The Matchmaker [YiZhan FF]✔️

By einfach_Eileen

112K 8.1K 888

Even if it seems different at first: Yibo Top and Zhan Bottom "The Matchmaker" has become known in the Intern... More

"The Matchmaker" Description and Note
-1- "The Matchmaker"
-2- Bad Experience
-3- Good Experience
-4- Good Experience Part 2
-5- Good experience Part 3
-6- From the bottom of my heart
-7- Ninety-seven percent
-8- A date
-9- Who is Xiao Zhan?
-11- Reunion and frustration
-12- Helpers
-12- I want a relationship
-13- It's never enough!
-14- The traitor and his motive
-15- Father and son
-16- Moving day
-17- Where do you know Seo Joon from?
-18- CEO Yibo
-19- The realization
-20- (last chapter) My husband

-10- Who is Xiao Zhan? Part 2.

4.3K 376 10
By einfach_Eileen

-10- Who is Xiao Zhan? Part 2.

Six years after his horror experience of his first time, Zhan was driving home from a morning meeting with his boss, a photographer, when he noticed a young man.

The young man seemed fine at first glance, but Zhan sensed that his impression was wrong. He slowed down and the closer he got to the young man, the clearer he saw that he needed help.

The crying boy, standing there on shaky legs and shaking all over his body. Seemingly unable to move. And just like with him at that time, no one stopped and asked him if he needed help.

For a brief moment, Zhan watched him and was startled when he looked more closely at the boy's light-colored tight pants. He noticed immediately that blood was running from his butt down his trouser leg.

Without hesitation, he offered to help him. Just like Park Seo Joon did it for him back then, he took the boy home. The boy seemed to be even worse off than Zhan in his time.

Carefully he took off his clothes and didn't let his own shock about the blood-soaked underwear show. He helped him into the bathtub and cleaned him. Tended his wounds and also smeared an ointment on his sore bottom.

Zhan almost came tears himself when he saw what had been done to this beautiful innocent boy. And he was glad to have stopped.

When he had put the young boy, even though he was already eighteen years old, for him he was a boy at that moment, to bed in his guest room and stayed with him until he fell asleep, he went to his bedroom to make a phone call.

He called Seo Joon and told him what happened. He told him who did this to the boy and that this guy was very well known in his neighborhood. And Seo Joon promised to take care of this asshole.

Two days later Zhan found out that Seo Joon and some friends went to this guy's place, broke into his apartment and beat him up. They broke both of his wrists and threatened him that if he lay hands on a boy again, they would cut off his hands.

After the guy was discharged from the hospital, he left the town. Because what he had done to Yibo spread like wildfire. Thanks to Seo Joon and his friends.

That same evening Zhan was sitting with Yibo in his living room and Zhan wondered how long it would take for Yibo to ever trust anyone again. With Zhan it had taken a year before he let someone else approach him again.

That's when he fell in love with one of Seo Joon's friends and had a relationship with him that lasted for about a year before they separated, because his boyfriend moved back to his parents in Hongkong.

But Yibo was different. Zhan sensed from the beginning that he is very special, at least in Zhan's eyes. Yibo sat on the sofa at a distance from Zhan, but suddenly he lay down and placed his head on Zhan's lap.

This had surprised Zhan very much but at the same time, he liked it too. He stroked Yibo's head, played with his hair and prayed not to fall in love with him. Because he knew that in a few days he would leave the country for a long time.

It was already hard for him at the thought of it, and if he fell in love with Yibo now, it would be even harder for him.

But already one day after he brought Yibo to his home, his heart was beating hard and fast when he looked at Yibo or just thought about him. As much as he had tried not to fall in love with Wang Yibo, who was six years younger, it didn't work.

He fell in love with Yibo and forced himself not to let anything show. He was afraid that Yibo would find it out, that he would be afraid of Zhan or that he would feel harassed.

Of course, he had noticed how Yibo looked at him, or that Yibo was constantly seeking his nearness. But Zhan was unsure if this was only because Yibo was grateful for his help.

If someone had looked at them from the outside that week, they would have believed that they were a couple. Yibo took every opportunity to snuggle up with Zhan and he smiled whenever Yibo didn't notice it.

When it was just one more night that Yibo spent at Zhan's home, Zhan was already hopelessly in love with Yibo and tormented himself with the thought of having to leave him behind here in Beijing while he participated in an art project in Seoul.

He would have preferred to stay or take Yibo with him. But they weren't a couple and Zhan didn't even dare to let Yibo know how Zhan feels about him.

Tired and sad, he lay in his bed that last night and cursed his heart for letting him fall in love with the six years younger man. Until there was a soft knock at his door and Yibo asked him if he could sleep the night in the room from Zhan.

Without answering or even thinking, Zhan simply lifted his blanket and Yibo slipped into his bed. He stroked Yibo's cheek and admired the handsomeness of the man lying next to him, looking him straight in the eyes.

When Yibo asked him if he was allowed to kiss him, Zhan was stunned. And when Yibo then kissed him, Zhan could no longer maintain his wall, his façade, and simply let himself fall. He explained to Yibo how and what he had to do, since he had no experience in it before, and then just enjoyed when Yibo and he slept together.

Before he gave Yibo his freshly washed clothes later, he put a note with his phone number in his pocket and hoped that Yibo would get in touch with him.

He delivered Yibo to his home and already in the car he saw the tears in Yibo's eyes and fought himself not to suddenly burst into tears. When Yibo hugged him to say goodbye, Zhan hoped it would not be a goodbye forever.

Slowly, Zhan drove away from Yibo's home, only to stop at the next street because he could not hold back his tears. His own pain of having to let Yibo go and the pain in Yibo's eyes when he left almost broke his heart.

"We will see us again Yibo. I promise we will meet again." Zhan mumbled between his sobs when he had caught himself again and went home to pack the rest of his things.

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