By could_careless

466K 15.3K 14.1K

A gifted kunoichi from a far away land in a village hidden in the leaves embarks on a journey with her teamma... More

Before we start..
Prologue: The Untold Story
Chapter 1: Team 10
Chapter 2: Musutafu
Chapter 3: The Big Three!
Chapter 4: U.A. High!
Chapter 5: Q.A.T
Chapter 6: Battle Trial
Chapter 7: Battle Trial Part 2
Chapter 8: Class Rep?!
Chapter 9: Rescue
Chapter 10: League Of Villains
Chapter 11: What the Jinchuriki?!
Chapter 12: My Story
Chapter 13: New Comers
Chapter 14: First Training
IMPORTANT A/N: Your ex โ™ฅ
Chapter 15: Sports Fest
Chapter 16: Fight!
Chapter 17: Todoroki
Chapter 18: Healing
Chapter 19: Shinsou?
Chapter 20: Gather Around
Chapter 21: Making Memories
Chapter 22: Tenya Iida
Chapter 24: Internship Part 2
Chapter 25: FREE!
Chapter 26: Stain
Chapter 27: Katsuki Bakugou
Chapter 28: Back to school
Chapter 29: Lunch (Love Interest Progress)
Chapter 30: Momo
Chapter 31: Examination
Chapter 32: His weakness
Chapter 33: "Thank you"
Chapter 34: Kakashi Sensei
Chapter 35: Wild Wild Pussycats!
Chater 36: HOME!
Chapter 37: Sasuke and (y/n)!
Chapter 38: Hot springs, Curry and Ramen!
Chapter 39: Mankai and Naruto VS... MINETA?!
Chapter 40: Gray
Chapter 41: Day 2
Chapter 42: Genins
Chapter 43: Sadness and Sorrow
Chapter 44: You (โค๏ธprogress~)
Chapter 45: WHAT?!
Chapter 46: The Reunion
Chapter 47: Ice Ice Baby
Chapter 48: The night
Chapter 49: The Night Part 2
Chapter 50: Training Ground 3
Chapter 51: The Wait
Chapter 52: Aim
Chapter 53: Unlikely Group of Rescuers
Chapter 54: Akatsuki
Chapter 55: Akatsuki part 2
Chapter 56: (y/n) vs Akatsuki
Chapter 57: Asuma vs Hidan
Chapter 58: Asuma Sarutobi
Chapter 59: Pain
Chapter 60: Beast
Chapter 61: Safe And Sound
Chapter 62: A Promise
Chapter 63: More
Chapter 64: Ill at Ease
Chapter 65: Belief
chapter 66: Red Tailed Hawk
Chapter 67: off the heat
Chapter 68: Founding Fathers
Chapter 69: Sleepover Reunion
Chapter 70: Rock Lee's New Mission!
Chapter 71: Lee's Demise
Chapter 72: Shikamaru in Pursuit!
Chapter 73: Lee's Redemption
Chapter 74: Aizawa Vs Kakashi?
Chapter 75: My Big Brother
Chapter 76: Shikamaru Nara
Chapter 77: Stronger than i was yesterday!
Chapter 78: Suspicion
Chapter 79: Team 10's Will Of Fire!
Chapter 80: Will of fire! Part 2
โš ๏ธโš ๏ธ IMPORTANT โš ๏ธโš ๏ธ
Chapter 81: Tracking The Immortals
Chapter 82: It Begins
Chapter 83: Two Immortals, Two Copies
Chapter 84: The Separation
Chapter 85: Naruto!
Chapter 86: Kakuzu vs The Uzumaki Twins!
Chapter 87: Mission Complete!
Chapter 88: Sai and Ramen
Chapter 89: Sakura Haruno
Chapter 90: Hugs and Kisses~ ๐Ÿ’•Progress
Chapter 91: Goodbyes
Chapter 92: Goodbyes part 2
Chapter 93: Road trip?
Chapter 94: Invitation
Chapter 95: Uchiha
Chapter 96: Just a Dream
Chapter 97: Done is Done
