the new girl m.p.

By alespolibio

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Avery Castano, younger sister of Mariano Castano, moves to New Jersey one month before starting junior year... More

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By alespolibio

Averys POV

This past weekend was interesting to say the least. I had a lot of fun with my friends. But Mattias dream still made its way to my mind and distracted me from my work.

I snapped out of it and listened to my history teacher while Kairi doodled on my paper.

"I'm coming over after school." He whispered over to me.

"Well I didn't drive today. So we're walking back home."

He smacked his lips and face forward sliding down in his chair. I looked outside and noticed how sad the day looked. There were grey clouds everywhere.

"Avery please pay attention you're getting a quiz on this in two days." The teacher rolled her eyes at me. I sighed and sunk in my chair like Kairi.

Feels like I've been here forever but it's only first period. Luckily the bell rings in three minutes so I started packing up.

"I'm talking to this new girl. She's really pretty and I really like her." Kairi smiled hard while saying this. It's good to see that he's happy and moving on.

He showed me a picture of her and I recognized her immediately.

"Oh my god it's Aileen!" I said grabbing the phone and smiling at it. I haven't talked to her since I moved.

"You know her?"

"I mean most of tiktok knows her but, me, her and a bunch of others were in a group chat. Even Charli was in it. She spoke to us for like a week straight then dipped but that doesn't matter. Me and Aileen got close super quick but after I moved here I kinda stopped texting in the group chat." I thought about all of our late night calls and plans to finally meet each other.

"That's cool. So we started texting the day Natalie left me, I won't lie I always thought she was cute. But she told me she was moving to Jersey too so I guess I have a better chance with her."  Oh my god. Aileen is coming to New Jersey!

The bell rang for second and we walked out quick before the teacher could tell us the homework.


I walked to our lunch table and waited for Mattia to come in. Alvaro was already here so I talked to him.

"Hey Avery!" He waved to me like a little baby. I sat next to him and set my bag on the floor.

"Apparently everyone's coming over after school?" I question while scrolling through our group chat.

"Yeah you have no choice. Your house is bigger and funner." He shrugged his shoulder and gave me a funny look.

"Funner isn't a word idiot." I said while Mattia and Alejandro walked to the table and sat down. I kissed him then took out my snacks that I would eat today.

"How come you're not getting lunch?" Mattia asked while getting up.

I shrugged my shoulders and sighed.

"I'm sharing my food with you."

I nodded and let him go while I let myself into the conversation happening at the table.

"Kai let me see your girl.." Kairi playfully rolled his eyes and said he'd send a picture to imessage.

sl4r 🤮💕

isn't she a beaut🥵😍

"Oh my god her?!" Alejandro was shocked. "I always shipped you guys."

"Yeah her and Avery were like besties or something." I smacked Kairi and watched as he winced. I stuck my tongue out and he flicked my forehand.

"Your duets actually look good together though. I'm happy for you bro."

Mattia came back and shared his fries with me which I thought was nice.


I waited out the front doors of my school for Kairi and Vic so we could start walking.

"What is taking them so long?" I whispered to myself while holding my hands under my sweater. Just as I turned around to see if they were already out here, I made eye contact with Aiden. I quickly looked away but caught him rolling his eyes. I chuckled and saw Kairi with Vic walking towards the exit.

"You took so long!"

"I was making a tiktok with Vic." He showed me the video as we walked out.

"Wait Ale is right there. Let's get a ride." Vic pointed to his car. We quickly ran over and got in before he could say anything.

"I'm going to your house anyway so hah." He said while turning on the car.

The clouds only got worse as the day went by. It was so dark and gloomy outside.

"Do you think we're gonna have a storm today?" I looked out the window and noticed a rain drop on it.

Taylor nodded after checking the weather and it started pouring as we got to my house. We all ran in and were soaking wet.

"I was not excepting that." I took off my sweater and set it on a chair to dry off. When I turned to go on the couch, I heard a noise coming from my room which was weird because my parents were in their room and Mariano in his.

"Are those Alvaros shoes?" Kairi asked. I nodded and saw Mattias shoes next to them.

"You would think he'd put them away if he's gonna scare me." I laughed and put them in the closet. We all went up to my room as quiet as possible and ran in scaring them.

"Fuck." Alvaro sighed while feeling his heart.

"How did you know we were here?" Mattia asked.

"I saw your shoes downstairs dumbass." I sat on my bed and watched as everyone got settled in. I saw a bright light and heard a rumble following it.

"Seems like the perfect day to watch a scary movie." Alejandro said while looking outside and watching the hard rain fall. The sound of it hitting my windows was very satisfying to me.

We all went to my basement and I went to the kitchen with Mattia to make popcorn for us. I sat on the counter waiting for it to finish. Mattia snuck his way in between my legs and put his hands on my hips.

"You look beautiful." He said to me. I smiled and thanked him. I put my arms around his neck and leaned in. We kissed until we were interrupted by Taylor who desperately needed a drink.

"Oop-" She turned around quick which made me laugh and I hopped off the counter.

"I just came up for water and got free porn." She said while walking to the fridge and getting a water bottle.

"We'll be down in a minute. What movie did you guys pick?"

