A Sapphire in the Snow

By riocat1

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If Brienne could give Tormund a chance, he would give her the world. Set after the events of Season 8, Brienn... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 - Epilogue

Chapter 15

332 5 0
By riocat1

Brienne's laboring began late in the morning of a day that promised a blizzard. She had been standing at the sideboard in the tiny hut she shared with Tormund, preparing bread for the family's midday meal when her swollen belly began to twist with a painful cramp. Dropping the knife she was holding, Brienne gasped loudly. She brought one hand up to cradle her large rounded abdomen through her thick woolen gown. She had months ago begun to wear a loose roomy frock instead of her britches. With her other hand she grabbed the table top, squeezing the wooden slab as hard as she could to brace against the pain.

Munda and Anya had come to stay with them during Brienne's last moon of pregnancy. The girls' mothers thought they might be of help to Brienne during that time. Tormund was glad that there were extra eyes to watch over his wife as her time grew near, and Brienne was thrilled they would be close when the baby was born. The girls were a welcome addition to their little home. Life was peaceful and happy as everyone awaited the arrival of their new addition.

It was Munda who noticed Brienne's pain first. She ran to her, alarmed. "Brienne." The girl yelled. "Is it the baby?" She questioned nervously.

Brienne could only nod and reach to grasp Munda's outstretched hand, as Anya came running up beside them. "Get Papa!" Munda urgently ordered her little sister, as she squeezed Brienne's curled fingers. The younger girl's eyes grew wide. She turned quickly and was running before she reached the doorway.

Outside, Tormund was splitting firewood in the falling snow to ensure that their hut was kept warm for Brienne and the baby. Anya screamed for him as she came bounding out of the little skin house. "Papa!" Her voice echoed over the snow.

The full force of the contraction was hitting Brienne as Tormund reached her. The pain of it bent her over, and she groaned against it. She clutched at her belly trying desperately to make it stop. Tormund grabbed her hand, and could only rub her back as she winced in pain. With fearful eyes she finally looked at him as the wave of pain began to subside.

Gasping for her breath, she straightened a bit, and tried to smile. "I think it might be time." Brienne said, trembling.
The past months had been the happiest Brienne had ever known. She never dreamed she could be so content. Her heart swelled as her belly did the same. She was certain their had never been a more loving, concerned, or doting father in all of the Seven Kingdoms than Tormund. He would barely allow her to lift a finger. She swore he had not removed his hands from her expanding abdomen for longer than a moment over the past seven moons. She loved him, and she loved the babe she was about to bring into the world.

They had settled back into life in their home in The North as if they had never left. The little hut for which Brienne had yearned so desperately while she on Tarth, was soon teeming with activity. Friends, and fellow villagers visited to welcome them home, and congratulate them on the approaching arrival of their child. Jon was a constant and cherished fixture, one of the family. Munda and Anya were as helpful to her as their father, and a source of immeasurable joy. Brienne could not have loved them more if they were her own flesh and blood. This life of domestic bliss was everything she never knew, she always wanted.

As the days glided by Brienne soon found that her favorite times were the nights. When the darkness settled over the land, and the world grew quiet, she and Tormund would lay together in their warm bed and delight in each other. As the baby grew and Brienne's body began to feel the effects of carrying another human within, she relished taking the pressure from her bones and nestling into the warm furs beside him, her heavy belly resting against the support of his body. Tormund would wrap himself around her and trace circles on her abdomen until his hands came to rest atop her, where they would wait until he felt their child kick his palms through Brienne's skin. The happy couple would laugh, and sigh together until, Brienne drifted off to sleep. Tormund would lay awake long into the night enjoying feeling the strong movements of his child in Brienne's belly. Often she would awaken to either see him smiling over her, or to find her neck wet from the joyful tears he had shed. During the earlier days of Brienne's
pregnancy, those nights would usually drift into passionate love making that would end with them both exhausted. Brienne would then turn on her side, and Tormund would wrap her protectively in his arms, his hands returning to rest over their baby. They were both excited and eager for their child to join their happy life.
As the first pain of her labor subsided, Tormund eased Brienne down onto one of the chairs beside the little table where the family took their meals. Finally able to catch her breath, Brienne tried to make her face exhibit the bravery she did not feel. Her shaking hand still held tight to his. It had not been the most terrible pain she had ever felt, but she knew it would grow much worse. She tried to keep her mind in the present and not think about the ordeal that lay ahead of her.

"Girls, go fetch the midwife. Before the snowfall gets worse." Tormund ordered Munda and Anya urgently. He knew there was a blizzard coming, and wanted the old woman there soon. The girls were eager to bring help for Brienne, and before his words had left his lips they were already heading toward their heavy furs which hung on the wall by the doorway.

