Will You Stop The Wedding?

TheHarleyVance द्वारा

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[Completed] Book 1: Will you stop the wedding? Harley has to marry Lylia so their families can join forces... अधिक

Chapter 1: Realization
Chapter 2: My weird companion
Chapter 3: Confrontations
Chapter 4: Is there another way?
Chapter 5: Just say yes!
Chapter 6: This is my enemy
Chapter 7: Downhill
Chapter 9: New feelings
Chapter 10: What to choose?

Chapter 8: Confessions

536 24 58
TheHarleyVance द्वारा

***On the way back***

(Harley’s P.O.V.)

(sighs) I have been through all this trouble for nothing, and the worst thing is that Harith is in trouble, once again, because of me. I think I’ll have to accept my fate and just marry Lylia, it is only to join forces… we don’t have to consume the marriage… though I know my father would love to have a grandson in the future, obviously we need someone to continue the Vance’s bloodline. (chills) Eww… I don’t want to have a kid with Lylia, I mean she is pretty and very smart, but I don’t like her that way. (looks at Harith) Oh, God… he is downhearted, he must think that he failed me. I need to do things right, at least for once. (looks through the window)

***Back at the Vance’s resident***

Granger – We are so sorry Mr. and Mrs. Vance. I can assure you that it won’t happen again. We have forbidden Harith from seeing your son.
Mr. Vance – Thank you so much, at least my wife will sleep well tonight knowing that our ungrateful son is alright. We will still have the wedding, it will be held tomorrow morning in the garden of our resident since all of the decorations are still in place, you are invited if you want to come, after all the problems my son has made for you.
Granger – It will be an honor to assist, but.... (looks at Alucard and groans)
Alucard – (excited) We will be here! (looks at Granger) Sorry, but I love weddings.
Harley – (looking gloomy) I’m sorry for all the trouble Sir Alucard and Sir Granger. I promise to do the right thing from now on. Thank you for bringing me safely to my home. Excuse me… (looks at Harith with the eye corner disconsolate then turns around and goes to his bedroom).

***The next day***

Mr. Vance – I will not take my eyes off you this time.
Harley – Don’t worry, father. I won’t escape this time. I have accepted my horrible fate. Besides I’m at the altar already.
Mr. Vance – (pinches Harley’s arm and whispers) Behave.
Harley – (groans) Okay, okay!

(No one’s P.O.V.)

Since Harley was waiting at the altar in the garden with his father, he could see everyone coming and sitting on their seats assigned. They were whispering and eyeing him, probably because of what he did yesterday. He tried to ignore all the glances and relaxed, but he couldn’t because he saw his precious leonin, dressed for the occasion with his best suit yet. He blushed and smiled a little after seeing him, although the leonin didn’t see him. He then realized the situation he was going through and move his sight to a different direction.

Harith – (annoyed) Why are we here? Or better yet, why am I here? I don’t want to see Harley getting married! (crosses arms)
Granger – Alucard, can you go find us some spots, I need to talk to Harith.
Alucard – Sure. (goes to find 3 spots)
Granger – Look kid…
Harith – (interrupts) How would you feel if someone was marrying Alucard?!
Granger – (thinks) …Look I know that you don’t understand now, but you need to listen. Harith, this is Harley’s destiny, he must marry her. Have you not noticed that the universe doesn’t want you guys together?
Harith – (angrily) But, we like each other.
Granger – Liking each other is not the solution. I’ll be honest with you. If you and Harley are really soulmates, then the universe will make everything to join your lives together again. Just, right now he doesn’t belong to you. Maybe you have to learn something, or he has to learn something from all of this situation. You need to learn to be strong for Harley, if he really is your soulmate. Now, I’m not saying to be happy at this wedding, but be strong; if Harley sees you sad it will destroy him. Do you want that? (Harith denies) Then, you need to be strong. I also know that you are mad at me, but if I didn’t care for you, I wouldn’t have done that. You mean so much to me, Harith. You mean so much for both of us.
Harith – (looks at Granger with teary eyes)
Granger – (puts hand on Harith’s cheek) I can’t believe it’s been almost 8 years already since you came into our lives. (smiles) When Alucard brought you to our house that night, even though you were injured and with blood all over I was so happy. I fell in love with you immediately, you are my son, even if we are not blood related. (caresses Harith’s ear) You mean the world to us, Harith. I love you, buddy. Oh, and please… talk to us, you know you can trust us on anything and we will try to find a solution, together. Alucard was so worked up after your note.
Harith – I… love you too, dad. (tears coming down) He was, extremely, mad… (hugs Granger) he had never screamed at me before, he didn’t even say good night last night…
Granger – (hugs Harith) Yeah… he was mad, but also devastated. (cleans Harith’s face) Be strong, for Harley.
Harith – (sniffs and nods)
Granger – Let’s go sit. (goes with Harith to where Alucard is sitting)
Harith – I want to sit in the middle of you guys, please.
Alucard – Sure, come here.
Harith – (forces a smile and sits next to Alucard)
Alucard - … (puts arm around Harith and caresses his shoulder) I know this is hard for you but remember that we love you no matter what.
Harith – (happily hugs Alucard) I love you too!