"Sinister 1 and 2." Ugh I hate that movie. It's always made me nauseous.

I was taking the popcorn out but got startled by a loud thunder causing me to jump up a little. It's really coming down out there.

"Hola mija." My stepdad said to me while messing up my hair.

"Mattia." He looked at him which made him stand up straight. I giggled and waited for him so we could go already.

"It's a very bad storm tonight honey. Strong winds too and that tree in the front neighbors house is gonna fall soon. Me and your mom are betting on it. Hopefully I win $50 tonight." He laughed and walked out of the kitchen.

"They're so weird." I sighed and opened the door to go downstairs. Everyone was on a beanbag waiting for us so they could start the movie.

Me and Mattia got a beanbag together and they played the movie.

Throughout the whole movie all I could hear was his heartbeat and of course, the thunder.

Kairi, Alvaro, Alejandro, Vic and Taylor were so into the second part of the movie and got mad when it went blank.

"What the fuck?" Alvaro got up and checked what happened.

"Powers out idiot." Mattia spoke up from the dark.

"Ahh I'm scared of the dark." Kairi cried out like a little kid as a joke.

Since it was dark I thought it'd be funny if I crawled up to him and pulled him by his ankle. My cold hands grabbed his ankle and dragged him as hard as I could.

He laughed uncontrollably laying on the floor with me.

"We should go upstairs."

"No lets stay here!" Vic whined. Everyone stayed where they were while I went upstairs and grabbed my candles from bath and body works.

"It's gonna smell like champagne toast candy apple chocolate tonight." I giggled to myself before going back to the basement.

I was stopped by my parents.

"Avery what are your friends gonna do? The roads are flooded, how are they getting home?" My mom asked me. I honestly didn't know.


"Tell them to call their parents and see if they can stay here. I'm gonna make hot chocolate for you guys." She went to the kitchen and I went downstairs.

They all made a circle with the beanbags and I put the candles down and Alejandro lit them.

"Why do you have so many brand new candles?" He asked.

"Candles are the way to my heart." I defended myself. He should see my collection.

"Let's play truth or dare." Alvaro smirked. Everyone nodded since we literally have nothing better to do.

"Okay Vic you first. Truth or dare?" He asked.

"Ummm dare truth.. ugh dare!" She laughed.

"Uh I dare you us your last text." She nodded and pulled out her phone.

"I haven't pooped this sister texted me this in the morning.." She looked down.

"Avery! Truth or dare?" She asked me.


"Other than getting choked what other kinks do you have?" She laughed and raise her eyebrows. I looked over at Mattia with my mouth open.

"Yo that was supposed to stay in the live!" He said to her.

"Okay whatever..Um shoulder biting and when M- you know what, next! Alejandro! Truth or dare?" I turned to him.

"Easy, dare."

"Lick the floor." I said in all seriousness. It was hard to stay serious I wanted to laugh so bad.

"I'd rather lick Roshauns sweaty forehead." He said. I gagged just thinking of it.

"That is disgusting Ale." He laughed and he went down to lick the floor. He swirled his tongue and sucked a little too.

"Mm daddy." Kairi moaned behind everyone else. We all started laughing at him and Alejandro threw a pillow at him.

"Taylor truth or dare?"

"Truth." She smiled. He took a while to think of one.

"Ah! Did you and Avery ever kiss again off cameras?"

"o" We both said at the same time.

"Oh god." I put my head in my hands and waited for her to answer.

"Yes and. it. was. awesome." She clapped like a little kid.

"She's feeling a little fruity." Kairi said which made everyone laugh.

This went on for a while until we all got bored of it. Vic got it worse than all of us for some reason.

We went upstairs and got some hot chocolate. Everyone spoke to their parents and had no choice but to stay the night over here.

"Schools are closed tomorrow." My mom said to us. They all cheered but I stayed quiet.

"One big sleepover, it's gonna be so fun." Alvaro said to us.

"My phone is gonna die." Mattia frowned. I laughed at him and he pretended to be hurt from it.

"So what are we gonna do all night?"

"I don't know but I'm tired." I yawned.

"Are you serious it's like 8!"

I shook it off and thought of what we could do. So I'm stuck home with all my best friends and I don't know what to do?

"Wait babe is your ipad charged?" Mattia asked me. I nodded and he went up to get it.

He came back down with it unlocked to the charades game. We all went to the living room and played for a while. It was Kairis turn and he was having trouble guessing 'climbing a ladder'.

"What the fuck does it look like i'm doing?! I'm ..." Mattia was getting mad which was funny to me. He takes this game way too serious sometimes.

We joked around for the rest of the night until all our phones died.

Me and Mattia went to my room for a while to have some alone time.

"I'll never get tired of you." I said and kissed him one last time before gathering all my pillows and blankets to take to the basement.

Everyone was on a beanbag and already sleeping or falling asleep.

"We really have to sleep on these tonight.." Alejandro sighed.

"I don't mind I really like them. They're comfortable." Alvaro balled up his legs like a baby and waited for a blanket.

I got on mine with Mattia and wrapped us in my blanket he gifted me.

"Goodnight Av."

"Goodnight Mattia." I kissed him goodnight before closing my eyes and drifting to sleep.

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