Cure To Bloodlust (Tododeku)

By Xiariadragneel

293K 11.4K 6.4K

Its just the normal My Hero Academia fun but with a twist, Tododeku twist and just another teensy-weensy twi... More

(30) Awaited explanation
(33) Unknown
(37) "It's about Izuku"
(38) Blushing
(39) He's Fine
(41) Useful
(42) hugs make everything better
(43) Was it that obvious?
(44) Struggling
(45) Not Me
(46) close
(47) breaking biche
(48) Trust
(49) Epilogue: Dorks in Love
(50) Bonus

(40) Fangs

2.1K 93 48
By Xiariadragneel

Midoriya was very puzzled when he literally got thrown out of his own room but walked left anyway even if a tiny TINY part of him wanted to ease drop.

He was cooly walking down the hall when he heard voices coming from around the corner, he was about to speed up see what was going on but paused dead in his tracks when he realized.

His fangs were still out.

Quickly dashing in the opposite direction, which unfortunately wasn't the direction of the exit but fortunately the direction of the 2 floor bathroom, each floor had a bathroom besides the main shared bathroom just for emergencies.

Slipping in the thankfully unoccupied small bathroom, Midoriya shut the door and sighed ruefully as he stared back at his reflection, specifically his fanged grin.

Since his body starting changes the consequences of totally ignoring his vampire side was really biting him in the ass.

Controlling your fangs.

It was one of the most basic and almost second nature things a vampire could do, yet he didn't know how since he always tried hard to ignore it till it simply literally went away after feeding.

sighing once more he switch his gaze on himself to one of determination. He was gonna do this! right now he was gonna will his fangs away!

Tightly closing his eyes Midoriya starting muttering himself.

'ok Izuku, just breath.



cracking a single eye open, he sighed in disappointment as his fangs still shined through in all it's pointed in his mouth. closing his eyes he tried again, trying everything he could to relax his mind. 'maybe I could come up with analogy, like I did with my quirk?' he thought 'the fish cake in the microwave!' he chuckled to himself at how silly that was and how he probably sounded crazy to grand Torino but it had worked for him so no harm in trying to employ it here right?

'ok, so what can I compare to my teeth too? hmmm.

opening a draw?


more food in a microwave?

no that wouldn't make sense.

peek a boo? that seem a bit to childish.

Maybe I should just try visualizing it
Midoriya:'s train of thought was interrupted as the door turned with a click and was already being pushed open — 'GOD DAMN IT I FORGOT TO CLOSE IT-

Midoriya was frozen in place, his hands clasping the edges of the sink hard as a tuff of blond hair entered the room. Midoriya started in horror as Aoyama came into view and eyed him wearily. "oh Midoriya I'm sorry i didn't know anyone was in here—

"I— " was all he uttered before clamping his mouth shut not wanting to expose his fangs and also not knowing what to say.

"Midoriya is everything okay?—" The blond questioned taking a single step closer causing Midoriya to throw a hand over his mouth, his voice coming out muffled as he spoke. "NO! —I mean yes I'm fine, I was just leaving— " he said as he hastily slipped by the blond, "I'm done here so I'm just gonna huh leave bye—" before Aoyama could get a word in Midoriya had slipped passed him and shut the door leaving him alone and a little puzzled by his strange behavior. a beat of silence pass before the blond just shrugged it off amd turned to the sink. Pulling out a tiny make up bag, yes he wore make up, being a hero in training that's class was constantly under attack didn't leave much room for beauty sleep and lengthy skin routines, so some coverage was needed from time to time.

Laying the contents that he wanted to used on the sink he couldn't help but notice the dryness of the sink. turning his nose to the door ge crinkled his nose a bit. "Midoriya forgot to wash his hands tsk."


As soon as he shut the door, In a panic Midoriya blindly headed for his room, a hand still clasped tightly over his mouth.  He didn't reach far before he turned the corner and bumped into someone almost knocking them both down, he looked up preparing for the worse "Midoriya?"

