Never Let You Go

By Ou_lan_er

59.4K 2.8K 255

[Completed] My parents are forcing me to marry but I couldn't find someone that I like, only you... I find yo... More

1. Stuck in the Club
2. Can't Forget You
3. A Wife?...Rather Not
4. First Attempt
5. I Got You
6. Slowly but Surely
7. One Step Closer
8. Moving in
9. Give Me Your Hand
10. Now You Know
12. A Surprise Visit
13. First Kiss
14. The Punishment
15. Taking You Out
16. Anything For You
17. My Boyfriend
18. The Misunderstanding
19. The Proposal

11. My Turn to Help

2.3K 128 3
By Ou_lan_er

Can't believe my luck, Lu Fei sighed heavily while massaging his temples. Finally Yu Lin trusted him and told everything he wanted to know. Now, it was time to work on the romance part, but Lu Fei was stuck at work already for three days and he didn't know how many more days he needed to finish the work.

He looked at the time; 01.30, Yu Lin must have been at home by now. He called him to tell that he couldn't make it home. Again. Yu Lin was understanding, he even told him not to skip meals and sleep. Lu Fei smiled at the other end of the line, hearing the younger's concern for himself. After saying goodnight, they hung up but even ten minutes were enough to fill their hearts with warmth.

Seven days passed until Lu Fei handled everything at work. Everyday he was working the whole day, coming home around four a.m to have a quick shower and sleep for two hours, then going back to work. Sometimes he was bold enough to open Yu Lin's door just to see him for a second, being sure he was sleeping peacefully.

Lu Fei signed the final document and rested his head on his chair as his head was throbbing and his stomach was churning.

"Can I get the document now?" his secretary asked from the door but there was no answer so she came in and saw Lu Fei was motionless with his eyes closed. "Mr. Lu? Are you sleeping?" she asked one more time but still her boss didn't open his eyes. Getting nervous, she put her hand on his forehead and felt the heat he was radiating.

"What are you doing?" Lu Fei opened his eyes, feeling the cold touch.

"Mr. Lu, you are sick but it isn't surprising as you barely ate anything and slept for a week!" she scolded him but then she noticed that she was talking to her boss so she hastily grabbed the document and rushed out of the room after saying, "I will tell Mr. Wang to drive you home."

Lu Fei smiled behind his secretary, then got his bag and left his office to go home. Finally.


"Lu Fei?" Yu Lin called out when he heard the door was closed. He was in the kitchen, cooking as Lu Fei called him in the morning, saying he would be home by lunch time.

Lu Fei couldn't answer, being busy trying not to collapse at the entrance. He was feeling so bad as the evil sisters; fever, dizziness and nausea hit him hard. He barely managed to go to his room and threw himself onto the bed.

A minute later, there was a knock on his door, "Lu Fei? Is everything OK?"

"Yu...Lin..." Lu Fei called for the younger unconsciously.

Hearing his name, Yu Lin barged into the room and found Lu Fei lying on the bed lifelessly. "Oh my!" he came near Lu Fei who was wet all over with sweat and panting heavily. He reached his hand, wanting to check his temperature but his hand froze in the air, his trauma taking over his body.

"I am...fine...don't push...yourself..." Lu Fei said with difficulty.

"You are in this condition but still thinking about me..." he mumbled while cursing himself being so weak and losing to a stupid trauma. "Tell me what you need."

"Medicine is in the drawer fo-" he couldn't finish the sentence as his stomach churned again. He tried to rush to the bathroom but he lost his balance, feeling dizzy.

Yu Lin suddenly hugged his waist, saving him from falling, then he helped him to the bathroom where Lu Fei leaned on the toilet, throwing up non-stop. As Yu Lin managed not to pass out from the hugging, rubbing Lu Fei's back was no problem.

Until there was nothing left in him, Lu Fei threw up while Yu Lin was rubbing his back. When he finished, Yu Lin helped him with tissues before flushing the toilet, then he took Lu Fei to his bed again.

"You need to change your clothes," he murmured although he knew Lu Fei wasn't in the condition to even raise a finger. But he couldn't help with the clothes...could he?

He looked at the pale man lying there half-lifelessly, enough with this damn trauma! he shouted inwardly. Then he took a deep breath and started to unbutton Lu Fei's soaked shirt, trying not to look at his bare body and touch him more than necessary. He managed until the fourth button when a hot hand grabbed his.


Yu Lin saw worry in Lu Fei's eyes which touched his heart. I think I already fell for you, he said inwardly while saying "I am helping you to change your clothes and you know what, I am doing it perfectly!"

Lu Fei smiled a little before his consciousness slipped again.

"I am doing it perfectly!" Yu Lin repeated again to assure himself before continuing. After ten minutes, he managed to get rid of the shirt but then he needed another five minutes to take his eyes from Lu Fei's muscular tan body which was glittering with sweat. If Lu Fei didn't shiver with cold, Yu Lin had the potential to stare at him until he got a nosebleed.

"I am sorry...I am so sorry...I didn't mean to take advantage of the situation..." he said guiltily to the unconscious man while covering his chest with the blanket. Then he got rid of his belt and socks but when it was the pants turn, his hand froze.

"I will leave it..." he mumbled while tucking Lu Fei under the blanket. After that, Yu Lin brought a washbowl with cold water and towels, and wiped Lu Fei's sweat gently again and again until his fever dropped.

On the other hand, the repeated touches made Yu Lin feverish so he needed to prepare another washbowl for himself to bury his head and hands for cooling down. After cooling himself, he prepared a simple congee and took it to Lu Fei with a glass of warm water and pills for his stomach.

"Are you awake?" He put his hand on Lu Fei's forehead to be sure his fever wasn't repeated.

Feeling his touch, Lu Fei opened his eyes slowly.

"You need to eat before taking the medicine, come," Yu Lin said, helping Lu Fei to sit but the action caused the blanket to fall, exposing Lu Fei's naked upper body to Yu Lin's dismay.

"Are you OK? Your face is all red," Lu Fei said with worry, obviously not noticing the reason.

"I...I am fine...I will get you a T-shirt," the younger mumbled before getting away from the bed which was dangerous to be in at that moment. After putting the T-shirt on him, Yu Lin's poor heart had a moment of rest. Then he fed the sick Lu Fei with congee and the medicine, making Lu Fei want to be sick for a year.

When the evening came, Lu Fei already felt heaps better, thanks to Yu Lin's intensive care or touch...Maybe both...

Opening his eyes around midnight, Lu Fei saw Yu Lin was sleeping on the sofa which he pulled near the bed. For a while Lu Fei watched the younger with a smile on his face. Although he was quite sick, he didn't fail to notice how the younger one was worried about him. He even managed to overcome his phobia just to take care of him.

Slowly, he got up and lifted the sleeping man in bridal style gently before laying him on the bed. After thinking for a second, he decided to take his chance and he also laid down next to Yu Lin. Unconsciously, seeking for warmth, Yu Lin moved closer to Lu Fei who in turn hugged the younger tightly.

Outside was cold but inside the room was warm with love and affection.

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