators and the captain and doctor holding Luffy propped up in the water watched in relief when Luffy fell back into a peaceful sleep. They let him relax in the little tub until the water got cold and they took him out, drying him off gently and dressing him in his clean clothes they'd found him with. His forehead was cooled down, but he was still breathing a little quickly, though not panting as he had been doing beforehand.

He had some water dribbled into his mouth to try and keep him hydrated while he slept after they set him down on the bed in the infirmary. Nami had gone to unattach the railings on Robin's bed and bring them to the bed that now needed them. The others besides Chopper and Robin eventually left because Luffy seemed pretty stable at the moment. Robin was asked to watch the boy while Chopper analyzed his blood.

The blood seemed normal enough, so he was confused about the issue. He was positive Luffy had been bitten by a bug in the arm, so he walked over to him and examined the arm. It had swelling in it now, and Luffy was again sweating bullets and breathing quickly. Chopper gently pressed all over Luffy's bitten arm and heard intakes of breath and cringes when he pushed on a certain area. When the area was pushed on again, a tad bit harder, Luffy woke up and started to cry. It hurt!

Chopper was becoming very concerned and hurried over to his massive encyclopedia of all types of sicknesses and symptoms, looking in the "dangerous insect" area. The book really had everything. Robin noticed his panicking aura and looked to the crying Luffy in worry. She didn't touch his arm as she lifted him into her own. He continued to cry even though nothing was touching the pained area anymore. He was scared. It had only itched before but now it was tingling and very painful.

Finally finding symptoms that seemed to match with both how he was reacting and how he had gotten whatever was wrong with him, Chopper muttered an "oh no..." which Robin heard over Luffy's soft sobbs now.

"What, what is it?" she practically demanded.

Chopper took a deep breath. "I think he has a blood clot. Robin, we need to get him to a hospital. Soon. We can't wait."

Luffy then made a pained noise when Robin readjusted him in her arms and touched his leg. "Robin, put him down," Chopper instructed strictly, which Robin followed and gently set Luffy on his back and didn't touch him again. Chopper ran to the opposite side of the bed and looked at Luffy's leg. This limb was swollen as well. There was another raised lump on the inside of Luffy's leg, where his shorts would hide it. This was worse. Chopper even swore, which he rarely did.

"He has another clot in his leg, which is worse. It can lead to a DVT and then Pulmonary Embolism. Then he could die from a clot forming in his lungs. We need to leave NOW. Tell everyone to quickly change into long sleeved clothes. We don't want someone else to be bitten by this insect. Go now," Chopper said forcefully, sending Robin running for the others. Most were in the galley, and Sanji and Zoro were back with a pile of dead animals on deck.

"Robin-chan look what I got~!" Sanji said, but then turned instantly serious when he saw Robin's panicked expression.

"Everyone change into pants and jackets with the hoods up. NOW, hurry!" she demanded, sending everyone running with her behind Nami. Thankfully, no one else had been bitten. The only bugs that had gotten those who went inland were mosquitos. They all met back in the galley, each having a hood over their head, feeling confused.

"Nami," Robin began, not even giving the others a break to even sit down. "When will the log be set?"

"It's already set. What happened?" But Robin didn't answer her right away.

"Franky get a few coup de bursts set right now," she instructed, causing Franky to sprint out of the door. "I'll tell you what's wrong after a few coup de bursts," she said, and then ran back to the infirmary to tell Chopper to get ready for the burst. Chopper had not wanted to do it, but it was for Luffy's safety that he strapped him to the bed so he wouldn't go flying off and hurt himself. Luffy did not like this and started wailing again, struggling weakly against the bonds with big fat tears falling down his face towards his little ears.

"Shhh, Luffy, it's only gonna be like this for a minute," Chopper cooed softly. Luffy was still crying from being so restricted. Everything was scary right now. He hurt and was hot and now he was trapped as well. He was hungry and thirsty and just miserable. When there were a few sudden and violent lurches and a few things flew off the shelves, Luffy screamed in fear and wet himself, causing him to sob even harder. Everything was so scary. Why?

Robin ordered as many bursts as there could be and Franky was following her order. They finally ran out of cola four bursts later and had covered much of the distance. Now there was nothing they could do but hope for fast wind and good weather. And no marines, pirates or monsters.

