The Boy With The Blank Stare:...

By AGeekyBear

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This is one of the three paths of The Boy With The Blank Stare. In this route Ouma struggles to finally begin... More

A Second Please
Chapter One: Is it possible?
Chapter Two: The Diary
Chapter Three: The Plan
Chapter Four: Future
Chapter Five: Visit
Chapter Six: A Chance
Chapter Seven: Purpose
Chapter Eight: Lofty Goal
Chapter Nine: The Truth
Chapter Ten: The Moon Maiden
Chapter Eleven: I Tried
Chapter Twelve: I'm here
Chapter Thirteen: The One Who Came Home.
Chapter Fourteen: Truth
Chapter Fifteen: It's Not Kinder
Chapter Sixteen: The Anime Club
Chapter Seventeen: I Like Who I Am
Chapter Eighteen: Habits
Chapter Ninteen: Please Don't Say It
Chapter Twenty: The Real Idiot
Chapter Twenty One: Plans
Chapter Twenty Two: Disappointment
Chapter Twenty Three: You Don't Know Me
Chapter Twenty Four: For Justice
Chapter Twenty Five: Your Emails
Chapter Twenty Six: Future
Chapter Twenty Seven: I Will Wait
Chapter Twenty Eight: Confusion
Chapter Twenty Nine: A Chance To Move On
Chapter Thirty: Love Me.
Chapter Thirty One: If I Had The Chance
Chapter Thirty Two: I Guess
Chapter Thirty Three: My Sister
Chapter Thirty Four: Clear Skies
Chapter Thirty Five: Courage
Chapter Thirty Six: Testimony
Chapter Thirty Seven: Intentions
Chapter Thirty Eight: Diary of Neverland
Chapter Thirty Nine: If I'm A Demon
Chapter Forty: The Difference
Chapter Forty-One: Just A Nice Day
Chapter Forty Two: Just A Kid
Chapter Forty Four: I Loved You
Chapter Forty Five: A New Friend
Chapter Forty Six: Just A Poem
Chapter Forty Seven : Of the Stars
Chapter Forty Eight: Unnamed
Chapter Forty Nine: My Future
Chapter Fifty: Being Myself
Chapter Fifty One: My Best Friend
Chapter Fifty Two: In Loving Memory
Chapter Fifty Three: I Won't Come Home
Chapter Fifty Four: Missing
Chapter Fifty Five: Can you see me?
Chapter Fifty Six: My Light...
Chapter Fifty Seven: Goodbye
Thank You
600 Followers Q&A Answers!

Chapter Forty Three: Protector

155 22 7
By AGeekyBear

Saihara's POV:

I yawned tired from the weeks events as I sat outside of the therapy room Kokichi was in.

I know I didn't need to be there for every appointment anymore, and I probably could get more work done if I wasn't here but until Kokichi himself asks me to stop I doubt I would.

When he came out of the session he was yawning too looking tired, he seemed calmer though and he and Maiko finished off some conversation, he even seemed to make an audible joke before he turned back to me.

'This lasted longer than usual huh?' He asked, "I'm not late yet so it's fine" I told him.

Kokichi paused, 'late for what?' He asked, "oh I finally got contacted by one of the DICE parents, turns out they were on vacation for a month and that's why it took them some time to get back to me" I explained.

'Who?' Kokichi asked, "Izumi" I said and Kokichi seemed conflicted for a second, 'Shiro' he finally signed but paused.

'Why didn't you tell me earlier?' He asked, "I didn't know if the meeting would be hostile or friendly so I thought I would test the waters then bring you" I explained feeling a little guilty.

'I can take it' Kokichi assured which was not the response I was hoping for, "I would rather you didn't at all, or at least know before heading in like with my aunt...I can't believe I didn't tell you that night..." I cursed.

'If you had told me I would have slept in an alleyway rather than go there, but it worked out I guess since that's when I told you.' Kokichi signed he didn't look resentful even if he probably should be.

" want to go with me? It's really close being after your therapy time so if you don't want to, I understand" I asked.

Kokichi shook his head, 'I'm going' he said with a hint of confidence as I braced myself for whatever household we were going to stumble into next.


When we reached the house it was only after I had the bright idea to push Kokichi's wheelchair up the hill, he wasn't lying when he complained how the town never seemed to sidewalk construction into account as weeding through the area felt like some sort of demolition site.

"I...will never...skip legday...again" I gasped for breath when we finally reached the top, 'see why I don't go out much?' Kokichi asked teasingly.

"If this is normal for you then I kind of want you to maybe never come back here" I joked but Kokichi paused hearing that.

'Cities make it easier huh?' He asked, "I don't know enough, but probably" I confirmed as I turned to the...

"We...might have another problem" I told him. 'What did the town install ladders now for everything?' Kokichi asked.

"More like there's a stairway to get to the front door,it's an apartment complex, and I don't see any wheelchair access" I told him.

Kokichi paused and seemed to squeeze his leg gently before taking a deep breath, 'how far up?' He asked.