Chapter 98: (m/n)?
Chapter 99: Dinner?
Chapter 100: Moving
Chapter 101: shopping mistake
Chapter 102: Dadzawa
Chapter 103: Dadzawa part 2(?)
Chapter 104: Welcome To Sports City!
Chapter 105: Iwatobi High!
Chapter 106: Daddy yo zawa (lol)
Chapter 107: Keeping up with the Bakugou's
Chapter 108: Family Portraits
Chapter 109: Sports, Classmates and Friends!
Chapter 110: Forward and backwards.
Chapter 111: Ninken
Chapter 112: Totally Oblivious
Chapter 113: Eren Yeager
Chapter 114: A Familiar face
Chapter 115: Yuri Plisetski's Request
Chapter 116: Practice...
Chapter 117: Moving in!!!
Chapter 118: (y/n).. (m/n).. what?
Chapter 119: Competition!
Chapter 120: Yuri Plisetski Special ๐Ÿ’–
Chapter 121: Reverse come back
Chapter 122: Shota Aizawa
Chapter 123: End of Sports City
Chapter 124: Dorm room
Chapter 125: Shoto Todoroki
Chapter 126: After effects
Chapter 127: Iruka Umino
Chapter 128: Tomorrow
Chapter 129: Provisional Training
Chapter 130: Ninken, Gamakichi and Katsuyu
Chapter 131: We meet again, Sasuke.
Chapter 132: Unwanted Reunion
Chapter 133: Revisiting Old Memories
Chapter 134: Sasuke VS .. (y/n)?
Chapter 135: Under A Genjutsu
Chapter 136: Our Bond
Chapter 137: Sleep...
Chapter 138: The Misunderstanding
Chapter 139: Isolation
Chapter 140: Depression.
Chapter 141: Advice
Chapter 142: Provisional Hero License!
Chapter 143: RUSH!!!
Chapter 144: Rescue part 1
chapter 145: Rescue part 2
Chapter 146: In or Out?
Chapter 147: The Master and the student(s)
Chapter 148: Training
Chapter 149: Forgive and Forget
Chapter 150: Collaboration
Chapter 151: Sage Mode?
Chapter 152: Sparring 0700
Chapter 153: What if?
Chapter 154: The Announcements!!!
Chapter 155: Letters from Gaara
Chapter 156: ๆ„›
Chapter 157: USJ
Chapter 158: Hide and Seek
Chapter 159: XOXO~
Chapter 160: Meow~
Chapter 161: Works of a Medical-nin
Chapter 162: Isami High!
Chapter 163: STICK to the plan
Chapter 164: A wake up call
Chapter 165: A close call
Chapter 166: Friends
Chapter 167: Two Great Sage Toads
Chapter 168: Jiraiya the Gallant
Chapter 169: The Seal's Key
Chapter 170: Bingo
Chapter 171: Bingo Book part 2
Chapter 172: villains alike
Chapter 173: News
Chapter 174: Death to another Member
Chapter 175: home alone
Chapter 176: Visiting Konoha
Chapter 177: Big bro, Naruto.
Chapter 178: Sage Mode Continues
Chapter 179: Invitation to I-island
Chapter 180: Mt Myoboku
Chapter 181: Gamamru
Chapter 182: Bittersweet Vacation
Chapter 183: Melissa Shield
Chapter 184: shopping and sightseeing
Chapter 185: Guess who?!
Chapter 186: Challenge Accepted!
Chaoter 187: The Honored and The Unexpected Guests
Chapter 188: Cornered to a fault!
Short A/N!!
Chapter 189: Mistakes and Regret
Chapter 190: Mind Control Puppetry
Chapter 191: Wrath
Chapter 192: Fight or Flight
A/N ๐Ÿ˜ฑ (BOOK 2!)

