that bitch (Post Malone - com...

By xxtinasxx

18.5K 602 181

what happens when that bitch that broke your heart comes back, do you risk it getting broken again? is she wo... More

life now
Texas is home
Pretzels and bud light
Old friends
Under the stars
First love
Perfect first date
Sexual tension
Let's get weird
Calm before the...
The storm
Party's over
Yes Sir
Spoil my night
2 + 2
Final date
The answer
New home
Planning and Pinterest
Saint Tropez and Strippers
Viva Las Vegas
The lead up
Wedding jitters
Reception pt 2
Wedding Night


557 17 0
By xxtinasxx

(x) POV

I wake up with sunlight streaming down at me in a familiar bed that is not mine. Austin's arm is round my waist and I feel safe and content. Well for now. I want to stay in this moment forever, who knows when he will ask me to explain. But untill then I'm going to enjoy our time together while I can. Before he finds out and writes another album about how much he hates me.

I turn around and trace the tattoos on his face burning them into my memory. His eyes flutter open. Oh shit I have butterflies in my stomach. I was falling all over again. It was going to hurt more the second time I know already. But it will be worth it. My heart can take it asking as I can remember moments like this. I play with the curls on his head.

"Morning rockstar" his ocean eyes look straight at me. He runs his hand aimlessly up and down my back and smiles a lopsided grin. His stomach growls.

"I'm hungry" he shrugs

"When are you not hungry" I ruffle his hair as untangle our body's getting up to go the bathroom. He pulls me back down nuzzling into my neck breathing deeply.

"Can we just stay here forever" he sighs

"No. I need to pee Austin" I kiss the top of his head. He rolls over and stands me up off the bed.

"Fine, but hurry up I do too" he pouts. I lean down and bite his lip. He smacks my ass as I walk away.

"Breakfast!!!" Jodie shouts 

I'm washing my hands he comes into the bathroom...

"Do you want head down or wait for me? I'm just going to throw some clothes on" he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear. It sends shivers down my body

"I'll meet you downstairs, if she's going to shout at me I might aswell get it out of the way" I pout. He chuckles and tilts my head up to kiss me lightly on the lips.

I skip down the stairs to my fate.

Jodie pulls me In for a hug, it takes me by surprise.

"Morning sweetheart, it's nice to have you around again" she looks genuine

"Its nice to be back, I just want to say sorry for everything that's happened and thank you for not judging me. I promise I will explain everything" I ramble

She rubs my back reassuringly "everything happens for a reason and there is a time and place for everything my love"

We hear Austin coming down the stairs. I look up to see his smiling at mine and Jodie's embrace. Wearing fresh sweats and a guns and roses t-shirt with checkered vans. I chuckle seeing his choice of shoes and cross my arms

"What?" He smirks

"Copying me now are we?" I narrow my eyes at him

"Always!" He kisses the top of my head and ruffles my hair

Austin's POV

After a perfect morning I take (x) to pick up her rental car and I agree to drop my dad's truck off and we will go out for the day in hers.


"Austin" she turns to look at me

"Can I take you on a date?" She giggles

"We've never been on a grown up date!" She ponders

"Is that a yes?" She looks at me shocked

"You had me at (x)" I kissed her cheek

"Right well we will have to go shopping..."

"Why?" She whines "what are you planning?"

"Something that will blow your mind" I grin.

"Fine we can go shopping but let me get changed quick" she pulls up at her dad's "do you want to come in or you can stay here

"No I'll come in, I've not seen your dad in years" 

She walks in and kisses her dad on the cheek "dad we have a visitor"

Her dad gets up and gives me a bear hug "Son, nice to see you! It didn't take you 2 long to gravitate back to eachother. I wondered where you got to last night" I must have gone bright red "thank you for the cards and presents" he pats me in the arm

(X) motions to come upstairs. She narrows her eyes at me questioningly.

"I send him a birthday and Christmas card and present every year" she smacks my arm

"No you do not!" She pulls my t-shirt towards her to kiss me passionately "that's the cutest thing I've ever heard"

"Whoa! If I knew it was going get that sort of reaction I would have told you earlier" she flipped me off as she walked into the ensuite

I took the time alone to nosey round her room. It was exactly how i remembered. Pictures of teenage Posty included. Jesus how did I ever pull her, she was and still is well out if my league. I sit down on her bed. The bed we lost our virginities in. I looked in the bedside table finding old notes we wrote to eachother and a jumbo box of condoms reading the date they expired 6years ago. I chuckle to myself and spot the dreamcatcher. It's a bit dishevelled probably a the times I used to knock it off while he where having sex.

I look up to see (x) watching me sat on her desk. "Having fun?" She nods at the condoms

"Sorry I was snooping" I close the draw as she comes and sits on my knee.

"You ready to go rockstar?" I grinned at the nickname

"I'm driving" I pick the keys up off the side


It was strange walking round with Austin. Like he was the same kid I grew up with but he was getting stopped every now and again for pictures or autographs.

He was super nice with his fans a true southern gent

There was a few pictures taken of us together.

"Do you not mind?" I cautiously asked

"Mind what?" He seemed confused

"Being pictured with me? Will they not ask questions?"

"I'm not bothered if they do unless it bothers you?" He seemed panicked

" No just don't want to make you uncomfortable" he drapes an arm round me and plants a sloppy kiss on my cheek.

"Let them take a picture of that" I chuckle

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