"Maybe a few feet" I told him shielding my eyes from the sun as I tried to guage the distance.

'Any flat areas in between?' He asked "no just straight up" I told him as I heard...

Kokichi was unwrapping his legs from the chair as he sighed and glanced in my direction.

'You know getting up is the hardest right?' He asked and I quickly grabbed his hand and gently helped him up.

His legs shaked a bit as he quickly reached for the railing, he glanced back where his chair was.

"You''re gonna have to..." he started, "want me to help you up first or the chair?" I quickly asked surprised at how balanced he was right now.

"Chair, I'll wait down here" he assured me as he helped himself sit down.

As I dragged the chair up the steps I couldn't help but glance down at him.

If someone were to look at him right now with no context he would look like any average teenager, he wasnt wearing his school uniform, for once he seemed to have taken care into what he was wearing a black hoodied jacket and white pants, there was a bit of checkered cloth hanging from the pocket which he occasionally held onto when he seemed especially stressed.

He didn't look stressed though, tired if anything, and wondered what he would look like ten years from now.

I left the chair against the wall next to the door and hurried back to Kokichi and with some minor difficulties and some breaks when Kokichi's leg nearly gave out, we managed to get to the top and I could see him smile with pride.

"Apparently I'm not the only one who is facing the wrath of leg day" I joked, 'shut up! My physical therapist is going to be proud of me!' Kokichi told me pouting.

"He better not! You're getting heavy" I complained but hoped he could tell I was joking, 'how dare you! Never letting you take me to the beach again now" Kokichi said laughing. I realized then he wasn't asking for his chair, he just sat with his back against the railing.

"Is that a punishment?" I asked, "yes because according to Kiibo everything romantic happens on a beach" Kokichi answered with a joking tone as he got back up this time without my help as I watched amazed.

"Aren't you going to knock?" Kokichi asked keeping a firm grip on the rail, "sorry" I quickly apologized and knocked on the doorm

It opened within minutes and a petite man with curly red hair opened the door.

"Hi I'm Saihara Shuichi we talked over email?" I greeted feeling a bit of nerves chipping at me. "Yes it's nice to..." the man started before he trailed off.

"O-Oh wow..." he mumbled as he glanced behind me at Kokichi.

Kokichi seemed to have guessed and gave an awkward wave, I then went to help him over keeping a good hand around his waist to make sure he wouldn't fall.

Or at least he'll take me down with him.

"You've...sorry just...Shiro's room is down the hall" the man said giving up as he led us down the hall, he even helped bring the chair inside.

Kokichi seemed nervous but I was just surprised to see him walking this much.

At this rate my new resting face will be smiling.

The room he led us into was a small bedroom with a bookcase filled with abandoned figurines and some lego creations that had gone horribly wrong.

The bed was neatly made, and the room had a thin level of dust as if it had long been abandoned.

The man said nothing more when he let us in instead he made a motion suggesting he was moving to the living room.

I helped Kokichi sit on the bed, and he sighed in relief massaging his leg a little, cramps I suppose this was the most I've ever seen him walk.

'Is the dragon still here?' Kokichi asked as I took a look around. I paused confused, "what?" I asked.

Kokichi had a small smile, "he had this dragon was like this tall and he wanted it to be our mascot...Mirai used to chuck it at his head" Kokichi told me and used his hands to try and show me what size it was.

I glanced around the room and found the old worn down toy on a shelf, it seemed to be front and center and...

Next to it was a small journal, and I picked it up curious, most of what was written down seemed to align with a grocery list until...

The journal had marked down things for each of the DICE members, such as allergies and things they're afraid of, even a mini scale system on that fear along with things they hated or loved.

Some were just notes on how one member might've been hiding a secret and plans to get it out of them, or how to tell if a member was sad and how to make them feel better.

It was almost like a manual for how to be a member of the DICE group as I flipped through the pages.

'What is it?' Kokichi asked, 'you found something right?' He asked. "It's almost like a cross between a friendship guide and a to-do list" I told him, one of the things caught me off guard though.

Help Genkei Move Out

-Get bed situated ●
-Ask parents for permission ○
-Get proof of abuse ●
-Convince Genkei to leave ○
-Snacks for comfort ●
-Find a way to make sure Genkei stays here in town ○

I was a bit shocked reading that over but as I then turned to the closet I saw a little makeshift area and peered inside. There was a small comforter crammed inside, along with a pillow. Taped on the walls were some pictures of Danuja and Fujioka, the closet door on the inside even had a little note saying Genkei's House.

"Hey Kokichi...did your friend Fujioka run away from home?" I asked, 'what? No but Takura and Shiro wanted him to' Kokichi told me he seemed confused.

"I think he did in the end, or at least planned to" I admitted, Kokichi took that in.

'Shiro was an idiot, a stupid loving idiot' Kokichi finally told me, it dawned on me this room and set up while unknown to him wasn't a surprise either.

'He always wanted to help and protect us, even when he's super clumsy and can't even help someone scale down a building' he joked.

But his face was covered in a nostalgiac look of sadness.

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