Chapter 23: Internship

4.6K 138 54
By could_careless

-----YOUR POV-----

Sadly i wasn't able to go with the rest of Class 1-A to the station to drop them off instead i was left here in school, i was wearing my hero costume fully stacked, scrolls and pouches hidden under the cloth wrapped around my hips, with my mask rested on the side of my head. Standing there like a soldier with my hands behind my back while the principal was in front of me sipping his tea. I still couldn't shake the feeling from yesterday. If it wasn't Asuma-sensei or Shinkamaru could it be back home? What if it was Naruto? "(y/n) are you listening?" I frantically said sorry "I'm sorry principal Nezu! My mind has been off since yesterday. I cant seem to shake it off." Principal Nezu Pl

aced his cup and saucer down on the table and turned to me with hie paws together. "Do you mind sharing?" I was reluctant to tell him but i did anyway "I feel some thing bad, something terrible is going to happen or is about to happen. At first i thought it was because some of my teammates were sent back to the village and i was worried about them but last night they came home and the feeling was still there. I don't know how, I don't know why but something is going to happen Principal Nezu! I just know it!" I said looking at him pleading to believe in my words with out proof. "We all have those days (y/n)." He said tilting his chair to the side. "Although, Has this happened before?" he looked at her "Yeah. They didn't always come when danger arrived but every time i feel it, may it be present or future, something will happen. Like when our village was ambushed during our exam." i said looking down to the ground reminiscing what happened. "Well, for now." Principal Nezu jumped off from his seat and walked around his table and towards me. "All we can do is wait and keep our guard up for anything the does happen." He spoke smiling up at her his arms pointing upward like child wanting ti be picked up. "You believe me?" i asked surprised bending down to pick him up. He pointed at my shoulder so i placed him there. "If what you say is indeed true, there's no harm in keeping guard. It can also be training for your reflexes." i nodded "Well how about it then? Lets head to ground gamma i would like to see how well you are." Principal Nezu said "Alright." i said walking to the training area.

"Your teammates and Teachers are close by keeping watch. I will head over and prepare you go in in 2 minutes okay?" Principal Nezu said climbing down off me disappearing into the training ground. "Okay you are ready to go." i jerked a bit and placed my hand in my ear. feeling that there was an earpiece place in it. "Principal Nezu? You placed this here?" on the other side was a him "Mhm! Now let's start your training."

When i was inside it was awfully quiet and dim. I walked the streets and peeked at corners. A loud and hard crash made the tower above me fall. Dodging it i looked everywhere but nothing. "Very well dodged but it isn't over yet!" Large debris fell on me again. I held my ground and waited for the objects to come close then finally "AAHHHH!!!" I yelled and punched the debris sending them flying back in different directions. I jumped up to one of the tubes finding the tallest one i could find. Standing on it i found principal Nezu in a demolition crane. For an animal he can control it well, he swung it towards me jumping off the pipe i was standing on i summoned about 20 clones mid air when we landed i order them to destroy the crane. And one by one we used the Chakra Enhanced Strength to demolish the crane. The pieces where sent flying destroying some of the buildings too. Soon enough it was just me and Principal Nezu who was smiling at me. I smiled back and bowed. "You did well. However you took advantage that this was not a public area." i stood straight nervously laughing and sweatdropped "sorry.." "But either way you did exceptional!" He walked up to me and motioned for me to pick him up again. Before we left we took one last look at Training Ground Gamma, most of it was destroyed and the crane.. Let's just say there is no crane anymore. "Oh dear. That might take a while to repair." "Im sorry sensei." he hummed "Well no matter. Training is training but for now how about we get some tea?" I walked back to the campus with Principal Nezu on my shoulder. "I'd love too." "How about some Jasmine? or some Chamomile?" He went on and on talking about his favorite teas.


"How about we go visit your friends today (y/n)?" Principal Nezu said sipping his tea. "What about my training?" He looked at me placing his cup on the table between us. "Ground Gamma was destroyed and i think it would be wise if you got out to know the city. I understand you are new here in Musutafu. I think it would be great to interact with other heroes as well. Tell me what do Ninjas in your home town do?" i paused and thought of a more simpler way to describe it.

