Baby steps - A TNS Fanfiction

By Springs_corner

17.3K 602 694

❝I never wanted this, any of it! If you had just stayed away from me, none of this would be happening!❞ Final... More

Mama - Prologue
Lights, Camera, Action!
Mummy's bracelet
Upturned glasses
We're going to New Yoooork!
Not again
Dear Santa
Are you awake?
Princess Ninja
Get moving
You can't keep running away
Half Frozen Peas
Merry Christmas
The One For Me
Did that hurt?
Epilogue - Dada


568 20 10
By Springs_corner

NYC Film Studio

"So?" Natalie looked over at Finn as he walked in through reception.

"Yeah, things are cool." He replied, shrugging his shoulders and smiling.
"Okay, so we need to get you in to hair and makeup, so we can start filming at ten. We'll break for lunch at half twelve, back at filming from quarter past to three. At 3:30, we're interviewing Charles Leeman, and then we'll break for the day and leave them to shoot a few more scenes. Got that?"
"Um, yep!"
"Amazing. Let's get started." Natalie led the way to the hair and make up room, where another man was getting his powder done. Natalie left, and the man next to Finn struck up a conversation.

"Hey! I'm Josh, and you're from the... BTS crew, right?"

"Yep, that's me," Finn agreed, as the stylist behind him worked in his perm.

"Sick. What do you think so far?"

"Seems like a cool movie!"

"Yeah, it's great fun filming. The rest of the cast are a great laugh, and the sound man's a great guy too. How long are you here for?"

"I'm flying back on Christmas Eve, so... A week,"


There was a silence, and Josh was fully finished, so he left after thanking his makeup artist.

Time passed by in a blur, until lunchtime, and he checked his phone to see 5 texts from Piper.

Piper: Is she allowed to jump on the bed?

Piper: Grace hit her head, but is okay. Will probs have a bruise.

Piper: Do you want me to take her to McDonald's?

Piper: Where did you put the spare hotel key? We can't get out of the room.

Piper: Please reply to me when you can, I can't find the key anywhere.

Glad Grace is okay, but please say if she looks dizzy or is sick or falls and I will be back ASAP. As for key, pretty sure I left it by the door, has Grace moved it or anything? : Finn

Piper: Grace is all okay now, can barely see bruise, although she scared the life out of me. She hasn't seen the key either, although she has pulled all the covers and pillows off the beds and has now made a pillow fort.

Finn patted down his trousers, and found a rectangular square of plastic. The spare hotel key. Oops. Can I make it back to the hotel room and back in 40 minutes? He pondered, but came to the conclusion he couldn't.

Call the hotel desk and ask them to let you out, I think they can do that :Finn

Piper: Just done that, is McDonalds ok?

Yep, just don't get her a Mcflurry and a milkshake, because she's terrifying when she's had too much sugar :Finn

Piper: Noted! Thx, on way now x

Stay safe :Finn

Satisfied that Piper had everything under control, Finn ate his tuna salad sandwich at a table with Natalie, the Assistant Director whose name he couldn't remember, Josh, and Terrance, who played the scout leader in the movie.

"So, I noticed that the cast and crew are close on this set, is that usual?" Natalie asked, before crunching down on a piece of carrot.

"This is the first major film I've worked on, so I can't speak for most, but I always like to chat and make aquaintance with the people I work with," Josh admitted, as Finn chewed on his sandwich.

"Personally, I think it's quite a nice environment to work with," The Assistant Director added, spearing a meat cutting with her fork. "Although obviously, not everyone loves to socialize, and there's little time if we're on a tight schedule."

"Agreed - I find schedules are a good way to keep motivation up throughout the day," Natalie nodded, smiling.

"Great minds think alike," Terrance chortled, and Finn beamed, although he didn't laugh along.

"Mhm, especially for the younger cast," The Assistant Director's eyes drifted over to another table, where there were five kids grouped around, giggling as they passed a phone around the table. "They're used to schedules from school, so it keeps things organized for them. And makes time for school work."

"Speaking of school work, how does your kid handle being out of school and up here?" Josh addressed Finn whilst he still had a mouthful, and hurriedly finished it to answer.

"She's pretty cool with it. She's only in  Grade 2, so the pressure of keeping up isn't too bad," He explained, the last of his sandwich disappearing after.
Terrance looked at him quizzically, obviously doing the maths in his head as everyone looked uncomfortable.

"Oh, you weren't that old when she was born, were ya?"

The question took him off guard, and Finn took a moment to reply.

"No, I had turned 18 a few months before," He agreed, shrugging his shoulders and smiling.

"Now I remember where I've seen you!" Terrance snapped his fingers triumphantly. "Your girlfriend ran off didn't she?"

Natalie raised an eyebrow at the blonde haired man, clearly saying: Well? Go on, explain that one.

"Um, yeah. Yeah."

"Does your kid know that?"

"Excuse me?"

"The kid! Does she know that her Mum ditched you both and has been radio silent ever since?"

"I don't think-" Finn began, but was cut off by Josh.

"How do you know for certain that they haven't been in contact?"

Natalie shot daggers with her eyeballs towards Josh, but the damage had been done. Terrance's eyebrows shot up, and that was the time for Natalie to send Finn away to prepare for filming.

He left the room, humming to himself, and checked his phone again, although a half-hour hadn't passed since the last time.

Piper: We will! P.S really need to talk to you, when do you finish?

Not sure, around 4:15? Why? Is something wrong? Has Grace hurt herself again? :Finn

Piper: No, but Josh knows about us, and said Charles will find out. Some guy followed us to the McDonald's so we bought takeaway and are eating at room. I think I'm being paranoid, but honestly not sure anymore. You don't think anyone would have told press? Know you are a point of interest at mo.

You're spiralling Piper, I promise no one would have told press anything, so don't worry. The guy could have just wanted McDonald's too. Don't act like something is wrong in front of Grace because she'll pick up on it. I'll try and finish soon : Finn

"So, Josh heard your little argument yesterday." Natalie appeared at his shoulder, and startled him.
"I know, Piper told m-"
"That he told her that Charles would find out and she would lose her job?"
"Do you have some kind of terrifying superpower to get to the bottom of things?"
"No. The only terrifying right now is that someone has told the press, and they're part of our crew." She sighed, pressed her fingers to her temples and pursed her lips. "And I don't know who."

"How do you know that it was someone on our crew?"
"Because there's a video, that Josh showed me, that was forwarded to him by one of their camera crew who got it from one of our crew, who videoed that conversation we had in the break room."

"Not good. Not good at all." Finn but the heels of his hands on his forehead and moaned. He couldn't believe this. All because he let his emotions control the rational side of his brain, like they always did, and this time, it had really come back to bite him.

"They can't prove that it's Piper.."

"I mentioned her by name. Which, I shouldn't have done, which means it is also partially my fault, so I will help to fix this."


"Good question. When I figure out and answer, I'll talk to you. Meanwhile, Masy has agreed to teach you how to tie a flag, so you're going to go to Block C so we can film you flag tying. Then you're going home for the day to explain this to your ex, who is staying in your hotel room. And yes, I saw your messages."

And that is how, on a Tuesday afternoon - whilst Piper and Grace were eating McDonald's, and Finn was getting his hands tangled with rope whilst recounting the tale of his regionals group dance to the humour of a young actress - things started to change.

I know this isn't one of the best chapters I've written, but I'm working with it 😂

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