His Step-brothers Are Wolves...

By PissingoffHomophobes

154K 6.8K 510

[Book 1 of the Lighthide Series] Theodore "Theo" Johnson has lived with his father for 4 years since his pare... More

Meeting The Stepfamily
"Sibling Bonding Time"
What Did I See?
Keeping it Secret
A Face From The Past
Alpha, Beta, Omega
History and Threats
Manipulative Apology
A Nightmare
Boredom With A Side Of Meeting
Save Me From Him
Very Own Spark
What It Means To Lead
Attack In The Night
One Falls Another Rises
Adjustment & Nightmares
The sweet smell
His First Heat
A Meeting Em & Ty
Taken Away
So Close, So Far
Back In Your Arms
Dr. Visit
Running into the Past
A love They Share
The Truth Of The Ring
Facing The Pack
Date Night
Set back
Em's Surprise
Traitor In Our Midst
Some Good News
Theo Takes Charge
A Heartfelt Chat
An Unexpected Twist
Authors Note: Very Important!!!
Austin's Spark
Next Steps
Mark of The Mate
Unforeseen Plans

A Warning Taken Lightly

4K 197 3
By PissingoffHomophobes

Theo finally found Ezra who was talking to Austin and Mj. Theo slowed his walk, making it look like he wasnt as eager to see Ezra as he felt. The closer he got, Mj spotted him.

  "Oh! Thank gods you are safe. Howard is worried sick about you." Mj rushed up, engulfing Theo in a hug. It's been a minute since hes felt this kind of hug from a mother figure. He wrapped his arms around her, squeezing.

  "I'm fine. A bit shaken but I'll live." Theo admitted, stepping back from the hug.

  "We told Howard that you were staying with us at a friends house until Jayson is caught." Says Austin.

  Theo paled at that information. "He isnt caught?"

  "When the police arrived he was already gone. Hes on the run but your safe here. No one knows about this palce." Ezra says, walking over to clasp Theo's hand. Theo looked up at him, smiling.

  Mj squealed. "You two are so cute! I heard about the spark. Such a rare thing to happen to an Alpha! I'm so glad." She leaned forward and kissed Ezra on the cheek before turning to Austin and doing the same. "I'm going to head out. I have somewhere to be." She waved goodbye, leaving them in the awkward circle.

  Austin whistled. "I'm gonna go talk to Mkayla on Patrol." Without waiting for any words, he took off towards the lining of the trees. With Ezra and Theo standing alone near the cabin, Theo finally turned to Ezra, snatching his attention.

  "So what did Alfie want to talk to you about?" Ezra questions.

  The smiled. "He told me about his Soulmate. About the hardships and what they went through." Theo connected their eyes together. "I know this sprung on us out of nowhere which I guess is the point of the spark, but I want you to know I do want to try. I want to be your partner when you take lead. Yes things will either excell from this point on or slow, but I want you to know I'm all for this soulmate thing. I've had a shitty relationship life. Maybe this spark is telling me I found what I've been looking for."

  Ezra's heart fluttered at those words. He was afraid he'd get rejected, only having make out sessions because the spark made Theo want it. He was happy that Theo himself actually wanted to try this.

  Ezra brought his hand up, cupping Theo's cheek. "It means a lot to my inner wolf to hear you say that. I want to try as well." He leaned in, kissing Theo on the lips.

  Of course though, their beautiful moment was ruined by a scout returning. Ezra felt the concern leak off of the Scout, grabbing Theo's hand, he brought him over to the Scout who was out of breath, holding a crumpled paper in his hand. Alfie felt the concern as well, appearing out of the main pack out.

  "Shawn, what's the matter?" Alfie asked.

  Shawn straightened up, handing the laser off to Alfie. "I found this on the tree just outside of the dirt road leading to our pack hideout." Shawn explained.

  Alfie uncrumpled the paper, reading what the letter said. Ezra could tell by the disbelief in his face it was a threat note. Ezra stepped closer. "Can I see?"

  Alfie sighed, handing the letter off. Ezra read it as Theo stretched his neck to read it as well.

  "We know you have the ring, Alfie. Return it and we wont attack. Keep it from us and there will be an attack tonight. I warned you.

  ~Defiants Pride.

  Theo gulped, squeezing Ezra's hand tightly. Ezra gave the letter back, watching Ezra struggle. "What should we do?" Shawn asked.

  "Its a bluff. He would never attack us." Alfie snapped.

  Ezra gulped, deciding to step forward. "Bluff or not, we should double our scouts at least. It would make the pack feel safer." Ezra said.

  Alfie smiled. "The pack? Or Theo?" Alfie asked.

  Ezra smiled slightly. "Both. Please?"

  Alfie nodded. "Very well." He turned to Shawn. "Gather the scouts. I want you in wolf form, standing by all exits. Howl the secret code when you see trouble. Understood?"

  Shawn nodded. "I will." He said, taking off to gather the scouts.

  Alfie turned to Ezra and Theo. "Go back to the cabin and lock the doors. It's not safe to be out now. Especially for Theo." He said.

  Ezra nods. "I'll keep an eye out." He said, turning towards the cabin. Theo's heart was pounding in his chest, thinking about the fact Defiants Pride was closing in. Ezra kept Theo close, bringing him into the cabin. Theo let go of Ezra, walking over to the couch.

  "I never expected to be dragged into the middle of a werewolf war." Theo joked.

  Ezra snorted, locking the door. "Welcome to the life I live." Ezra walked over to the window, dropping the wood to keep it closed.

  Theo sighed. "I remember hearing that Defiants Pride had a lot of members."

  Ezra nodded, taking a seat next to Theo. "You heard correctly. They have 232 members."

  Theo knitted his eyebrows. "Shouldnt we be... more prepared for this? How many does Lighthide have?"

  "72." Ezra answered.

  Theo gulped at that number. "Thats... we are outnumbered."

  "We may be outnumbered but we fight nasty. We will survive, dont worry." Ezra brought his hand up, cupping Theo's cheek.

  "Why dont you... group up with Em and Ty's pack?" Theo suggested.

  Ezra snorted. "Alfie would never agree to it. He hates the Alpha of that pack with a burning passion."

  "If you were Alpha of the pack... would you?" Theo asked.

  Ezra Thought about it for a moment, gripping Theo's hand he got the overwhelming urge of protectiveness. "I would if it meant more safety."

  Theo smiled, scooting closer to Ezra he rested his head on Ezra's shoulder. Ezra's wolf whimpered, but he fought it, resting his head on top of Theo's.

  "I'm sure we will be okay." Ezra reassured.

  "I hope so."

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