"In the organised society of the villages, ninja are given missions depending on their rank. The missions are categorized in five ranks, based on the mission's possible danger or level of importance.

D-Rank - assigned to genins fresh from the Academy. They pose almost no risk to the ninja's life and usually consist of odd jobs like farming and babysitting work. The reward for a D-rank mission is between 5,000 and 50,000.C-Rank - assigned to more experienced genin or chunin. They are missions with little to no chance of combat against other ninja. Examples are guarding people against bandits or highwaymen, background investigations, eliminating or capturing bandits or thieves, and capturing or suppressing wild animals. The reward for a C-rank mission is between 30,000 and 100,000.B-Rank - assigned to experienced chūnin. They are missions anticipated to involve combat with other ninja. Examples are guarding people, espionage, or killing other ninja. The reward for a B-rank mission is between 150,000 and 200,000.A-Rank - assigned to Jonins, concerning, among other things, village-or state-level matters and trends. Examples are guarding VIPs or suppressing ninja forces. The reward for an A-rank mission is between 150,000 and 1,000,000.S-Rank - assigned to experienced jōnin and concern state-level confidential matters. Examples are assassinating VIPs, and transporting highly classified documents. The reward for an S-rank mission is at minimum 1,000,000."

(I got tired.. yes i know shame on me for copy pasting.. i know)

"I see. From what i heard you yourself is a jonin, am i correct?" I nodded, He jumped off the couch and motioned for me to follow him. I stood up and followed him. "I think its time we leave. We don't want to waste the sun." We walked to the elevator riding it. Good thing Ino made changes to my Headband, instead of the black band she replaced it with a deep red one to match my costume. I took it out of my pouch and strapped it loosely around my neck like Hinata. I then bent down to Principal Nezu offering him my arm like a stool for him to climb on. H looked at me smiling and climbed on my shoulder. (How many times has he climbed on your shoulder?) Standing up straight i walked out of the elevator "Let's go to Fouth Kind's Agency first shall we?" he looked at me. I grabbed my mask and placed it on my face. "Point me to the direction. We'll jump there." i turned to him "I suggest you hold on tight Principal Nezu." he nodded and gripped my shirt. "Do you mind if we pick up a package? Its for Fouth kind. Think of it a delivery."

We went over to a company that Nezu pointed to me. They gave me a fairly large box and proceeded to talk to Principal Nezu. "Is that all for Fourth Kind?" principal Nezu asked. I went ahead and grabbed a scroll placing the box on it. "Yep! That should be it. Are you sure you're alright letting your intern bring that box all the way to Four Kind's agency? Its a long walk." I used my hand signs and just like that the box disappear in smoke. They both looked at me and we shared a moment of silence. "Yes i believe we are alright doing it by ourselves. Thank you for your time!" Principal said, I rolled the scroll and picked up Principal Nezu "Wheres the package?" i looked at him "With me." i said showing the scroll before i placed it back in its pouch "Its safe i can just summon it back when we get to Fourth Kind's company." "I guess that's it then. We will be off now." I walked out of the building and stood on the pavement facing the man who we just talked to. We waved a final goodbye dramatically jumping, exiting the scene. "I see how you find this jumps of yours very entertaining." Principal Nezu said, i laughed at his remark.

