Imposters (Tododeku & Kiribak...

By LateNightReader1967

499 38 52

Summary: Two years after the accident with AFO, the Anarchy disappears. Musutafu became a peaceful place as n... More

Imposters: Chapter One- New Beginnings
Imposters: Chapter Two- New Life
Imposters: Chapter Three- Storm is Coming
Imposters: Chapter Five- Warning & The Past
Imposters: Chapter Six- Paranoid or Not
Imposters: Chapter Seven- Growing Worries
Imposters: Chapter Eight- Pins and Needles
《Not an Update》●Author's Note●

Imposters: Chapter Four- Introduction & Suspects

54 3 4
By LateNightReader1967

The black-haired male chuckles, "No, I'm Yo Shindo." Todoroki takes the male's hand as he stands up. Shouto rubs the back of his neck. "Sorry, I thought you looked like someone I knew," Todoroki admits. The boy smiled at Shouto as his hand was holding onto Shouto's. "Either way, I'm sorry for bumping into you." Shouto starts to pull his hand away from the man. It was strange to look at a guy that looked like his boyfriend. He shouldn't dwell on it so much. Shindo might think it's odd that he's staring. "No, no, it's okay. I'm the one that should be apologizing. I was the one who should've been looking up." Shindo smiles, "Your name?" Shouto returns the smile. "I'm Shouto Todoroki." Shindo couldn't lose his smile as the boy looked beautiful. "Are you new?" Shindo's thoughts were interrupted when Shouto started to ask questions. Shindo's rubs the back of his neck. "I'm here because we have a scheduled meeting, remember?" Todoroki didn't remember having a meeting scheduled for today. He pushed it aside. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know. We could talk in private if you want too."

Shindo nods his head, "Of course, anything is okay." Todoroki leads the way inside the elevator as Shindo follows behind. Natsuo watches his little brother disappear inside the elevator with another guy. He was about to say something until Dabi jumped on top of him. Hawks attempts to separate the two as they were going to cause a disturbance, "Guys, stop!" Hawks wonders if Dabi is high or not. He jumps on top of the two brothers to stop them from fighting. Natsuo wasn't focused on the new guy since he was distracted by Dabi and Hawks. He wonders if he was focused long enough. He could've done something.

Todoroki walks inside his office with Shindo following behind. "What exactly are you here for?" Shindo pulls out a folder and slides it to Todoroki. "I took over my father's company when he passed away. It used to be a nuclear power plant. We've hit slight trouble, and now we're looking for help. I was lucky to have this scheduled meeting with you." Todoroki hated that he felt pity for this guy. He looked over the folder and realized that Shindo's father operated one of the most well-known nuclear power plants. How could Shindo say that they are in trouble? Something must have happened if it caused Shindo to reach out for help. Todoroki could deny the partnership, or he could accept it. Shindo seems like a good guy, but why was his stomach making a weird sound. He already ate, so he wasn't hungry. Could it be that feeling in his gut telling him to deny his offer? Maybe Natsuo's paranoid rubbed off on him. Natsuo had a habit of behaving paranoid. He shook away the feeling and smiled at the male. He closed the folder and smiles.

"I accept your partnership," Shouto said. His father would've rejected Shindo's request because he never worked with weaklings. Todoroki was different. Shouto wanted to help to make up for his mistakes. He stopped being Night-Flame after the accident with All for One. He wasn't going to lie anymore. He was going to be honest with himself. He had no reason to deny Shindo's offer. He ignored the feeling in his gut as he signs Shindo's paper. He could see the smile on Shindo's face when the boy finished signing. "You're different from your father," Shindo told him. Todoroki looked at him as he was confused. "What do you mean?" Todoroki was pressing for information. Shindo sighs, "My father visited your company when it used to be known as Endeavor's company. He rejected our offer when we were struggling." Todoroki couldn't believe what he was hearing. His father was a fucking asshole. Shouto didn't know what to say. He couldn't apologize for something he knows very little.
Shindo holds his hand up to stop Todoroki from talking. "You don't need to say anything. You couldn't do anything. You're different from your father," Shindo told the boy. Todoroki smiles, "Thank you, Shindo." Shindo was lucky to see the smile on the red and white-haired's face. "We still have more paperwork to fill out, so we should get started," Todoroki reminded the male. Shindo wanted to see more. Todoroki was beautiful. He wonders who would be lucky enough to have this boy in their life. Todoroki could tell that Shindo was staring at him. He decides that it was better off that he doesn't point it out, or Shindo would think that it's making Todoroki uncomfortable. Shouto wasn't comfortable per se, but the way he was looking at him was offputting.