"No, no." Brienne held up her hand, her tone trying to alleviate their worry. The midwife, Vrenna, had visited daily during the final moon of her pregnancy to examine her, and had explained what she could expect. "Remember what Vrenna said." She tried to calm them. "It could be a while before I feel another pain." The old woman had delivered most of the babies in the village, and Brienne would have been more comfort if she were nearby. However she also understood that help would hopefully not be needed until later.

"But we need to get someone here who knows what she's doing." Tormund begged, kneeling down beside Brienne. His nervousness was getting the better of him. This would be the first of his children at whose birth he would be present. He had been a young rowdy warrior when both of the girls were born, and there had been too much fighting to do. He swore he would not miss seeing the babe he had created with Brienne taking the first breath of life. He was desperate to get his wife the help she needed.

Brienne smiled and touched his face. "Everything will be alright." She was unsure if her words were for him or for herself. She looked at the girls, and gave them a brave smile. She was glad they were there. "Now, everyone sit down, and we'll eat." She motioned toward the table.

Munda and Anya looked at their father, Unsure what to do. He nodded his approval. "Alright." Anya agreed. "But we'll finish preparing the meal." She demanded.

Tormund sat down next to Brienne, never taking his hand or his eyes from hers. Brienne had already seen to it that the food was nearly ready. The girls scooped the roots she had boiled into bowls, and brought pieces of bread to the table. The family ate quietly, and tried to be cheerful despite their anxiety. Brienne ate little and attempted to hide the fact that she was sick to her stomach. Vrenna had told her that might happen, and she tried not to worry. Tormund noticed, and kept a wary eye on her.

Brienne had been correct. Her next pain did take some time to arrive, but not as long as she thought it might. Once their meal was over, the family cleaned up the vestiges together. Brienne stood heavily, and shuffled to the fire to put away the leftovers, her hand supporting her back which was starting to ache. Just as she was reaching for the ladle, her belly clenched again. She drew in a sharp breath, and tried to hold it to overcome the pain mounting in her lower body. Tormund, who had not been more than a step behind her, saw her reaction and raced to place his comforting arms around her. She gratefully grabbed hold of his forearms and let out a low groan as the full force of the contraction hit her. Tormund helped her stand as her legs buckled. He held her close as her body fought against her. When she began to relax, Brienne layed her head against his shoulder. Finally, she was able to inhale a deep breath fully into her lungs.

Brienne looked at Tormund lovingly and tried to give him a brave smile. "Stay with me." She begged. She knew that if they had been in the South he would have already been unshared from her side.

He squeezed her a little tighter. "The fucking Night King himself couldn't take me away from you right now." He vowed, assuring her as he kissed her temple.

As the afternoon passed, Brienne's labor progressed steadily. She tried to keep herself occupied so her thoughts would not race ahead of her body.
The girls tidied the little house, and then helped Brienne set out the clean linens and blankets she thought she might need for her delivery. Tormund had lovingly made tiny, plain wooden crate on legs just tall enough to sit at their bedside. This was the luxurious version of the small beds used by most Free Folk parents for their babes. If they had been on Tarth, the baby would have had an opulent bassinet. Tormund swore that his child would rest in finest cradle in the North. Brienne's heart melted when he presented his gift to her. Now, together they prepared the soft feather tick that would line the bottom, upon which they would place their child. Inside the cradle, they laid a tiny new quilt that Brienne had sewn, and a fluffy white snow fox fur that Tormund had hunted and tanned.

Her pains were coming sooner, lasting longer, and gripping her harder as each hour passed. Whenever one would seize her body, she would do her best to breathe through the spasms and steel herself against them, but she could not keep the desperate pain-filled moans from her escaping throat. Tormund did his best to be her rock, but he was himself terrified. Brienne's own mother had succumbed to the trial of childbirth. He would not allow even the ghost of the image of his own beloved wife losing her battle to enter his brain. He held Brienne as strongly or softly as she needed him to, as she clung to him in her agony. He whispered words to strengthen her resolve into her ears, and gave her his steady hands to grip when she could almost hold no longer. She knew he was afraid, just as she was, but she realized he was not letting her see his fear. It gave her the courage to face her worsening labor.

As Brienne and Tormund finished dressing their baby's cradle, a exceptionally strong contraction seized her belly. Tormund engulfed her in his arms and eased her down onto their bed. Her hands clutched the roundness of her abdomen. Her eyes were frantic and her breathing grew shallow. As the height of the pain gripped her, she collapsed against Tormund and wailed into his shoulder. He held her tight and close as if he could take the pain from her. Across the room Anya and Munda hung onto each other, their worry growing.