"Is this is it?" I landed in front of a building decorated with yellow and black construction warning stripes. "Yes. Let's go in." He tapped my shoulder indicating me that he wanted me to put him down, so i did. He straightened his clothes and proceeded to walk inside with his paws behind him. I walked close by. After a short elevator ride we walked through a hall and ended up in front of a dark door with a yellow handle. Pointing at it, i looked at the principal curiously, he nodded. I knocked on the door, from inside we heard a "Come in." I opened the door for Principal Nezu. "Sorry to barge in on you unannounced." He said going inside, i stopped halfway fishing for the right scroll in my pouch. Ah! Found it! "I hope you don't mind if i brought my student over." I walked in holding the scroll. "Not at all, please make yourselves at home." The guy with four arms who i'm guessing is Fourth Kind, stood up and walked over to the couch in front of his desk. "That mask.. (Y/N) UZUMAKI?!" Kirishima asked surprised. Tetsutetsu looked at Kirishima confused. "(y/n)?" he looked at me just as confused and surprised "NE?! (Y/N)?!" They both got punched on the head by Fourth kind. "Yeah its me." I took my mask off and placed it on the side of my face. I smiled and waved. "Come and sit (y/n)" Principal Nezu said tatting the seat beside him and so i did. Fourth kind turned to the two boys "Don't just stand there! Go get some tea for our guests!" He ordered making them scramble out the office that made me giggle. "I see you have a katana." I turned to Fourth kind who was looking at me and the sword horizontally tied to my hip. "Ah. Yes i do. Though i'm not a samurai and i try not to use it in battle." he nodded "I see. I used to wield katans too." (he had katanas in the manga) "May i see them?" he nodded and pointed at the corner of the room where it was displayed on a table. I stood and walked over to the katanas.

Kirishima and Tetsutetsu came in with a tray on it was a pot of tea and five cups. "(Y/n), please help yourself with some tea." Fourth kind invited. walking away from the katanas i went back to the couch. "We also went out of our way to deliver a package. (Y/n) why don't you give the package to Mr.Fourth kind?" I nodded and walked to the edge of the table, i bent down so i was on my knee, i rolled the scroll open and laid it on the floor, i stood back up and used some hand seals then. POOF. A box appeared on the scroll. "Woah." both Kirishima and Ttsutetsu said wide eyes. "I m your classmate and i've seen you do these type of stuff but i still can't get over how amazing that is." i bent down and pick up the box then looked at Kirishima. "You should see my friend, she can summon like thousands of weapons." I turned to Fourth Kind "Where should i put this?" Instead of answering me he turned to his interns and glared at them without saying a word. Tetsutetsu seemed to get the message and scrambled out of the couch and towards me. "Let me carry that for you." he said in a panic. I don't know why but i felt bad so i let him take the box "Where should i put this, Sir?" He asked. "Put it on my desk." With a nod Tetsutetsu did as he was told. "What are you teaching your young interns Fourth Kind?" Principal Nezu asked taking a sip of his tea. "For starters, Manners." He said then he turned to me. "You're a ninja right?" i nodded. "Would you help show them? I'm sure being a ninja has a different approach but maybe they can learn a thing or two." i tilted my head. "like a role role play?" he let out a small smile "Uh sure." i was unsure of what to do, i just scanned everyone's looks. "How about you sit on your chair. Imagine your the leader and you summoned me for a mission. To retrieve a scroll or something." he nodded and sat on his chair. I started walking towards the door. Principal Nezu was busy enjoying his tea while Kirishima and Tetsutetsu was stand ing on the left side of Fourth Kind's desk receiving a few words from the man himself. Then i walked out.

I held the door handle from the outside. Gosh this was embarrassing. I took my mask and placed it on my hip, I let out a sigh and knocked on the door. "Come in." I turned the doorknob, walking in with a straight face, i closed the door behind me. Then i walked towards his desk and stood in front of it kneeling down on one knee, placing a fist on the floor wile my other hand rested on my other knee. "Jounin Ninja, (y/n) Uzumaki Sir. You summoned me?" I asked my head still bowed. "At ease." He said, I rose and stood straight with both my hands on my sides. "I have a mission for you." He paused we looked at each other "I need you to retrieve a scroll that was stolen from us." there was a short pause then I put my hand up to get s his attention. "Sir." He nodded "Is there a specific location of the scroll?" I placed my hand back down "Ah! yes. Its in Hyodo (random building)." He paused again i nodded i reached for my mask and put it on "Yes sir." He smiled "You are dismissed." he then turned to the boys, as did i. "So did you learn anything." They both nodded.

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