Luffy continued to scream and cry even after he was no longer strapped down. Chopper smelled Luffy and could tell the poor boy had wet himself and said sadly, "Robin, please get another pair of shorts and underwear. Luffy had an accident." Chopper ran his large furry hand over Luffy's tiny one to try and comfort him.

When Robin came back with a new pair of shorts, she brought Luffy's bear as well. Once the little one was wiped and changed and finally put back to sleep after Robin sang to him, she had the others come into the room, telling them to all be as quiet as possible. No one had missed Luffy's screams. They were so loud they had echoed throughout the ship.

The others had a million questions, but the one that overrode all the others was "What is wrong with Luffy?"

Zoro and Sanji hadn't been on the ship when Luffy was discovered to be sick, so they were told the story from the beginning, listening seriously, giving no expression away. Everyone were silent as Chopper explained what was wrong with Luffy and why they were to wear clothes that covered their skin while they were still anywhere near the island. Nami and Usopp were both crying as they listened to Chopper explain Luffy's condition. The others were stony faced. Except Franky who had trouble keeping his sobbing silent. He knew his booming sobbs would wake and scare the already uncomfortable and frightened Luffy lying so still on the bed.

"We need to get him to a hospital and fast. I'm not sure how fast things get bad with someone so young," Chopper stated miserably. "The insect that stung him is very rare. I didn't even think it existed any more. It's a very dangerous bug that looks like a bee, only it's red and black with longer legs. Once they sting, they die like bees do, so hopefully there aren't anymore on the ship. There were at least two on the ship at some point. Either way, until we reach the next island, wear long clothes to cover your skin. Luckily, they don't have a very long lifespan," Chopper finished and sat in his chair, letting out a sigh. What a mess this was.

"Why do bugs have to be our downfall?" Usopp asked no one in particular miserably. No one said anything to his comment; they were all thinking it. Well, those who were around when Nami was ill.

"We should move his limbs for him so it doesn't get worse. He might not like that, but it's necessary. It's so hard with him not being able to communicate with us verbally," Chopper muttered. Sanji and Zoro got up first, and, with gentleness no one else knew they had, they started moving Luffy's arms and legs, being careful not to touch anywhere near where Chopper said the clots were. Luffy thankfully didn't wake up from this. The two heard his tummy growl though. Nami took Sanji's place when he said he was going to make Luffy some broth from the fresh meat they had caught.

As he cooked, he worried. Luffy had been just fine that morning, and now because of stupid bug he was deathly ill. Already, that morning felt like a long time ago. He cooked the food caringly and somewhat slowly to make it as good as it could be. He knew they others were giving Luffy water, so he had something to put in his stomach as he waited for his food.

Sanji added some herbs that helped dull pain that Chopper had given him, since Chopper had no pain killers he could confidently give Luffy, and brought the steaming bowl on a tray with a small pile of soft crackers. He had to put the food in front of the fan for it to not be too hot for Luffy. By the time the food was ready, Luffy was awake and looked miserable. When he smelled the food being fanned towards him, his tummy growled again, causing him to whine. He was hungry!

The bed was positioned so he was sitting up more and he was spoon fed the broth, and ate the few crackers slowly. They all waited with him in the room, though Brook left often to check if they were near the island they desperately needed to get to.

Luffy was bored until Nami brought in sticks of wax she'd made from some candles last night and a pad of note paper she could replenish cheaply. Luffy had drawn before, but it was mostly scribbles, which was what he produced now, as he sat up with a tray propped on the railings of the bed across his lap. But he was distracted from the discomfort as he "drew" the people around him. The "picture" was really just seven squiggles that had different sized circles on top of the wobbly sticks. Even Franky was drawn as the same size as everyone else. There were only three colors to use: red, green, and purple. When he was done he handed it to the nearest person, who was Nami. Sadly, Brook was not in the picture.

"Wow, thank you Luffy," Nami said happily. Luffy smiled at his hard work being praised. Though he didn't really recognize too many words, seeing Nami's face as she looked at his drawing was praise enough for him. "Look at what Luffy drew, everyone."

The others in the room looked at the paper Nami held in her hands and smiled. They couldn't tell who was who, but they assumed the seven squiggles were them. They thanked Luffy; even Sanji and Zoro gave small smiles.

