The Queen's Rise

By just_another_weeboo

30 0 0

a few years have passed since Nettie has became queen of the forest realm. She soon finds out so much more, s... More

Right Now
The Queen Of Peace
Rumors Spiral
Time Well Spent
Palace Visit
The Meeting
Family Discussion
Travel Trouble
To The Day!
The Animal Kingdom
On The Road Again
Dark Kingdom
Lost Empire, Here We Come
After Math
All Hail The Queens Of The Forest

Meeting Of Friends

3 0 0
By just_another_weeboo

I wave to Nikolaj and Ekua as they leave the next morning. Today I'm planning the meeting between my friends, one to go to the lost empire. I grab my things and turn to my maid Taylor. "I'll be back in a few hours, tell my council I won't make it to the meeting and tell them I have urgent things to do please. " She nods. "Yes your majesty. " I smile and ruffle her hair as I turn, open the doors and run to the gates.  Clop clop clop the sound of the hard leather of my shoes hit the stone ground. I make it to the gates and the guards waiting there had them already opened. "Thanks Bash! Thanks Flinn! " The guards wave to me as I dash past them. My hair was flowing, the wind was in my face as I ran, it felt good. First I run to modesty's house since she lives the closest to the castle. I slow myself down before I ran into the wall. I fix my hair and adjust my crown and knock on the door, a few curses can be heard and she throws the door open, clearly angered. "What the fuck do you want Barry!-" She stops when she notices it's me. "Oh! Nettie! I'm sorry, you're not who I thought you was, come in. " She urges me in. "Who's Barry? " She sighs. "A guy I owe a debt to. " I sigh. "Another! What is it you owe him? Money? Food? What? " She sighs. "I owe him 2,000 coins. " I groan. "I can give you the money and if he asks where you got the money, don't tell him it was me. " She sighs. "I can get the money, you don't have to pay him for me like you did last time. " I shake my head. "No, I'm your queen and I do what I wish, I'm also your girlfriend who cares for you, so you will let me do it. " She sighs. "There's no stopping you, alright but next time don't please, I got myself into the mess and I can get out of it. " I grab my money bag from my side bag and count out 2,000 coins. I hand it too her, she smiles and thanks me. "Now what are you here for? Love? Hang out? What? " I feel my face heat up at the sound of her saying love but I shake my head. "I'm coming to get you for a meeting I'm planning, it's today. " She nods. "Well let me get dressed and I'll head with you. " I nod in response as she goes to get changed. I take a look around her house, eventually I find a note, it was for me, written by her.

Dear Nettie,
I really love you, I'm glad you started dating me. But I don't know if I could handle what could happen, becoming a queen beside you. I love you, only you but being there and having to work as a queen. I hate politics and you know that, hell what would my family think if I was to become queen. My mother would just want the money and my brother is too caught up in college loans that he'd want some too. I couldn't be a queen, I couldn't be standing there before a court. I'm sorry.

I sat there, she was already thinking about marriage?! But we only started dating, why is she worried about me getting down on one knee, so early into our relationship? I quickly set it down when I hear her foot steps again, I rush to the spot I was in before she made an appearance again. "Ready? " I nod. Together we head out the door and off to Morris's place. He lived a mile away from her place so we headed off. "Have you eaten anything yet? " I look at her, she shakes her head. I stopped dead in my tracks. "Then let's get you a meal! " I grab her by the arm and drag her too the tavern, there she ate pottage and bread. She drank ale along side it, the whole time she looked at me. "You need food or you can or will die modesty. " She laughs. "I went days without food before my queen, when I would be home with my family we would sometimes eat nothing. " I sigh. "That doesn't excuse your lack of eating right now. " She groans. "Seems like the queen is nagging at you modesty. " A man walks up and modesty seemed to know him. "Fuck off Barry, I've got your money. " She pulls a bag with the money I gave her out, handing it to Barry. "Good job dear, where did you get this much in only a few days. " She scoffs. "You don't wanna know Barry, it was a terrible way but there you have it. " He laughs. He then looks at me, smiling. "Did she ask you for money my queen? " He places his hand on my face and that's when I had enough. I make an arrow appear and I shove it into his arm so hard. He screams out in pain, I do it again with another. "No, but I assure you what she done was glorious. " He drops the money, everyone was watching in awe. "What the hell is wrong with you! You're the queen of peace! " I laugh. "That's what people call me. But that's not entirely who I am. " I smirk, he looks up at me with fear in his eyes. I hold my hand out, the man beside me hands me a knife. "Not what I was expecting but thank you my good sir. " He nods. I take the knife and slam it close to Barry's throat. "If you ever fucking dare place a hand on me again or modesty for that matter, I won't be so easy on you. " He nods but that wasn't enough, I pull the knife away and lodge it into his eye, he screams in agony as I pull it out quickly. I stand back up straight, I take a napkin and wipe the knife off, handing it back to the man. "Thank you. I shall grant you one item of your choice. " He nods. "Money, not a lot but enough to feed my family. " I nod, grabbing the money from Barry. "You won't need this anymore. " I hand it to the man, his eyes widen. I pay the tavern taker and me and modesty begin to walk out the door, I stop and turn to the tavern. "If any one of you would like to finish off that bleeding man, I'll personally give you a reward. " I give the men and women a smile and wink, I turn and leave, hearing Barry's screams follow after. Once we're far from the tavern modesty turns to me. "What the hell was that? " I look at her as we continue to walk. "What? My actions? I know he did more to you modesty, just from looking in his eyes, also by the way he touched my face. " She sighs. "Not just that but the way you just single handedly top him. " I laugh. "A man's weakness is expressed by the way he speaks, acts and looks. He acted like a strong, big dicked guy, but once you express his weakness, he's nothing but a pathetic coward. " She smirks and snickers. "I think I love this side of you Nettie. " I laugh a little. "I only express it when I want too, besides it's not every day you have a bastard like him exist. " She chuckles.

Finally we make it too Morris's house, we knock on the door and he answers. "Nettie! Modesty! Welcome welcome! Come in come in. " He grabs us and pulls us in. We laugh as we get picked up into Morris's hug. "It's marvelous to see you again Morris." I smile at him, in return he chuckles. "It's great to see you as well. " Then he takes us to he kitchen where he had tea and sweets. "Come in and enjoy these. " I laugh and we all sit, eating and drinking happily. "What brings you two here? " I smile and set down my cup. "The meeting I wrote to you about. " His eyes widen. "Oh! Well then let's get Charlie here! " Before I could say anything, he teleports Charlie here. "What the-"

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