Fairy Tail: Tale of The Drago...

By Bolt8091

179K 2.2K 1.1K

A 10-year-old boy left alone roams the land of Fiorre with his companion ....talking and flying cat? But they... More

Chapter 1: A New Family
Chapter 2. Coming home and Lucy
Harem update/Welcome to Fairy Tail!
Not a chapter.
Chapter 3 Return of My Scarlet Tsundere!
Chapter 4 The Dragon Lord's Wrath!
Galuna Island Laydown
Chapter 5 Mom and Dad, Quality time, Vince
Chapter 6 How Dad met my mother. Dragon Lord's RAGE!!!
Chapter 7 War!
Wow just Wow.
Chapter 8 Don't ever harm my MATE!!!
Harem Update!
Just for laughs
Just asking (not a chapter)
Vote over
Markings of Mates(Lemon)
Which one?
Why can't we be friends?
Vote closed
Chapter 10 Lucy The Celestial Dragon Slayer and Unexpected Events!
What if ?
Chapter 11 Justice vs Chaos!
Chapter 13 Dragon Lordnapped!
Chapter 14 A surprise twist!
Chapter 15 You will not BREAK ME!
Chapters 16 Gotta get to back, back to the present!
New story (not a chapter)
Chapter 17 Dragon Lord Escape!
Chapter 18 Heaven's Game Part 1
Heaven's Game Part 2
Heaven's Game Part 3 (finale)
Chapter special: Goodbye Simon
Chapter 19 Home
Chapter 20: Battle of Fairy Tail Part 1
Battle of Fairy Tail Part 2
Battle of Fairy Tail Part 3
Battle of Fairy Tail Part 4
Battle of Fairy Tail Part 5 Finale
Our Dog
I'm Back!

Chapter 12 Vacation!

2.5K 42 4
By Bolt8091

Lucy was walking from the mansion with both Noy and Plue following her. She was looking down sadly while Noy had a scowl on his face, it had been 3 weeks the incident with Laxus but Drake had just left. Nobody knew where he went or how to contact him unfortunately Laxus's suspension was up and he continued being an asshole. But good news is everyone pretty much ignored him and were more worried about Drake.
When he left he was so angry the way he attacked Laxus you could see it in his eyes. Though Drake's absent was more heavier with the girls Lucy included, she's been training with Natsu and she's been getting better and better. Drake said to her before all this happened that if she kept this progress in another month or two she could be close to rivaling Erza. But what good is that if her mate wasn't around to see her.
Lucy: (looks at Noy) Hey Noy?
Noy: (looks up at her) Yeah, what's up?
Lucy: I should've asked this three weeks ago but i was afraid it was a touchy subject you know a secret.
Noy: It's about Drake right?
Lucy: (looks away sadly)
Noy: It's fine.......Before me and Drake joined Fairy Tail he told me something about his past. When he was little his parents would take him out explore the world. He was 4 when his parents took him to a watering hole. There were other dragons there and they were disgusted not because he was human he was......something else.
Lucy: What do you mean?
Noy: Remember when Drake told you his mon use to be human and his Dad gave her half his heart to turn into a dragon to save her. Well the magic would have turned Drake into a dragon to but at that time he was already halfway out so the best the magic could do is make him half dragon.
Lucy: I see.
Noy: Anyways that was a problem dragon children would avoid him, roar at him, and snarl at him treating him like some sort of parasitic disease. It was even worse with the adults one day one of them attacked him injuring him to the point he close to death. That dragon tried to finish the job but Agvuu and Hope intervene and let's just say they weren't happy. After that they try to have him socialize with humans but just like the dragons they treated him horribly. They threw rocks at him call him so many things "monster", "freak", "creature", "hellspawn", ....."devil".
Unbeknownst to Noy and Lucy they were being heard by Juvia who was trying to find her beloved after that incident. She was listening to everything Noy was saying and was upset as well.
Noy: After that his parents secluded themselves away from all creatures. It saddened a lot to know their own son couldn't find his place in this cruel world. Drake even asked "what is he?" They told him he was their son they couldn't answer that question for him. How could they? To tell your own kid that he's something that doesn't belong to either one of his parent's kind it's heartbreaking. When he told everyone at Fairy Tail he finally felt, accepted he finally felt he belonged.
Lucy: (sobbing softly, thoughts) Drake i had no idea you suffer so much, you always looked so strong and happy i had no idea you had so much pain.
Lucy wasn't the only one sobbing Juvia was heartbroken to hear about Drake's past. It wasn't fair! How could not only people but also dragons be so cruel!?
Juvia: (sobbing, thoughts) My poor beloved to think you have suffering even worse then me. I swear Drake darling! I will love you no matter what you are!
Noy:Come on hopefully Drake will be at the guild this time.
Noy, Lucy, and Plue continued to the guild hoping that Drake would be there.

Four days later
Unfortunately Drake was not at the guild but a lot of crazy stuff has happened since then. Everyone learned that Loke was Celestial Spirit banished to the mortal world. Lucy saved his life and now she owns his key and has his power. After that he gave Team DN get tickets to a beach resort as a thanks. Unfortunately there was one more ticket that they had.
Loke: I wanted to give this one to Drake but since he's not here....
Natsu: Yeah....
Everyone was silent until Medea spoke up, she and her father have been staying with Drake, Lucy, and Noy. Over the time Medea bonded with Lucy and told her about her life as a princess. Both seem to share a lot both have a high class background and both left home because of negative reasons(even though Lucy's reason was because of her father.)
Medea: Look everyone i know you're all upset about Drake being gone but he wouldn't want you all being all depressed because of him.
Erza perked up from Medea's words and look back at the others.
Erza: You know Medea is right! Let's try and have a good time!
Team DN: YEAH!!
The next day
The group had their stuff packed and ready to go.
Erza: Come on, chop chop! No lollygagging! Now hurry or I'll leave you behind.
Gray, Lucy, and Lisanna: So much stuff!
Natsu: Alright, I'm ready to go right now! Bring on the beach!
Happy: Yeah, let's go!
???: Mind if i tag along?
Everyone whirled around and their eyes widened in shock. Drake blaze has returned and was smiling.
Lucy, Erza, Lisanna, Mirajane, Cana, and Levy: DRAKE!
All six girls tackled him and embrace him in a hug while crying.
Drake: Geez miss me much?
Levy: (crying) You big dummy!
Cana: Where the hell were you!?
Mirajane: We were so worried about you!
Drake: (rubs back of his neck) Yeah, i know sorry about that. I...just needed sometime alone to think. But forget about that! You six (points at his team) Vacation time now!
Team DN: Yeah!
The group began to walk off while they were walking Erza walked alongside Drake and was blushing.
Erza: Drake?
Drake: (Looks at her) Hmm?
Erza: I-I-I'm really glad you came back and I'm glad you're going with us. But promise you won't ever leave like that again okay?
Drake: (smiles) Sure Erza just as long as you promise to keep that smile on your face.
Erza: (blushes, shock but smiles) Deal.
Drake's voiceover: I'll never forget that day the way Erza looked so happy she couldn't stop smiling. But little did i know that smile would disappear from her face....and something would awaken inside of me....a monster.

A/N: Yeah i know this was a short chapter i work more on it on Wednesday and Thursday because i have to work tomorrow and Friday so see you next time i update.

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