'Stop acting paranoid, Shouto. You can't judge someone if you know so little about them. Give them a chance. You're better than this. You're acting like your shitty father.'  

Shindo stopped staring when he was busy signing papers. Shouto watched the boy write his name down. Shindo peeks up at Shouto and smirks. Shouto flushes as Shindo caught him staring. Shouto was embarrassed that he was staring at Shindo. It was weird! Shindo returns to signing the stack load of papers. The red and white-haired male tried to calm down his blush. "I'm sorry for staring," Todoroki apologizes. He was 23, not some 15-year-old boy. Shindo chuckles, "You don't have to apologize for everything. I think you look adorable when you blush." Todoroki turned a different shade of red as Shindo chuckles.

'Is he flirting with me?'

Todoroki didn't understand the concept of flirting. Should he say something like he was already dating someone? He didn't know how to respond as he stares at the black-haired male. He decides to look away as he focuses on his phone. He could ask Inasa or Yaoyorozu, but would they tell Izuku? He didn't know how Izuku would react if he told him. Should he keep it to himself? He wished that he knew what to do. "Hey, do you want to get some lunch together?" Todoroki's thoughts ended up being interrupted by Shindo's invite. He could politely decline, but would it seem mean to reject? He barely knew this guy, but the feeling of being compared to his father came back. "Sure, what place do you have in mind?" Todoroki mentally facepalms that he wasn't able to reject the man's offer.

Shindo smiles, "I'm thinking about this noodle shop I saw earlier. I heard they have one of the best soba dishes they can offer." Should this raise any red flags? Yes, it should've. Todoroki wonders if this guy knew that he loves soba. Well, the cold kind of soba. Todoroki pushed his paranoid aside. Here he goes again with the judging. This guy might like cold soba too. All he wanted to do is slam his head against the desk. Todoroki follows Shindo out as they headed inside the elevator. Shouto hated that he was paranoid. It wasn't like this guy was going to kidnap him. He could protect himself. The elevator opens as the pair steps out. Todoroki watches Dabi chase after Izuku as Hawks was chasing after them.

"What's going on?" Todoroki walked away from Shindo. "Shouto!" Midoriya runs over to his boyfriend before kissing him. "Midoriya!" Todoroki blushes when Midoriya wraps his arm around his waist. "Ha! You can't get me now! I have Shouto, so you know the rules." Midoriya didn't have the chance to notice his lookalike. Shindo glared at the pair as he clutches his fists. Todoroki rolls his eyes playfully, "I'm going to smack all of you, behind the head." Midoriya pouts, "I thought you loved me." Todoroki blushes when Midoriya moves behind his back and holds his back close to his chest. Todoroki didn't like showing affection in public because he thought that Midoriya was shy. Maybe he was wrong.

Shouto wouldn't lie that he was enjoying this. He felt safe in Midoriya's arms. "Why are you here, Midoriya?" Todoroki lifts Midoriya's hands away from his waist as Midoriya glances at his lover. "I don't have work until later, so I decided to take you out for lunch." Todoroki smiles at his lover's antics. He was about to accept his request until he remembered Shindo's invite. Maybe they can go out for lunch together. "Shindo invited me to lunch. You can come with us," Todoroki smiles. "I don't think he'll mind." Midoriya didn't know who Shindo was. Shindo stepped forward, "Hello, I'm Shindo." Midoriya glanced at his lookalike. Shindo looked like him except Midoriya had green hair and eyes, plus the freckles.