Of course this made everyone even more nervous about how Luffy would be. They had to save him somehow. Chopper had talked about how serious this was, and they were scared, but it was a relief to see Luffy was acting normal, though sometimes his face would pinch from moving one of his injured limbs. Yet he didn't cry, which was difficult for him. He hurt, so that means he should cry. But crying hurts too, so that means he shouldn't. He was confused.

Every now and again he'd whimper from the aching feeling, and would complain when his legs were moved in a motion like how you would ride a bike, but he still didn't cry at all. He wasn't so scared when everyone was around him. He didn't pick up on their fear though, which they were glad of.

They reached the island somewhat quickly, since the bursts had covered a lot of distance, but it still had felt like an eternity. They docked the island as close as they could to the city they saw from the water. They were so thankful and relieved. They had a good but at the same time bad feeling about this place. Good because it looked somewhat industrialized, which meant hospitals, but bad because there was a marine ship docked a ways away. There must be a base here, which meant they had to not attract attention. Franky even furled the sails and climbed up the mast to untie the jolly roger. That was their pride and joy, but it was to help their littlest member be safe. They didn't want to be pulled away from him suddenly thanks to marine interference.

Robin carried Luffy in a large makeshift baby cradle Franky had thrown together the other day in case the island was habitable for Luffy, with the others in a protective circle around her and the little one. They walked quickly and asked directions to the nearest hospital. No one saw Luffy in the cradle, and he didn't make noise. He liked the rocking motion and there were fluffy clouds in the sky to distract him. Usopp carried the bag of blocks and Luffy had his teddy.

They finally made it to the hospital and hurried inside and told the reception lady what was wrong. Luffy was rushed inside the ER, with only Robin and Chopper following.

The doctors took Luffy away to be treated immediately and Chopper and Robin were asked many questions. They answered every question truthfully, but tiptoed around the fact that they were pirates. They were lead back to the lobby where the others sat quietly, trying to not attract attention besides the presence of Franky and Brook.

It turned out Luffy had unnaturally quickly developed a clot in his lung from Pulmonary Embolism from that damn bug's venom. Many of the doctors had no clue what bug bit Luffy, and some of them had never even heard of this insect, so Chopper explained it to them before he was ushered out of the room. It was very risky for Luffy to have any kind of surgery because he was so young, and his chance of survival was low. The surgery was done extremely carefully and somewhat slowly. Slower that it would usually taken. There needed to be podiatrists and a plethora of different experienced surgeons to pull it off successfully. But in the end, Luffy survived. None of the medical staff knew how Luffy would be affected mentally from the experience because he had no way to communicate verbally. The doctors knew there wasn't a chance of him recovering quickly. It would, like most cases, take around two years, if not longer. He'd have to be living with someone patient and understanding, also willing to pay for visits, check ups, various medications and maybe even counseling.

By the time Luffy was out of surgery and someone came to get his guardians, the people who brought him here, they were gone. There was no note or message about who they were, where they were going, or when they'd come back. Because they didn't. Luffy was left all by himself in that hospital, recovering from an intense surgery. All that was left was a sack of blocks and a worn teddy bear.


"How is he?" Sanji asked, sitting far from the front of the lobby, when Chopper and Robin came back. Robin sat down and sighed, worried about Luffy. The others felt the same.

"He developed Pulmonary Embolism quickly, due to the stupid bug bites. He's In surgery right now... they- they told us he had a low chance of survival!" Chopper said and began to bawl his eyes out. Usopp hugged him as he cried as well.

"How long is the surgery going to take?" Zoro asked solemnly. They couldn't wait long here. Zoro had seen a bulletin of wanted posters posted behind the desk, and it wasn't as if he could just reach over the take it. "We can't be here long, Robin. There's a thing back there with all of our wanted posters," Zoro said quietly, trying to not attract any additional attention.

"I don't want to leave without saying goodbye. It'd just be wrong," Nami said sadly. This wasn't looking good. Luffy would be here for a while while he recovered. They wouldn't be able to stay that long. It would most likely take years for Luffy to recover, and they didn't have years, no matter how much they wish they did.

"I don't either," said Robin. "But we knew we'd be leaving him soon. We can't take care of him, even if he had never gotten sick. It was nice while it lasted. We will wait here while we can, but be ready to leave at a moment's notice. There has to be hospital security here, and I'd rather not fight inside the lobby of a hospital."