Finally, it ended once more. Brienne was already growing weak and tired. Her thighs were sore from the contractions traveling down her legs. She gave Tormund a pleading look. "Could you rub my legs, please?" She whispered. He snapped into action, kneeling in front of her. He ran his hands up under her skirt, and firmly massaged her thighs, as she leaned back on her hands and closed her eyes. She sighed in pleasure as he worked the knots from her muscles. "Thank you." Brienne gasped.

"Whatever you need, My Love." Tormund smiled up at her. Brienne stoked his jaw, and looked at him dreamily. She knew very well what a wonderful to whom she was married.

For a few moments, Brienne's body returned to her once more. She breathed deeply to fill her starving lungs. She nodded at Tormund, who helped her stand. She relaxed and gratefully took the hand that he offered. They had taken only a few steps away from the bed when Brienne froze. Confused, and afraid, Tormund could only stare at her. Brienne's eyes grew wide as she felt a warm flow of liquid fall from between her legs and splatter in a pool on the floor around her feet.

Tormund could barely keep his grip on the calm he had been faking for hours. "Brienne, what is it?" He held onto her, alarmed. "Is it the baby?" He asked frantically.

Brienne remembered what Vrenna had told her about the fluid that surrounded the baby and how she had said that it would rupture when her time was near. "No." She soothed her husband. "My water broke." She smiled nervously. "But, it means I will bringing the baby soon." She tried to calm her racing breath. "I think we need to get the midwife." She told him.

Unable to contain his anxiety any longer, Tormund's head was spinning. At that moment he could barely remember the way to Vrenna's hut, much less determine how he would get there and back in time. "Girls." His attentions went to Munda and Anya who had been cowering near the fire. "Come and see to Brienne." He ordered, motioning for them to take her hands.

It was Munda who faced him with a stone glare. "No." She insisted.

"Munda." Her father frowned at her. "We don't have time for this. I have to go." His voice was growing agitated.

Munda would not move. "We'll go." She motioned for Anya to join her. "You need to stay here with Brienne. She needs you." Munda raised her chin defiantly as her little sister stepped up beside her, eager to help.

Tormund shook his head forcefully. "No." He answered. "There's a blizzard out there." The weather had grown more violent throughout the day. They had heard the wind outside the hut circling like an animal. "You can't even see five feet ahead of you."

Even through her distress, Brienne was was not willing to risk their safety. She turned to Tormund and shook her head insistently. "No." She interjected. "It's too dangerous." She whispered breathlessly.

"Papa." Munda stared at Tormund hopefully, trying to make him see reason. "You need to be here." She was not backing down. "We can do this. Trust us." She begged.

"Please, Papa." Anya implored him with hopeful eyes. "We can do this." She smiled eagerly and echoed her sister.

Still in his arms, Brienne lowered her head and let out a dreadful whimper as she felt another spasm beginning. Uncertainty filled Tormund's mind as he pictured the possible outcomes of either actions. If he left them to watch over Brienne, they might be the only ones to help her if the baby came faster than expected. If he let them go, they could be lost in the blinding snow. He could not bare the thought of welcoming once child, but losing two others. He knew his daughters were tough and capable, but the risk plagued him. He felt Brienne shutter in his grip. Her breathing again became short gasps. He knew she was fighting not to cry out with pain.

"Papa, please!" Munda nearly shouted. He had never seen such boldness and courage in her eyes before. She was not simply asking for him to let her help. She was asking for him to treat her like the adult she was becoming. She reminded him if himself. He had to give her this.

"Alright." He half heartedly agreed. "But do not take any chance. If it's too bad, you come straight back." He ordered them.

Munda's face brightened as she strode to the hook upon which her fur hung. Anya followed, excited to be included in this great responsibility. After securing their outer coats, the girls quickly pulled on their boots, and jammed their hands into their thick fur gloves.

"Girls." Brienne stopped them before they could leave, her face shining with pride and gratitude beneath her fatigue. "Please, be careful." Munda nodded, giving her a brave comforting smile. Then she grabbed her little sister, and bolted for the door before their father could change his mind.

"Hold onto each other!" Tormund yelled after them as they secured the skin flap doorway behind them.

Brienne leaned heavily against him and looked worriedly into his troubled eyes. "They'll be alright," Tormund told her, placing his hand lovingly over her belly. He hoped he could be sure of his own declaration. He kissed her head, and felt their baby move inside her.

Brienne breathed deeply and nodded. She knew he was worried about the girls. She would be as brave as she could, so he would not need to worry about her too, even though she knew he would. She brought her lips to his, and kissed him. He allowed himself to focus on just how good she tasted.

