A World of Differences [1DFF]

By _soontobebritish

3.2K 61 3

Originally posted on onedirectionfanfiction.com in 2011. Eighteen-year-old Charlotte McDermott is moving to L... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79

Chapter 58

30 1 0
By _soontobebritish

Charlotte's POV

What to wear, what to wear.

I had called Charlie and asked him if he would watch the boys' concert with me because I didn't want to watch it alone. He happily told me he would, but suggested that I come to his room because I had spent so much time in my own. That was true. I had also reached the unfortunate situation where I had run out of clean sweatpants to wear, and I wasn't about to show up to Charlie's in the plaid pajama pants I was wearing. So, I pulled out a pair of skinny jean and pulled them over my legs. I zipped a red hoodie over my white tank top and plugged my feet into brown Uggs.

With a quick glance in the mirror, I made my way through the hallway and up the stairs towards his room.

Louis' POV

"Louis," Lauren whined into my mouth.

I shushed her with a trail of kisses down her neck causing her to fail at stuffing a moan. I smirked against her skin as she leaned into me.

Ok, so we had both been complete idiots for a long time. Me more than her, but now that the feelings were out there, I wasn't going to waste any time.

I kissed my way back up the other side of her jaw and planted a passionate kiss on her lips. She kissed me back momentarily, but before things got heated again she took my lower lip between her teeth forcing me to stop.

"Whaaaat?" I complained as I pushed a loose strand of hair away from her eyes.

She leaned backwards smiling. My eyes wandered over the beautiful girl that was straddling me. I watched as she bit the inside of her lip, unwillingly breaking up something we had both desperately wanted quite some time.

"The show," she sighed. She knew she had to be the responsible one because I wasn't going to be.

I nodded slowly watching as her eyes filled with disappointment.

"Later," I promised as I took her hand slightly pushing her off my lap. Once we were both standing I wrapped both of my arms around her, pulling her close to me.

Once the embrace ended, I slipped my hand into hers lacing our fingers together as we made our way back behind the stage. Not only did I desperately need to find a shirt to put on, but I also had one more person to apologize to, and in theory, thank.

We walked into the main backstage room and it was filled with practically everyone.

"Well, well, well," Amalia smiled at us. Her eyes wandered from our threaded fingers to our smirking expressions.

"This is a nice surprise," Zayn added.

Harry snapped his hand up in front of Zayn's face to keep him from saying anything more. Harry slid off the sofa with a rather serious expression as he approached us. He stopped between the two of his, making his actions completely obvious.

He bent over at the waist staring at our hands. The room burst into uncomfortable giggles.

He stood back up and leaned forward towards Lauren, squinting at her reddened lips. He nodded approvingly causing the room to chuckle.

He leaned the opposite way bringing a finger to my lips and pushing on them. He could clearly tell they were swollen.

His large dimples over took his face as his hand rose behind me, smacking me hard on the back of the head.

"What the hell was that for?' I grunted.

"Not making out sooner," as he said this he slapped Lauren's arm."I hope that make oust session lasted long enough to get rid of all the damn sexual tension." Lauren grinned slightly embarrassed, only to be captured into a Harry Styles Bear Hug.

The room had erupted into whistling and cheering and I could feel my face heating up.

Harry still had his arm wrapped around Lo's shoulders, but he managed to lean over me and whisper, "See what I meant."

I nodded to him. I couldn't believe that he had known how much pain I had caused her, but he hadn't let onto it. He had played neutral in the situation, something that I greatly respected him for. I'm sure it hadn't been easy.

"LOUIS TOMLINSON!" Mrs. Sorin stormed into the room. "What is it with you boys and—" she stopped mid sentences with her thoughts cut off by the sight of her youngest daughter. "Lauren what happened to your lip?"

"Erm," her cheeks immediately turned hot pink. "I, I..."

"Lauren and Lou were snoggin in the balcony," Harry finished the sentence for her. At the same time, Lauren and I slapped Harry's arm.

"Oh. Ohhhh. Okay well um, um, um, Louis go put some clothes on." She looked like a helpless mom avoiding an awkward situation.

"Ok," I said. "Er, Liam actually I was wondering if you could help me with something real fast?"

He nodded without second guessing himself. Though he probably knew what I was going to do, I still felt bad that he was so willing after I had been so crude.

I turned my back on the room of people and made my way to the dressing room.

' Once I was inside the closed space, I waited for Liam to shut the door. He sat down on the couch waiting for me to change. I shuffled into a pair of red pants and a blue and white striped shirt. Once I was dressed I made my way over to him, standing awkwardly. He was the first to speak.

"I'm glad you got that figured out. I was tired of seeing you both so miserable."

I fell next to him with a sigh. "Liam I don't know what to say."

"You don't need to say anything Lou," he turned his head towards me. "I know you're sorry."

"But sorry doesn't cut it mate. I was an ass."

He let out a cold dry cackle, "That even might be considered an understatement."

"I know, I know," I shook my head. "And I'm really sorry. Now, after all of this, it seems unfair that Lauren and I come out happy and you-" I stopped before continuing. He shrugged and I knew there was no need for me to finish.

"I'm rooting for you, you know."

He smiled feebly.

"And maybe if she doesn't come around, then she doesn't deserve you anyway."

His eyes turned dark, "No Louis. It's me. I don't deserve her."

I smiled at him, "Awe Li-Li's in loooooove." His smiled tugged a little higher on my face denying nothing.