"Hey, I'm Midoriya!" Midoriya smiled at the male as he avoids the glare in Shindo's eyes. He shakes the black-haired male's hand. He could see the challenge in Shindo's eyes. Shindo squeezed Midoriya's hand as Midoriya glared at Shindo. This guy was challenging him. "Shindo, is it okay if my boyfriend comes with us?" Midoriya pulls his hand away as Todoroki was looking at the two. Shindo holds a tight smile, "It's okay, Todoroki." Midoriya grabs Shouto's hand, "We should get going. Hey, Sho, I bet I can give you a piggyback ride?" Todoroki rolls his eyes as Midoriya already knew the answer. Todoroki felt childish when he got on Midoriya's back. Midoriya shots a glare at Shindo as Midoriya wasn't fazed by Todoroki's weight. Todoroki didn't weigh so much. Natsuo watches Shindo as he sees the glare in his eyes. Shindo turns to meet Natsuo's gaze and glares at him.

The trio walked down the sidewalk as Midoriya let the boy down. Todoroki held onto Midoriya's hand, "Midoriya, Shindo is a new business partner." Midoriya nods his head and glares at Shindo. He didn't like that Shindo was staring at Todoroki. When they arrived at the noodle shop, Midoriya ended up sitting beside Shouto as Shindo was sitting in front of him. Todoroki stands up, "I'm going to the restroom. I'll be back." Midoriya watches Todoroki leave the room and returns his gaze to Shindo. "What the hell is your problem?" Shindo laughs, "I have no clue what you're saying." Midoriya glares, "Stop looking at Shouto like that." Shindo narrowed his eyes. "I can't believe that your boyfriend would date you. He should've chosen someone better." Midoriya wonders what the hell is wrong with this guy.

"You barely know Todoroki," Midoriya points out. The next few words that fell out of Shindo's mouth left Midoriya paralyzed. Midoriya wished that he didn't hear that correctly, but the male's words seemed to be clear as day. He didn't want to believe Shindo as the male spoke with confidence. All the blood rushed down his body as he went pale.

"How can you be sure about that?"


Bakugou growled as he stepped off the plane. "Why the hell did we have to come back?" His red-haired husband sighed, "You know that answer, Bakugou." Bakugou tsks, "You never know if douce face was playing a damn joke!" Kirishima was lucky that no one was listening to their conversation. "If Kaminari was lying, it's still nice to be back in Musutafu. It's been like two years since the accident." Bakugou growled under his breath, 'Fucking two years since shitty Deku almost dies because of his asshole father.'

Kirishima could tell that the remainder of the accident was still traumatic to Bakugou. Kirishima still hasn't been able to forget about Todoroki's confession. He never knew the truth behind Todoroki's past, and he wished that he never found out. The pair walked down the airport to collect their suitcases until Bakugou stops. Kirishima glances at what his lover was seeing and froze. It was them. Red Riot and Ground Zero were attacking in broad daylight. Kirishima watches in horror as Red Riot and Ground Zero were killing the hostages inside a bank. The reporter was going over the events that took place at the bank earlier.

"Those fucking bastards! Copying us! Who the hell do they think they are!" Without no doubt, Kirishima knew that Bakugou was pissed as hell. He would've been angry if he wasn't shocked. It was hard to see someone else dressed like him and killing people. It was destroying the meaning of being Red Riot. The villain was killing for fun. No amount of mercy could stop the villains from slaughtering them all. In the mists of his anger, Bakugou glances at Kirishima. "Kiri, we should leave," Bakugou said. He managed to calm himself down. "Bakugou, what do you think is going to happen?" Bakugou looked at Kirishima, confused. "What the hell are you saying?"

Kirishima didn't take his eyes off the screen. "There's no way we're going to prove that these guys are fakes. They have our masks. The exact ones that we left in All for One's building. What if these people know who we truly are? We're putting targets on our backs. What if they're planning for us to get back together? It's easy to put us in one place than taking us out one by one. Don't you think it's odd that there were only two free seats on the plane? We can't underestimate them. If they know our identities, that means that they know Midoriya's and Todoroki's. They were planning this. They wanted us to be in the same place." Bakugou grabbed Kirishima's wrist, "Kirishima, you need to focus. If these assholes knew, then they wouldn't go that far to bring us back here. They would've killed us by now. We can't believe your theory if there's no evidence to back it up!"

Kirishima wanted to believe his husband, but the feeling in his gut told him otherwise. He couldn't lie to Bakugou, but he couldn't tell him the truth. None of this seems to be okay. Something big is going on, and right now Kirishima hates it. He bit down on his bottom lip as he agrees with Bakugou. "I hope you're right, Katsuki. There's a price we're paying."

A/N: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I should probably get back to writing.

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