When their lips parted, she smiled sweetly. "Would you help me change my clothes?" She asked, knowing he would.

"I would love to." He told her gently.

Tormund took Brienne carefully by the elbows, and led her to stand next to the fire so she would stay warm. He slipped her loose dress over her head, making sure the wet parts did not touch her. Grabbing a clean rag from the pile they had set out earlier, Tormund kneeled down to wipe off the fluid that had trailed down Brienne's legs. Then he stood and looked at her unsure what to do next. Brienne smiled and pointed to the shift she had already layed out at the foot of the bed. He stepped quickly to fetch it as she regarded him. She knew he was as terrified as she was. She could feel his hands shaking as he cleaned her off. The brave face that he wore was giving her courage to get through this.

When he returned to her side, he slid the soft fabric down her long, but swollen body. "How's that?" He asked softly.

"Perfect." She smiled. Her hands slid up to hold his face. She looked at him for a moment, grateful for his presence. Finally she spoke. "Thank you." Brienne's eyes began to brim with tears.

"For what?" He asked, brushing her hair out of her eyes.

Brienne's voice choked with emotion as she found words to voice her gratitude. "I don't know what I would do without you here." She whispered. "I don't think I could do this without you." She confessed.

Tormund held her face to his. "Oh no." He corrected her, with a wide grin. "I should be thanking you." He breathed, the tears in his eyes matching hers. "You have given..." he began, and then looked adoringly down at her belly, softly running his hand over her abdomen. "You are giving me everything I ever wanted." He stared into her eyes, his heart bursting. "You are my whole world." His smile turned into a chuckled. "Fire breathing fucking dragons couldn't keep me away from you. I love you." He swore.

Brienne focused her pain filled eyes on him. "I love you, too." She declared. Her hand went instinctively to her middle. "And I love our baby." She sighed.

"Me too." He drew her closer and kissed her again.

Before they could finish affirming their feelings, Brienne drew in a sharp breath, and flinched as she felt another pain begin to take hold. She collapsed against Tormund, dreading the moments to come. "I think I'd like to lie down, now." She informed him.

Tormund reacted quickly. He held Brienne close, and walked her to the bed. Pulling back the furs, he helped her sit and gently guided her head down on the pillow. He helped her lift her legs onto the mattress, as she began to groan with the intensity of the contraction. He sat beside her, worry lining his face, as she squeezed his hand to center herself. As it worsened she drew in upon herself and rocked to a silent rhythm.

When the pain began to subside, Tormund left Brienne's side only long enough to fill a bowl with cool water and pick up a clean rag. Returning to sit next to Brienne on the edge of the bed, he soaked the cloth in the water, and wiped her face with it. She gave him a weak smile only long enough to catch her breath before her body was wracked with agony once more.

"Tell me a story." Brienne begged. "To take my mind off it." Her jaws clenched and her lungs struggled for breath.

He quickly searched his mind. Trying to find something monumental enough to draw her thoughts from giving birth to their child. He began with a stammer, still uncertain what his story would be. Then he thought of how strong and skilled she was, and how her prowess on the battlefield could not be rivaled. Finally, he launched into his best animated retelling of battle with Ramsay Bolton's forces that he could manage. Brienne smiled a bit when he described his role in the melee. Before he reached the culmination of his great tale Brienne's back began to throb from her sore muscles. She rolled away from onto her side. Her face toward the opposite wall. Tormund stopped, unsure whether he should continue.

"I'm listening." Brienne encouraged through closed eyes.

Tormund continued, trying to sounds as descriptive as he had before. While he wove his story, he firmly rubbed Brienne's back. She groaned, but this time it was with relieved gratitude. She nodded her approval. Just as he finished telling about the glorious victory, Munda and Anya came bounding through the doorway.

Tormund breathed a sigh of relief, happy for the girls' safe return. He stood to greet them. Then he realized, they were the only ones who had returned. "Where is Vrenna?" He asked firmly. Perhaps they had not been able to reach her.

"She wasn't there." Anya reported urgently.

Munda finished hanging up her fur, and turned to face her father. "Her man said she was delivering another baby." She told him, troubled. Her worry grew when she saw Brienne lying helpless in the bed. "He said he would send her when she returned."

"And how long will that be?" Tormund questioned, directing his frustration more to the air than to a Munda.

"He didn't know." Munda mirrored his irritation. Tormund nodded gruffly, understanding that they may be on their own in helping Brienne deliver the baby.

