My Brother Was Destined To Be...

By ChinksSoriano

1.5M 26K 3.7K

Rachelle and Trent grew up together. When Trent reached the age of sixteen, their family decided to move and... More

My Brother Was Destined To Be My Lover??
Chapter One - Goodbye
Chapter Two - Trent And His Thoughts
Chapter Three- Dealing With A New Family
Chapter Four- Having A New Friend
Chapter Five- Signs?
Chapter Six- Secret Moves
Chapter Seven- A Brotherly Love
Chapter Eight- Getting To Know Them More
Chapter Nine- The Lady In Red
Chapter Ten- The New Her
Chapter Eleven- Beginning Of The Best Summer
Chapter Twelve- Strange Acts By Me
Chapter Thirteen- Playing With The Players
Chapter Fourteen- Unexpected Actions
Chapter Fifteen- A Day To Remember
Chapter Sixteen- No Secrets Are Safe
Chapter Seventeen- My Trust
Chapter Eighteen- Mr. Player And Me? Best Friends?
Chapter Nineteen- The Over-Protective Mr. Player
Chapter Twenty- His Match Making Plan
Chapter Twenty One- Confession Under The Rain
Chapter Twenty Two- Prince Got My Back
Chapter Twenty Three- The Romantic Mr. Sparks
Chapter Twenty Four- Sunset Wish
Chapter Twenty Five- We'll Never Know
Chapter Twenty Six- Lost
Chapter Twenty Seven- Promise To Herself
Chapter Twenty Eight- Trying To Be A Professional
Chapter Twenty Nine- A Date With Mr. Unexpected
Chapter Thirty- Two Dates In Two Days
Chapter Thirty One- Opening My Ears After A Long Time
Chapter Thirty Two- The Modern Romeo And Juliet
Chapter Thirty Three- Bitchiest Bitch Encounter
Chapter Thirty Four- Just For Her
Chapter Thirty Six- After All Those Years

Chapter Thirty Five- That Miracle Bullet

24.3K 417 19
By ChinksSoriano

It's never a mistake to care about someone so much.

Chapter Thirty Five- That Miracle Bullet

-Rachelle's POV-

My mind and body can’t keep up with my senses seriously. Everything happened so fast. I don’t know whether to get irritated, annoyed or pissed at those two guys. Wait, scratch that.  I’m fucking irritated, annoyed and pissed with them.

When my organs finally got to work, I stood up and gave the two of them the hardest possible slap that I can ever give then turned back to where my man was lying on the floor.

“Trent, please hold on for me. You can’t die.” I cried.

“Rachelle I’m-“I didn’t let Ethan finish his sentence.”

“Don’t talk to me.”

The police came in no time so as with the ambulance.

“How did they get here?” One of Jason’s guys asked in confusion.

“I called them. I know that Jason has a gun.”

I didn’t look at them but I kept on holding Trent who’s lying on my lap with blood..

The medics quickly did their job on getting Trent to the ambulance.

“I’ll go with him.” I muttered.

“Are you a family miss?”

“No, I am his girlfriend.”

“Sorry, we can’t let you in.”

“What the fuck! I’m the only one close to him here!” She looked shocked when she heard me scream.

“O-okay. You may get in.” She stuttered.


“Mom?” I said when mom picked up my call.

“What’s wrong Rachelle?” She answered in a worried tone.

“We’re in the hospital.”

“What happened? We’ll be there any minute now.”

“Someone kidnapped us. Ugh, mom it’s a long story. Just please go here.” I sobbed.

“Yes. We’ll be there.” Dad was the one who answered this time.  I heard mom crying on the background.

I hang up.

I leaned my back down on the wall and let my body slide down making my butt fall on the cold floor. I pulled my knees together, resting my head on it.

Please God, make my Trent fine. I need him. I didn’t expect him to live up to his promise to catch a bullet for me. Why does he have to get that for me?

I cried for what seemed like forever.

Damn it. We just got back together. I can’t live to see him on a deep pain because of me. I love him so much.

“Rachelle.” I heard a familiar voice so I looked up to see who it was. It was mom.

“Mom.”  I stood up to hug her.

“Tell us what happened.” She rubbed comforting circles on my back and we sat dawn on the chairs located near the waiting area.

I told everything that happened.

“Mom, I’m so sorry. It was my fault.” Tears never stopped falling from my eyes.

“Hush. Stop blaming yourself Rachelle. It was an accident.”

“Mom, I love him so much. We just got back together. I can’t lose him. I can’t. I rather die if I do.”

“Stop talking like that Rachelle. He’ll be fine. I promise.” Dad spoke, making me quiet.