"He's not going to even be able to remember us. He's too young to. It'll be like this never happened. And who's going to take care of him?" Nami asked sadly, her head down like the rest of them.

"Nami-san there's nothing we can do about that," Sanji said comfortingly.

"Maybe, maybe not," Usopp said, pulling up Luffy's bag of blocks and a pen from his bag. He wrote his own name on one of the blocks and handed one to each of his crew mates. They all signed their names and put the blocks back into the sack. There was a collective sigh of sadness. Then their head raised slightly.

"There they are officer. I think they're pirates who kidnapped a child," a receptionist muttered from afar, but Chopper heard it.

"Oh no... We've been spotted," Chopper said miserably. Everyone turned their heads towards the people talking about them, their faces contorted in fury. They wouldn't be able to say goodbye to Luffy, the little boy they all fell in love with. They'd just be leaving him here, alone, with no place to go. Nami slipped a very large wad of bills from her pocket and into the bag. Hopefully that covers the cost of his recovery for whoever is lucky enough to keep that little boy.

The enraged pirate crew got up, leaving Luffy's bag of blocks behind them and ran out of the hospital, thinking apologies as they fled away from marines and away from Luffy. Some of the crew were crying or sobbing, but they continued to run and eventually sail away, far from this place, never to visit again. Luffy was officially not a part of their ragtag group anymore. It had been nice while it lasted.

A four year old boy (but mature for his age) with black hair and freckles watched and listened as those pirates talked about ditching the sick baby they brought in. It made him furious that someone would bring a deathly ill baby and leave without even saying goodbye. He was going to say something, calling them garbage, until he learned they were pirates. Why did pirates have a baby with them, and why would they risk exposure to make sure he was okay, only to leave him behind like he was nothing? All they left behind was a single bag with a stuffed bear and blocks that he watched them sign their names on.

As they ran out, to never be seen again by the baby, Ace brought over the blocks and sat down next to his foster mother, a kind woman named Makino. The two were waiting for Ace's brother, Sabo, to come out from his physical therapy in another part of the building. He had said he was a big boy and wanted to be do it on his own. Makino hadn't heard the whispered conversation between the pirates, so Ace had to tell her.

Ace dug out money from inside the bag. "Makino, there's a bunch of money in here. I think it's to pay for the little baby. He seemed really sick," Ace said sadly. Makino already knew what he was going to ask.

"Ace, we already have three others in the house. And the little guy could be very, very sick. It would be expensive," Makino said kindly, somewhat sad as well.

"But there's a bunch of money that could pay for it! And he's all alone now, like me and Sabo were. We can't just leave him," Ace tried to convince her. She was a very compassionate woman, and loved the kids she took care of, but there was only so much she could do as a single mother. She had to say no for what she thought was the good of the others. She shook her head a final time, disappointing Ace, who put the money back into the bag.

A man came out, asking for those who had brought in the sick child named Luffy. Of course they were gone, not leaving any trace of where they went. Another woman came out and said, "He's crying, where are they?"

That is what made Makino cave. That that little boy was all alone in the world, scared and hurt.

"I can help," Makino said suddenly as she stood up to go to the doctors. Ace followed, smirking.

The days after the escape on the Sunny were not pleasant ones. Some of the crew wanted to go back and say goodbye. Well, most of the crew. But Robin told them they couldn't. That Luffy was probably still in the hospital and there was no way they'd be able to visit without causing a problem for him or them all going to jail for being pirates. They hoped so much that someone had stepped forward for Luffy. They left him all alone in the world, probably terrified of everything around him. But they didn't go back.

They kept the rocking chair in the corner of the galley and pinned the picture Luffy had drawn of them on the wall. They didn't even know if Luffy had made it out of the surgery, but they couldn't bring themselves to consider that he didn't. He had survived being in a barrel floating by itself on the ocean all alone, hungry and thirsty. They had helped him, saved him twice. That had to be enough now.

The Luffy-less crew sailed on, free pirates without a care in the world again, though they'd never forget the little crewmate that touched their hearts.

Poor Luffy! But at least Ace is there. The start of a new family. Not such a bad chapter ending right? Review!

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