✧・roommates-tom holland

بواسطة cuddlyspidey

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*・゚✧ after going though a rough breakup, your friend helps you move in with three single guys. | Started: May... المزيد



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بواسطة cuddlyspidey


(this gif my god! please have my babies)

Summary - zendaya convinces y/n that tom wants to be more than just friends with her while crashing at the loft for a few days. harrison tries to seal the deal with zendaya.


Going off the nearly indecipherable text from your best friend you'd received, you arrived at a thumping and loud underground nightclub. Fighting your way through the messy crowd of sweaty people's bodies, you caught sight of Zendaya just as she grabbed the dj's v-neck shirt by the collar and ripped it down to his navel.

"Oh my god, Z!" you gasped, pushing through the crowd, quickly. You grabbed her arm and pulled, trying to move her away from the dj and come with you.

"You ripped my deep v!" the dj, who you now recognized as the guy Zendaya had been seeing for three weeks, shouted. "This was my favorite deep v!"

You pushed Zendaya through the crowd of partiers, calling to the dj over your shoulder, "Now it's just a deeper v!"

You escorted Zendaya out and onto the street. She was in really tall wedges, and you were once again in awe of the fact that she could be drunk as hell and still walk straight in six-inch heels.

"Thanks for picking me up," Z mumbled. "I really thought he was different, you know?"

"Uh huh," you said, not really listening. You handed her a snack baggie of pretzel sticks you'd brought her and she started to eat. "Where am I taking you?"

"I can't go home, he's staying at my place," she grumbled.

"It's been three weeks, Z!" you protested.

"Can I just stay with you for a couple days?" she asked. When she saw you were on the verge of saying no, she brought out her puppy eyes.

"Oh, I hate when you do that," you snapped. "Fine. But I like these guys, okay, Z? And I think they're finally starting to like me. So no funny business, alright?"

"Okay," she nodded.

She kept quiet the whole way home, and you were about to just go in when a thought occurred to you. You stopped at the front door and turned to her. "These are really good guys, Z. I know it doesn't seem like it most of the time, so just... be nice. For me, okay?"

"I can do that," shrugged Z.


So you pushed the door open, calling, "Hey, guys, I brought—"

The commotion within froze. Harrison was in that blue kimono he insisted on wearing every Friday night. Jacob was on the couch, decked out in paper towels and tissue paper of various colors. They both froze and turned when they saw you and Z. Tom was just beyond, scrolling through his phone and doing his best to ignore his surroundings.

"What are you guys doing?" you asked nervously.

"Just chillin', you know how it is," laughed Jacob in his cool-guy voice.

"What's up, Z," said Harrison, nodding at your best friend, with a smirk on his face.

"I'm gonna use the loo," said Zendaya, imitating Harrison's British accent. He blinked in confusion, watching her walk away.

As soon as she was gone, you rushed towards the guys. "Okay, I'd normally never bring her here, but Z is really vulnerable right now and I want to apologize in advance for anything she might do. You know, when she's drunk, she's super crazy. Like, really crazy. She's grabby, she's loud, she's loose with her body. I just wanted to tell you in case anything happens."

Harrison and Jacob nodded seriously. "Good to know, thank you," said Harrison.

"You guys are the best," you said fondly with a smile. "Okay, I'm gonna go find some stuff to make a bed for her."

It took a whole lot of scrounging around — about half an hour's worth — but you finally found enough sheets to turn the couch into a bed. When you returned to the living room, the guys had turned it into a temporary club. You leave for a few minutes, to come back to this. Music was blasting and Z was dancing while Harrison and Jacob moved around her.

"What — how did this happen?" you gasped.

Tom was sitting on the couch, looking like he'd rather be anywhere but here. "I said I wanted to be alone this weekend!" he shouted to his friends over the music. "This is the opposite of being alone!"

You walked forward, placing the blankets and pillows down on the loveseat. "Here, Z, I'm gonna make you a bed on the sofa! So you need to stop dancing, okay, and go to sleep!"

"y/n, I think she should dance if she wants to!" said Jacob, still in his cool-guy voice.

"Stop talking like that!"

"Like what? I'm just chilling!"

Zendaya turned to look at Tom. "Get up and dance!"

"Why him?" protested Harrison, getting jealous.

