The royal baby

By AgeregressionKitten

5.3M 117K 15.1K

A small, petite 19 year old girl is caught thieving. She is dragged to the royal's castle and held in a cell... More

The start of something new
My baby
The rules
The twins
A little slip
Meeting Grant
Beginnings of a war
Run away
MY baby
Play Date
Stabby stab


136K 2.6K 527
By AgeregressionKitten

*Allison's P.O.V*

"Would you like something to eat darling?" Celestria asks, catching my attention right away. My stomach growls and I nod my head with my cheeks burning from embarrassment. Stupid stomach giving away how hungry I was.

"You're not allergic to anything are you?" Elena asks and I shake my head. I wasn't allergic to anything, well at least nothing that I had eaten so far. There was always the chance I could be allergic to something I had never tried...

I tear myself away from that thought as I shake my sippy cup slightly, realizing that it's empty. I pout slightly as I look at Elena, holding the sippy cup out slightly.

"More?" I ask quietly, making her chuckle as she takes the sippy cup from me.

"Of course darling," Elena says as she gets up, going to refill my sippy cup. Celestria also gets up but she leaves the room. I watch her leave before my attention turns to Elena. Elena soon returns with my sippy cup.

"You shouldn't drink it so fast," Elena comments as she sits in the chair across from me. I nod my head as I swing my legs back and forth, taking a sip from the sippy cup. She has some papers sitting in front of her which I am curious about but I don't bother to ask about.

Celestria comes back with a sandwich, sitting it down in front of me. I smile as I whisper my thanks before scooting to the edge of my chair. I don't know why, I just feel more comfortable sitting like I can bolt at any moment.

"Take your time darling, I don't want you getting sick from eating too fast," Celestria says. She was smart for saying that because I was about ready to rip into the sandwich but I hold back from doing that now.

I nod my head as I look down at the sandwich. Celestria smiles as she picks up a napkin and ties it around my neck, making a makeshift bib. "What's this for?" I ask as my smile turns into a pout.

"To make sure food doesn't get all over you," Celestria states. "Don't pout, little one," she murmurs as she cups my face, smiling softly at me. I lean away from her touch out of reflex but she doesn't say anything as she puts her hand down.

I sit my sippy cup down before I look down at the sandwich. It has been cut into 4 pieces and seems to have turkey and cheese on it. I can see bits of lettuce peeking out and I check the sandwich to make sure it doesn't have any tomatoes.

"What are you doing?" Elena asks, making my eyes snap up to meet her curious gaze.

"Making sure there aren't any tomatoes," I say softly as I turn my gaze back to the sandwich, a blush darkening my cheeks.

"You do not like tomatoes? Why?" Celestria asks.

"They don't taste good," I shrug.

"Hmm I'll keep that in mind and make sure that you do not receive any with your meals," Elena speaks up,making me smile slightly.

"Really?" I was surprised. No one had ever offered to do anything like that for me.

"Yes really. Now eat little one, you must be starving," Elena says as she gestures to my plate, a small smile gracing her lips.

"I haven't eaten since yesterday but I'm not really starving," I shrug as I pick up a piece of sandwich and nibble on it, savoring the taste of it. I didn't know when I was going to get the chance to eat again.

"I assume you ate the food you stole?" Celestria questions, making me frown for a second when I realize that of course they knew I had stolen. I mean they were noble women, they had probably been in the court when everything was happening.

"No. M... Michelle gave me food," I say quietly as I continue to nibble on the sandwich. It was really good, a lot better than what I had been eating for the past few months anyways.

"That was nice of her. When you were caught, I assume you didn't have time to eat the food?" Elena asks.

"No, I did. The food wasn't for me though," I state. "I still managed to drop it off to who I wanted to give it to though," I grin, slightly proud of myself for being able to do that.

Elena and Celestria share a look between each other. They didn't say anything to each other but they seem to be communicating regardless of that fact. "Who'd you steal the food for then?" Celestria queries, sounding rather curious.

"Some kids from the village. They're orphans and most people know to keep an eye on orphans for theft," I shrug after a moment as I finish my first piece of the sandwich, picking up another piece.

"Oh..." Celestria mutters quietly as she frowns slightly.

"So you stole for them? Why did you not mention that?" Elena questions.

"Because I was afraid that something would happen. They don't want to be found for a reason. Besides some of the guards are asshats anyways," I say.

"Language," Celestria says absent mindedly, her tone sounding slightly scolding. I shrink away from her, curling in on myself.

"Sorry," is all I say and I notice Elena narrowing her eyes as she looks at Celestria with some annoyance. Celestria glances at me and I can see that is apologetic but before she can say anything, Elena speaks up.

"What happened to your knees, baby?" Elena asks and I look down at my knees, seeing that my curling up has exposed them. They're bruised and I can see scabs starting to form around the edges of some of the cuts.

"Guards are mean, pushed me yesterday," I say as I put my legs down, pulling my dress over my knees to cover them up. Elena's eyes narrow slightly.

"They did what?" Celestria asks as she gets up. "Is that what happened to your chin? Are you hurt anywhere else?" She questions checking me over worriedly.

"No, my knees just really hurt," I say, giving a nod when Celestria silently asks to take a closer look at my knees. She pulls the hem of the dress up slightly. Celestria's eyes narrow as she checks over my knees, seeming to take her time to make sure that she isn't missing anything.

"I'm going to talk to Caspian," Celestria says as she turns around and leaves, leaving me to look after her. I sit my sandwich piece down, looking after her nervously.

"In trouble?" I ask as I turn my attention to Elena.

"No but I suspect the guards may be," Elena states dryly as she sighs, shaking her head slightly. "Finish eating love," she instructs as she smiles at me reassuringly.

I pick up my piece of sandwich and go back to eating, occasionally taking a sip of my fruit punch.

"When was the last time you ate? Before Michelle gave you food yesterday," Elena questions after a moment and I notice that her eyes are focused on me.

"Umm...maybe 5 or 6 days ago," I shrug, making Elena's eyes widen.

"That's a long time to go without food darling," Elena says, concern coloring her voice.

"Not really. I've gone longer," I admit.

"Well, it doesn't matter. From now on you will have three meals a day and you can snack," Elena states firmly.

"Okay ma'am," I just nod my head, not wanting to contradict her. There was no way I would be able to eat three meals a day, that was like a lot of food!

"You can call me Grammy if you would like, little one," Elena says softly, making me blush as I nod my head after a moment. It's not me agreeing but it is me showing that I heard her.

"Okay. I'm done," I murmur as I push the plate away. Elena's eyes focus on the half of the sandwich that I have left and I can see she wants to say something but chooses to hold back.

"There should be some toys in the ottoman if you would like to play with them. There's also some books on the shelves that you are welcome to help yourself to," Elena says and I nod my head, getting out of the chair. I am not really that interested in playing but maybe I'll just take a little look at the toys. Just a tiny one and then I would read a book.

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