For Us : Orleston Forever

By TheValleyBoy

1.5K 119 19

(Season 3) The Senior Year! sees our heroes trying to get their lives back together after a loss of their own... More

Main Cast
Chapter 1: The Gang Is Back
Chapter 2: Philly Troubles
Chapter 3: Senior Comeback
Chapter 4 : Tiger War Is On
Chapter 5: Shake Ups & Birthdays
Chapter 6: The Misunderstanding
Chapter 7: Stepping Up The Game
Chapter 8: Off The Field
Chapter 9: I Belong With You
Chapter 10: Christmas Ball
Chapter 11: Miracles Do Exist
Chapter 12: Originals Night Out
Chapter 13 : Sucker For You
Chapter 14 : Need You Now
Chapter 15 : The Simple Life
Chapter 16 : We Are The World
Chapter 17: Who Am I Without You?
Chapter 18 : Family Forgiveness
Chapter 19 : We Stick Together
Chapter 21 : Graduation (Part 1)
Chapter 22 : My Love Goodbye (Part 2)

Chapter 20 : Prom Night

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By TheValleyBoy

  Prom night.
Boy's apartment.

  George is fixing Steven's bowtie since Steven agreed to be his prom date. They wait for Alex to get ready so they can go and pick up Diana. Steven and George walks inside his room and see him wearing a really expensive suit...

  'What are you jerks looking at?'

'What are you wearing?'

'Your sister bought it for me. It sucks I know.'

'I can't believe that you're wearing A Hugo Boss suit. Typical Diana.'

'Let's drink beer before we head out.'

'No time, Diana is ready, let's go '

The boys put on their shoes and head to Diana's home.

Wilson Manor.
10 minutes later.

  The boys arrive at the Manor and walk inside. Diana's mother is yelling her to get down, while she is looking herself at the mirror one last time.

Diana walks down the stairs wearing a red dress and a red lipstick to much her appearance. Alex's breath is taken away by her, he holds her soft hand...

  'You look fine.'

'Thank you Alex. I see the suit I bought you looks great on you.'

'Yeah, whatever.'

Diana awkwardly smiles, while George and Steven look at each other knowing that this is not easy to see.
Diana receives a message that the limo is outside and they all leave for prom.

Olivia's house.

Ramon arrives at the house to pick up Olivia with his car. Her mother is really excited to see him...

  'Wow, Ramon you look so handsome.'

  'Thank you miss Logan. Is Olivia ready?'

'Yes, Olivia, your boyfriend is here.'

Olivia comes out of her room. Ramon believes that he is watching the prettiest girl in the room coming towards him...

  'Hey gorgeous. This is for you.', he says and hands her a present. Olivia opens it and it's a necklace. She looks at him and she is clearly smitten...

  'Ramon, this is beautiful. Thank you so much. Will you help me put it on?'

'Sure. Here.'

Once Ramon helps her with the necklace, Olivia's mother grabs the camera and takes a few pictures of them. Before they leave, she grabs Olivia and says to her...

  'Take all the time in the world. Today is a magical day.'

'Thank you mother.'

The two of them share a hug and then Olivia and Ramon depart.

20 minutes later.

The gang arrives at school, which looks more like a club than their high school. Steven and Alex high five, Diana and Olivia walk like they are showcasing their looks, while George and Ramon are walking slower.
  Ramon asks George how he feels about Prom...

  'It's just a stupid dance.'

'Ain't no way you believe that. Tell me what's wrong?'

'I'm happy Steven had my back and came with me, but I will lie if I didn't expect a different person to be my date.'

'He is at Philly and you are going there this Autumn. Besides if it doesn't work out, you're hot, you will find someone.'

'Hiw are things between you and your girl now that she is leaving?'

'It sucks, but I'm happy she is doing what she loves.'

'Aww you love her. Come on let's go drink like there is no tomorrow big baby.'

George grabs Ramon and they join the others. Diana starts taking pictures with the gang and posts them on her Instastories.

They walk inside and they are stopped to take pictures for the yearbook. Then they finally arrive at prom. The girls scream out of excitement, well mostly Diana for both of them. Alex says...

  'Shut it. Let's go to dance before my ears stop working.'

Alex grabs Diana and they go to dance. Steven offers George to dance with him and George accepts but only for one dance, since he is not really in a mood for dancing. Once Olivia and Ramon join the stage, 'Let my love open the door starts playing, which is a song for the couples to enjoy in a slow dance.
  Ramon looks at Olivia and holds her as tight as he can...

'Ramon, this is perfect.'

'Only because it's with you.'

'No, it's because you showed me how to love. Love that I only experienced in movies and books for the better part of my life. This is great.'