"I don't dance," Tom told her seriously. "I'm from the town in Footloose."

"Come on, dance!" she insisted, pulling him to his feet.

"I only dance ballet," Tom informed her.

"He doesn't want to dance, Z," you said, folding your arms and feeling oddly protective of Tom.

"Seriously, I don't wanna—"

Deaf to his protests, Zendaya grabbed the collar of his button up, ignoring his pleading— much like she had done to the dj — and pulled, popping his buttons and ripping it open to his bellybutton.

"Oh my god!" grunted Tom, doubly over and attempting to hold his shirt closed.

"Okay, fine, I'm going to bed!" you snapped at the living room, turning and stomping towards your bedroom, aggravated by your roommates' and best friend's antics.

"It's really not great under here!" you heard Tom informing her. "I look about twelve! I think it's time for bed."

"You can sleep in my bed!" Harrison shouted, a bit too loudly. You slammed your door shut, not wanting to hear anything else.

Unfortunately, not even ten minutes later someone knocked on your door.

"Come in," you called, wishing they wouldn't.

"Hey," said Tom, cracking open the door. "So, uh, that was weird."

"Sorry," you mumbled into your pillow, turning your head to look at him. "I warned you guys, when she gets drunk, she gets super weird. I promise she's not like this normally."

"No, yeah, I figured that," Tom assured you with a small smile. "I just wanted to say... sorry, I guess?"

"What are you sorry for?" you asked, rolling over. Sitting up from your laying position.

"I guess I'm sorry for my raw animal magnetism. She can't resist me." I grinned crookedly at you.

You laughed in spite of yourself, tossing a small pillow at him. It bounced off his face and you both laughed. "Get out of here. Goto bed, Holland," you told him jokingly.

"Okay, okay, it's getting late anyway," he sighed. Then he smiled at you; not a half smile, but a real, kind one. The first one, that you seen, since you been here. "Goodnight, y/n."

"'night, Tom," you replied, smiling back.


Shortly after he was gone, you fell into a deep sleep. Unsurprisingly, that meant you were also first up. You started to work on making some breakfast for you and Z when Tom came in, looking tired.

"Good morning," you said with a small smile.

"G'morning," he mumbled in reply, rubbing his eyes. He poured himself a bowl of cereal, glancing over your shoulder to see what you were making. He sat at the island. "Hangover eggs?"

"They work surprisingly well," you told him and laughed a bit.

"I won't argue," he shrugged, taking a bite of his cereal. He swallowed, asking, "Those for the clubbing queen?"

"Don't call her that!" you protested, but you were smiling. "I told you last night, she's not like that at all."

"And she's staying the whole weekend, so I'll have plenty of time to see the not-drunk side of her," he said, raising his eyebrows at you.


Eventually, Z got up and headed directly for the shower, not even stopping when you called after her. Harrison soon followed, mumbling something about needing to use the bathroom. The two of you watched them, a little amused. I hope nothing happened, between them. I will hurt Harrison...and Z too.

You pretended to pout in Tom's direction before pointing your spatula at him. "Trust me, she's great. You'll love her." Watching him eat, you suddenly asked, "Want some eggs?"

"No, I have my own breakfast," said Tom, sounding confused. "You don't need to... to...."

"What?" you asked, fully turned away from the eggs and putting a hand on your hip.

"To take care of me!" he finally said. "Just stop being so nice."

"Your mum's being so nice," you quipped quickly.

Tom almost laughed, a hint of smile appearing on his face. "You're right, my mum's a lovely woman."

The two of you laughed, looking at one another.

"I'm gonna go grab my toothpaste so I can brush my teeth in the kitchen sink," Tom told you, clearing his dishes.

"Okay," you shrugged, still adding the finishing touches to Zendaya's breakfast. Tom nodded at you before heading towards the bathroom. You salted the eggs, giving them another push around the pan before deciding they were done. You placed the eggs on the plate, placing it on the island with a tall glass of water and three ibuprofen.


You waited, figuring that Z would be done soon. It had already been twenty minutes. You're starting to worry, that her eggs would go cold. You decided to go check in. You walked into the bathroom, stopping short when you saw Harrison, Jacob, and Tom all standing in there.

"Oh — you're all in here. What are you all doing in here?"