After five hours of waiting, the doctor went out of the ICU.

“How’s our son?” Mom asked immediately.

“We succeeded to remove the bullet out of his body. He’s lucky that none of his internal organs were badly hit. We can actually consider that as a great miracle.” That was a relief.

“Is he alright now?” I asked to reassure.

“His body responded fine. I think he’ll be okay in one to two weeks from now. The operation wound will heal soon.” God is so great!

“Thank you, thank you so much!” I hugged the doctor in happiness.

I almost got crazy remembering the kidnapping scene when Trent was shot. My heart literally stopped beating for a moment, my hearing and breathing ability seemed to stop like in movies where you can see the action in a very slow motion.

I ran to the hospital’s chapel. I don’t really know why but myself took me there.

“I may not be always present when it comes to praying but this time I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for Trent’s safety from the gunshot that he just received. I don’t know how I can ever get back to you. But then again, I thank you so much.” I whispered as I kneel down in front of the small chapel isle.


“How are you?” I asked Trent when he finally woke up.

“I’m okay.” He beamed. How can he send such adrenaline through me with just a simple smile?

“I’m glad you’re fine.”

“Have you had enough sleep?” Did I look that bad?

“Do I look that bad?” I felt so conscious about it.

“No, you look beautiful babe. You always do. I just noticed your restless eyes. You worried that much did you?” He was so concerned.

“It doesn’t matter. What matters the most for me is that you’re finally okay now.” He held the side of my face.

“You’re so sweet. Will you kiss me?” I didn’t even think twice and gave him a peck on his lips. Damn those soft lips. If I can only kiss him like-

Hey, stop thinking about kissing him like what’s on your mind Rachelle! You’re in a freaking hospital.

“Hey, why are you smirking?” I playfully slapped him on his arms.

“Nothing. I think I can read your mind. Don't worry babe, the house can wait. There's more privacy there.” He chuckled. My cheeks reddened in shame.

“I hate you.”

“Yeah, love you.” His smile never left his lips. He still looked hot in his hospital bed.

Someone opened the door.


“Get out.”  I hooted in anger.

“Please, I’m here to apologize.”

“I said get out!” Trent held my hand.

“Let him speak Rach.” My anger lessened and I bowed my head down.

“I’ll give you five minutes to speak.”

“Look,” He sauntered closer to where I am standing and held my shoulder with his hand and the other to lift my head up so I can look at him. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. I only want what’s best for you. I want you to be happy. You are the only girl that ever made me feel like a brother and being a brother was my long-time dream. Mom and dad never succeeded to give me the sister that I was wanting since I was young but then when mom got you from the Sparks and took you home, that was the best day of my life. At first I was shy but as days passed I even got happier than ever to be close to you.”

“That’s not the point Ethan. You told me you want me to be happy. Do you think pushing to someone I don’t even love would make me one?”

“Sorry. I really am. When I saw you got into an accident it made my blood boil towards Trent so I told myself to never let him go near you since then. Jason had been a great guy since we’re kids. He never broke a girl’s heart. He told me he wants you so I thought he might make you forget Trent.” He explained.

“I already told you that what happened before the accident was a set up.”

“Yes. Sorry for walking out. I just didn’t know how to react at that time. That’s why when I heard that Jason was heading to Carlisle, I followed him. I know how dangerous he could be when it comes to the girl he likes. Sorry for being this stupid.” He knelt down and my heart melted at the sight. He’s been a real brother to me as well.

“Stand up Ethan. You don’t need to kneel down.” I pulled him up.

“Sorry.” He whispered when I hugged him.

“Refrain from being stupid next time please.” I joked.

“Yeah, I will. Please forgive me.”

“I’m forgiving you.” He hugged me tighter.

“I love you Rachy. You’re the best sister.”

“Love you too, bro. But, I think you should also apologize to the one who’s really victimized here.” I talked about Trent.

Ethan stepped forward to stand next to Trent’s bed.

“Trent, I’m sorry for causing so much trouble. I didn’t mean to do it.”

“It’s okay man. You just care so much about Rachelle that you forgot how she felt.” The sight of the two guys I love made me so glad.


A/N: one more chapter and the epilogue's next and this story is finally over. :( i'll miss updating this so much. Please don't forget to VOTE! :D sorry if you think it's boring :( but the next chapter is a lot longer and more questions would be answered.

I'll give massive shoutouts on the epilogue! xx :D Specially to those who had been with me in most of the chapters :* Love you all.

the title of my next stories would be: Blinded By Dreams and Irresistible Danger :D yeah, i'll make two at the same time so watch out! :) it's going to me more exciting, funny and mysterious btw :D

*not edited.*

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