Baby [H.S]

By harryslittlesavage

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She was gorgeous green eyes and curly locks just like her father. Her name... Darcy May Joy. More

Baby ~Harry Styles~
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By harryslittlesavage

"I will see you in a week Harry have fun" I whispered into his chest, while enjoying his deep hug. Dancy remained pancaked inbetween us during our farewells. "Don't go dawdy" Darcy cooed into his leg.

"I know baby girl daddy will be home soon" He rubbed her back then began to ruffle her curls. "Flight 1678 to LAX is now boarding" The electronic voice spoke causing me and Harry to pull away. "Thats you" I spoke softly, he looked into my eyes and let out a sad smile.

"I will be back soon I promise" He dipped down and placed a sweet firm kiss to my lips. It was short yet filled with the same passion of the other ones. He let go of my hand and kissed Darcys cheek. He gave us one last glance before making his way to the gate. He was leaving...

Not permanent, but he was leaving for a week. The band had to record new tracks for the album. Honestly I knew this would happen eventually, but I didn't want it to happen.

I know im selfish, and I cant hold Harry down. He has millions of fans who need him, I couldn't do that. I flung my hood up while gripping Darcy's hand. Once we walked away form the terminal paparazzi started coming up.

Darcy hid in my jacket with fear as the lights became brighter. I could hear her whined as I tried to make my way through.

Are you Harry's catch of the month

Is that you daughter

Is that Harrys daughter

Are you a cover up for Larry

Is One Direction splitting up

The cried of Darcy became louder, but the chants of the middle age men over powered everything. This is exactly what I need to get Darcy away from. "Get away she is only 2 who the hell do you think you are' I screamed trying to use the exit.

Tiffany is that Harry Styles child

My ears hurt as well as my eyes. Each step I stumbled a bit as I kept walking. I ran into the nearest bathroom and locked the door, leaving the Paps out. I gripped onto Darcy, who still was frozen with fear. I took out my phone and began to Dial Annes number.

"Hello Tiff" Her sweet English accent filled my ears.

"An-ne" hiccuped cclutching the phone tighter. "Me and Darcy are stuck at the airport, Paps are surrounding us I don't know what to do" I cried into the phone. I hadne't realized I was crying until I felt a salty tear hit my top lip.

"Dont worry hang in there, I will send a body guard that I know, were are you" She calmly asked into the phone.

"The womans terminal outside of gate 4 hurry" I spoke bitng my lip. I threw my phone into my bag as I turned to Darcy. "Mommy who were those scary men" She asked clutching to my chest.

i wrapped my frail arms around her and hummed, "They know your daddy" I spoke as she nodded. "Are the fwiend" She asked playing with the ends of my hair.

"No baby they aren't" I played with each of her tiny fingers. They were so tiny, she was so tiny. I don't want her life to be like this, having to go out and be mobbed.

"Tiffany Joy" A stern voice knocked on the door. I opened it slightly feeling the lights flash again. "Im chris your body guard lets go" He said wrapping an arm around me and Darcy. I ducked into his arm, my arm still resting around Darcy.

He pushed through all the men as we made it outside. I sucked in a breath of fresh air, then got put into the car. Darcy sat on my lap and the buff man named Chris began to drive. "Thank you so much" I praised. He gave me a short smile.

"Its my job" I let out a smile before looking down at my baby girl sleeping in my arms..

Harry's POV

"Haz my man" The Doncaster accent cheered while pulling me into a huge. "I haven't seen you since Florida hows it been" I asked pulling out of the previous hug.

"Its been good, I finally asked El out" He smiled widely. "Thats great man" I patted his back. He gave me a little smirk while raising his eyebrows, "So when will you ask you girl out" he winked. I let out a groan.

"I don't know man, I'm not sure if she likes me. She just let me in" I sighed into my hands. "Mate she clearly likes me. Your the father of her child. What do you have to lose" He spoke as I took in his words. He is completely true. I am the father of her child.

The thing is the media doesn't know. If I were to date her it would catch the medias attention. Darcy would be the cherry on top. This whole thing is fucked up to be honest.

"Mate your little lady is on TV" Nialls Irish accent called out from the main room. As soon as he mentioned Tiffany I bolted into the room. The Tv was on one of those over rated pop stations. They are so full of shit. I sat down and watched the show eagerly, as the preppy host wearing to much makeup spoke about my Tiffany.

"Hello is Mandy back with today's hot news. We all new Harry Styles curly haired pop star who has the hearts of each teenage girl, in the world. Recent interviews he claimed to be single, but is he really. Harry and the band are in LA recording for the new album four, coming out soon. He was seen hugging a girl at heath row airport before his departure. It wasn't just a girl, she was accompanied by a baby girl. What is this styles. Reporters caught up to the now named Tiffany Joy, who was stricken scared. She ran into the bathrooms until a body guard led her out. Covered in tears protecting the baby, quite a scene. Whats Harry's relationship with them. The whole world wants to know. Who is this baby."

You got the be kidding me. Its been 1 week with them and this already is happening. I care about them to much, to watch them go through this. The pictures of Tiff and Darcy making their way through the crowd of cameras sent a pang to my heart.

She looked so scared, venerable. She needed me and yet here I am in LA. This is the problem with falling. I know I am falling for her I feel it. I look forward to just hearing her voice seeing her smile. Its been 2 weeks since we met in Florida again, and I can't get her out of my head.

Her long blond hair, those Crystal blue eyes that not only moments ago were filled with tears. I just want to hug her assure her everything will be ok. Now Darcy, my daughter. Her brown curly hair and dimples, even her dark green eyes. She looks exactly like me.

The moment she was my daughter she already had my heart, just like her mother. Why does life have to be so complicating. Why can't I just be with them, that's all I truly want. They make me happy, I can't let them go I am in too deep.

After those 2 dates with Tiffany something sparked inside me. All those fake dates with Taylor Swift and Caroline Flack felt wrong. Being with Tiffany sent a shock of joy through me. How easliy we can connect, how she only considers me Harry Styles that silly boy from Cheshire.

Everyone treats me like Harry from One Direction, with them I can be real. All I know is that no one will separate them from me because now they let me into their lives i don't plan on leaving.

"You alright mate" Zayn places a hand on my shoulder. I nodded while raking a hand through my hair. "Mates I am sorry, this is looking so bad for the band" I muttered into my hands. I hit the power button on my phone and saw the lock screen.

It was a picture of me and Tiffany , and Darcy on top of my shoulders at the beach. All of us smiling widely. My thumb ran over the screen as I thought back to the 2 girls that have my heart.

"Mate it doesn't matter. Your not just a band mate your our brother. We want you to be happy and dead honest, your happy with them" Zayn spoke as everyone else nodded.

"A bit of a sap" Louis cheekily smiled, as I hit him upside the head. "What we mean to say is that we want this for you, we also want to meet these girls since they stole my Hazzas heart" Louis added with a pouty face.

"You think I should tell the world about Darcy" I spoke as the room became silent.

"The only thing you should as is do you want the world to know about Darcy" Niall spoke while turning the TV off.

I want the world to know about Darcy, I just don't know if I am ready.


Sorry for the short chapter, I had wrote this yesterday but wattpad shut down and I lost the chapter so I had to re write it. I was stressing over semi tonight because I had 3 dresses and I'm not sure which one I want. Anyways hope this chapter was alright I promise the next one will be better;)


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