"I'm brushing my teeth!" cried Jacob as if he'd had to explain himself a million times before.

"I'm — uh — organizing...." Harrison muttered, scratching the back of his neck.

You squeezed past Tom in the doorway, heading for the sink. "What, is she hogging the shower? Hurry up, Z!"

"Sorry, I just can't find any big towels for some reason...." Zendaya stepped out of the shower, wrapped in a bright blue towel that barely covered all her goods. She stopped short when she saw all three guys in the bathroom, staring at her in awe. Harrison uttered a low whistle, and I slapped the back of his head. Which in result, caused him to wince and rub the area he was hit at.

"Okay, that's enough," you grumbled. "Come on, Z, I made you breakfast."

"Aw, you did?" she asked with a smile.

She started to leave, but Tom awkwardly shifted into her way, evidently trying to get out of it. The two of them had an awkward moment in which Tom did his best not to look at her, and she shoved past him. He hung his head, rubbing his forehead.

"I'm disappointed in all of you," you told the boys.

"I'm brushin' my teeth," Jacob mumbled again.

"Especially you," you said, pointing at Tom, ignoring Jacob.

"I know," he mumbled. "It was a bad moment."

"I thought you were better than this!"

"I am!" he assured you before adding, "Well, most of the time."

Zendaya was waiting in the hallway, so you quickly joined her, pushing her into your bedroom. "Here, this way the guys won't bother us," you told her. "Let me bring you your breakfast."

On your way back to your room from the kitchen you bumped into Tom again. You squinted at him playfully and he pretended to plead, saying I'm sorry as he went. You chuckled, easily and closed your bedroom door behind you.

Zendaya was wearing some of your sweats, and the two of you sat on your bed, talking as she ate. Eventually the topic of the night prior came up.

"Hey, you're not mad that I was dancing with Tom, right?" she asked, wincing slightly.

"Mad?" you asked with a short laugh. "Why would I be mad?"

"Oh, you mean there's nothing going on between you two?" she asked, her eyebrows raising in surprise.

"Me and Tom!?" You laughed again. "No! What made you think that?"

"Nothin'," shrugged Zendaya before smiling at you. "I think he's totally into you, though."

"What!?" you protested.

"Who did you say your ideal man was?" Zendaya said to you.

"Peter Parker from Spider-Man: Far From Home," you shrugged. (see what i did there?! no. okay. bye).

"He's a total Peter!"

"What?" you scoffed. "No way. Nothing is happening between anyone in this loft."

"Come on," insisted Zendaya, teasingly nudging your shoulder. "Are you trying to tell me you don't think every one of those guys out there has thought about sleeping with you?"

"No! You just think everyone wants to sleep with everyone all the time!"

Zendaya shrugged. "They do. That's why I think that."

"Oh. My. God!"

"Okay, come on, don't you hear how he says your name?" asked Zendaya, refusing to take 'no' for an answer. Then she blinked alluringly at you, dropping into a fake british accent: "y/n."

"He's from London!" you said, equally unwilling to take 'yes' for an answer. "That's how people from London say 'y/n'."

Zendaya opened her mouth to argue, but there was a knock on your door and Tom opened it. "Hey, y/n," he said as a way of introduction.

Your best friend stared at you, her eyes screaming See what I meant? but you refused to look at her.

"I'm going down to the corner shop, d'you need anything?"

"Yes," said Zendaya before you could answer, shooting you a look. "You should go with him so you can get that thing you really need!"

"Gee, I wonder what that is," said Tom dryly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"She'll be out in a sec," Zendaya said pointedly, slamming the door in his face.

"No. No!" you hissed at her. "No, you are not coming in here and ruining all this. I'm happy. I like these guys, and I think they're actually starting to like me, too."

"Come on, y/n, I'm just trying to help you!" she insisted. "And did you see his feet? A guy's feet always point at what they want. His feet were pointing right at you."

As she pulled you upright you protested, "Why wouldn't they point at me? Otherwise he'd be standing like a duck!" You turned your own toes out to prove your point.

"Just come on. Go. Get out there" Z, pushing me towards the door.

"Hey, you ready?" called Tom from the hallway.

"Be there in a sec, mate!" you shouted back.

Zendaya folded her arms.