(No one’s P.O.V.)

The wedding started and the ceremony was taking place, Harley was emotionless and Lylia was heartbroken. The Vance family was mixed with emotions, Mr. Vance was content to finally see the wedding happening, Mrs. Vance was fighting with her morals, and Lesley was trying so hard not to get involved. Lylia’s parents were both rethinking everything and whispering to each other to see if there was another way, after all they did like Cyclops very much. The priest was almost finished, getting to the part of accepting the bride and groom. You could cut the tension with a knife, including the guests were worried. Harley was trying not to get another panic attack, so he was breathing in and out. Lylia had already said “I do” and you could feel it in her voice, the depression she had in. It was Harley's turn, but he couldn’t listen to any of the words the priest was saying…

Priest – Harley Vance! Harley Vance?!
Harley – (snaps out of it) Uhm!?
Priest – (clears his throat) Harley Vance, do you accept Lylia as your beloved wife?
Harley – (looks at Lylia and looks at his father) I… um… I…
Lylia – (whispering) What’s wrong? Are you okay?
Harley – (hyperventilates)
Harith – (notices)!!! [Oh, no… Harley is having a panic attack.]
Harley – (breaths in and out and angrily) NO!
Mr. Vance – Excuse me?!?!
Harley – (looks at his father) I said no!
Everyone – (gasps)!!!
Harley – I don’t want to marry Lylia, she doesn’t want to marry me either. No one wants this stupid wedding, father. Not even mother, nor her parents. Why are you doing this?
Mr. Vance – You need to obey; this is a family matter and…
Harley – (abruptly interrupts) No! I don’t like her; in fact, I don’t like any girl. I… I LOVE HARITH!!! I love that leonin! (points to Harith)
Harith – (blushes)
Everyone – (whispering each other)
Mr. Vance – (ashamed gets near Harley and slaps him)
Harley – (shocked) …
Mr. Vance – How dare you humiliate me like this. In front of our friends and family. Now that everyone is here to witness this; MAIDS get Harley’s belongings as fast as possible.
Harley – (caresses his own cheek and confused) What are you doing?
Mr. Vance – I want you out from this house, you are no longer a Vance.
Harley – (widens eyes) But… father… I am your son…
Mr. Vance – (dead stares) Son? I have no son. The wedding is cancelled, everyone, please go home. Sorry for wasting your time.  (goes inside his house followed by his wife)
Lesley – (gets near Harley) Oh, sweetie. (crying and caresses Harley’s face) Are you okay?
Harley – I… I don’t know… He kicked me out?!
Lesley – Don’t worry, we will find a way to get you back to the house.
Harley – (realizes) You know what? No… I might not have money, nor somewhere to go, but at least I don’t need to obey that stupid tyrant.
Lesley – Harley! Respect… he is still your father… (gets money from pocket) Here you go, little brother. This might not be much, but at least you can eat for a couple of days and stay somewhere nice. I must go now, mom went inside crying.
Harley – Thank you… (hugs Lesley) Tell her I love her so much.
Lesley – (nods and goes inside the house)
Harith – (gets near Harley) Hey… (blushes)
Harley – (blushes)!!! Harith!... (looks away) Hi...
Harith – (uncomfortable) I saw everything… Well… everyone did. Are you okay?
Harley – Never better (chuckles nervously)
Harith – So… you love me?
Harley – (annoyed and chuckles) Yes… don’t brag about it.
Maid – Excuse me Sir, Harley. Your belongings. (points to the front yard) Mr. Vance has told us to deliver everything where you will be staying, otherwise, they will stay outside the house.
Harley – Thank you, madame. (looks worried)
Granger and Alucard – (they walk towards Harith and Harley)
Granger – Hey, Harley… (scratches his own head) Would you like to stay in our house? It’s the least we can do.
Harley – (confused) But, Sir Granger… you said that I wasn’t allowed to see Harith anymore… even worse live with him.
Alucard – (crossing arms) Well… minds change, situations change. We insist you stay in our house.
Harith – (looks at Granger and whispers) is this the universe? (smirks)

