The One Who Pulls The Strings...

By T42LostGirls

880 69 140

Welcome to our Doctor Who world, where Tom Hiddleston plays the Doctor, Andrew Scott plays the Master, and a... More

Trailers and Music Videos
Pet Store Problems
Hello, Handsome
The Master, the Apprentice, and the BangleFray
Home FAR Away From Home
The Search Begins
Dry Your Eyes
Bad Kitty
Terror and Tea at Two AM
Home Again
A Day at the Cottage
Sneaking Suspicion
Cutting Ties
Dinner Party
Dishes and Dilemmas
Flames and Games
What Happened in the Kitchen
The Renaissance
A Night Out on the Town
In the Doctor's Arms
Sorry, Not Sorry
Damsel in Distress
Casting Call
Kings and Queens
Wardrobe Change
Breathing's Torture
Waiting's Harder
The Puppet King
Sweet Reunions and Sour Regeneration
Every Fairy Tale Needs a Good Old-Fashioned Ball
The Threat

Welcome to the Tea Party

30 2 11
By T42LostGirls

(Haven's POV)

I ran down the alley seeing the Doctor stumbling back doubled over in pain. "Doctor are you ok?" I shrieked running to his side.

"Yes, yes all good, Just got keened in the... Never mind! I saw your friend." The Doctor composed himself.

"You did? which way did she go?" I said franticly.

"Follow me," the Doctor spotted something running down the alley. I was right behind him making twists and turns through the back alleys when he finally came to a stop. He peered around the corner. My eyes followed his gaze. There in the town square stood my friend holding a puppet head, the decapitated body lying on the ground. Beside her was a man. Crimson blood painted his stubble-covered cheeks, his hair askew.

People stood around their eyes wide, looking at my friend who had killed the last puppet.

"Ah, well, there you are," the Doctor started as he made his appearance known to the man and Harmony.

"Master," the Doctor stated in a dry tone.

"Doctor," the other man mimicked him.

A young, redheaded boy, who was now standing next to Harmony, waved. "Hi, Doctor," he said happily.

"Alastiere," the Doctor replied.

Harmony ran to me and pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back, but when we parted I was filled with anger.

"So, you're the Master," I said as I made my way over to him. Before I could stop myself the back of my hand made contact with his cheek. A loud SLAP echoed off the buildings.

Harmony gasped.

The Master's brown eyes glared at me, then he looked to the Doctor. "You should keep your pet on a leash, Doctor."

"She's not my pet! And what about you? You just kidnap a young girl to keep around for fun," the Doctor retorted.

"YOU DO IT ALL THE TIME!!!!" The Master screamed.

The Doctor was about to defend himself when the redhead stepped between them.

"Let's not fight, ok? Miss Harmony is a friend of ours."

"She's my friend! He kidnapped her!!!" I said pointing a finger at the Master.

"Well, I kind of took her," Alastiere spoke quietly, looking down at his feet. "But it wasn't a kidnapping," he added quickly looking at me.

"How is that not kidnapping??" I snapped.

The young boy looked at me with sad eyes. "I'm so sorry, Miss. I really am. She's not hurt."

I looked at the boy. He acted so innocent. How was he involved in all this?

Harmony broke me from my thoughts. "Haven, it's fine. I'm not hurt," she said grabbing my arm. "Let's all just sit down and talk about this."

"Come on, Miss Harmony. Let's go make some tea for your friend." Alastiere smiled, grabbing her hand and dragging her away from me.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'*゚ *'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・**・゜゚・

We all sat together in a small cottage nestled in the trees of a nearby forest. The Doctor sat next to me. My eyes were on Harmony as she sat next to the redhead.  The Master poured the tea, then sat next to Alastiere.

This is all too weird. I'm having tea with the people that kidnapped my friend. Is this a rescue mission or a tea party?? Why the heck is the Doctor not beating the crap out of the Master??

Finally, I was taken out of my thoughts.

"Well, since the Director is obviously out and about, we should get the young ladies back home," the Doctor finally broke the silence.

"No, Harmony can't go! The Director is after her, and I told her we would protect her," Alastiere whined.

"The Director is after her!?" The Doctor asked in shock.

"Yes, he said I was... special," Harmony spoke, I could hear some fear in her small voice.

"What the bloody he** is that supposed to mean?" the Doctor muttered to himself as ran his hands through his hair.

The Master snickered. "Not as clever as you think you are?"

"Well, do you know what he meant by that?"

"No, " the Master mused or a minute. "But that snake will have to shed his skin soon. Then we will see his plan."

"Very well then. I'll keep the girls under my protection. You and your... not so evil ward, go on and do whatever it is that you do. Just alert me if you see the Director." The Doctor formed his plan.

"You can't tell me what to do. I'll keep Harmony and see what the Director wants with her," the Master protested.

The Doctor's eyes narrowed, and he stood to his full height, making the once terrifying Master look like a child.

"I don't trust you. The girls will be under my watch. If you want to tag along, that is fine." The Doctor's blue eyes burned into the Master's brown ones.

"No, no, I'm not one of your little adventure women. I'll travel on my own, thank you very much," he scoffed.

"Umm, what about me, Master?"Alastiere asked raising his hand.

"Fine! We will travel on our own," the Master corrected.

The freckled face of the boy lit up, thankful for the acknowledgement.

"Wait! Do we have a choice in any of this?" I stood interrupting the men.

The two looked at me. The Doctor's eyes softened, but the Master still had a look of disgust toward me.

"Darling, I will keep my promise to get you home. But this Director is not good news. If he wants your friend, we need to be sure she is safe," the Doctor said in a soothing tone, trying to calm my nerves.

I sat back down and looked to Harmony. Her eyes were starting to tear. She must have felt terrified. I scooted over to sit next to her.

"It's ok," I tried to comfort her.

She looked at me and tried to smile, but it left faster than it came. Harmony stood up and grabbed my hand, pulling me to a bedroom. "We will be right back," she said back to the men.

We could hear the two Time Lords arguing as she shut the door.

"Haven, I'm scared," Harmony said, starting to panic.

"It's ok. The Doctor will take us home," I said, hoping it was true.

She stood for a second, biting her lip and began nervously ringing her hands.

"I want to go home, but what if the Director finds me there? I've seen him, Haven, he is terrifying!" Harmony looked like she was about to cry.

  I pulled her into a hug. "Shhh.. we will figure it out."

"I think I should stay with the Master," she said through light sobs.

"What?" We broke apart. I looked at her, shocked by what she said.

"The Director is not after you, Haven. You need to go back home where you're safe. I should stay with Alastere and the Master."

I wanted to argue with her even though I knew she was being completely rational. This was what was best for everyone.

"Are you sure?" I asked, feeling the tears building in my own eyes.

"I'll be fine," she assured me.

We left the bedroom, walking into an all-out war.

The Doctor was screaming at the Master as he had his fingers in his ears singing loudly so himself.

"LA, LA, LA, LA!"

"OOOHHH, YOU'RE SO IMMATURE!!!" the Doctor shouted.


Alastiere walked over and held onto Harmony's hand, a look of concern on his pale face.

"Don't worry. I'll stop them," Harmony said giving his hand a squeeze.

Written by L.D.

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