"...did you just call me mate?" Tom asked, confused.

"Yeah" you replied, sticking your tongue out at Zendaya. She made a face at you before pulling the door open and pushing you out, where you collided with Tom's chest. Damn he's strong.

"Jeez!" he said in alarm, grabbing your shoulders to steady you. "You good?"

"Fine," you answered, not looking at him and found interest at your shoes. "Let's just go."


The ride was awkward and quiet, but Tom still seemed oblivious. You scrolled through your phone, but you weren't really doing anything, just trying to avoid any conversation. Once you were in the drugstore, he brought up the topic of Zendaya.

"Well, how long is she staying" Tom questioned about Zendaya.

"Oh, not long. I know she can be tough to deal with. Her ex is staying at her place, so she needed somewhere to crash," you explained when asked why she was there. "Sometimes she just calls me up and be like 'Bitch, I love you' and then she just hangs up. No other information."

"Weird" Tom said as the two of you approached the toiletries aisle.

You glanced around, noticing a couple excitedly holding holiday cards. Your eyes flickered down to their feet. His feet were pointed directly at his partner's. Your eyes grew wide, and you tried to fill the heavy silence. "But I don't know, I kind of like it when she calls me bitch. It makes me feel cool. Like, Robert Downey. Jr."

"Fine, but does she have to stay with us?" Tom asked, seemingly from far away.

Another couple was farther down the aisle, their feet pointed directly at each other. You gulped nervously, asking, "What...what did you say?"

Tom turned around, his eyebrows furrowed. "I'm saying, stop trying to take care of everyone."

Your eyes flew down. His feet were pointed right at you.

"Oh, my god," you breathed.

"What?" asked Tom, also glancing down. "Is there something on my shoes?"

"What? nothing what?" you mumbled, looking back up at him. Slowly, you started to shuffle sideways.

"What?" he asked, turning with you, his feet still pointed your way. "What are you doing? I know she's your best friend, but I didn't mean to insult you. Just, you don't have to take care of her..."

"Okay" you said again, still turning. You crossed your legs, ensuring your feet weren't pointed at him. You moved around him, trying to have some space between us. "Yes."

"What are you doing?" Tom said, still watching you move away from him in a circle,

"What are you doing?" you mumbled distractedly. "I'm sorry, i'm just checking...I just want to make sure..."

"If I insulted you, i'm sorry. But what are you doing right now?" he said, trying to stop you from moving away from him.

"Everything's in its place." you pointed out, looking around the items on the shelves.

"What does that mean?" Tom still confused, on why you keep backing away from him.

"i'm just walking like a friend" I talked to him, trying to act cool but failing miserably.

"Okay, you know what, forget this," sighed Tom. "Let's get out if here. Last thing on the list...is toilet paper."

"Um, I don't use it" I told him.

"You don't use toilet paper?" He tilted his head, utterly lost.

You internally cringed and nervously giggled. "I mean...That's... not what I meant."

"That's what your mum meant!" Tom quipped with an impish smile.

Your heart dropped. "What? Did my mother call? What did she say?"

"No, y/n, I was...y/n!" He grabbed your shoulder, smiling at you. "I was joking!"

Slowly, you looked at his hand on your arm, then down at his toes (still pointed at you), and up into his face.

"I knew that," you squeaked. "You're right, let's just go home...haha"

"Oh, do you want to grab some lunch on the way?" he said, as he grabbed some boxes of tissues and putting them in the basket.

"What? No," you said, maybe too fast. "There's food at the house."

"Um," muttered Tom, pulling a face before shrugging. "Whatever. Come on, let's check out."


The car ride home was even worse than the ride there, which you didn't think was possible. You kept leaning into your car door, trying to put as much space as possible between you and Tom. You fanned yourself, feeling overwhelmed and claustrophobic.

"Okay, what's going on with you, y/n?" asked Tom, turning to stare at you when he stopped at a red light.

"Why do you have to do that?" you shot back.

"Do what?"

"Why do you have to say my name like that?" You imitated his accent: "'y/n'. And why do you have to wear old man clothes all the time?"

"I don't wear old man clothes!" Tom looked down at his red floral-patterned button up before staring at you, a little hurt. "You don't like the way I dress?"