"She'll come around, then. I'm sure of it. Who wouldn't love little Liam James Payne?"

"Thanks Lou."

"Oh yeah," I scratched the top of my head. "I can't believe I almost forgot...."

He watched me silently, waiting for me to continue.

"Thanks for being there for her." My voice was barely considered a whisper. "I was an idiot, and I was oblivious, but you weren't. You were there for her when I wasn't. You kept her safe when I didn't." I could feel my eyes shining with tears. "You saved her. Even though it should have been me, and I wish it had been me, I was the one who put her there and you were the one that got her out. For that, I will always be thankful."

"Awe boo," he pulled me to his chest for a hug and kissed the top of my head. "She means the world to me," he muttered into my ear, "so I can only imagine what she means to you."

I pulled back and smiled at him. He was right. She's my everything.

Liam's POV

I turned my head to the left and I saw Lauren giving Louis a rather passionate good luck kiss.

I turned my head to the right and I saw Zayn pecking at Marisa's lips in between words.

I looked straight ahead to see Niall and Amalia awkwardly rocking back and forth in a hug. (One of the few times they weren't lip locked.)

I glanced behind me to see Harry flirting with some stage crew girl. Typical Harry never wanting to make a serious commitment, but at least she looked to be his age.

"How you doing Liam," Josh, our drummer, put his arm around me.


"That's what I thought," his head bobbed. "Have you heard from her?"

I shook my head, "Marisa said something about her thinking about talking this weekend or something, but does talking sound like a good thing?"

He munched on his lower lip, "I guess it's better than nothing, man. Take what you can get."

I nodded. I did want to talk to her, but I didn't just want to talk to her. I wanted to see her. I wanted to put my arms around her and feel her body heat radiating onto me. I wanted to taste her sweet lips against mine.

I just wanted her back.

Charlotte's POV

"Well they can actually sing," Charlie chucked a piece of popcorn at me. "At least you found quality."

"And quantity," I giggled. "Five amazing hot singers? What more could you ask for?"

Charlie rolled his eyes as I turned my attention back to the boys on the screen. They were singing Tell Me A Lie and Zayn was killing it. I knew Marisa was probably dead by now, considering the song was more than half way over.

The second to last song faded out before the boys broke into What Makes You Beautiful.

I have to say that I had handled the night rather well. There had been some moments during the slow songs that had killed me a little bit, but I had done better than I thought I would.

Harry's solo took over as the crowd erupted.

The five boys finished out the song and then took a bow. The lights went out and their figures disappeared. They were only gone for seconds before they crowd chanted for an encore.

Liam's POV

The show was flawless. I had managed to keep my emotions bundled up and maintained a smile, but it wasn't the main show that I was worried about. It was the encore that was going to kill me.

Josh began a beat on drums getting the crowd wound up as the four guys and I loaded back onto the lift. Dressed in our jeans and white v-necks, we began our rise to stage. The drumming stopped. The crowd roared, and then it was all me.

Immediately my voice got caught in my throat.

Shut the door
Turn the light off
I wanna be with you
I wanna feel your love
I wanna lay beside you
I cannot hide this
Even though I try

Every word spoke truth. I wanna be with you. I wanna feel your love. I wanna lay beside you.

Heart beats harder
Time escapes me
Trembling hands touch skin
It makes this harder
And the tears stream down my face

If we could only have this life for one more day
If we could only turn back time

As we started into the chorus I knew I was going to have trouble mustering tears through the rest of the song. I could already feel them welling in the back of my eyes.

You know I'll be your life
Your voice
Your reason to be
My love, my heart
Is breathing for this
Moment in time
I'll find the words to say
Before you leave me today

Close the door
Throw the key
Don't wanna be reminded
Don't wanna be seen
Don't wanna be without you
My judgment's clouded
Like tonight's night sky

Niall's words rang true as well. I didn't want to be reminded of the pain I was in. I didn't want people to see how weak I had become. But most of all, I didn't want to be with out her.

Hands are silent
Voices num
Try to scream out my lungs
It makes this harder
And the tears stream down my face
[ Lyrics from: ]
If we could only have this life for one more day
If we could only turn back time

You know I'll be your life
Your voice
Your reason to be
My love, my heart
Is breathing for this
Moment in time
I'll find the words to say
Before you leave me today

Flashing lights in my mind
Goin' back to the time
Playin' games in the street
Kickin' balls with my feet

Memories shot through my mind like a movie. The plane ride. The first time we talked. Movie Night. First kiss. Rehearsals. Lunches. Dinners. Falling asleep in each other's arms. The great times stabbed my heart hard as a single tear fell.

There's a numb in my toes
Standing close to the edge
There's a pile of my clothes
At the end of your bed

As I feel myself fall,
Make a joke of it all

You know I'll be
Your life, your voice your reason to be
My love, my heart
Is breathing for this
Moment in time
I'll find the words to say
Before you leave me today

You know I'll be
Your life, your voice your reason to be
My love, my heart
Is breathing for this
Moment in time
I'll find the words to say
Before you leave me today

By the time the song finished I was crying, and hard. Tears were flying steadily. Everyone could tell: there was no doubt in my mind. The four boys shot me panicked looks as we bowed one more time, then the lights went out.

The thing was; I hadn't found the words to say: not the right ones. And I feared that she was gone.

Charlotte's POV

What had just happened?

What was going on?

I sat in front of the TV on my knees with my mouth wide open.

He had been crying. On international TV. He was crying. It was all because of me. 

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