They all sat with Brienne long into the night, taking turns swabbing her sweat soaked forehead, and holding her shaking hands. She could no longer tell where one pain stopped and the next one started. She could also not control the loud cries, the terrified sobs, or the weak whimpers that escaped her throat. Tormund was nearly mad with worry. The only thing he could do was to sit with Brienne and rub soothing circles over her belly. She did her best to make him think it was helping, but he knew it was not.

In the wee hours of the morning, as she felt the strain of her babe moving further downward, Brienne arched her back and clutched her belly even harder. She pinched her eyes shut and threw her head back, grabbing Tormund's hand desperately.

"Where's the midwife?" She begged.

Tormund could only hold her hand and try to ease her fear. "She's coming. She'll be here soon." He told her, although he was not certain of his own words.

Finally, only a few minutes later, Vrenna knocked on the doorframe of their little hut and walked inside not waiting to be invited. She threw her heavy cloak off her shoulder to Anya, and began to make her way toward Brienne. Her face was tired, but the seriousness of her gate made it clear that her patient was the only thing with she was concerned.

Standing angrily, Tormund blocked her way. "Where in the Hells have you been?" He seethed at her, only barely able to contain his full fury. Brienne simply watched the midwife approached, relieved to see her at last.

Vrenna raised her eyebrows at Tormund and took a defensive stance. "Brienne's not the only woman in this village having a baby today." She informed him haughtily.

Tormund leaned forward to emphasize his point. "As far as I'm concerned, she is!" He shot back.

"Be careful how you speak to me, or I'll turn right around and you can deliver this babe yourself!" She warned.

"No!" Brienne yelled from the bed, trying to sit up to stop Vrenna from leaving. "Please." She begged.

Turning her face to her patient, Vrenna's tone and expression softened. She nudged past Tormund and took Brienn's outstretched hand. She brushed her hair back to tried to soothe her. "Don't you worry." The old lady told her kindly. "I just had to put this one in his place." She pointed her thumb over her shoulder at Tormund and rolled her eyes. "I'll not be leaving ya." She patted Brienne's hand.

Brienne settled back against the pillow, still gasping against the pain, as Vrenna swiped aside the fur under which she lay and began to lift the shift she wore. "Now, lets see where you are." She smiled. Brienne winced as Vrenna began to probe her belly, feeling for the position of the baby.

"He's moved down in my hips." Brienne told her. "I can feel it." She said.

Vrenna grinned. "You still think it's going to be a boy." She asked.

Brienne stole a glance at Tormund, who stood watching her protectively over Vrenna's shoulder. "I'm sure of it." She tried to smile.

Vrenna nodded and pulled Brienne's knees upward. "I have to check where the head is." The midwife told her as she slid her skillful fingers inside her. Brienne gasped and bit her lip at the discomfort. Laying there exposed, Brienne was surprised that she wasn't embarrassed, but she realized she no longer cared. She just wanted the baby out of her.

"You're fully opened, and the baby is starting to come down." Vrenna smiled at her. "Are feeling the urge to push yet?" She asked.

"No." Brienne shook her head.

"Soon." Vrenna told her knowingly. "The first thing we have to do is get you out of this bed." She ordered.

Brienne eyes widened. "No. I can't." She protested.

Vrenna nodded as if to tell her there was no use to argue. "You need to get up walk around. It will help bring the baby faster." She took Brienne by the arms and started to pull her up. Brienne objected with a loud wail from the pain of another contraction.

Already on edge, Tormund stepped forward and took his wife from Vrenna's grasp. However, he did not refuse the woman's orders. He gently helped Brienne to stand and tried to steady her on her feet. Slowly and carefully, he began to walk in circles with her around the room. Brienne gasped and cried. Unable to stand up straight, she held onto Tormund's arms like a life line.

"Munda, Anya." Vrenna commanded. "You're not going to be shrinking in the corner. Come here and help me." She demanded.

The girls timidly did as they were told. They assisted Vrenna in laying out the items she might need for the delivery. Their eyes grew wide and worried when they saw knives and sheers. She then instructed them to lay a clean fur on the ground, and cover it with a quilt.

"Why are we laying it here?" Anya questioned.

"Because this is where Brienne will give birth to her babe." Vrenna answered nonchalantly.

Nearby, still tucked in Tormund's arms, Brienne heard the comment. Her head shot around to glare at Vrenna. "What?" She yelled. "I can't have my baby on the ground." She nearly screamed.

"You can't lay on that soft bed to do it." Vrenna informed her, pointing to the warm source of comfort in which Brienne had hoped to bring her baby into the world. "You won't be able to push hard enough." Vrenna nodded her head, satisfied with her choice. "Here will do just fine."

As if the fates had heard that all was ready, at that moment Brienne's face contorted in agony. "Help me down." She ordered her husband.