"No, I just..." you said exhausted, sticking your head out the window and fanning your face.

"Did I do something to you?"

"No! I just need air!"

Suddenly an old woman came to the car with her bucket of roses. She was going car-to-car in the traffic, giving out her flowers. "Rose for the lady?" she asked Tom.

"No" shaking my head hard, hoping he doesn't say yes.

Tom smiled at you before saying with humour in his voice, "Okay, I'll buy you one. Or two... They come as two? I'll buy you two. Great. Thank you!"

"No, no!" you protested, suddenly unable to catch your breath.

"Wait, what do you mean no? Here, take some roses" Tom exchanged the money, offering you the small clipping of roses. "Want 'em? It's two dollars, it's not a big deal. Here, take a rose, milady."

"I want them to go, no!" you shouted again. Before you knew what was happening, you unbuckle your seatbelt, opened the car door, grabbed the bags from the drugstore, and started running down the street.

"y/n!" Tom shouted after you. "I was joking, what are you doing? Get back in the car! y/n!"

You started running away from the car, with the bags in your hand and made your way home.

"That's not the way home!" Tom yelled out.


You walked all the way home, marching to the front door and slamming it shut behind you. Zendaya was laying on the couch, reading a fashion magazine. "I walked home!" you announced. "I got out of the car, and walked home."

"Why? What happened?" asked Z, sitting up.

"His feet were pointed directly at me the whole time!" you hissed.

"Oh, god," groaned Zendaya started to sit up from her position on the couch.

"Did I do this?" you asked her, referring to his apparent infatuation with you. "Am i dressing to provocatively? Do I need to get thicker pajamas? Maybe it's my posture. I have a really sexy posture, maybe that is it...."

Zendaya sighed. "Don't worry, about it, I'll talk to him for you-"

"No, you won't!" you interrupted. "That would be the worst, most life-ruining thing, you could possibly..."

Suddenly the door opened, and you hunched your back, trying to un-sexy your posture. Tom stood there, hands on his hips, chest heaving.

"Hi, Tom" Z giving him her best sweet smile. He ignored and turned back to you.

"Seriously, Y/n, what the bloody hell happened? I've been driving around for the last hour looking for you" he snapped.

"Everything is okay, and we were hoping to get everything out..." Z stepped into the conversation, putting her arms around you.

"On the table" me and z said at the same time,

"The table, which is not a table, it doesn't exist." I finished the sentence but still continued. "Don't worry about the table."

"We were in the middle of traffic," tom said, clearly mad about this situation. "And you just got out and ran away."

"I was hot," you lied.

"You were so hot that you had to jump out of my car and run?"


He looked over you once, point his finger at you. "Why are you standing like that?"

"This is how I always stand. Haha!" Your laugh was forced and awkward and everyone could tell.

"I've never seen you stand like that," Tom said. "Listen, I was really worried, okay? I thought something had happened to you, y/n! And you can't just walk around this neighborhood with bags full of toilet paper that you don't even use."

"What?" mumbled Zendaya.

"I told him I don't use toilet paper" you replied under your breath.

"Okay, do you hear what he is saying to you?" asked Zendaya. "Bitch, he's trying to tell you he cares about you! He was scared for you!"

Still annoyed, Tom turned and walked off, shutting himself in his bedroom.

"He doesn't care about me, he only cares about me as a friend Z, stop it!" you insisted.

"So i'm going to make this happen for you," Zendaya said. "This is so on, Y/n."

She started to walk towards his bedroom.

"No, it is not! No, on it is not!" Once again, you pulled Zendaya back, keeping her from taking another step towards the bathroom he was in. The two of you struggled against one another. Thinking fast, you pressed your ear to her back trying to put as much on her, so she can stop from getting away.

"I'm trying to help you..." Zendaya concentrates on making it towards the bathroom.

I put my hands around her face, so she can't see the bathroom. "No!" I bite back.

"Okay, my face is my job. My face is my job" she murmured.

"My earring!" you whispered hoarsely. "It's stuck in your hair!"

"Can you get it out?" asked Zendaya, instantly stopped moving and gave up fighting.

"No! Ow... ow...." you whined as a baby.

"Okay, we'll do it on the floor," Zendaya told you, and together you both slid slowly onto the ground. "We can do it on the floor. We're going to get it on the floor, don't worry."