Granger – (pushes gently Harith’s head) Don’t mess with your luck, kid.
Harley – (bows) Thank you so much for accepting me. I promise I won’t cause any trouble.

***At Harith’s house***

Granger – (talking to Harley) Everything is set in the room you were last time. Hope you remember, it’s upstairs and the second door to the left.

Harley – Thank you, sir.
Alucard – Everyone, dinner time.

(Everyone goes to the dining table)

Alucard – (puts plates with food in all 4 places) Let me show the art of… cooking! (smiles)
Granger – Are you saying that my cooking isn’t art? (smirks)
Alucard – Oh, stop it. You cook well too, but I do it like a chef. (winks)
Granger – (chuckles) True that.
Harith – Bon appetit! (starts eating)
Harley – (looks at food) It looks delicious… but may I please be excuse to my room?
Granger – (raises eyebrow) Uhm… no, you may not be excused.
Alucard – You need to eat, if you are going to stay here you won’t go to bed without eating. Now eat.
Harley – (sighs and eats)

(No one’s P.O.V.)

Harley was feeling better after eating, it was like he was part of a family that cared. His family never ate together since his father was always working and talking about business with other families and governances. Even though he had to clean his own dishes and help make the table look clean for tomorrow, he was happy. He admired the teamwork Granger, Alucard and Harith had. They were finally having some family time watching television, but they had to go to sleep because tomorrow was a school day. Harley really wanted to rest, he had a crazy weekend and his heart was so broken when he went into his bed. Then Lesley called him on his smartphone, and they talked for a couple of minutes after passing the phone to their mom. Harley talked to his mother for a couple of minutes after hanging up because she didn’t want Harley’s father knowing. He was thinking about his mom and the pain she must be having, he cried. After a while, Granger and Alucard went to his room and both sit on the bed near Harley. Harley was very confused, he thought that maybe he was going to have a speech about not seeing Harith or something like that, instead they both say good night while smiling humbly at him, Harley felt warmed. They also told him that he had to be ready for breakfast at 6:50 a.m. so they wouldn’t be late, Alucard was taking them to school tomorrow, Harley nodded and smiled back. Being the motherly type, Alucard hugged Harley very tight, making Harley blushed and hugged him back, on the other hand, Granger caressed Harley’s hair, and for the first time he didn’t mind the affection. Later, Granger and Alucard left the room and went to say good night to Harith, finally they went to sleep.

A presented Harith went into Harley’s room, very late at night. Harley was not sleeping though, so Harith was surprised to see him. He then went into bed with Harley just to talk, they talked about everything: their dreams, their weakness and about their feelings towards everything. Harley was the one mostly talking, Harith understood that he needed to express everything he had inside. He saw Harley cried a couple of times and trying to be strong, but just couldn’t, then he remembers what Granger had said “You need to be strong, for Harley”. He smiled and hugged him until both finally went into a deep slumber. Alucard and Granger were awake and went to check up on Harley, but notice that Harith was with him, they angrily, got near them, only to see Harley’s face all wet and Harith hugging him as a form of consolation. They sighed and went back to sleep.

To be continue. 

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