"What? Where?" Tormund questioned, determined to take Brienne to where she saw fit to deliver the baby.

Brienne urgently pointed to the little flat pile Vrenna had created. "Here. Right here." She pleaded. "I need to push. Now." She tensed. "Oh Gods! It's coming!" Brienne cried.

Tormund eased Brienne down gently onto the quilt covered fur. She panted and gasped against the burning need in her body.

"You." Vrenna pointed at Tormund. Sit her up and kneel behind her." She commanded. "Give her something solid to lean against." She finished as she turned her attentions back to Brienne.

"Pull your knees up." She instructed. "When the next pain begins push down against it as hard you can." She told her, calmly.

Brienne nodded her understanding, and reached for Tormund's hands. He took hers gladly. She began to squeeze as the contraction started. Brienne's face grew frantic as the pain mounted.

"Take a deep breath." Vrenna ordered. She watched Brienne comply. "Now, Push." The midwife directed. Brienne did as she was told. She drew in a large breath, held it, and forced her muscles down against the baby.

"Push!" Tormund echoed to Brienne. She groaned her answer.

Brienne tried to stop when she ran out of air, only to hear Vrenna order her to take another breath and keep pushing. Again, she complied. She felt a little movement, and her body began to burn as the baby moved downward. When the spasm subsided, she was left aching and searching for breath.

"Very good." Vrenna smiled in encouragement. Brienne looked up at Tormund. He smiled at her through his worry, and kissed her forehead.

Only a few short moments later, Brienne began to tense again as another pain started. She heard the others giving orders and encouragement, as she breathed, and pushed, and moaned again. However, this time they seemed far away as she focused on her work. She barely felt Vrenna's fingers enter her again, checking on the baby's position. Over and over the pattern repeated until her body was burning with so much pain, and she was so exhausted that she feared she might never get the baby out.

Collapsing back against Tormund, Brienne searched for his face in the haze that was overtaking her. Finding his concerned eyes, she cried. "I don't think I can do this." She told him weeping, her chest heaving for air.

"Yes, you can." He told her. She was strong and brave and he would not let her lose hope. Not now. "You're Brienne of Fucking Tarth!" He reminded her. Brienne shook her head and tried to catch her breath, not even trying to push as a contraction took hold.

"Girls. Come here." Vrenna called for Munda and Anya. When they nervously approached, she motioned for them to kneel beside her in front of Brienne's upbent knees. They looked to Brienne and to their father to affirm that such an intimate vantage point was acceptable. Both nodded their agreement.

"You're both going to help me." Vrenna smiled at them. Seeing their apprehensive expressions. "I won't have you sitting here quaking in fear. You'll both be doing this soon enough, and you need to learn what's what." She told them firmly. "Besides Brienne needs you to be brave, she need your help."

Again Vrenna turned a kind smile to Brienne. "You've grown a big baby." She said happily. "Now let's get him out of ya." Brienne nodded, feeling the urge to push begin to take over again.

To Tormund, Vrenna directed. "Put your hands under her knees and pull back hard when she pushes. It will open her hips and give her more room to get the baby out." He reluctantly let go of her hands, and leaned forward to grasp the back sides her bent knees.

"I'm going to push down on your belly as you push." Vrenna told Brienne. "It won't be the most comfortable thing in the world, but it will help." Brienne understood, but needed to push again. Vrenna discerned the urgency in her eyes. "Ok. Deep Breath." Again, her patient complied. "Push!" She ordered.

As Brienne pushed again, Tormund pulled her knees back, and Vrenna forced the baby downward. The pain was nearly more than she could bare, and she cried out in misery. However, she did not give up. She kept her pushing strong. She needed to get her baby out. She needed it to end. Again and again she strained until it seemed her body had taken over and she was following its orders. She burned and moaned in agony as the baby's head began to stretch her wide open. She pushed with all she had.

"The head's coming out." Vrenna told her, she was no longer smiling either.

Brienne could hear Tormund's voice telling her to push. She felt his strong hands pulling her knees back, helping her to bring their child into the world. She focused on him like a beacon. He was the force that was driving her, over and beyond the commands of her body. He was her very life. With one hand squeezing his forearm, and the other twisting the sleeve of his tunic into a knot, she did as he told her. She knew that everything would be alright while he was with her. With a forceful push, and a near scream, Brienne felt her baby's head emerge from her body. She lay back against Tormund gasping through the pain.

Vrenna reached for a small clean cloth and handed it to Munda. "Here," she told the wide-eyed girl to hold it between Brienne's legs. "You're going to catch the baby." The woman smiled.