"All right. Okay here we go." Z said as we laid down. I instantly get on her, but she removed herself from me and sat up.

"What is wrong with you?" she snarled at you. "I'm trying to help you!"

"What is wrong with you? No, I don't need your help. You don't know. Tom and I are friends. You don't know, cause you don't have guy friends at all!" you snapped back. "You just hang out with jerks like Gavin. Oh, I'm sorry, DJ Diabeat it."

"Hey! He has diabetes." she protested, but you were just getting started.

"Oh, he does? Boo—hoo!" I said being rude and then started to feel concerned. "I'm sorry. Is it really bad? I feel really bad, now."

"He's fine. He takes medication" Z waved her hand around.

"Why do you just come in and you take over? It's like you're playing mind games with people" I said, already exhausted about this.

"Don't put this on me, Y/n. Okay, i'm trying to help you. You never make a move..." Z, called out.

"Well, I don't need your help. I like moving slow. I like being weird and taking my time," you said loudly, even taking yourself back. "I'm not like you. I don't just jump in the potato sack with the first potato that I meet with diabetes"

"Okay, what did you just say?" Z was trying to figure out, where was this conversation going.

"You heard me, bitch" I suddenly spat out.

Zendaya's eyes widened, and then she started to laugh. You laughed too. We froze after hearing a high-pitched shriek from above.

"Uh oh," said Z, realization dawning on her face and started to get up off the ground. "Oh, no."

"What is that?" you asked. She ignored you, and ran towards the door. "Z, what? What did you do?"

"I left Harrison on the roof!" she explained as we hurriedly made it to the elevator and rode the elevator to the roof.

"Oh, god, Z," you mumbled.


Sure enough, when you got to the roof, we found Harrison hiding himself behind some foldable lawn chairs. After rescuing him from a cat and having a heart-to-heart talk about his fascination with your hot model of a best friend. When the conversation was done, you walked him downstairs. The day was coming to an end, and the sun had started to set.

You sat down opposite from Jacob in the recliner. After a few minutes, Harrison gave a sigh and got up, wincing in pain. He got a bad sunburn from waiting on the roof all afternoon. He mumbled something that you couldn't understand before going into his bedroom. A few moments later, he closed the door.

You scrolled through your phone, while Jacob sat on the couch playing a video games. He, like Tom, wanted to be an actor, but hadn't found his breakthrough yet. He is going to make it someday. I have a great feeling about it.

Just as you were contemplating calling it a night, Jacob's phone rang. He quickly answered it, shooting you a confused look as he said, "What's up, Harrison?"

You tilted your head, understanding his confusion. Jacob put his phone on the coffee table, putting it on speaker.

"—and she is holding my hand right now!"

"Dude, you're in bed with her and you're calling me?" Jacob tried to hold his laugh in.

"You said I'm not a closer! I am a closer!"

"This isn't closing, dude," sighed Jacob.

"Says you! Oh, shit, I think she's waking up. Peace!" And he hung up.

You laughed quietly. "And on that note, I'm going to bed. Goodnight, Jacob."

"Goodnight, y/n."

You quickly changed into your pajamas before going into the bathroom. You started to brush your teeth when Tom came in. He paused in the doorway when he saw you before walking up to the other sink.

You noticed him in the corner of your eye, looking around for the toothpaste, so you held it up, making a noise to get his attention. He held out his toothbrush and you put on some toothpaste for him. The two of you stared at your own reflections for a moment, brushing your teeth in silence. Finally, you turned to look at him.

"Hey," you said around the mouthful of toothpaste. Your voice came out funny, so you laughed a little. Tom smiled, also with a mouthful of toothpaste. "Sorry I acted so weird today," you went on.

The two of you laughed lightly again and Tom mumbled around his toothpaste, "It's okay. It was a crazy day, but I am going to remember this day."

You both turned back towards the sink, rinsing and spitting. Neither one of you had noticed that your feet had been pointing directly at each another.

a/n: here's what you guys have been waiting for!!! I am really sorry for not posting in so long. it's my fault and I shouldn't have you guys wait that long. hope you guys enjoy this chapter, next one coming soon. also, make sure to follow my tumblr! I posted a few imagines there and this series!

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