Sotus Black

By Sakura_D

83.9K 5K 1.6K

Sotus - Sotus Black Time never stops, moving and changing everything in its wake. Time they say, heals all pa... More

CH 1 - Hope
CH 2 - Searching
CH 3 - Slowly
CH 4 - Coffee
CH 5 - Backwards
CH 6 - Steps
CH 7 - Dark
CH 8 - Simple
CH 9 - Almost
CH 10 - Smoke
CH 11 - Chance
CH 12 - Witch
CH 14 - Waiting
CH 15 -Enemy
CH 16 - Debts
CH 17 - Creeping
CH 18 - Progress
CH 19 - Secrets
CH 20 - Dhampir
CH 21 - Dots (Part1)
CH 22 - Dots (2)
CH 23 - Unexpected
CH 24 - Perpetual
CH 25 - Motion
CH 26 - Thunder
CH 27 - Storm
CH 28 - Silver
CH 29 - Mine
CH 30 - Earth
CH 31 - Bite
CH 32 - Revelations
CH 33 - Fires
CH 34 - Spy
CH 35 - Bonding
CH 36 - Chime
CH 37 - Daylight
CH 38 - Nightmare
CH 39 - Fleeting
CH 40 - Interrupted
CH 41 - Silence
CH 42 - Memories (1)
CH 43 - Memories (2)
CH 44 - Darkest
CH 45 - Hour
CH 46 - Eyes
CH 47 - Families
CH 48 - Trust
CH 49 - Lord
CH 50 - Council
CH 51 - Mothers
CH 52 - Crime

CH 13 - Demon

1.4K 95 29
By Sakura_D

3rd Person POV

Abandoned Road

Light rain fell on the empty cracked road, over grown now with weeds and a single lamppost that flickered. A car stopped on the opposite side, the driver and passenger waiting as the drops slowed. Time ticked past, echoing from an old tower in the distance. Nine minutes pass midnight and everything stopped, the light in that moment blinking off.

A rip appeared in the darkness, smoke escaping from the gash as it spilled into this world. It undulated and moved with precision taking shape, a well-dressed figure appearing in the night as the tear closed once again before the clock struck the next minute.

The stranger inhaled the air, checking his hair and clothes were unaffected by his travels. He looked like a model who stepped out of a magazine, pleasing to every eye that saw him. The light flickered on above him as he moved towards the car, the driver stepped out wearing a crisp suit, bowing to the newly returned master and opened the back door.

The demon took a seat on the expensive leather next to his pact-maker, as the driver took his place and headed into the city. It was always fun to come back to this plane, so much to do but first, he had an old debt to collect, it made him feel giddy to even think of it. The soul of a mage, and such a special soul too, it came with a true soul mate. He still couldn't believe how it fell into his hands.

"He's back again."

Of course he was, the demon smiled to the boy beside him. Humans were the best to make deals with, they had as much evil in their hearts as demons.

"Did have fun playing with him?"

"I couldn't find him." The voice replies angrily. "I only managed a few years ago."

That gets the demons attention, his little pact-maker should have been close to him when he was reborn. The demon knew something was wrong, his birds not returning his summon was one of the reasons he came up earlier then planned.

"Arthit...has also returned."

The demons head snapped to the pact-maker. Arthit wasn't around the last time the mage child was born; he shouldn't have been this time either. He paid a high price to make sure of it.

"What have you been doing all this time?" He snapped at the boy next to him. "Your job is to watch Kongpob."

"I did the same as last time." He replied quickly. "But...something was different, I have difficulty getting close even now."

"You don't need to be close to have him watched. Why don't you know Kongpob's every move?" He snapped. "I gave you money, power, more then you dreamed. This rebirth is the most vital, nothing can wrong."

"Something has been wrong since he was born." The boy answered. "You have not been answering me, I didn't know what to do but wait..."

He had been sleeping, the deal to get that boys soul wasn't easy to pull off.

"You said they would not meet..."

"They cannot meet." He snapped. "My spell wouldn't allow it!"

"I told you, it's different this time." His companion handed him pictures. "They have already met."

The demon looked through them, his anger building until he burned them in his hand. How? Arthit shouldn't be able to see Kongpob or find him. A touch should have thrown them apart and activated the second layer of the spell even if they met accidentally.

Something got through? How long were they together? Every minute close to one another would be healing their souls, connecting them and beginning to wear on his spell. He had to separate them and very quickly. He planned too long, sacrificed too much to get them. He wouldn't lose them now.

"Bring me the name of every person and thing near Kongpob." He snapped. "Leave none, not even the dog from the next street."


Arthit POV

The warm afternoon sun adorned the shore, the waves gentle as they washed the golden sand, before returning to the deep. The blue horizon shimmered in the light as they walked across the sand, barefoot.

This was where he wanted to come. He let out a soft sigh as his fingers brushed Kongpob's, warm as they intertwined with his. He turned his head to look up at Kongpob, i'm sorry it took this long to fulfill such a simple wish. If you remembered, would you hate me?

"I always loved the beach." Kongpob covered his eyes with his free hand as he looked around. "There is something soothing about walking on sand."

I know, you also like to hear the sea.

"I used to come with my grandfather and my mother." Joy in his voice as he speaks. "I would build sandcastles all day, they had to scold me to make me stop long enough to eat. We would go fishing too, my mother can harpoon a fish from 20 feet away."

"What about your father?"

"He hates the outdoors." Kongpob laughed. "He and my sisters would never set foot outside the city. My mother took him hiking once, first and last time. She told me, if she didn't love him, he would have been buried in a ditch for that much complaining."

I couldn't help smiling hearing the happiness in his voice. I missed out on so many things in your life, then and now but I was glad you had loving people around you. I ignore the pang that wishes I could have been there too.

"Let's stay and watch the sunset."

He pulls me along a small incline to a bank scattered with pebbles. Clearing a space, he sits, opening his arms and smiling as he waits. I go to him willingly. He tugs me close to sit between his legs, my back leans against his chest.

"Sometimes, you could refuse what I ask." He chuckles whispering in my ear.

I turn in in his arms so I can see him, why would I want to?

"I may make you do things you don't like." He takes my hand that rests on his chest and places on his face, leaning closer. "Stop looking at me that way or I might kiss you here, for all to see."

"Why...why wouldn't I like it?"

He looks at me in surprise before smiling again, moving closer, his intention of what he wants clear in his eyes. I want to kiss him. I long to kiss him. I hear the warning, stopping before our lips can touch. I don't want to move away but what can I do? I rub my nose against his.

"P, that isn't playing fair."

Before I can move back, I feel warm lips touch my forehead. What did he just do? My hands cling onto him, as I feel the push and a lilac light appear. No, no, no. Kongpob please no, don't disappear.

I see a flash of green and yellow as something flutters by, a sharp chirping rents through the air. The sky suddenly turns dark, a light mist rolling in from the ocean, but I could see through it. The lilac light starts to fade and the push I felt begins to ease, but I still hold onto him.

I sit up a little and look around, never letting Kongpob out of my arms. We had moved. Still on the sand but not where we had been before. The mist disappearing as quickly as it came, but Kongpob didn't notice it. No one would unless the person wanted it known but why was my grandfather here?


The Blood Prince stood on a small rise as he watched his grandson hold his Beloved, even this far he could feel the fear leaking from him. You are not the only one who knows tricks demon, so do we. We only needed to know which Lord was coming, to prepare the reception.

"There was a tear, at nine minutes past midnight." A vampire tells the Prince appearing behind him. " wasn't the 9th Lord who came through."

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