Munda shook her head. "Me?" She questioned shocked. "I can't...What if I hurt it?" She quivered.

"Nonsense." Vrenna scoffed. "You're not going to hurt it. Now get ready." She said, seeing Brienne's body beginning to take over once more.

Brienne leaned her head back against Tormund and drew in a deep breath. Then she lowered her chin to her chest and pushed with all her might, she was so close and she knew it. Her body was on fire, and she thought she might be tearing, but she did not stop. She could not.

"That's it." Vrenna smiled.

"Push!" Tormund tried to help her. "Push!" He wanted her agony to be over.

Munda's dread turned into excitement, and a happy smile found her face as she watched the baby slowly emerge. "Oh Brienne." She declared. "It's almost here. Push!" She cheered.

"Push!" Anya joined her sister in her encouragement, as watched over Vrenna's shoulder.

No pain had ever been so intense, yet so sweet. She was nearly delirious, as the shock of her ordeal began to overtake her efforts. Her body had long since taken over and she was not in control as her muscles worked forcefully to give birth. Finally, her raw throat expelled a violent scream as the last of her baby's body left her. Then wondrously, Brienne's own pain ravaged voice was replace by the sweet sound of her child's angry and healthy first cry.

Opening her eyes, Brienne looked down to see Munda's wonder-filled expression as she held up a plump, screaming bundle. "It's a boy." She exclaimed, placing the babe in his mother's waiting arms.

Brienne felt as if she were in a dream. Her ordeal completely forgotten, she drew her newborn babe close to her heart. She was barely able to breath, but not because of her exertion. The screaming, wriggling, plump little babe in her arms took her breath away. She never realized she could love something so quickly, so unconditionally, and so completely until now when she held her own child. In his precious tiny face she saw her father. She saw Galladon. She saw her sisters, and her mother whose face she did not know. She saw Munda and Anya. Above all she saw Tormund. The babe had his eyes, and strong proud features. His little head was capped with a fuzz of red. Although, only minutes old, she could tell their child possessed his boldness and fight. With his son in her arms, Brienne collapsed against Tormund, and felt his arms enwrap them. He held them tight and kissed her hair.

"You did it." He proclaimed to her proudly.

Brienne turned her eyes to look at him with adoring eyes. She reached her hand up to stroke his face. "No." She shook her head. "We did it." She smiled.

He nestled his head to hers, in awe of her. "I love you." He told her, not bothering to hide his joyful tear.

Brienne was certain that her heart lacked the room to hold all the happiness she felt. She was sure it would burst at any moment. "I love you." She sighed. Stretching up, she brought her lips to his. Their kiss was a celebration.

Still perched on either side of Vrenna, Munda and Anya winked at each other and smiled. As if sensing that his parents attention had been diverted from him for a moment, the baby squirmed and cried. Brienne and Tormund laughed and then stared at him in wonder.

"Alright now. Tie this as tight as you can." Vrenna directed Anya. She had taken a piece of clean thick string and run it under the cord of tissue that still attached the child to his mother. Anya eagerly complied, and was rewarded for her work with praise from Vrenna.

"Good." The only woman affirmed. "Now. Take this carefully, and slice the cord from beneath." Vrenna continued her instructions, handing a sharp knife to the girl. Anya took the small blade and delicately made the cut, careful not to touch the baby with it. She beamed with the excitement of her success.

Brienne shifted her now free baby in her arms, and gazed at Tormund once more. "Hold him." She smiled, offering the baby to his father. He gladly accepted. He took his son carefully from the Brienne and cradled the boy in his arms. She leaned against his shoulder enjoying the love and pride that shone on his face. He lifted the child to his face and cooed to him as the baby's tiny hands reached out, playing with his nose and beard.

"He's perfect." Tormund praised her. "Just like his mother." He kissed Brienne's temple. Then, staring down at the child they had created, images of the great warrior he would become running through his mind.

Brienne felt a small thick rush of fluid between her legs, and Vrenna bent with a clean cloth. The midwife caught up the afterbirth quickly, wrapped it up, and set it aside. She then dipped another rag in a bowl of water that she had prepared earlier, and quickly washed her of any further remnants. After dressing Brienne for the bleeding that would come, she looked up at the new mother, smiling.

"There." Vrenna announced. "All finished."

Brienne breathed out in relief. "Oh. Thank you." She gave the woman a fatigued smile.

Vrenna's face held an amused smirk. "No need." She smiled. "You did all the work." She patted Brienne's knee.

"Girls." Brienne regarded Munda and Anya with affection and respect. She reached for their hands. "Thank you both. "I couldn't have done this without your help either. I love you, both." She choked on the lump in her throat.