'I love you dammit.'

Olivia rests her head on Ramon's body and secretly drops a tear. All her life she dreamed about being a good student, then doing great on Campus and having an amazing job. Love always came second. Then this happened. She should be the happiest woman in the world, but...

'Thank you. Thank you Mendoza, for everything.'

'Let's just dance now baby.'

As this couple enjoys their dance, on the other side of the dance floor, Diana and Alex feel uneasy...

'Thank you for today, but if you didn't want to be here, why you came?'

'For you. For us, look I can't jump back into a relationship with you again, but this is me trying Diana, alright?'

Diana smiles and hugs Alex. He doesn't pull back, he closes his eyes and both of them enjoy those few seconds. Meanwhile Steven and George are laughing since they don't match at all on the dance floor. Steven points out...

'Man, we have no rhythm whatsoever. How are you holding up?'

'Hahaha, o this is good, I won't argue. Besides I could have been all alone but you came, you're a good friend Steven.'

'Anything for you kiddo. Hey, what's that loonatic doing here?'


'Brandon, look.'

'I don't like this.'

Steven and George walk closer to Brandon so they can tell him to stop harassing Olivia, but he pulls a gun out of his shirt and shoots on the ceiling.
The boys like everyone else, take cover, the ones on the dance floor try to remain calm since they have nowhere to hide. Brandon starts talking while George calls 911.

Brandon points the gun to Ramon and Olivia. He puts his girl behind him and says to Brandon...

'Whatever it is, I'm sure we can do something about it.'

'You took my girl, my team. My parents believe that I'm going crazy. It's all your fault.'

'Brandon I never wanted to hurt you. I'm sorry if I did something wrong. Why don't you let everyone else go and we will discuss this alone.'

'No, you took hope away from me, now I'm going to take yours.'

'No Olivia watch out!', Ramon hugs Olivia and they fall down, managing to avoid Brandon's first bullet. Ramon gets up enraged with all of this...

  'Enough! I allowed a gun to break my heart once. No again.', he jumps at Brandon, avoids another bullet and punching him unconscious. The Police arrives seconds later and they take statements from the students and the teachers.
Olivia puts some ice on Ramon's hand...

'I'm sorry, did I hurt you?'

'Ugh, no it's fine, I'm fine.'

Olivia smiles at him and looks at his hand. He looks at her shaking...

'Olivia, how are you? I'm sorry that this happened to you on prom night.'

'You're sorry? Ramon you just saved me from Brandon, again. I'm sorry that this keeps happening.'

'Hey, you're worth it.'

'Let's get out here. I don't know if it's the adrenaline speaking but we have to leave now.'

'Alright, but my hand hurts so you're driving.'

Olivia takes Ramon's keys and they leave the prom together. Few steps away, Alex's arm is wrapped all over Diana, comforting her about what happened...

  'Alex, can we go check on Emanuela please? I just can't stop thinking about her after this happened.'

'Yeah of course. Hey Steven, want to come?'

'I have to go to the police and give a statement there, sorry pal.'

Alex nods as he and Diana are leaving the prom holding hands, George is looking at them and smiles, happy that their relationship is recovering.
Steven leaves with the police and George is left alone at an empty prom. He gets up and is ready to leave. 'You and me' by Lifehouse starts playing at the background.
  He looks at the door and hears...

'Hey, I waited to see you outside but everyone left and I got worried so...'

'Yeah, I was just about to leave. What are you doing here?'

  'I'm sorry I didn't respond to your text. I wanted to be romantic and all, you know after all.'

'Yeah, but Sean, what are you doing here?'

'I thought that since Tyler wasn't going to be your prom date, someone had to share a dance with you.'

'How thoughtful of you.'

'Maybe even stay for your graduation. Look I messed up, my flight was late and I lost the prom but the music is still playing so...'

Sean reaches for George's hand. George gives him his hand and they are really close to each other. Then their eyes look at one another...

'You're smiling.'

'You're smiling too.'

'I'm sorry I didn't respond to your text.'

'I forgive you. Hey, what about your boyfriend.'

'We broke up. It was boring. He wasn't spoiled and hated Ron coms.'

'Well you hate rom coms too.'

'Yeah, so imagine my disappointment when I had no one to fight about them.'

'Sean, before we kiss, Diana and I got accepted to Columbia. We learned this morning.'

'Oh. That's great...So you're not coming to UPenn?'

'It will be cheaper if I go there with Diana, you understand.'

'Yeah, I do.'

Sean and George keep dancing, alone. All hope seems lost, seems like everyone is parting ways. Two days until graduation. This is it.

To be continued...

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