Young Justice: Threat level M...

By Oc_Creator_

27.7K 744 127

Raegan Is a 9 year old girl with a vast amount of power and the daughter of two Justice league members. After... More

Today is the day
A real mission
Welcome to Happy Harbor
Drop Zone
The Shadows
Fate's tower
Unknown power
Back story
Captain Marvel
Solo Mission
Alpha male
Alpha male P2
Magic girl
Hunting Red Tornado
False Reality
False Reality Pt. 2
Forever People
Hey there!
Hey again
Hey for the last time
Halloween fright
Hey guys😄
Cleaved together
Mission to Qurac
Coming soon
Thanksgiving gift
I'm back!
Birthday blowout
Nearing the End
Out in the open
Important update!!
Hanging up the cape
Raegan artwork!
Book 2!!!


348 17 1
By Oc_Creator_

We sat on the bioship preparing for probably one of our most dangerous missions. I kept my racing mind occupied by looking out the window until I heard M'gann groan in pain.

"You alright?" Connor asked.

"Dizzy." She said holding her head.

"Martians get air sick?" Robin asked.

"She does look a bit greener than usual." Wally said looking at her.

"Not me, her." She said.

"I feel fine." Artemis said.

"Me too." I said behind her.

"Not them, the bioship." She told us. "She's trying to shield us but-" She was cut off by the bioship beginning to go off the rails along with this awful feeling of Vertigo.

The ship hauled off into the river after a giant hit sent us flying into it.

We were pulled further into the water by giant plants and to top it all off Black Adam tore open the top of the bioship.

"He's hurting her!" M'gann yelled in pain.

Connor jumped up at him and punched him as the bio shop began sinking as water flooded inside.

"No, no way am I almost drowning three nights in a row." Artemis said.

"M'gann we need to get out, open a hatch." Connor said.

"Hello Megan." She said as gils appeared and she dove under water as it rose over our heads.

She opened a hatch on the bottom of the ship.

"Out! Everyone out!" Kaldur said telepathically.

We swam to shore where we watched the bioship be completely taken down by plants.

"She's in shock, she'll need time to recover." M'gann said right before a wave of vertigo came our way making us fall to the ground.

"Vertigo." Wally looked up at him.

"Count Vertigo to you. Peasant." He said.

I tried my best to get back up to.. do anything, but all of my attempts weren't successful.

Connor shot up to stop him until Black Adam came and punched him back to the ground.

Kaldur got up using his water barriers to shoot Vertigo into the trees.

"Robin! Miss Martian! Disappear! We'll keep them busy. It's your job to fufill the mission objective." He told them over the telepathic link.

I saw them disappear before I put my attentions back on the fight.

"Black Adam punched Kaldur, making wolf attack him. Wally, Artemis and I got up to attack him until he threw wolf at us, hitting them as I flew up. I shot three energy blasts towards him making him fly up at me. I panicked watching him fly towards me. I panicked putting up a shield right as he came in contact with me, breaking the shield and sending me flying to the ground right before everything went black.


I groaned feeling myself wake up with an aching headache.

I looked around and saw that everyone but Aqualad was still unconscious. We were in a orange cage flying through the air. I sat up looking around me.

"They awaken. You're certain this will hold them?" One of the guys asked.

I felt the same weird energy that I felt at Fate's tower. It must be Wotan's magic. Which means my powers are totally useless now.

"The cage is impenetrable." Wotan said. "Even the superboy has no chance of escaping."

"You are not the only one trained in the mystique arts Wotan!" Aqualad said powering up his water barriers and attempting to break open the cage bars. He was shocked by the magic of the cage, sitting back in the cage.

"Please Atlantian, do not pretend you are in my league." He said.

I made sure Aqualad was okay as we approached a building right as the bioship flew over us hitting Wotan out of the sky making the cage disappear.

Awesome! I flew up making a panel, catching the rest of the team. I sat them down in the water where we were faced with a gorilla... with a machine gun.

"I hate monkeys." Superboy said before running towards him.

That's when Poison Ivy came from the woods with plants surrounding her. Artemis and Aqualad went to reach for their weapons finding that they've been taken away. I blasted her into the water right as Wally came flying into me sending me into the muddy water.

I groaned sitting up. Wally got up helping me up.

"I'm fine." I said as a huge blast came from the building with the giant plants on top.

"Kill them, kill them all." Vertigo said.

Wally ran to help Artemis when he saw Vertigo attacking her.

I was hit with a painful continuous blast from Wotan. I couldn't focus enough to put up a shield. The blasts stopped when Aqualad held the helmet of fate over his head making Wally call out to him.

"No Aqualad don't!" He yelled as Black Adam punched him making Superboy punch Black Adam in return.

I watched Aqualad transform into Doctor Fate before my eyes.

"Wotan, you are mine." He said flying up to him. Wotan went to blast him making Fate send out a blast in return sending him flying into the building, making chains appear around him.

My attention was taken off the fight when Black Adam grabbed me by the arm and threw me into Superboy, which by the way hurt a lot more than anyone would think.

I groaned in pain. There was a sharp pain in my stomach. I'm hoping that my powers will heal whatever is wrong. And quick because Black Adam was coming back for more.

I flew out of the way as Superboy came and attacked him before he got too close. I sat there trying to pass the pain until the giant gorilla came to attack me. He went to punch me making me jump out of the way. He ran over to me about to punch me again when a mase came and hit him into the muddy water. When I looked up I saw my mom and the rest of the Justice League surrounding the Injustice League.

She helped me up as my dad walked over to us.

"It's over." Batman simply said.

"There will be another day." Vertigo said.

"Another day? Another day!? There won't be another day!" Joker yelled out angrily as he lifted his hands and moved his fingers making plants emerge from the water and then explode this weird smoke come out.

"Joker Venom spores! Don't breathe!" Batman yelled out as he punched Joker to the ground.

"Fear not!" Fate called out flying up into the sky. He used his magic to obsorb the smoke. "Fate has intervened!"


"What were you thinking!" Wally yelled walking up to Fate. "How could you let him put on the helmet!"

We were standing in the after math of everything. Once mostly everyone was gone.

"Nabu, will never release him now. Kaldur will be trapped inside Doctor Fate forever." He said sadly.

We stood there for a few moments until Kaldur took of the helmet.

"Nabu let you go?" Wally asked walking up to him.

"He almost did not. Your friend Kent was most helpful. He says hello." He smiled at him.

"We're done here, the super villain secret society has been neutralized." Batman said. "As for your performance, it was satisfactory."

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