"We love you, too." The girls said together. She was a second mother to them, and they adored her.

After a while, Vrenna broke the tender family moment. "Now let me show these girls how to bathe a newborn." She reached out and took the baby from Tormund's arms. "You." Vrenna motioned at him. "Help her put on a clean shift, and put her to bed." She ordered.

Tormund promptly did as he was told, and gathered Brienne in his arms. He carried her to their bed, where he sat her lightly on the mattress. She quietly directed him which garment to collect, her fatigue already setting in. He then helped her remove her soiled gown and slid the fresh one down around her. He helped her lie back on the pillows and covered her with the warm fur. Finally, he sat beside her, taking her hands and kissing her tenderly.

"So." Brienne began, her eyes sparkling. "Do we still agree?" She asked excitedly. "About the name?" She smiled.

Tormund nodded. "Of course." He agreed. "It'll be a fine name, and it will suit him." He kissed Brienne's fingers. She settled down into the pillows, happy and content, trying to ignore the soreness that was beginning to gnaw at her body.

At last their child was returned to them clean, awake, and fussy. "He's hungry." Vrenna said, placing the baby back in Brienne's arms. She pulled aside the front of Brienne's bodice, and showed her how to nurse her infant. Brienne stared at the babe in wonder as her own body nourished him.

Munda and Anya walked over to stand beside the bed on either side of their father. He put his arms around them, and squeezed them tight placing a kiss on the tops of both their heads. "I'm so proud of you. He praised them. He looked at them, his eyes twinkling. Then he brought his shining gaze up to include his wife and newborn son. "I'm proud of all of you." He beamed.

Brienne's shining face peered up at him from the bed as she moved the baby to nurse from her other side. She looked lovingly at the girls, and patted the mattress beside her. They both sat down carefully along the side of the bed, and happily watched their new little brother. Their father perched at the foot of the mattress, like a sentinel protecting his family.
They relaxed together after the events of the evening, enjoying the calming security of each others presence. After a while, Brienne finished feeding her baby and covered herself, trying to fight the fatigue that was taking over.

"What's his name?" Anya questioned joyfully.

Tormund and Brienne looked slyly at each other, still relishing their secret. "We've chosen a name to honor Brienne's father." Tormund began.

"And yours." Brienne interrupted, grinning excitedly at him.

"What is it?" Munda asked, reaching to let the baby grab her finger.

Brienne lowered her gaze to stare adoringly at their child. "His name is Selmund." She announced proudly.

"It's perfect." Munda gasped, delighted.

"I think he likes it." Anya declared as she watched her little brother wiggle and coo in his mother's arms.

"I think he does." Tormund agreed. He saw Anya yawn from the corner of his eye. The girls had been an important part of a unforgettable day, and he was sure they were tired. Most importantly he could see Brienne fading and wanted her to rest.

Vrenna had finished cleaning up after the delivery, and gathering her belongings. She quietly approached the family, and looked approvingly at the scene. "The snow's letting up out there." She smiled. "I'll be on my way now."

"I'll walk you back to your hut." Tormund offered, already standing.

"Nonsense." She refused. "I can manage. You stay here and enjoy all of this." She ordered, pointing to the exhausted little group. She reached out and patted his shoulder, letting him know she had no hard feelings about the anger had directed at her earlier. She understood he was simply being the typical nervous expectant father. Tormund nodded and smiled his understanding. Then she cast her eyes on Brienne. "I'll be round tomorrow to check on the both of you."

Brienne smiled gratefully at her. "Thank you." She sighed.

"Get some rest." Vrenna told her and then tying her cloak around her shoulders, slipped out the door, leaving the family to themselves.

"Alright girls." Tormund ordered. "Time for bed." He told them. Anya and Munda protested with whines, but stood and made their way to their bedrolls beside the fire. They laid down, their heads full with the wonders in which they had shared, and were soon fast asleep.

Tormund sat down next to Brienne at the head of the bed. He scooped her into his arms, their son sleeping peacefully in her embrace. "He's sleeping." He whispered. "Vrenna was right." You need to get some rest." He kissed her temple.

"I don't want to sleep." Brienne smiled at him. "I just want to enjoy this." She beamed lifting the baby to kiss his forehead, and then leaned against Tormund.

"I think there will be plenty of time for that." He rested his face against her hair. "Besides, he'll probably need you again in a few hours. You should sleep while you can." Peering down he saw the deep rhythmic rise and fall of her chest and realized she had already fallen asleep in his arms. As the snow fell quietly outside, and his family slept, Tormund held Brienne and Selmund in his protective embrace. He would watch over them through the night, keeping them safe, and thanking the Gods for the treasures with which he had blessed.

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