Looking up he paired the familiar voice with the face and sighed deep in relief. It was just Todoroki.

"Midoriya are you ok?" the duel coloured boy said holding the shorted in place, his worry building at the hand over Izuku's mouth.

"n-nothing, I just forgot my fangs were still out —and I still can't control them- so I hid a bathroom and tried to get them to go away— but I forgot to close the door and - and Aoyama walked in—"

"He saw you?"

"No, I don't think so I ran out before he could see—"

"see your fangs?"




Todoroki pulled Midoriya's hand more away to get a confirmed look.
"they're gone."

"uh?!?" the shorter exclamed then dragged a tongue across his teeth, even poking his teeth with a finger to make sure. "oh." he blink incredulously. His face flushing from embarrassment shortly after.

*sigh* he really needed to get his fangs under control.

"*cough* did Hisaya say? does she want me to come back now?"

"oh uh" Todoroki stepped back amd straightened him up while he tried to suppress the blush creeping onto his features thinking back to what Hisaya

'cousin-in-law' he could still see her smirking face.

"uh no-no she doesn't she actually already left to go back to recovery girl," he began, clearing his throat a little too loudly but Midoriya didn't seem to pick up on his flustered behavior." but she said you shouldn't worry about anything she's here for a while if anything does seem weird."

" there's nothing wrong with me?"

"Hisaya would explain better but from what she said, no. not really."

Midoriya's visibly heaved with relief. "I see."

Todoroki simply nodded as a silence enveloped the two. Midoriya seem to be deep in thought leaving Todoroki to drown in the deadening silence. He soon couldn't anymore so he spoke.

"So uh do you wanna go to the cafeteria, I heard their open since we're on lockdown and giving out snacks and stuff."

"oh sure but— wait are you sure you don't wanna go lay down? you just..we- you know?" he flushed slightly thinking about it.

"I'm fine actually." th taller insist

"if you say so," then uh let's go I guess."



Both both made no move to go yet, just awkwardly stealing glancing at each other's shoes amd face, Midoriya's specifically flickering occasionally to where is teeth were previously embedded into Todoroki's neck, a skin colored bandage over it now.

"we should probably start walking..." Todoroki started.

"oh right! let's go!" Midoriya's turned around and starting walking roboticly, his stomach feeling light when he realized Todoroki saw his staring.

"it's this way Midoriya."

"right, I knew that!"


"Uggghhhh Tomura this is so boring, can I leave now, no one is coming out!" Toga whined into the phone from in her place in the shadows of the alley way."

"Quit whining it's only been an 2 hours!"

"two BORING hour! and I'm already out of chips." She complained sending an accusing glare towards Twice, who sat atop a stack of a crates.


Ignoring Twice words she turned back to the phone, begging Tomura to come back, or atleast send Dabi over with some snacks for her, both please he blatantly ignored and question her on what was exactly happening at UA.

Huffing in annoyance Toga turned her attention back to the school a ways down the street. "not many have been seen leaving, so far only a few students have left and they were accompanied by teachers, a few teachers themselves leaving and delivery where let it but weren't let anywhere between the from office."

There a paused on the other line as Toga finished, Shigaraki probably weighing his options. "Stay a while more, keep your eyes open they're bound to slip up sooner or later."

Togo groaned in frustration but didn't argue further. Hanging up. She moved to the edge of the alley way to eye the School gates once more. 10 minues passed when she was just about to start complaining to Twice to blow off some steam when a tuff of an green caught her eye.

"Hey Twice, does that look like a student?"

Following Toga's gaze, Twice eyed the girl.

"YES DEFINITELY—She doesn't look like a teacher that's for sure, and it's looks like she'd be returning to campus too, look." he said pointing to the UA Security Clearance badge around her.

A sadistic grin grew on Toga's face before she throw the phone to Twice, "tail me, and called Tomura while your at it, looks like his sooner or later is here."

Pulling up her hoody she nonchalantly stepped out of the shadows and into the streets tailing the green hair girl through the crowd.


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