Stories to INSPIRE

By addisonthewritee

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Just some stories to inspire you guys! More

The Tempting

The Good Loves You

23 2 2
By addisonthewritee


"Choose your last words wisely" sneered the villain. The hero shakily lifted their head "I love you."

I finally had her, she was dangling from the edge of roof with only a few fingers holding on. I gave out a evil laugh and sneered "Choose your last words wisely." The hero shakily lifted her head "I love you." 

Everything started to hurt. I hadn't heard those words in a long time. I stumble back all the memories flooding my mind. 

It was a warm summer day. 80 degrees to be precise, we were in a dandelion field, my lover and i. Her laugh echo's my ears as we run hand in hand through the field. Her long loose curled hair flowing behind her. That was until i felt something different flowing through me. A sudden shock gave off of me and everything went black. When i woke up a cold hand was still in mine. There she was my lover right next to me. There was no rising or falling to her body just stillness. 

I gasped. What had i done? I cradle Her still body in my arms sobbing hoping she would come back. But it never happened. I was faced yet again with the hero that was about to meet her doom. The words "I love you." Kept repeating in my mind. That was when i decided i had a choice to make. I walk over to the edge. The hero looked up at me, tears were streaming down her face plastering some of her sunflower gold hair to her face. I take her hand and pull her up off the edge. She crumbled in my arms weak from dangling. She was breathing deeply and i tilted her face up to mine and whispered one word "Sorry." She looked at me with confusion, and that's when i gave the shock. She fell to the ground still breathing but unconscious. I take a piece of paper out of my coat pocket and write on it. "See you next time baby doll. Signed your lover." 

I fold it up and put it right next to her head. I lean down and kiss her cheek and fly off, knowing i would see the  only  girl that loved me yet again. 


Hey guys!! Hopefully you liked it. I'll be writing more like it. Feel free to leave comments and vote please, whoever comments first I'll follow you!! 

Love you guys!! 

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